how to remove old image when user upload a new one - symfony2 - image

I'm doing the administration of an entity that have a image field.
I've followed the Lifecycle Callbacks, but I have a problem: when I edit an existing object, and I change the image, the old image remains on the server.
How can I delete it?

The easiest way is to unlink the file.
Before uploading take the current filename and delete them. You could do that in the set funktion for the name or the uplload function. You should do that before you overwrite the global variable for the name.


CKEditor - pass existing image path to file browser

I am using the latest CKEditor (4.9.2). I have integrated it successfully with a file browser (DevExpress) and everything works fine.
I use an initial upload path, common for both files and images. This directory has a quite large and complex structure (usually up to 6-7 levels). If the user wants to replace an existing image or file the file browser opens and he has to open six or seven folders in order to get to the folder that the new image is stored. Usually, the images the users replace are stored in the same folder with the one they are replacing. In my opinion, that should be the default behavior. If I select to see an existing image’s properties and then I hit the “Browse Server” button, to have the file browser to open in the folder the image resides.
Is there any way to pass the current image path, in the image url field, to the file manager? In that case with a little parsing I can set the file browser’s initial path to the same folder the existing image is stored.
Is that possible? I imagine that we must first get the image path from the image URL field and alter the “Browse Server” button’s code to pass it as a url parameter to the file browser.
This is a bit 'hackish', but inside your file manager, you can use this to get the existing value of URL field:
cke_dialog_image_url is the CSS classname of the table that has the URL input field.

how and where can store images with laravel?

how and where I can store images using laravel?
I want display some images in my main view (these are predefined by me).
I also want to store images uploaded by users, however, do not know where to store these images.
I'd like to call these from the view...
Thank you very much for the help. :)
Basically you can save your files wherever you want within your Laravel application provided that you have permissions to create directory and file.
But I prefer saving files in the storage/app folder. Laravel provides a simple API to manipulate files on disk. See the docs.
This answer was posted when Laravel was in version 5.2.
From version 5.3 on, you can easily create symbolic links by running the artisan command php artisan storage:link. See the docs.
Make directory for images in myapp/public/images and keep images on there.
<img src="{{URL('/images/logo.jpg')}}">
If you want to display them on your site store them in your public directory. Since they are uploaded by users you will need to pass them through a form. Here is an example of a controller.
$file = Input::file('picture');
The user will submit a form with a picture field. The two lines above will store it in the public directory in an images folder, with the relevant user's id as its name. Your probably best off making a model in your database for images and their paths. If you do, add these lines after the two above.
$image = new Image;
$image->user_id = $user->id;
To display it in the view simply set an $image variable to the correct image model in your controller and pass it to the view. Then pop its path in the src of the image.
<img src={{$image->path}} alt={{$image->path}}>

Magento Image Url "_1.png" added to Image URL

On my website Magento adds _1 to the end of some Image urls.
So my normal basic urls should be
but somehow for some images it alters to
My normal image names are unique numbers so I´m confused why this happens?
Could anyone help?
Magento will add a _1 after any image if the file already exists on the server.
Please mind that Magento is not doing cleaning of the images of products when / if you delete one product.
It is magento's by default feature, if the image name you are trying to upload already exist it will rename your current image name with _Number. Check before uploading.
If anyone comes across this post using M2 and is having the same issue. Check out the media/tmp folder. I was working on an api image sync and the name kept having a _1, _2 etc after the image.
It turns out Magento doesn't always give a clear reason if something fails in the api so the file was making it to the tmp directory but never the final destination causing the file name issue.

Carrierwave AWS No Change When Re-uploading Image with Same FIle Name

I am currently using carrierwave-aws to upload to my S3 bucket.
One issue I am having is after the image is uploaded and saved, if the user, lets say changed something about the image locally and re-submitted for upload with the same file name, it will not reflect the new file uploaded.
The user has to change some part of the file name for it to show the correct one in my application.
I am assuming this is a caching issue but not sure where to begin to address this matter.
Has anyone else experienced this?
If your S3 bucket is set with a long or infinite expiry (which is a good idea for performance), you'll need to change the filename each time the image changes. See the Carrierwave wiki page on how to do this.

Understanding the Joomla Component File Structure / from URL

I'm new to joomla and have got a problem with a website.
I need to modify a view and I've been told it is in
It has a registration form and i need to modify its field. I've access to FTP only. I need to know where are these files to modify the registration form. If one can describe the meaning of this url structure then it would be very helpful.
You will find the template files in /components/com_user/views/register/tmpl.
However, you should create an html/com_user folder in your template directory with a copy of those files and use a template override ("never" edit core files).
Here are a couple resources that will point you in the right direction:!_core
com_user means use the user component register view.
Itemid 68 refers to the id of the menu item it is linked from.
You don't want to directly modify any joomla files.
If you want to add a field to registration activate the user plugin or create your own user plugin along the same design but with the fields you want.
It is advisable not to modify the core files directly, they will get overridden whenever the Joomla is updated.
However what you are looking for is available at components\com_users\models\forms\registration.xml file. you can change the default fields of the registration form in this file.
If you would like to add additional fields to registration form, there is a better way:
