I currently have three methos of measuring the elapsed time, two using CUDA events and the other recording start and end UNIX. The ones using CUDA events measure two things, one measures the entire outer loop time, and the other sum all kernel execution times.
Here's the code:
int64 x1, x2;
cudaEvent_t start;
cudaEvent_t end;
cudaEvent_t s1, s2;
float timeValue;
#define timer_s cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
#define timer_e cudaEventRecord(end, 0); cudaEventSynchronize(end); cudaEventElapsedTime( &timeValue, start, end ); printf("time: %f ms \n", timeValue);
cudaEventCreate( &start );
cudaEventCreate( &end );
cudaEventCreate( &s1 );
cudaEventCreate( &s2 );
cudaEventRecord(s1, 0);
x1 = GetTimeMs64();
for(int r = 0 ; r < 2 ; r++)
kernel1<<<1, x>>>(gl_devdata_ptr);
sum += timeValue;
for(int j = 0 ; j < 5; j++)
sum += timeValue;
sum += timeValue;
kernel4<<<y, x>>> (gl_devdata_ptr);
sum += timeValue;
x2 = GetTimeMs64();
cudaEventRecord(s2, 0);
cudaEventElapsedTime( &timeValue, s1, s2 );
printf("elapsed cuda : %f ms \n", timeValue);
printf("elapsed sum : %f ms \n", sum);
printf("elapsed win : %d ms \n", x2-x1);
The GetTimeMs64 is something I found here on StackOverflow:
int64 GetTimeMs64()
/* Windows */
uint64 ret;
/* Get the amount of 100 nano seconds intervals elapsed since January 1, 1601 (UTC) and copy it
* to a LARGE_INTEGER structure. */
li.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime;
li.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime;
ret = li.QuadPart;
ret -= 116444736000000000LL; /* Convert from file time to UNIX epoch time. */
ret /= 10000; /* From 100 nano seconds (10^-7) to 1 millisecond (10^-3) intervals */
return ret;
Those aren't the real variable names nor the right kernel names, I just removed some to make the code smaller.
So the problem is, every measure gives me a really different total time.
Some examples I just ran:
elapsed cuda : 21.076832
elapsed sum : 4.177984
elapsed win : 27
So why is there such a huge difference? The sum of all kernel calls is around 4 ms, where are the other 18ms? CPU time?
cudaThreadSynchronize is a very high overhead operation as it has to wait for all work on the GPU to complete.
You should get the correct result if you structure you code as follows:
int64 x1, x2;
cudaEvent_t start;
cudaEvent_t end;
const int k_maxEvents = 5 + (2 * 2) + (2 * 5 * 2);
cudaEvent_t events[k_maxEvents];
int eIdx = 0;
float timeValue;
for (int e = 0; e < 5; ++e)
x1 = GetTimeMs64();
cudaEventRecord(events[eIdx++], 0);
for(int r = 0 ; r < 2 ; r++)
cudaEventRecord(events[eIdx++], 0);
kernel1<<<1, x>>>(gl_devdata_ptr);
for(int j = 0 ; j < 5; j++)
cudaEventRecord(events[eIdx++], 0);
cudaEventRecord(events[eIdx++], 0);
cudaEventRecord(events[eIdx++], 0);
kernel4<<<y, x>>> (gl_devdata_ptr);
cudaEventRecord(eIdx++, 0);
x2 = GetTimeMs64();
cudaEventElapsedTime( &timeValue, events[0], events[k_maxEvents - 1] );
printf("elapsed cuda : %f ms \n", timeValue);
// TODO the time between each events is the time to execute each kernel.
// On WDDM a context switch may occur between any of the kernels leading
// to higher than expected results.
// printf("elapsed sum : %f ms \n", sum);
printf("elapsed win : %d ms \n", x2-x1);
On Windows an easier way to measure time is to use QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceFrequency.
