Windows Form -- behavior of buttons? - windows

First time I've used the windows form so I'm not very familiar with the interface. But how do I set behaviors when I add buttons? For example, if I want to click "Button 1" and have it open up a new window to enter information in different fields, how is this done?
Thank you.
edit: Sorry, I forgot to include the language. It's in C#, and I'm using MS Visual Studios. I've never really programed in C#.
Another question that just popped up: could I do this Windows Form in other languages such as C++?

Yes the comment above is key but, if your are using the UI designer on a windows form then under the properties tab on the side of visueal studios, you can view 'events'. from here double click the event you want, probably 'onclick'. This will create a method stub with the event handler automatically set up.
Look something like:
public void Button1_OnClick(Object sender, EventArgs e){
// open the other window for input
Form whateverForm = new Form();;
Hope this helps. Sorry im not sure about any c++
tutorial not great but take a look:


Xamarin.Forms/FreshMVVM - Yes/no style popup

This is probably a quite silly question, but it nonetheless needs an answer:
I have created a small, custom MessageBox for my Xamarin.Forms project using Rg.Plugins.Popup - however, when trying to extend it to include a confirmation modal, I cannot find a way to detect whether the user has confirmed or cancelled the action from the popup.
Here's the code to open the popup
Message msgBox = new Message(); /*new instance of my Message wrapper class*/
msgBox.State = "msg_info";
msgBox.MessageTitle = "My_Message_Title";
msgBox.MessageText = "My_Message_Caption";
await CoreMethods.PushPopupPageModel<MessageBoxPageModel>(msgBox); /*using the FreshMVVM.Popup extension to navigate to the popup*/
/*need to check for confirmation here and delete the line or do nothing*/
So what I'm looking for, in short, is the appropriate way to detect whether the user has tapped the "Yes" or "No" button on the popup so I can, for example, delete a row from my database or not.
I looked into MessagingCenter but that seems to work from ViewModel to View, not ViewModel to ViewModel - Rg.Plugins.Popup suggest using a CallbackEvent, but CallbackEvents are, or so I've understood, not compatible with FreshMVVM/the MVVM pattern.
Just so this isn't kept open:
I ended up using a DevExpress Popup control as a Yes/No dialog - slightly less customization, but much more straightforward to use since I already had the DevExpress controls loaded.
Detail link for the DevExpress Popup control for those interested

How to make a button on a application open a register page in Visual Studio

I'm making an application group chat in Visual Studio learn a bit more, all is good so far, so I've made my design and coded most of what I need, I have added a Button and called it Register now what I want is when people click it it will open another page or some type of menu where people can type there information in to register, I thought somthing like this or is this so wrong.
private void RegisterButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//what gose here
You can use Response.Redirect inside the button click to do this.
Refer to these articles:-

Simple yet important 4 questions about Visual Basic Studio 2012?

Guys I'm a student who knows simple stuff about Visual Basic Studio 2012 and who's working on creating an application for a course project. :)
I'm using ASP.Net Empty Website under Visual C#
If that makes sense. xD
Anyways, I have 4 important yet simple questions:
Q1: how do I apply Password Custom Vlaidation? For example 8 characters min in both the password and the password confirm text feild?
Q2: How do I apply "required" validation to a group of radio buttons, check boxes and a drop down list?
Q3: In a form, how do I get a list of radio buttons appear as options for once a customer picks a hair style category, however if she picks a make up categorty from the same drop down list, a whole different options appear? I hope it's clear lol
Q4: Is there a "range" tool in Visual Basic 2012 and how do I use it?
I appreciate every answer and so much thanks in advance. :D
Use RegularExpressionValidator instead of CustomValidator
Use RequiredFieldValidator with all the controls. And in the last use single ValidationSummary Control to display message. Here is link for you Understanding ASP.NET Validation Techniques
Use RadioButtonList control for options.
On SelectedIndexChange event of DropdownList control populate the RadioButtonList with relevant options.
Link in Ans2 will give you the RangeValidator control example.
I assume you are working in Winform.
And Since I am a C# developer I am posting my code in C#. you can use Telerik Code Converter to convert it to VB.NET
char[] charArray = s.ToCharArray();
int passwordCharacters = charArray.Length;
if (passwordCharacters < 8)
//Your code
Use ErrorProvider Control
There is no data bound RadioButtonList control in Winform. You will have to do it manually.
I don't think so there is any ASP.NET like Range Validator Control in VB.NET

Programmatically show the popup from a DatePicker

I'm using the DatePicker from the Silverlight Toolkit on Mango
I want to programmatically display the date picker full mode display, but I can't see any API hook to do that at the moment.
Is this possible? or do I have to implement this myself by (intelligently) writing a new control?
Build your own I'm afraid.
Be careful about the user expectations around opening it automatically though. ;)
Sadly Matt was right - there's no public or protected API to hack into and security prevents the use of Reflection - so I've +1'd his answer... and a full answer is:
take the files from
either use the whole project or create your own library with just DatePicker.cs, DateTimePickerBase.cs and the DatePicker Style template from Generic.xaml
in your DateTimePickerBase, add:
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> PopupClosedByDateSelection;
in ClosePickerPage() inside PopupClosedByDateSelection inside the if(_dateTimePickerPage.Value.HasValue) block, add:
if (PopupClosedByDateSelection != null)
PopupClosedByDateSelection(this, EventArgs.Empty);
This seems to work for the Back button case as well as for the cancel and OK cases.

lazarus gui main menu using forms?

i need to make a form where when a button is clicked then another form/page opens and from that for you can return to the original form in a similar fashion a main menu/sub menu works.
sorry im new to object pascal
Simply add the second form, and then in the button handler do a
Don't forget to add the unit where "Secondform" is in to the uses clauses of the first unit.
At the FreePascal Wiki you will find a tutorial on how to use Lazarus. You can read it in several different languages.
You can also see this Developing a GUI Application tutorial.
