passing filename with spaces to pstotxt3.exe - command-line-arguments

I have an exe which convert postscript file to text now the problem is when input file name contain spaces it says "GPL Ghostscript 9.00: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1" but no problem when output file contains no spaces.
I am running the following command in a bat file
pstotxt3.exe -bboxes -output "2dh" "2dh"
where 2dh is the output file name and 2dh is the input file name

Try double quoting the input filename. I'm not familiar with pstotxt3, but it looks like it is running GS as a separate process, and passing the input filename as a command line parameter. The " marks on the command line to pstotxt3 get stripped by the command processor, so when GS see the filename it thinks they are multiple switches.
So I'd suggest:
pstotxt3.exe -bboxes -output "2dh" ""2dh""
But that's merely a guess. Can you post the complete error please ?


Bash script sourcing config file but can't use vars in arithmetic

This is killing me. I have a config file, "myconfig.cfg", with the following content:
echo "I LOVE THIS"
Then I have a script that I'm trying to run, that sources the config file in order to use the settings in there as variables. I can print them out fine, but when I try to put one into a numeric variable for use in something like a "seq " command, I get this weird "invalid arithmetic operator" error.
Here's the script:
source ./myconfig.cfg
let someVarNum=${SOME_VAR}
echo "someVarNum=${someVarNum}"
And here's the output:
")syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "
I've tried countless things that theoretically shouldn't make a difference, and, surprise, they don't. I simply can't figure it out. If I simply take the line "SOME_VAR=2" and put it directly into the script, everything's fine. I'm guessing I'll have to read in the config file line by line, split the strings by "=", and find+create the variables I want to use manually.
The error is precisely as indicated in a comment by #TomFenech. The first line (and possibly all the lines) in myconfig.cfg is terminated with a Windows CR-LF line ending. Bash considers CR to be an ordinary character (not whitespace), so it will set SOME_VAR to the two character string 2CR. (CR is the character with hex code 0x0D. You could see that if you display the file with a hex-dumper: hd myconfig.cfg.)
The let command performs arithmetic on numbers. It also considers the CR to be an ordinary character, but it is neither a digit nor an operator so it complains. Unfortunately, it does not make any attempt to sanitize the display of the character in the error message, so the carriage return is displayed between the two " symbols. Consequently, the end of the error message overwrites the beginning.
Don't create Unix files with a Windows text editor. Or use a utility like dos2unix to fix them once you copy them to the Unix machine.

rrdtool xport filename with spaces

I'm trying to call rrdtool xport command on arbitrary number of files, so I'm writing a script that reads in the rrd file names and builds the DEF argument. The problem is some of the rrd files have whitespaces in them, i.e. "foo bar.rrd" (-_-)...and when the DEF argument is generated, it looks something like this:
DEF:a=foo bar.rrd:sum:AVERAGE
and when this is passed in to the rrdtool command, it generates an error saying "problems reading database name". I also have tried inserting the escape character ("\") before whitespace so it would look like "foo\ bar.rrd", but when this is run in bash, it still produces same error, whereas when I echo the command and copy paste it on the prompt and run it then it works fine...
Just put quotes around the whole thing
"DEF:a=foo bar.rrd:sum:AVERAGE"
rrdtool should be fine with the spaces.

Shell script file takes partial path from parameter file

I have a parameter file(parameter.txt) which contain like below:
And My shell script( is like below:
EPATH=`cat $1|grep 'SASH' -w| cut -d'=' -f2`
echo $EPATH
${EPATH}/data-integration/ -file="$KJBPATH/hadoop/temp/maxtem/temp_pull.kjb"
When I run my like below:
./ parameter.txt
$EPATH gives me correct path, but 3rd line of code takes only partial path.
Error code pasted below:
/home/ec2-user/installers-->out put of 2nd line
/data-integration/ No such file or directory**2-user/installer** -->out put of 3rd line
There is no need to manually parse the values of the file, because it already contains data in the format variables are defined: var=value.
Hence, if the file is safe enough, you can source the file so that SASH value will be available just by saying $SASH.
Then, you can use the following:
source "$1" # source the file given as first parameter
"$SASH"/data-integration/ -file="$KJBPATH/hadoop/temp/maxtem/temp_pull.kjb"
The problem is file which we were using was copied from windows to UNIX.So delimiter issue are the root cause.
By using dos2unix paramfile.txt we are able to fix the isue.
dos2unix paramfile.txt
This will convert all the delemeter of windows to unix format.

bash - reading multiple input files and creating matching output files by name and sequence

I do not know much bash scripting, but I know the task I would like to do would be greatly simplified by it. I would like to test a program against expected output using many test input files.
For example, I have files named "input1.txt, input2.txt, input3.text..." and expected output in files "output1.txt, output2.txt, output3.txt...". I would like to run my program with each of the input files and output a corresponding "test1.txt, test2.txt, test3.txt...". Then I would do a "cmp output1.txt test1.txt" for each file.
So I think it would start like this.. roughly..
for i in input*;
./ < "$i" > someoutputthing;
One question I have is: how would I match the numbers in the filename? Thanks for your help.
If the input file name pattern is inputX.txt, you need to remove input from the beginning. You do not have to remove the extension, as you want to use the same for output:
See Parameter Expansion in man bash.

Some symbols don't effect cmd commands while others do

I noticed that cmd seems to accept some characters at the ends of commands. for example all of the following function correctly:
and these do not:
Does anybody know why this happens?
Thanks in advance.
It depends on the batch parser.
;,= are general batch delimiters, so you can append/prepend them to the most commands without effect.
;,,= ,=; echo hello
The . dot can be appended to the most commands, as the parser will try to find a file named cls (without extension) cls.exe cls.bat, and when nothing is found then it takes the internal command.
The opening bracket is also a special charcter that the parser removes without error.
The \ backslash is used as path delimiter, so sometimes it works but sometimes you could change even the command.
