HADOOP - get nodename inside mapper - hadoop

I'm writing a mapper and would like to know if it is possible to get the nodename, where the mapper is running.

Hadoop automatically moves your MapReduce program to where your data is so I think you can just do getHostName() (if you're using Java that is) and it should return the name of the node on which your program is running.
If you're using other languages such as Python, Ruby, etc. (i.e. using HadoopStreaming), the same idea holds true so you should be able to use the appropriate function/method available in those languages to get the host name.

The configuration value fs.default.name will most probably give you a URL to the namenode, and if you get an instance of the FileSystem (Filesystem.get(conf)) you should be able to call the getUri() method to get the same information.


How to report a value back to the driver from mapper?

In my hadoop application I need to report a value (let's time when mapper is done processing) back to the driver program. How can I do that?
You maybe able to get such information by looking at the different reports generated by Hadoop for any mapreduce job.
In general, however, you can pass information back to the driver using counters. In your mapper you can do something like:
context.getCounter("records", "last_seen").setValue(System.currentTimeMillis());
and then read it from the driver as:

Does hadoop Behave differently in local and distributed mode for static variables

Suppose I am having a static variables assigned to a class variables in my mapper, the value of the static variable depends upon the job, hence it is same of a set of input splits being executed in a job tracker node for that Job and hence I can assign the Job Specific Variables directly as static Variables in my Mapper (The JVM running in the Job Tracker Node).
For Some Different Job, these values will change as it is a different Job and have different Class Path Variables for its own Job, but I believe it will not impact the former mentioned job as they are running in different JVMs(Jobtracker).
Now If i try this in the local mode, the above Different Job will be runnig inthe same JVM, hence when this Diferent Job will try to overrire the Job Specific Class Variables which my formar Job had set, it will cause a problem for my former Job.
So can we say that the behavior of same code in Local and Distributed mode in not same always.
The Class Variables I am setting is nothing but some resource level and distributed cache values.
I know the use case is not good, but just wanted to know if this is what will happen when it comes to static variables.
The usage of static variables is not encouraged for the same reason you mentioned. The behavior is surely different based on the mode in which Hadoop is running. if the static is just a resource name and you are just reading it, the usage is fine. But if trying to modify, it will impact in standalone mode. Also, as you know, the standalone and psuedo is just for beginners and learning. Usecases should not dictate our learning :) Happy learning.

Hadoop Spark (Mapr) - AddFile how does it work

I am trying to understand how does hadoop work. Say I have 10 directory on hdfs, it contains 100s of file which i want to process with spark.
In the book - Fast Data Processing with Spark
This requires the file to be available on all the nodes in the cluster, which isn't much of a
problem for a local mode. When in a distributed mode, you will want to use Spark's
addFile functionality to copy the file to all the machines in your cluster.
I am not able to understand this, will spark create copy of file on each node.
What I want is that it should read the file which is present in that directory (if that directory is present on that node)
Sorry, I am bit confused , how to handle the above scenario in spark.
The section you're referring to introduces SparkContext::addFile in a confusing context. This is a section titled "Loading data into an RDD", but it immediately diverges from that goal and introduces SparkContext::addFile more generally as a way to get data into Spark. Over the next few pages it introduces some actual ways to get data "into an RDD", such as SparkContext::parallelize and SparkContext::textFile. These resolve your concerns about splitting up the data among nodes rather than copying the whole of the data to all nodes.
A real production use-case for SparkContext::addFile is to make a configuration file available to some library that can only be configured from a file on the disk. For example, when using MaxMind's GeoIP Legacy API, you might configure the lookup object for use in a distributed map like this (as a field on some class):
#transient lazy val geoIp = new LookupService("GeoIP.dat", LookupService.GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE | LookupService.GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE)
Outside your map function, you'd need to make GeoIP.dat available like this:
Spark will then make it available in the current working directory on all of the nodes.
So, in contrast with Daniel Darabos' answer, there are some reasons outside of experimentation to use SparkContext::addFile. Also, I can't find any info in the documentation that would lead one to believe that the function is not production-ready. However, I would agree that it's not what you want to use for loading the data you are trying to process unless it's for experimentation in the interactive Spark REPL, since it doesn't create an RDD.
addFile is only for experimentation. It is not meant for production use. In production you just open a file specified by a URI understood by Hadoop. For example:

HDFS How to know from which host we get a file

I use the command line and I want to know from which host I get a file (or which replica I get).
Normally it should be the nearest to me. But I changed a policy for the project. Thus I want to check the final results to see if my new policy works correctly.
Following command does not give any information:
hadoop dfs -get /file
And the next one gives me only the replica's position, but not which one is preferred for the get:
hadoop fsck /file -files -blocks -locations
HDFS abstracts this information away as it is not very useful for users to know where they are reading from (the filesystem is designed to be as less in your way as possible). Typically, the DFSClient intends to pick up the data in order of the hosts returned to it (moving onto an alternative in case of a failure). The hosts returned to it is sorted by the NameNode for appropriate data or rack locality - and that is how the default scenario works.
While the proper answer for your question would be to write good test cases that can both simulate and assert this, you can also run your program with the Hadoop logger set to DEBUG, to check the IPC connections made to various hosts (including DNs) when reading the files - and go through these to assert manually that your host-picking is working as intended.
Another way would be to run your client through a debugger and observe the parts around the connections made finally to retrieve data (i.e. after NN RPCs).
We finally use the networks statistics with a simple test case to find where hadoop takes the replicas.
But the easiest way is to print the array nodes modified by this method:
org.apache.hadoop.net.NetworkTopology pseudoSortByDistance( Node reader, Node[] nodes )
As we expected, the get of the replicas is based on the results of the methods. The firsts items are preferred. Normally the first item is taken except if there is an error with the node. For more information about this method, see Replication

how to output to HDFS from mapper directly?

In certain criteria we want the mapper do all the work and output to HDFS, we don't want the data transmitted to reducer(will use extra bandwidth, please correct me if there is case its wrong).
a pseudo code would be:
def mapper(k,v_list):
for v in v_list:
if criteria:
write to HDFS
I found it hard because the only thing we can play with is OutputCollector.
One thing I think of is to exend OutputCollector, override OutputCollector.collect and do the stuff.
Is there any better ways?
You can just set the number of reduce tasks to 0 by using JobConf.setNumReduceTasks(0). This will make the results of the mapper go straight into HDFS.
From the Map-Reduce manual: http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core/MapReduceTutorial.html
Reducer NONE
It is legal to set the number of reduce-tasks to zero if no reduction is desired.
In this case the outputs of the map-tasks go directly to the FileSystem,
into the output path set by setOutputPath(Path). The framework does not sort
the map-outputs before writing them out to the FileSystem.
I'm assuming that you're using streaming, in which case there is no standard way of doing this.
It's certainly possible in a java Mapper. For streaming you'd need amend the PipeMapper java file, or like you say write your own output collector - but if you're going to that much trouble, you might has well just write a java mapper.
Not sending something to the Reducer may not actually save bandwidth if you are still going to write it to the HDFS. The HDFS is still replicated to other nodes and the replication is going to happen.
There are other good reasons to write output from the mapper though. There is a FAQ about this, but it is a little short on details except to say that you can do it.
I found another question which is potentially a duplicate of yours here. That question has answers that are more help if you are writing a Mapper in Java. If you are trying to do this in a streaming way, you can just use the hadoop fs commands in scripts to do it.
We can in fact write output to HDFS and pass it on to Reducer also at the same time. I understand that you are using Hadoop Streaming, I've implemented something similar using Java MapReduce.
We can generate named output files from a Mapper or Reducer using MultipleOutputs. So, in your Mapper implementation after all the business logic for processing input data, you can write the output to MultipleOutputs using multipleOutputs.write("NamedOutputFileName", Outputkey, OutputValue) and for the data you want to pass on to reducer you can write to context using context.write(OutputKey, OutputValue)
I think if you can find something to write the data from mapper to a named output file in the language you are using (Eg: Python) - this will definitely work.
I hope this helps.
