Magento - Mass updating of stock levels fails - magento

I am trying to use following code with latest Magento V1.7.1:
I updates stock quantities from CSV file.
It works fine with the following fields:
However, it does not work, if there are any additional fields.
I tried:
then qty gets updated, but is_in_stock or any other fields that follow qty are not being imported into the database.
I tried to switch fields and tried the following:
and now is_in_stock gets updated, but qty does not.
Instruction say to use a minimum of two plus any of additional fields listed, but it does not work.
Would you be able to share updated code?
Thank you.

I don't know the mentioned import extension, but most probably it'll use fgetcsv() calls to read the CSV file, like Magento does.
The fgetcsv() function uses the regular (", Shift+2) double quote as enclosure delimiter by default.
If you really copied the CSV lines 1:1 from your CSV file into this post, containing up to three different enclosure delimiters (“, ” and ") per line, then fgetcsv() has no chance to properly return the field values.
To fix this, just replace all double quotes in your CSV file with the regular one, save and import again.

Remember that depending on your os, the line endings aren't always the same. Windows editors have a nasty habit of adding an extra Carriage Return at the end of each line (learned this the hard way when I wrote a Linux parser for this sort of job in C++). Best check your csv by using something like Notepad++ to see what's at the end of each record.
I'd recommend using Magmi for simple updates such as this. It takes a little effort to set-up (but has very solid documentation to walk you through the process), but once done, is fast, stable and contains a lot of additional plugins that you can use for more functionality than just stock updates in the future.


how to add a separator after each word with ghostscript -sDEVICE=txtwrite

I have used ghostscript to successfully extract text from PDFs that have tables.
This simple command works very well:
gswin64c -sDEVICE=txtwrite -o test.txt "c:\reports\sample.pdf"
However some words get joined together especially from tables, for example:
234801111111109-12-2014 16:17:04764030208117034 2883253100.00 Payment
234801111111109-12-2014 16:18:461088956908117033 2883253400.00 Payment
234801111111109-12-2014 16:19:48769948208117040 2883253750.00 Payment
should actually be:
2348011111111 09-12-2014 16:17:04 764030208117034 2883253 100.00 Payment
2348011111111 09-12-2014 16:18:46 1088956908117033 2883253 400.00 Payment
2348011111111 09-12-2014 16:19:48 769948208117040 2883253 750.00 Payment
Please is there a way to add a separator character at the end of each word.
That would solve this perfectly.
No sorry, this idea simply won't work.
There is no such thing as a 'word' in a PDF file, there is simply a sequence of character codes and positions. The txtwrite code goes to some lengths to try and reconstruct words by looking at the position of each piece of text, and the metrics of the fonts used, but there are no words in the original.
I don't claim this is perfect, if you'd like me to look at it you will need to supply the original file. Best solution is to open a bug report and attach the file to it.
This is still an area I'm looking at, for a different project (RTF output) so now is a good time to report it. I cannot guarantee being able to resolve it, but it may well simply be that the 'rebuild the page layout' code is being too simple-minded about the location of the text.
You can, however, get a lower level output, the XML-like output will give you each fragment of text individually, and its position on the page. You could use that information yourself to rebuild the content.
The default option tries to build a simple representation of the page by using space characters to reproduce the layout of the original, as far as possible, but I have no illusions that there aren't bugs :-)

SPSS: Create links/anchors in syntax

Is there a way to create links or anchors within SPSS syntax? Something like linking to a bookmark.
I am making changes and additions to a syntax file, and document these changes at the bottom of the file as comments. In these comments I would like to link to the part of the syntax that was changed. Now I just write the line number, but that changes as I add more syntax, so the reference becomes incorrect.
Bookmarks were the closest thing I found to what I want to do, but I can't turn them into a link. Moreover, I can only create a maximum of 9 bookmarks, which is not enough.
Trying to think creatively here:
instead of bookmarking all the changes, you could break up your syntax into many small syntaxes - each of which contains one of the parts where a change was made.
you can name and number the small syntaxes accordingly.
Then you create one syntax which contains a series of INSERT commands, which calls each of the small syntaxes in turn. You can add titles and remarks between the insert commands, so other users can follow the process and study the relevant small syntax that they need separately.
The Statistics Syntax Editor supports bookmarks - you can have up to 10. Generate a few in the SE and save the syntax file to see how these are represented (hint: look at the COMMENT BOOKMARK lines.

