Node JS - get file via AJAX and then use the data - ajax

How do I do this asynchronously?
var getData, myFunc;
getData = function() {
var data = "";
$.get("", function(d) {
data = $("#selector", d).html();
return data; // does not work, because async callback not yet fired
myFunc = function() {
var data = getData();
// do something with data here
I am happy to completely re-factor to achieve what I want. I am just don't know what design pattern achieves this.

Well, you can't. You can return a promise though:
var getData, myFunc;
getData = function () {
var d = $.Deferred();
$.get("", function (data) {
d.resolve($("#selector", data).html())
return d.promise();
getData().then(function (data) {


Leaflet mapping: Assign object to fetch promise for local GeoJSON file

I am looking to assign as an object a Fetch API promise from a local GeoJSON file.
Here is the code
.then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(data) {
L.geoJSON(data, {
pointToLayer: styles_sites
I tried the call back method, as advised here
Saving fetched JSON into variable
(EDIT) New code, but there is still a missing formal parameter
function getData("data/sites.geojson", cb) {
.then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(data) {
L.geoJSON(data, {
pointToLayer: styles_sites,
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
layer.on('mouseover', function() {
layer.on('mouseout', function() {
layer.on('click', function () {
layer.bindPopup("<b>Nombre: </b>""<br><b>Barrio: </b>""<br><b>Tipo: </b>""<br><b>Ubicacion: </b>""<br><b>Correo: </b>";
.then(function(result) {
getData("data/sites.geojson", function (data) {
return console.log({data});
Most probably just incorrect syntax of your callback function:
// Use either arrow function
getData("data/sites.geojson", (data) => {
return console.log({data});
// or standard function
getData("data/sites.geojson", function (data) {
return console.log({data});
I found the way to work this out by adding within the fetch function, what I originally wanted to do on the map.
This was to add a L.controlLayer using the geojson as overlay.
This is the code that made it work:
let sites = getData()
.then((function(data) {
L.geoJSON(data, {
pointToLayer: styles_sites,
onEachFeature: function LayerControl(feature, layer) {
var popupText = "<b>" + + "<br>";
category =;
// Initialize the category array if not already set.
if (typeof categories[category] === "undefined") {
categories[category] = L.layerGroup().addTo(map);
layersControl.addOverlay(categories[category], category);
layer.on('mouseover', function() {
layer.on('mouseout', function() {
layer.on('click', function () {
layer.bindPopup("<b>Nombre: </b>""<br><b>Barrio: </b>""<br><b>Tipo: </b>""<br><b>Ubicacion: </b>""<br><b>Correo: </b>";
Actually it comes from one of your answer on another post ghybs.

Nativescript - Pass array from home-view-model to home.js

I´m having a hard time understanding how to perform this action(as the title says), and maybe someone could help me understand the process, my code is below:
My home-view-model:
var Observable = require("data/observable").Observable;
var ObservableArray = require("data/observable-array").ObservableArray;
var http = require("http");
function createViewModel() {
http.getJSON("http://myJsonfile").then(function (r) {
var arrNoticias = new ObservableArray(;
return arrNoticias;
}, function (e) {
exports.createViewModel = createViewModel;
I have done a console.log of the arrNoticias before i have putted it inside a callback function and it returns [object object] etc...and then i have done this:
and it returns the info i need!.
Then in my home.js file i have this:
var observableModule = require("data/observable")
var ObservableArray = require("data/observable-array").ObservableArray;
var arrNoticias = require('./home-view-model.js');
and the result in the console is:
TypeError: arrNoticias.getItem is not a function. (In 'arrNoticias.getItem(0)', 'arrNoticias.getItem' is undefined)
My question is, how does this action is perform? passing the data from view-model to the .js file?
Thanks for your time
As that function send a URL request so probably it's an async function, which is on hold while requesting so that's why you get undefined. Normally, you will want your function that sends a URL request to return a promise. Based on that promise, you will the result as expected after the request is done. So:
function createViewModel() {
return new Promise<>((resolve, reject) => {
http.getJSON("http://myJsonfile").then(function (r) {
var arrNoticias = new ObservableArray(;
}, function(e) {
}), (e) => {
In home.js:
var homeVM= require('./home-view-model.js');
var arrNoticias;
homeVM.createViewModel().then(function(r) {
arrNoticias = r;

updating variable after ajax call made in angularjs

I use factory to make database calls in angularjs
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.factory("Service", function ($http) {
var obj = {};
$http.get('test.txt').then(function (data) {
obj.getApiKey = {'Authorization' :};
return obj;
app.factory("Orders", function ($http, Service) {
var obj = {};
var api_key = Service.getApiKey;
return obj;
In the above program, when i call property of Service factory and log the value of api_key = Service.getApiKey; it shows undefined. Probably its because the data is not received from $http call. How to perform the AJAX call synchronously.
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.factory("Service", function ($http) {
var obj = {};
$http.get('test.txt').then(function (data) {
obj.getApiKey = {'Authorization' :};
return obj;
app.factory("Orders", function ($http, Service) {
var suc=function()
var obj = {};
var api_key = Service.getApiKey;
return obj;
As noted by Jonathan, it's not best practice you not use synchronous calls with AJAX, instead, you can return a promisse as a funcion and use it later:
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.factory("Service", function ($http) {
var obj = {};
obj.getApiKey = $http.get('test.txt').then(function (data) {
return {'Authorization' :};
return obj;
app.factory("Orders", function ($http, Service) {
var obj = {};
obj.getApiKey = Service.getApiKey.then(function(data){
return data;
return obj;
In this case, the service is returning a promisse object, this way you can ensure values will be called successfully and data will be available after the call.
Return a Promise from your service:
app.factory("Service", function ($http) {
return {
getApiKey: function() {
return $http.get('test.txt');
Inject your service, and use the Promise API to get your data asynchronously:
app.factory("Orders", function ($http, Service) {
var obj = {};
var api_key = {};
Service.getApiKey().then(function(apiKey) {
api_key =;

AngularJS: Using $q to fire ajax calls synchronously

Is it possible to use $q to fire ajax requests synchronously in AngularJS?
I have a long list of vehicles, each vehicle has events associated with them and I need to retrieve the eventdetails of each event when the user expands the listing.
Right now, if the user expands the listing, I am firing up to 15 calls asynchronously and it seems to be causing issues with the API I'm consuming, so I'd like to see if performance is improved if I wait for each request finishes before firing the next.
I'm attempting to implement $q to delay the next request until the previous is finished, however I can't seem to wrap my head around using the service, here is what I currently have:
// On click on the event detail expander
$scope.grabEventDetails = function(dataReady, index) {
if (dataReady == false) {
var retrieveEventDetails = function(events) {
// events is array
var deferred = $q.defer();
var promise = deferred.promise;
var retrieveData = function(data) {
return $http({
url: '/api/eventdetails',
method: 'POST',
data: {
event_number: data.number
isArray: true
_.each(events, function(single_event) {
promise.then(retrieveData(single_event).success(function(data) {
This is still firing asynchronously, Where am I going wrong with this?
I understand firing the requests synchronously isn't the best idea, at the moment I just want to see if performance is improved with the API at all.
You don't need $q to implement a promise as $http returns one.
_.each fires all the callbacks without especially waiting the promise.
All you do is call retrieveData for all events whenever your promise is resolved, and since you don't do a first call, it shouldn't even be working
You could do some recursive call like this :
var retrieveEventDetails = function(events) {
var evt = events.shift();
url: '/api/eventdetails',
method: 'POST',
data: {
event_number: evt.number
isArray: true
I do think you should use $q as some other part of your application might need to get a promise.
A good example would be $routeProvider resolve option.
I made a little demo in plunker.
retrieveData function should return a function (which returns a promise) instead of a just a promise.
That way we can create a promise chain: promise.then(fn).then(fn).then(fn).then(null,errorFn)
We must resolve the first promise to kick the chain.
var retrieveEventDetails = function(events) {
// events is array
var deferred = $q.defer();
var promise = deferred.promise;
var retrieveData = function(data) {
return function(){
return $http({
url: '/api/eventdetails',
method: 'POST',
data: {
event_number: data.number
isArray: true
return events.reduce(function(promise, single_event){
return promise.then(retrieveData(single_event));
}, promise);
I'm not sure you even need $q here. In this example, each piece of data is registered in the controller as soon as it comes back from the call.
Live demo (click).
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, myService) {
$scope.datas = myService.get();
app.factory('myService', function($http) {
var myService = {
get: function() {
var datas = {};
var i=0;
var length = 4;
makeCall(i, length, datas);
return datas;
function makeCall(i, length, datas) {
if (i < length) {
$http.get('test.text').then(function(resp) {
datas[i] =;
makeCall(i, length, datas);
return myService;
Here's a way using $q.all() that you can wait for all of the data to come through before passing it to the controller: Live demo (click).
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, myService) {
myService.get().then(function(datas) {
$scope.datas = datas;
app.factory('myService', function($q, $http) {
var myService = {
get: function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var defs = [];
var promises = [];
var i=0;
var length = 4;
for(var j=0; j<length; ++j) {
defs[j] = $q.defer();
promises[j] = defs[j].promise;
makeCall(i, length, defs);
$q.all(promises).then(function(datas) {
return deferred.promise;
function makeCall(i, length, defs) {
if (i < length) {
$http.get('test.text').then(function(resp) {
makeCall(i, length, defs);
return myService;

Get the variable of a json request outside the function (jquery)

I feel pretty stupid asking this but how can I get the variable crdnts outside the function
$(function() {
var coordinates = {
LoadDefault: function() {
$.getJSON('', '', function(json) {
var crdnts = json.latitude + "," + json.longitude;
//alert(crdnts);//this works
return crdnts;
alert(coordinates.LoadDefault());//I would like to get the crdnts variable here.
javascript ajax is asynchronous. so you need to use callbacks:
$(function() {
var coordinates = {
LoadDefault: function() {
$.getJSON('', '', function(json) {
var crdnts = json.latitude + "," + json.longitude;
call_alert(crdnts); //callback
function call_alert(cr){
You can't. Your Ajax call is asynchronous, so you cannot predict when will it return.
The only thing you can do is doing something with it in the success callback, or set your Ajax to be synchronous if it is a choice (in this case all JS execution will wait until the request is finished).
For example, you can call a function when the Ajax call successfully finished:
$(function() {
var coordinates = {
LoadDefault: function() {
$.getJSON('', '', function(json) {
var crdnts = json.latitude + "," + json.longitude;
function callSomething(x) {
