Loading a Joomla 2.5 module into another module - joomla

I've seen the question Loading a module in another module in Joomla, but that was about Joomla 1.5
I have exactly the same question about Joomla 2.5
Is there an official way to do so?

If you're using a "Custom HTML" module the standard {loadposition myPosition} or {loadmodule myModuleTypesName} work as expected.
Did you mean something else?
I've updated the wiki article with the following information as well.
An alternative to "{loadposition xx}" is the "{loadmodule yyy}" variation which is handled by the same plugin.
In this case the plugin looks for the first module that who's type matches the string 'yyy'. So, you could load a "mod_login" module by placing {loadmodule login} in your text.
Modules within Modules
It is possible in Joomla! 2.5+ (possibly earlier) to include a module within a "Custom HTML" module as they are processed by content plugins in the same way as articles.
You should remember when doing this that you may experience formatting issues as the "chrome" of the "Custom HTML" module will surround the "chrome" of the included module potential having undesirable effects of the formatting or layout.

You can use this extension, hope this may help you

In Custom HTML module Options Tab I set Prepare Content to 'yes' that allowes load other modules and positions.
Joomla 2.5
Joomla 3


how to create drupal8 ckeditor shortcodes?

what would be the best direction toward creating shortcodes usable in drupal 8 editor?
Ckeditor being placed to core, shortcode module nor shortcode_wysiwig module being ported , I am not quite sure where to start from.
you need to implement a custom module using the ckeditor.api
for further examples see here:

How to disable extension for a particular extension in magento?

I am overiding the deafult onepage_payment_methods in my custom extension.
I want to disable the extension fully (not only output) for particular store. Please guide as I am new to Magento.
Magento modules are enabled/disabled by a line in their .xml module control file found in app/etc/modules
To completely disable the module, find the .xml file named for the module (example DeveloperName_ModuleName.xml) and change the following line:
Watch for dependencies and if you are looking for specific Magento modules, most will be found in Mage_All.xml, other standalone modules will be found in Mage_xxxxxxxx.xml. Be aware that turning off certain Mage modules will have knock-on effects and disabling Mage_Core turns Magento off.
StackExchange question on disabling a module on the store level
Please go to your admin section than login to your backend, system- configuration->advance -> advance search your extension name and disable it.
Hope it works

Joomla! 3.0: core module edition not working

I'm trying to edit the default core module named mod_weblinks to change how the list of weblinks within a category is shown.
The problem comes when I change the default.php file in modules/mod_weblinks/tmpl/ and I get no results when hit f5.
I also tried to copy and odify this file in template/my_template/html/mod_weblinks/ but same result.
I uninstalled and installed this module from joomla! control admin panel.
Any suggestion?
Ok, I found it, the problem is that I was modifying a module but using a component so I have change the code of the component (which is a bit more complex)

Changing the content of a Joomla module on homepage

I have been asked to make a "one-off" change to the link on the homepage of a website that is running Joomla. The trouble is I am not familiar with Joomla administration. I was hoping it might be similar to WordPress, where I might have to modify a template file, however this does not seem to be the case.
Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to change the content of a module on the home page of a Joomla site? When I view the module settings in the Joomla admin there does not appear to be any content to edit, just menus and meta data. Thank you.
Every module has its own functionality so it depends on what module you are trying to modify.
You might want to look at template overrides. By doing a template override you can modify a module output without hacking the core code of the module.
So in the case of a module, you should look into your joomla installation for your module. If your module is called mod_stackoverflow for example, you should look for
Next you should look for the template file you want to modify. If you want to modify the default template of the module and if the output of your module can be overriden, you should look for the default.php file like so:
At this point you should copy the file into your template folder following this structure:
By placing this file in your template folder, Joomla will use this file (instead of the one in the module folder) to output the module content. Now you can edit this file as you like.
Hope this helps.
Check the homepage content is an article or module . If it was article you just go to the following path.
Joomla administrator->Contents->Featured Articles->
here you can find the home page article and modify it by click on article title.
If it was module you just go Joomla administrator-> Components->Module Manager
here you first find which module is enabled in homepage. Then you can edit the module contents.

joomla autogenerated css classes

i want to make a new joomla template, i dropped into that but i am confused now.
i want to know where is the joomla autogenerated css class list.
for example i insert a module in template and what is the css class for example for menu title or the css class for search input box or what is the default css class for readmore link in main.
i found a little in joomla doc but i want the whole list
I fail to understand how you are prepared to make a Joomla template which is far more complex than a plain CSS template, yet you are unable to find the necessary CSS files. You said you wanted to make a new template therefore shouldn't you know where you have put the CSS file?
You are in dire need of Firebug for starters. Have a look at all it's features. It will help you to find CSS files and the specific line you need to edit.
I assume you are editing someone elses template in which case this is the sort of location you will be looking for.
It varies with different template so I suggest you download Firebug as I suggested above.
