Is there a lightweight, all purpose validation library/DSL for Ruby? - ruby

I'm doing a lot of bulk data-validation on various kinds of data sources and I find myself writing such boilerplate code:
if summed_payments != row['Total']
raise "The sum of the payments, #{summed_payments} != #{row['Total']}"
I was wondering if there was a way to apply a DSL, like Minitest, but to use it for purposes that didn't involve application testing? For example, finding and logging errors during a bulk data import and validation's a quick-and-dirty script that I don't want to have to write a test suite for, but that I want to do some various kinds of validation upon.

I think standalone ActiveModel should be good for this.
Watch this railscast for more information:

If you like you can check out which is a gem for doing simple validation of hashes trying to mimic the interface of the active model validation methods.

I know this is a little old, but our Veto gem is likely what you're looking for:
Standalone validation of plain old ruby object, without dependencies.


How much rework do i have to do when moving from simple automation to Page Object Model framework using Cucumber and Selenium/Capybara?

My Goal is to create a Page Object Model Automation framework using Cucumber with capybara/selenium for mu client project. Currently my knowledge related to Page Object Model gem is very limited and at the same time i want to show some delivery by creating automation scripts using cucumber and capybara. So i am in the process of creating some feature files and subsequent step definitions.
So my question is, If i move to simple automation to POM framework, how much rework i have to do in terms of scripts and also if this approach is correct. Please guide me as i am pretty new to ruby automation.
Well this can be a very opinionated question, but I'll try to keep it simple:
If you already have well structured and modularised code (cucumber features and step defs), it won't take significant changes to move to POM. Its essentially a different structuring technique to keep your code organised and keep your changes minimal/confined.
Gems like siteprism can help you with creating well structured page objects, if you are open to learn an additional DSL (for siteprism) on top of cucumber / capybara. Or you can roll out your own without any additional libraries, though it would demand a thorough understanding of POM architecture and best practices.
Hope that helps.
I believe you will have a little work to migrate and meet increasingly the tool, the Framework POM only shows speed gain when you have some pages that already are mapped, it might take some time to be shown in reports, but I believe it has much to gain, organization, clarity and speed are some of the advantages of migration.
In my work I help other QAs learning and use POM in one day, a lot of guys use xpath to find objects, I just show how they can reuse that xpaths in a page object.
The second step I show to use method, not only elements, then they can reuse a lot of code and stop repeat steps, find where they break and use a simple method in siteprism page, example:
element :field_login , :xpath, "login"
element :field_password, :xpath, "password"
element :login_button, :xpath, "login_button"
def authenticate (username, password)
field_login.set username
field.password.set password if
My next step is show to leave to use xpath and use css elements.
And after some sprints, they understand the beneficts of the framework, and it is default for all automation, include the DEVs can understand and help in tests now.
Warning this answer is somewhat controversial.
I'd say don't bother using the Page Object Model, its fundamentally flawed. The web is about resources and representations (REST) not about pages. BDD is about behaviour, not pages.
The danger with POM (particularly when you are not experienced) is that you write lots of scenarios to test what is on each page. When really what you should be doing is writing scenarios that confirm that some behaviour exists.

Ruby way of writing this spec in "Rspec"

I was wondering if there is any Ruby way of writing the following views spec(without using Capybara/Cucumber/Webrat helpers. Should be just in rspec or rspec-rails):
expect(rendered).to include("<input class='toggle_m' name='result_configuration[information]' type='checkbox' value='1'>")
expect(rendered).to include("<textarea class=details' disabled='disabled' name=result_configuration[info][]'></textarea>")
Thing is, I need to see if the the checkbox is checked(means the value is "1", value is set to "0" when it is unchecked) then textarea should be disabled. Any idea?
Or How would you write this expectation in a more readable way? Suggestions are most welcome.
You could try a regex, but I think your method is good enough.
expect(rendered).should =~ /<input[^>]*name='result_configuration[information]'[^>]*value='1'[^>]*>/
expect(rendered).should =~ /<textarea[^>]*disabled='disabled'[^>]*name=result_configuration[info][][^>]*>
Limitations of this method are that if there are any checked checkboxes and any disabled textareas it will pass, to do anything more I would definitely require capybara or something to actually parse the html (regexes are not parsers)
EDIT: Added the name= part into both regexes as a response to the comment. Only advantage of this method is that it won't break if you change the class of the elements. Unfortunately I don't know any better solution other than external gems.
Writing such tests for the sake of testing and coverage will only make it difficult for someone inheriting the codebase. I have written such tests only to remove them later as changes to UI are more frequent and having such tests slows down developer. if i had to still write them in OO way i would design it on the lines of pageobjects (that's a gem) - wrapper class over dom and few generic helper functions. Also adding a new gem in test group using Gemfile/bundler would not affect production servers.

