After Process.wait, $?.exited? is false - ruby

If I run the following:
Process.kill "KILL", pid
Process.wait pid
raise "application did not exit" if not $?.exited?
raise "application failed" if not $?.success?
I get the error "application did not exit". Why is Process.wait not waiting? More precisely, why does Process.wait set $? to a not-exited status?

The process exited immediately after receiving the kill signal, so Process.wait immediately assigns the appropriate Process::Status object to $? and allows execution to continue. Process::Status#exited? only returns true when the process exited normally, so what you are seeing is expected behavior -- SIGKILL generally does not cause normal termination.

From the Process::Status documentation:
Posix systems record information on processes using a 16-bit
integer. The lower bits record the process status (stopped,
exited, signaled) and the upper bits possibly contain additional
A status of exited would mean the process exited by itself (the process called exit()). But since you forcibly killed the process it will have a status of signaled instead, meaning the process exited because of an uncaught signal (KILL in this case).


Spring boot clean up on sigkill

I am running a SpringBoot Application. I have added some cleanup action using #PreDestroy annotation. When I terminate the process using SIGTERM that is kill ${PID} of tomcat, it performs all the cleanup tasks by calling method marked with #PreDestroy. However, When I use SIGKILL i.e kill -9 ${PID} of tomcat , the clean up is not performed.
Is there any way to make the application perform all the pre destruction work when it is terminated using SIGKILL?
No, there is not. Regular kill waits for the process to exit while kill -9 does not and kills it immediately. What is important is that the signals SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be caught, blocked, or ignored. man 7 signal shows a short summary of what each signal means:
Signal Value Action Comment
SIGHUP 1 Term Hangup detected on controlling terminal
or death of controlling process
SIGINT 2 Term Interrupt from keyboard
SIGQUIT 3 Core Quit from keyboard
SIGILL 4 Core Illegal Instruction
SIGABRT 6 Core Abort signal from abort(3)
SIGFPE 8 Core Floating-point exception
SIGKILL 9 Term Kill signal
SIGSEGV 11 Core Invalid memory reference
SIGPIPE 13 Term Broken pipe: write to pipe with no
readers; see pipe(7)
SIGALRM 14 Term Timer signal from alarm(2)
SIGTERM 15 Term Termination signal
SIGUSR1 30,10,16 Term User-defined signal 1
SIGUSR2 31,12,17 Term User-defined signal 2
SIGCHLD 20,17,18 Ign Child stopped or terminated
SIGCONT 19,18,25 Cont Continue if stopped
SIGSTOP 17,19,23 Stop Stop process
SIGTSTP 18,20,24 Stop Stop typed at terminal
SIGTTIN 21,21,26 Stop Terminal input for background process
SIGTTOU 22,22,27 Stop Terminal output for background process

Terminating a ruby fork does not terminate the underlying process

I am debugging a piece of code that looks like this:
pid = fork do
exec('some bash command that runs in the foreground')
at_exit do
Process.kill("TERM", pid)
Process.wait pid
The problem is the Process.kill will kill the fork but not the process that was started with exec.
How do I kill the fork and the exec process?
You are sending a TERM signal to a process that perhaps is blocking the TERM. If you replace this with something simple like a 'sleep' you will see that it can be terminated.

SIGTERM signal handling confusion

I am running a program which invokes a shell script (for discussion sh1 with pid 100).
This script in turn invokes another script (for discussion sh2 with pid 101) and waits for it to finish. sh2(child script) takes about 50 seconds to finish.
The way I invoke the sh2 (/bin/ )
During waiting for child to be done, I try to Terminate sh1 (using kill -15 100). I have a handler function in sh1 to handle this signal. However, I observe that my sh1(parent script) doesnot get terminated till the child is done with its work (for 50 seconds) and only after that this Signal is handled.
I modified my child script, to take 30 seconds to finish and I observe that after issuing the SIGTERM to sh1, it then takes around 30 seconds to terminate.
Is this the behavior while handling the SIGTERM ? that is to remain blocked by the child process ? and only then handle the signal. Doesn't the process get interrupted for signal handling?
SIGNAL Handling in parent script.
function clean_up()
//Do the cleanup
trap "clean_up $$; exit 0" TERM
If sh1 invokes sh2 and waits for it to finish, then it doesn't run the trap for the signal until after sh2 finishes. That is, if this is sh1:
trap 'echo caught signal delayed' SIGTERM
then sh1 will catch the signal and do nothing until sh2 finishes, and then it will execute the trap. If you want the trap to fire as soon as the signal is sent, you can run sh2 asynchronously and wait for it explicitly:
trap 'echo caught signal' SIGTERM
Unfortunately, this doesn't re-enter the wait. If you need to continue waiting, it's not really possible to do reliably, but you can get close with:
trap 'echo caught signal' SIGTERM
(exit 129) # prime the loop (eg, set $?) to simulate do/while
while test $? -gt 128; do wait; done
This isn't reliable because you can't tell the difference between catching a signal yourself and sh2 being terminated by a signal. If you need this to be reliable, you should re-write sh1 in a language which allows better control of signals.

Send Ctrl-C to app in LLDB

I have an CLI app that is seg faulting during termination (After sending a Ctrl-C)
Pressing Ctrl-C in lldb naturally pauses execution.
Then I try:
(lldb)process signal SIGINT
(lldb)process continue
But that doesn't actually seem to do anything to terminate the app.
Also tried:
(lldb)process signal 2
The debugger uses ^C for interrupting the target, so it assumes that you don't actually want the ^C propagated to the target. You can change this behavior by using the "process handle" command:
(lldb) process handle SIGINT -p true
telling lldb to "pass" SIGINT to the process.
If you had stopped the process in lldb by issuing a ^C, then when you change the process handle as shown here and continue, that SIGINT will be forwarded to the process.
If you stopped for some other reason, after specifying SIGINT to be passed to the process, you can generate a SIGINT by getting the PID of the debugee using the process status and send a SIGINT directly to said process using platform shell:
(lldb) process status
(lldb) platform shell kill -INT {{PID from previous step}}
(lldb) continue
The easiest way I found was just to send the process a SIGINT directly. Take the pid of the debuggee process (which process status will show you) and run
kill -INT <pid>
from another terminal.

How can I handle (or prevent) SIGCHLD signals from ruby backquote invocations?

I have a long-running process with some child processes that must be restarted if they exit. To handle clean restarts of these child processes, I trap the exit signal with
trap("CLD") do
cpid = Process.wait
... handle cleanup ...
The long-running process occasionally needs to invoke 'curl' using a backquote as in
`/usr/bin/curl -m 60 http://localhost/central/expire`
The problem is that the backquote invocation is causing me to get a SIGCHLD and making my trap fire. This then gets stuck in the CLD trap because Process.wait does not finish. If there happen to be no (non-backquote) child processes at that time, the Process.wait instead gives an Errno::ECHILD exception.
I can circumvent this problem by wrapping the backquote call with this line before:
sig_handler = trap("CLD", "IGNORE") # Ignore child traps
and this line after the backquote invocation:
trap("CLD", sig_handler) # replace the handler
but this means that I may miss a signal from the (non-backquote) child processes during that window, so I'm not really happy with that.
So, is there a better way to do this?
(I am using ruby 1.9.1p243 on GNU/Linux if it matters)
The code below illustrates the problem (and my current solution for it).
There seems to be some strange timing issue here since I don't always get the ECHILD exception. But just once is enough to mess things up.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'pp'
trap("CLD") do
cpid = nil
puts "\nIn trap(CLD); about to call Process.wait"
cpid = Process.wait
puts "In trap(CLD); Noting that ssh Child pid #{cpid}: terminated"
puts "Finished Child termination trap"
rescue Errno::ECHILD
puts "Got Errno::ECHILD"
rescue Exception => excep
puts "Exception in CLD trap for process [#{cpid}]"
puts PP.pp(excep, '')
puts excep.backtrace.join("\n")
#Backtick problem shown (we get an ECHILD most of the time)
puts "About to invoke backticked curl"
`/usr/bin/curl -m 6`
sleep 2; sleep 2 # Need two sleeps because the 1st gets terminated early by the trap
puts "Backticked curl returns"
# Using spawn
puts "About to invoke curl using spawn"
cpid = spawn("/usr/bin/curl -m 6")
puts "spawned child pid is #{cpid} at #{}"
Start monitored subprocesses from a subprocess
Just start your tracked and monitored children from a child of your main process that never exits. That way it won't notice the backtick children exiting...
And if you do this, you could avoid the use of SIGCHLD entirely, as you could just use a loop with a wait in it to notice children exit events.
Other ideas:
ignore one SIGCHLD every time you execute a backtick command. ISTM that you might ignore a "real" SIGCHLD by accident this way, but that won't matter, because you would then get a "spurious" one that you would process.
