Custom events for Telerik Upload Control -

I was trying to use Telerik Upload control in my project. In that, i need to use custom button. The button is shown when upload control has atleast 1 file. If no file is present then the custom button to be hidden.
Here is my View code : (note: createitems is my button ID)
function UploadSuccess(e) {
function UploadRemove(e) {
var files = e.files;
if (files.length > 0) {
else {
Can anyone tell me the possibilities for this issue.

You can hide and show your button if file atleast 1
function UploadRemove(e) {
var files = e.files;
if (files.length > 0) {
else {


Clicking on multiple elements in order and if text is present do something

I have 4 buttons on the page and if i click them, different data is displayed for each one.
What i want to do is have a method that clicks on button 1 and check if specified text is not displayed on the page, have it click button 2 and so on until the text is displayed. Text is not always displayed on the same button section so i am not able to hardcode this in, i must search for it. If i try to check if element.contains(text) it will give an error as it is not displayed and making if else statements using the contains.size different from 0 will always go to the last else. Any ideas?
Added some sample code of what i have tried. If i can get inside the IF block and stop successfully where the text is displayed, i will make a boolean and using that i can continue with a function
cy.get("body").then(($body) => {
if ($body.find(specifiedText).length > 0) {
// cy.get(specifiedText).click()
} else {
if ($body.find(specifiedText).length > 0) {
// cy.get(specifiedText).click()
} else {
if ($body.find(specifiedText).length > 0) {
// cy.get(specifiedText).click()
} else {
// cy.get(specifiedText).click()
cy.get("body").then(($body) => {
if (cy.get(elementThatContainsTheText).contains("text") > 0) {
cy.log("text is not here")
} else {
if (cy.get(elementThatContainsTheText).contains("text") > 0) {
cy.log("text is not here button2")
} else {
if (cy.get(elementThatContainsTheText).contains("text") > 0) {
cy.log("i should be here")
} else {
cy.log("last else, why am i here?")

how to create row rapidly - Telerik Kendo UI MVC grid pop-up mode

I have a grid similiar that. But I don't want to close pop-up window; after clicking update button, i want to save record and clear all (or some) fields and continue to create (other) new record. So user can re-insert new record rapidly (multiple insert in the same window).
Finally user click the "cancel" (or close) button and popup will be closed. How can I do that.
Subscribe to Grid Edit/Save javascript events and follow the example below
var _PreventWindowClose = false;
var _IsNewMemberAlerted = false;
function onGridEdit(e) {
var window ="kendoWindow");
window.bind("close", onWindowEditMemberClose);
function onGridSave(e) {
if (e.model.isNew() && !_IsNewMemberAlerted) {
_IsNewMemberAlerted = true;
_PreventWindowClose = true;
var onWindowEditMemberClose = function (e) {
if (_PreventWindowClose) {
_PreventWindowClose = false;
else {
_IsNewMemberAlerted = false;

how to disable multiple mouse clicks in kendo menu UI?

We are using Kendo menu UI
once we are opening and adding the list menu an activity is being created.But if you are clicking it multiple times multiple activities are being created
how to restrict kendo menu UI multiple clicks?
function NewAc(arg) {
if ( != "Mactive" && != "") {
var scope = angular.element('#Div').scope();;
if(!scope.isSaveSuccess) {
default: var selectedActTypePK =;
var parentActId = stageTreeView.Id;
var htmlClient = new htmlContentClient();

ITHit Ajax Browser Update File issue

The ITHit Ajax Browser function right-click “Update file…” our users consider very dangerous. For example it is possible to update a .doc file with a .xls file resulting in a "corrupt" word file which in fact contains Excel workbook so we have been removing this menu item in ITHitAJAXFileBrowser.js file at each new Ajax Browser release. Will it be possible to improve or remove the feature by customization?
To remove the menu item in Ajax File Browser you can use the following code:
ITHit.Events.AddListener(ajaxFileBrowser.GetMenuManager(), 'OnShowMenu', onShowMenu);
function onShowMenu(menu, aContextMenuHierarchyItems) {
var index = getMenuIndexByMenuId(menu, 'CustomProperties');
if (index != -1) {
menu.Children.splice(index, 1);
function getMenuIndexByMenuId(menu, menuId) {
for (var i = 0, l = menu.Children.length; i < l; i++) {
if (menu.Children[i].Id == menuId) {
return i;
return -1;
Please find more info here:

how to make jqgrid advanced search dialog keyboard accessible

Answer in how to enable enter in jqgrid advanced search window describes how to enable enter and other keys in jqgrid advanced search dialog.
After clicking Add group, Add subgrup, Delete rule or Delete group button in advanced search dialog Enter and other keys are still ignored. How set focus to added element or after delete remaining element to enable Enter and other keys?
The current version of the Advanced Searching dialog (see definition of jqFilter in the grid.filter.js) recreate all controls of the dialog on change of someone. See the code of reDraw which looks
this.reDraw = function() {
var t = this.createTableForGroup(p.filter, null);
if($.isFunction(this.p.afterRedraw) ) {, this.p);
How one can see the first line $("",this).remove(); delete the content of all filter. The current focus will be lost and one have the problems which you described.
I suggest to fix the code of reDraw using document.activeElement element which was introduced in Internet Explorer originally (at least in IE4) and which is supported now in all web browsers because it's part of HTML5 standard (see here). The element which has focus originally will be destroyed and one will unable to set focus on it later. So I suggest to save the element name of the element and it's classes (like input.add-group or input.add-rule.ui-add) and to find the position of the element on the searching dialog. Later, after the dialog element will be recreated we'll set focus on the element with the same index.
I suggest to change the code of reDraw to the following
this.reDraw = function() {
var activeElement = document.activeElement, selector, $dialog, activeIndex = -1, $newElem, $buttons,
getButtonClass = function (classNames) {
var arClasses = ['add-group', 'add-rule', 'delete-group', 'delete-rule'], i, n, className;
for (i = 0, n = classNames.length; i < n; i++) {
className = classNames[i];
if ($.inArray(className, arClasses) >= 0) {
return className;
return null;
if (activeElement) {
selector = activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase();
buttonClass = getButtonClass(activeElement.className.split(' '));
if (buttonClass !== null) {
selector += '.' + buttonClass;
if (selector === "input.delete-rule") {
$buttons = $(activeElement).closest('')
activeIndex = $buttons.index(activeElement);
if (activeIndex > 0) {
// find the previous "add-rule" button
while (activeIndex--) {
$newElem = $($buttons[activeIndex]);
if ($newElem.hasClass("add-rule")) {
activeElement = $newElem[0];
selector = activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() + "." +
getButtonClass(activeElement.className.split(' '));
} else if (selector === "input.delete-group") {
// change focus to "Add Rule" of the parent group
$newElem = $(activeElement).closest('')
if ($newElem.length > 1) {
activeElement = $newElem[$newElem.length-2];
selector = activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() + "." +
getButtonClass(activeElement.className.split(' '));
$dialog = $(activeElement).closest(".ui-jqdialog");
activeIndex = $dialog.find(selector).index(activeElement);
$(this).append(this.createTableForGroup(this.p.filter, null));
if($.isFunction(this.p.afterRedraw) ) {, this.p);
if (activeElement && activeIndex >=0) {
$newElem = $dialog.find(selector + ":eq(" + activeIndex + ")");
if ($newElem.length>0) {
} else {
Like one can see on the next demo the focus in the Searching Dialog stay unchanged after pressing on the "Add subgroup" or "Add rule" buttons. I set it on the "Add rule" buttons of the previous row group in case of pressing "Delete group".
One more demo use jQuery UI style of the buttons and the texts in the buttons (see the answer). After clicking on the "Delete" (rule or group) button I tried to set the focus to the previous "Add Rule" button because setting of the focus on another "Delete" (rule or group) button I find dangerous.
Additionally in the demo I use
afterShowSearch: function ($form) {
var $lastInput = $form.find(".input-elm:last");
if ($lastInput.length > 0) {
because it seems me meaningful to set initial focus on the last input field at the dialog opening.
UPDATED: I find additionally meaningful to set focus on the current clicked buttons "Add subgroup", "Add rule" or "Delete group". The advantage one sees in the case it one first click some button with the mouse and then want to continue the work with keyboard. So I suggest to change the line
inputAddSubgroup.bind('click',function() {
inputAddSubgroup.bind('click',function(e) {
To change the line
inputAddRule.bind('click',function() {
inputAddRule.bind('click',function(e) {
and the line
inputDeleteGroup.bind('click',function() {
inputDeleteGroup.bind('click',function(e) {
and the line
ruleDeleteInput.bind('click',function() {
ruleDeleteInput.bind('click',function(e) {