Dynamically Generating ORM Classes

I'm working on a Sinatra-based project that uses the Datamapper ORM. I'd like to be able to define criteria for the DM validations in an external YAML file so that less-experienced users of the system can easily tweak the setup. I have this working pretty well as a proof-of-concept, but I suspect there could be a much easier or a least less processor-intensive way to approach this.
Right now, the script loads the YAML file and generates the DM classes with a series of eval statements (I know this already places me on thin ice). The problem is that this process has to happen with every request. My bright idea is to check the YAML for changes, regenerate the classes and export to static source if changes are detected, and include the static files if no changes are detected.
This is proving more difficult than I anticipated because exporting code blocks to strings for serialization isn't as trivial as I expected.
Is this ridiculous? Am I approaching this in an entirely wrong-headed way?
I'm new to Ruby and the world of ORMs, so please forgive my ignorance.
DM validations in an external YAML file so that less-experienced users of the system can easily tweak the setup
A DSL for a DSL. Not having seen your YAML I still wonder how much easier than the DM Validations it really can get?
require 'dm-validations'
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
property :name, String
# Manual validation
validates_length_of :name, :max => 42
# Auto-validation
property :bio, Text, :length => 100..500
Instead of going for YAML I would provide the less-experienced users with a couple of relevant validation examples and possibly also a short guideline based on the dm-validations documentation.
It does seem a little crazy to go and put everything in YAML, as that's only a shade easier than writing the validations in Ruby. What you could do is make a DSL in Ruby that makes defining validations much easier, then expose that to your users instead of the whole class.

How to disable ActiveRecord callbacks in Rails 3?

I would like to skip/disable ActiveRecord callbacks in, specifically, Rails 3. The following is an example solution I thought of -- creating an attribute that is defined to create the object without callbacks.
product = 'Smth')
The above example is similar to that in this answer, but the author said it is for specifically Rails 2. Is there a similar, or even better, way to do this for Rails 3?
See the question: How can I avoid running ActiveRecord callbacks?
This blog post has another explanation with example.
You may find the solution here helpful:
TL;DR - If you are doing this production, it may be helpful to create a class (see blog post) to keep your code DRY. Otherwise, if you do this once, or even in testing (like myself), you can simply do the following:
SomeModel.skip_callback(:save, :before, :before_action)
SomeModel.skip_callback(:save, :after, :after_action)
The blog post provides a nice list of callbacks the above method will work with.
This will work in both Rails 3 and Rails 4. As noted by a comment, if you have to disable callbacks, you may want to ask yourself why you need those callback. To expand, disabling callbacks are questionable only in production. If you need to disable them in testing (which is what I am doing myself), it is acceptable... Especially since Rails 4 core deprecated the use of observers.
SomeModel.skip_callback(:save) do
tested: Rails 4.2.1

Implementing a DSL in Ruby for generating domain specific XML

I'd like to implement a DSL in Ruby for generating domain specific XML documents (i.e. XML which conforms to a specific schema). I can use e.g. Builder to write the XML in Ruby, which is already a great improvement on writing the XML manually, but I'd also like:
convenience methods that would generate a whole bunch of XML for me
and possibly a way to restrict the generator to a schema (not necessarily an XSD or a DTD, but the implementation could possibly generate only certain tags)
So my plan at the moment is to extend Builder with the convenience methods and ignore the schema restriction side of things for now.
My questions to the community are does this sounds like a reasonable plan, and more importantly, are there any DSLs out there that extend Builder in some fashion that I could use for inspiration.
Unfortunately googling for ruby, xml, builder, extend, dsl, ... doesn't return very interesting results.
I don't know if it uses Builder, but haml is certainly worth looking.
I also found this article wich mentions many more, of those, probably Markaby is the closest to your idea, but the last commit on github is from 2008. Surely looking at _why's code should be entertaining.