Magento Translation

I have Magento Recently I've installed Russian pack, the result wasn't appropriate enough, cause some phrases on frontend remained in English
I know there's handy way to translate Magento using cvs-files.
The question is where I can find proper cvs-file? Does installed theme concerns translation some how? I know I'm asking newbie questions, I've read several posts, but I haven't made up my mind how to translate Magento.
Many thanks in advance.
Hope you are doing well,
As i have gone through your question that you want to translate your websites front end in Russian if user has selected the language Russian.
For this you are required to work out the translate.csv files which will be available in your theme Package.
Example : app/design/frontend/default/SecuareWeb/locale/de_DE
In the locale folder you will find the folder for Russian language open that folder and you will find the file where you are required to add the required translation text in it.
How to add translation text in translate.csv file is given below.
"This is the demo of translation in Russian","Это демо-трансляции на русском языке"
And one thing i would like add is that make sure your front end .phtml files must contain the text in $this->__("Example");. If you have added all the text like this then only then it will allow you for translation other wise it will not translate a text.
Hope this might be use full to you !!!
Waiting for your valuable comments in regards to your Question !!!
There are different ways to achieve translation in Magento so you can find multiple directory containing static csv files and also a database table.
All the modes have same structure: key/value. For example: "String to translate","String translated".
Inline Translation (database table: core_translate):
following best practices in Magento, you should use inline-translation aka database saved translation in rare cases. It is harder to mantain and can be buggy. It has first precedence, so any translation you do via inline translation will override the other 'modes'.
Theme level Translation (file in app/design/frontend/your_package/your_theme/ru_RU/translate.csv):
you can place any string to be translated in the translate.csv. It has second precedence.
Locale translation (file in app/locale/ru_RU/Module_Name.csv):
the suggested way to do translation as it will keep translation separated by each module and is easier to maintain. For example: Mage_Catalog.csv etc.
Each module in Magento can specify its csv file containing translation and sometimes the same string has different modules trying to translate, so if your translation does not work check between multiple file by a quick editor search. It will be overridden by the two above modes.
Magento will load all the csv files and build up a giant tree and caches it. So before scratching your head because the string is not translated as you wished in the frontend:
1. clean the cache.
2. check for any same key string which comes after your translated string. For example: in the same csv Line 100 will override Line 1 if the key string are the same.
3. check for any same key string in the mode which has higher precedence. For example: inline translation will override any csv based translated string.
It may be easier for you to go to the admin backend System -> Configuration -> Developer and switch "Translate Inline" "Enabled for Frontend" to "Yes".
Then, refresh the frontend and you can change the translation directly at your web browser.
The translation is saved in the database table core_translate just for the case you want to do it in a test environment and copy the translation later on to the production.
Take care that without client restrictions (System -> Configuration -> Developer) everyone will see the translation options.
btw. You may need to clear the cache and refresh the webpage in order to see your changes.

Representing multiple values in delimited seperated value file

Currently i'm working on transforming a xml file to delimited seperated file.I was pondering over the idea of representing multiple values of an attribute field..Currently my idea is to represent the values as below:
First Name;Last Name;E-mail id;Description
Fresher;user1;"||;||";This user joined as fresher.
My question is;Is there is a standard followed for representation of multiple values.?
How is this scenario taken care in common spreadsheet programs available such as Microsoft excel,openoffice calc and lotus notes 123 when imported into .csv file..??
Based on this i want to make changes to my xslt code..
Appreciate any help in this regard..
According to my experiences it is always good to stick to database normalisation standards. There are a lot of information everywhere in the web for further references.
a) When looking in your proposal what I like is to separate each column with semicolon instead of comma. It's easier to import data to any system later especially when you will deal with different (national) standards of number separation symbols
b) However, which I don't like is the 'e-mail' section. There would be a problem in the following areas:
quotation marks are problems- try to avoid them.
don't separate inside e-mail addresses with the same mark as for column separation. Therefore you shouldn't use semicolon there (what I guess- you can have one or few e-mails for each record).
If you can't introduce database normalisation standards I would propose the following small improvements to your idea:
Fresher;user1;|;This user joined as fresher
If you provide that kind of data file I think each of vba user would be able to import it to Excel (or any other system) easily and quickly.

Eliminating code duplication in a single file

Sadly, a project that I have been working on lately has a large amount of copy-and-paste code, even within single files. Are there any tools or techniques that can detect duplication or near-duplication within a single file? I have Beyond Compare 3 and it works well for comparing separate files, but I am at a loss for comparing single files.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for all the great tools! I'll definitely check them out.
This project is an ASP.NET/C# project, but I work with a variety of languages including Java; I'm interested in what tools are best (for any language) to remove duplication.
Check out Atomiq. It finds code that is duplicate that is prime for extracting to one location.
If you're using Eclipse, you can use the copy paste detector (CPD)
You don't say what language you are using, which is going to affect what tools you can use.
For Python there is CloneDigger. It also supports Java but I have not tried that. It can find code duplication both with a single file and between files, and gives you the result as a diff-like report in HTML.
See SD CloneDR, a tool for detecting copy-paste-edit code within and across multiple files. It detects exact copyies, copies that have been reformatted, and near-miss copies with different identifiers, literals, and even different seqeunces of statements.
The CloneDR handles many languages, including Java (1.4,1.5,1.6) and C# especially up to C#4.0. You can see sample clone detection reports at the website, also including one for C#.
Resharper does this automagically - it suggests when it thinks code should be extracted into a method, and will do the extraction for you
Check out PMD , once you have configured it (which is tad simple) you can run its copy paste detector to find duplicate code.
One with some Office skills can do following sequence in 1 minute:
use ordinary formatter to unify the code style, preferably without line wrapping
feed the code text into Microsoft Excel as a single column
search and replace all dual spaces with single one and do other replacements
sort column
At this point the keywords for duplicates will be already well detected. But to go further
add comparator formula to 2nd column and counter to 3rd
copy and paste values again, sort and see the most repetitive lines
There is an analysis tool, called Simian, which I haven't yet tried. Supposedly it can be run on any kind of text and point out duplicated items. It can be used via a command line interface.
Another option similar to those above, but with a different tool chain:
