Storing information about Hadoop job in file - hadoop

I am new to Hadoop and wanted to know how to write to a common output file to store metadata about a recently executed job.
Currently if I am processing files a,b,c and d ; I have a custom counter which adds information about the number of files prcoessed but I wanted to know all the file names which were processed also.
Any comments on the best ways to do it?
Can Distributed Cache help?

will help?
Use like so:
Context.setStatus("Processed "+file);


Mapreduce - Right way to confirm whether the file is split or not

We had a lot of xml files and we wanted to process one xml using one mapper task because of obvious reasons to make the processing ( parsing ) simpler.
We wrote a mapreduce program to achieve that by overriding isSplitable method of input format class.It seems it is working fine.
However, we wanted to confirm if one mapper is used to process one xml file. IS there is a way to confirm by looking at the logs produced by driver program or any other way .
To answer your question, Just check the number of mapper count.
It should be equal to your number of input files.
Example :
Then the mapper count should be 3.
Here is the command.
mapred job -counter job_1449114544347_0001 org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobCounter TOTAL_LAUNCHED_MAPS
You can get many details using mapred job -counter command. You can check video 54 and 55 from this playlist. It covers counters in detail.

Hadoop streaming: single file or multi file per map. Don't Split

I have a lot of zip files that need to be processed by a C++ library. So I use C++ to write my hadoop streaming program. The program will read a zip file, unzip it, and process the extracted data.
My problem is that:
my mapper can't get the content of exactly one file. It usually gets something like 2.4 files or 3.2 files. Hadoop will send several files to my mapper but at least one of the file is partial. You know zip files can't be processed like this.
Can I get exactly one file per map? I don't want to use file list as input and read it from my program because I want to have the advantage of data locality.
I can accept the contents of multiple zip file per map if Hadoop don't split the zip files. I mean exactly 1, 2, 3 files, not something like 2.3 files. Actually it will be even better because my program need to load about 800MB data file for processing the unziped data. Can we do this?
You can find the solution here:
The easiest way I would suggest is to set mapred.min.split.size to a large value so that your files do not get split.
If this does not work then you would need to implement an InputFormat which is not very difficult to do and you can find the steps at:
Rather then depending on the min split size I would suggest an easier way is to Gzip your files.
There is a way to compress files using gzip
If you are on Linux you compress the extracted data with
gzip -r /path/to/data
Now that you have this pass this data as your input in your hadoop streaming job.

hadoop/HDFS: Is it possible to write from several processes to the same file?

f.e. create file 20bytes.
1st process will write from 0 to 4
2nd from 5 to 9
I need this to parallel creating a big files using my MapReduce.
P.S. Maybe it is not implemented yet, but it is possible in general - point me where I should dig please.
Are you able to explain what you plan to do with this file after you have created it.
If you need to get it out of HDFS to then use it then you can let Hadoop M/R create separate files and then use a command like hadoop fs -cat /path/to/output/part* > localfile to combine the parts to a single file and save off to the local file system.
Otherwise, there is no way you can have multiple writers open to the same file - reading and writing to HDFS is stream based, and while you can have multiple readers open (possibly reading different blocks), multiple writing is not possible.
Web downloaders request parts of the file using the Range HTTP header in multiple threads, and then either using tmp files before merging the parts together later (as Thomas Jungblut suggests), or they might be able to make use of Random IO, buffering the downloaded parts in memory before writing them off to the output file in the correct location. You unfortunately don't have the ability to perform random output with Hadoop HDFS.
I think the short answer is no. The way you accomplish this is write your multiple 'preliminary' files to hadoop and then M/R them into a single consolidated file. Basically, use hadoop, don't reinvent the wheel.

Hadoop Load and Store

When I am trying to run a Pig script which has two "store" to the same file this way
store Alert_Message_Count into 'out';
store Warning_Message_Count into 'out';
It hangs, I mean it does not proceed after showing 50% done.
Is this wrong? Cant we store both the results in the same file(folder)?
HDFS does not have append mode. So in most cases where you are running map-reduce programs, the output file is opened once, data is written and then closed. Assuming this approach you can not write data simultaneously onto the same file.
Try writing to separate files and check if the map-red programs do not hang. If they still do, then there are some other issues.
You can obtain the result and map-reduce logs to analyze what went wrong.
You can not write to the same file or append to an existing file. The HDFS Append feature is a work in progress.
To work on this you can do two things:
1) If you have the same schema content in both Alert_Message_Count and Warning_Message_Count, you could use union as suggested by Chris.
2) Do post processing when the schema is not the same. That is write a map reduce program to merge the two separate outputs into one.
Normally Hadoop MapReduce won't allow you to save job output to a folder that already exists, so i would guess that this isn't possible either (seeing as Pig translates the commands into a series of M/R steps) - but i would expect some form of error message rather than it just to hang.
If you open the cluster job tracker, and look at the logs for the task, does the log yield anything of note which can help diagnose this further?
Might also be worth checking with the pig mailing lists (if you haven't already)
If you want to append one dataset to another, use the union keyword:
grunt> All_Count = UNION Alert_Message_Count, Warning_Message_Count;
grunt> store All_Count into 'out';

Writing to single file from mappers

I am working on mapreduce that is generating CSV file out of some data that is read from HBase. Is there a way to write to single file from mappers without reduce phase (or to merge multiple files generated by mappers at the end of job)? I know that I can set output format to write in file on Job level, is it possible to do similar thing for mappers?
It is possible (and not uncommon) to have a Map/Reduce-Job without a reduce phase (example). For that you just use job.setNumReduceTasks(0).
However I am not sure how Job-Output is handled in this case. Ususally you get one result file per reducer. Without reducers I could imagine that you either get one file per mapper or that you cannot produce job output. You will have to try/research that.
If the above does not work for you, you could still use the default Reducer implementation, that just forwards the mapper output (identity function).
Seriously, this is not how MapReduce works.
Why do you even need a Job for that? Write a simple Java application that does the same for you. There are also command line utils that does the same for you.