If you write the above example without the events as
#include "NvToolsExt.h"
nvtxRangePushA("CPU Time");
for(int r = 0 ; r < 2 ; r++)
kernel1<<<1, x>>>(gl_devdata_ptr);
for(int j = 0 ; j < 5; j++)
kernel4<<<y, x>>> (gl_devdata_ptr);
and run in Nsight Visual Studio Edition 1.5-2.2 CUDA Trace Activity or Visual Profiler 4.0+ all of the times will be available. The GPU times will be more accurate than what you can collect using cudaEvents API. Using nvtxRangePush to measure the CPU time range is optional.This can also be accomplished by measuring from the first CUDA API in the example to the end of cudaDeviceSynchronize.
I'm doing some performance tunning on a shared memory based message queue. I found a strange phenomenon that I can't explain: I ran the same code for 3 epochs, the avg running time is getting better for each epoch.
Here's the minimal demo code:
inline uint64_t current_time_nanos() {
static timespec tp;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp);
return tp.tv_nsec + tp.tv_sec * 1000000000LLU;
void test() {
static constexpr size_t TOTAL_SIZE = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
static constexpr size_t COUNT = TOTAL_SIZE / sizeof(market_data);
static_assert(TOTAL_SIZE % sizeof(market_data) == 0);
market_data md;
market_data *ptr =
(market_data *)mmap(nullptr, TOTAL_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
if (MAP_FAILED == ptr) {
printf("failed to mmap: %s\n", strerror(errno));
pthread_mutex_t mtx;
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_init(&mtx, nullptr));
std::atomic_uint64_t pos{0};
mlock(ptr, TOTAL_SIZE);
// Epoach 1
auto st = current_time_nanos();
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx));
memcpy(&ptr[pos.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel) % COUNT], &md,
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx));
auto ed = current_time_nanos();
printf("total used: %lu, avg = %f.\n", ed - st, double(ed - st) / COUNT);
// Epoach 2
pos = 0;
st = current_time_nanos();
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx));
memcpy(&ptr[pos.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel) % COUNT], &md,
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx));
ed = current_time_nanos();
printf("total used: %lu, avg = %f.\n", ed - st, double(ed - st) / COUNT);
// Epoach 3
pos = 0;
st = current_time_nanos();
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx));
memcpy(&ptr[pos.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel) % COUNT], &md,
assert(0 == pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx));
ed = current_time_nanos();
printf("total used: %lu, avg = %f.\n", ed - st, double(ed - st) / COUNT);
I've run the code for multiple times, It can be sure that the avg execution time is getting better for each epoch. e.g epoch 3 has the best performance.
I wonder why this happens and How can I do some warmup that I could gain the performance from 3rd epoch without actually do memcpy?
sample result:
total used: 2479219, avg = 75.659760.
total used: 2092045, avg = 63.844147.
total used: 1718318, avg = 52.438904.
Here's the detailed info:
CPU: Intel Xeon 6348 2.6GHZ (Cascade-Lake)
Compiler: G++ 10.2.1 with O3 enabled
I've already use mlock to avoid page fault. it helps a lot. I also try to use _mm_prefetch but there's no performance gain actually.(Or may be I'm not using it correctly)
I am trying to speed up a single program by using prefetches. The purpose of my program is just for test. Here is what it does:
It uses two int buffers of the same size
It reads one-by-one all the values of the first buffer
It reads the value at the index in the second buffer
It sums all the values taken from the second buffer
It does all the previous steps for bigger and bigger
At the end, I print the number of voluntary and involuntary CPU
In the very first time, values in the first buffers contains the values of its index (cf. function createIndexBuffer in the code just below) .
It will be more clear in the code of my program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE ((unsigned long) 4096 * 100000)
unsigned int randomUint()
int value = rand() % UINT_MAX;
return value;
unsigned int * createValueBuffer()
unsigned int * valueBuffer = (unsigned int *) malloc(BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (unsigned long i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
valueBuffer[i] = randomUint();
return (valueBuffer);
unsigned int * createIndexBuffer()
unsigned int * indexBuffer = (unsigned int *) malloc(BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (unsigned long i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
indexBuffer[i] = i;
return (indexBuffer);
unsigned long long computeSum(unsigned int * indexBuffer, unsigned int * valueBuffer)
unsigned long long sum = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
unsigned int index = indexBuffer[i];
sum += valueBuffer[index];
return (sum);
unsigned int computeTimeInMicroSeconds()
unsigned int * valueBuffer = createValueBuffer();
unsigned int * indexBuffer = createIndexBuffer();
struct timeval startTime, endTime;
gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);
unsigned long long sum = computeSum(indexBuffer, valueBuffer);
gettimeofday(&endTime, NULL);
printf("Sum = %llu\n", sum);
return ((endTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec) * 1000 * 1000) + (endTime.tv_usec - startTime.tv_usec);
int main()
printf("sizeof buffers = %ldMb\n", BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned int) / (1024 * 1024));
unsigned int timeInMicroSeconds = computeTimeInMicroSeconds();
printf("Time: %u micro-seconds = %.3f seconds\n", timeInMicroSeconds, (double) timeInMicroSeconds / (1000 * 1000));
If I launch it, I get the following output:
$ gcc TestPrefetch.c -O3 -o TestPrefetch && ./TestPrefetch
sizeof buffers = 1562Mb
Sum = 439813150288855829
Time: 201172 micro-seconds = 0.201 seconds
Quick and fast!!!
According to my knowledge (I may be wrong), one of the reason for having such a fast program is that, as I access my two buffers sequentially, data can be prefetched in the CPU cache.
We can make it more complex in order that data is (almost) prefeched in CPU cache. For example, we can just change the createIndexBuffer function in:
unsigned int * createIndexBuffer()
unsigned int * indexBuffer = (unsigned int *) malloc(BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (unsigned long i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
indexBuffer[i] = rand() % BUFFER_SIZE;
return (indexBuffer);
Let's try the program once again:
$ gcc TestPrefetch.c -O3 -o TestPrefetch && ./TestPrefetch
sizeof buffers = 1562Mb
Sum = 439835307963131237
Time: 3730387 micro-seconds = 3.730 seconds
More than 18 times slower!!!
We now arrive to my problem. Given the new createIndexBuffer function, I would like to speed up computeSum function using prefetch
unsigned long long computeSum(unsigned int * indexBuffer, unsigned int * valueBuffer)
unsigned long long sum = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
__builtin_prefetch((char *) &indexBuffer[i + 1], 0, 0);
unsigned int index = indexBuffer[i];
sum += valueBuffer[index];
return (sum);
of course I also have to change my createIndexBuffer in order it allocates a buffer having one more element
I relaunch my program: not better! As prefetch may be slower than one "for" loop iteration, I may prefetch not one element before but two elements before
__builtin_prefetch((char *) &indexBuffer[i + 2], 0, 0);
not better! two loops iterations? not better? Three? **I tried it until 50 (!!!) but I cannot enhance the performance of my function computeSum.
Can I would like help to understand why
Thank you very much for your help
I believe that above code is automatically optimized by CPU without any further space for manual optimization.
1. Main problem is that indexBuffer is sequentially accessed. Hardware prefetcher senses it and prefetches further values automatically, without need to call prefetch manually. So, during iteration #i, values indexBuffer[i+1], indexBuffer[i+2],... are already in cache. (By the way, there is no need to add artificial element to the end of array: memory access errors are silently ignored by prefetch instructions).
What you really need to do is to prefetch valueBuffer instead:
__builtin_prefetch((char *) &valueBuffer[indexBuffer[i + 1]], 0, 0);
2. But adding above line of code won't help either in such simple scenario. Cost of accessing memory is hundreds of cycles, while add instruction is ~1 cycle. Your code already spends 99% of time in memory accesses. Adding manual prefetch will make it this one cycle faster and no better.
Manual prefetch would really work well if your math were much more heavy (try it), like using an expression with large number of non-optimized out divisions (20-30 cycles each) or calling some math function (log, sin).
3. But even this doesn't guarantee to help. Dependency between loop iterations is very weak, it is only via sum variable. This allows CPU to execute instructions speculatively: it may start fetching valueBuffer[i+1] concurrently while still executing math for valueBuffer[i].
Prefetch fetches normally a full cache line. This is typically 64 bytes. So the random example fetches always 64 bytes for a 4 byte int. 16 times the data you actually need which fits very well with the slow down by a factor of 18. So the code is simply limited by memory throughput and not latency.
Sorry. What I gave you was not the correct version of my code. The correct version is, what you said:
__builtin_prefetch((char *) &valueBuffer[indexBuffer[i + prefetchStep]], 0, 0);
However, even with the right version, it is unfortunately not better
Then I adapted my program to try your suggestion using the sin function.
My adapted program is the following one:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <math.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE ((unsigned long) 4096 * 50000)
unsigned int randomUint()
int value = rand() % UINT_MAX;
return value;
unsigned int * createValueBuffer()
unsigned int * valueBuffer = (unsigned int *) malloc(BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (unsigned long i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
valueBuffer[i] = randomUint();
return (valueBuffer);
unsigned int * createIndexBuffer(unsigned short prefetchStep)
unsigned int * indexBuffer = (unsigned int *) malloc((BUFFER_SIZE + prefetchStep) * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (unsigned long i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
indexBuffer[i] = rand() % BUFFER_SIZE;
return (indexBuffer);
double computeSum(unsigned int * indexBuffer, unsigned int * valueBuffer, unsigned short prefetchStep)
double sum = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
__builtin_prefetch((char *) &valueBuffer[indexBuffer[i + prefetchStep]], 0, 0);
unsigned int index = indexBuffer[i];
sum += sin(valueBuffer[index]);
return (sum);
unsigned int computeTimeInMicroSeconds(unsigned short prefetchStep)
unsigned int * valueBuffer = createValueBuffer();
unsigned int * indexBuffer = createIndexBuffer(prefetchStep);
struct timeval startTime, endTime;
gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);
double sum = computeSum(indexBuffer, valueBuffer, prefetchStep);
gettimeofday(&endTime, NULL);
printf("prefetchStep = %d, Sum = %f - ", prefetchStep, sum);
return ((endTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec) * 1000 * 1000) + (endTime.tv_usec - startTime.tv_usec);
int main()
printf("sizeof buffers = %ldMb\n", BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned int) / (1024 * 1024));
for (unsigned short prefetchStep = 0 ; prefetchStep < 250 ; prefetchStep++)
unsigned int timeInMicroSeconds = computeTimeInMicroSeconds(prefetchStep);
printf("Time: %u micro-seconds = %.3f seconds\n", timeInMicroSeconds, (double) timeInMicroSeconds / (1000 * 1000));
The output is:
$ gcc TestPrefetch.c -O3 -o TestPrefetch -lm && taskset -c 7 ./TestPrefetch
sizeof buffers = 781Mb
prefetchStep = 0, Sum = -1107.523504 - Time: 20895326 micro-seconds = 20.895 seconds
prefetchStep = 1, Sum = 13456.262424 - Time: 12706720 micro-seconds = 12.707 seconds
prefetchStep = 2, Sum = -20179.289469 - Time: 12136174 micro-seconds = 12.136 seconds
prefetchStep = 3, Sum = 12068.302534 - Time: 11233803 micro-seconds = 11.234 seconds
prefetchStep = 4, Sum = 21071.238160 - Time: 10855348 micro-seconds = 10.855 seconds
prefetchStep = 5, Sum = -22648.280105 - Time: 10517861 micro-seconds = 10.518 seconds
prefetchStep = 6, Sum = 22665.381676 - Time: 9205809 micro-seconds = 9.206 seconds
prefetchStep = 7, Sum = 2461.741268 - Time: 11391088 micro-seconds = 11.391 seconds
So here, it works better! Honestly, I was almost sure that it will not be better because the math function cost is higher compared to the memory access.
If anyone could give me more information about why it is better now, I would appreciate it
Thank you very much
Hello I have seen that C++ Vector vs Array (Time).
On my mac the vector take times to be defined but after the comparison give vector for winner.
How it works ?
I was said int[] are faster than dynamic vector ?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#define N (100000000)
//int sd[N];
int main() {
clock_t start;
double temps;
static int sd[N];
start = clock();
for (unsigned long i=0 ; i < N ; i++){
temps = (clock() - start) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000);
printf("Time: %f ms\n",temps);
start = clock();
for (unsigned long i=0 ; i < N ; i++){
temps = (clock() - start) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000);
printf("Time: %f ms\n",temps);
while (1)
return 0;
I have those results :
Time: 422.87400 ms
Time: 300.84700 ms
Even if it begining with vector, vector appear to be faster than c array.
Thank You for your explaination.
Another question : in xcode, why i see memory used by declation vector and for static c array I have to go all the memory cells as in the code (for ... if(sd[i]...)
Thank You for your explaination.
I have remarqued that if i initialize all the c array cells at 0 (for example or 6...) the c array will be faster or equal vector.
int main() {
clock_t start;
double temps;
static int sd[N];
for (unsigned long i=0 ; i < N ; i++){
start = clock();
for (unsigned long i=0 ; i < N ; i++){
temps = (clock() - start) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000);
printf("Time: %f ms\n",temps);
start = clock();
for (unsigned long i=0 ; i < N ; i++){
temps = (clock() - start) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000);
printf("Time: %f ms\n",temps);
while (1)
return 0;
And I will see the memory used in xcode with the initialization at 0 of all cells c array.
So another question , why it is more rapid when you initialize in this case (or in general) ?
struct xnode
float *mat;
void testScaling( )
int N = 1000000; ///total num matrices
int dim = 10;
//memory for matrices
std::vector<xnode> nodeArray(N);
for( int k = 0; k < N; ++k )
nodeArray[k].mat = new float [dim*dim];
//memory for Y
std::vector<float*> Y(N,0);
for( int k = 0; k < N; ++k )
Y[k] = new float [dim];
//shared X
float* X = new float [dim];
for(int i = 0; i < dim; ++i ) X[i] = 1.0;
//init mats
for( int k = 0; k < N; ++k )
for( int i=0; i<dim*dim; ++i )
nodeArray[k].mat[i] = 0.25+((float)i)/3;
int NTIMES = 500;
//gemv args
char trans = 'N';
int lda = dim;
int incx = 1;
float alpha =1 , beta = 0;
int thr[4];
thr[0] =1 ; thr[1] = 2; thr[2] = 4; thr[3] = 8;
for( int t = 0; t<4; ++t )//test for nthreads
int nthreads = thr[t];
double t_1 = omp_get_wtime();
for( int ii = 0; ii < NTIMES; ++ii )//do matvec NTIMES
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads)
for( int k=0; k<N; ++k )
//compute Y[k] = mat[k] * X;
GEMV(&trans, &dim, &dim, &alpha, nodeArray[k].mat, &lda, X, &incx, &beta, Y[k], &incx);
//GEMV(&trans, &dim, &dim, &alpha, nodeArray[0].mat, &lda, X, &incx, &beta, Y[k], &incx);
double t_2 = omp_get_wtime();
std::cout << "Threads " << nthreads << " time " << (t_2-t_1)/NTIMES << std::endl;
//clear memory
for( int k = 0; k < N; ++k )
delete [] nodeArray[k].mat;
delete [] Y[k];
delete [] X;
The above code parallelizes the matrix-vector product of N matrices of size dim, and stores results in N output vectors. The average of 500 products is taken as the time per matrix-vector product. The matrix-vector products in the above example are all of equal size and thus the threads should be perfectly balanced - we should achieve a performance scaling close to ideal 8x. The following are the observations (Machine – Intel Xeon 3.1Ghz.2 processors,8cores each, HyperThreading enabled, Windows, VS2012, Intel MKL, Intel OMP library).
dim=10 N=1000000
Threads 1 - time 0.138068s
Threads 2 - time 0.0729147s
Threads 4 - time 0.0360527s
Threads 8 - time 0.0224268s (6.1x on 8threads)
dim=20 N=1000000
Threads 1 time 0.326617
Threads 2 time 0.185706
Threads 4 time 0.0886508
Threads 8 time 0.0733666 (4.5x on 8 threads).
Note – I ran VTune on this case. It showed CPUTime 267.8sec, Overhead time 43 sec, Spin time – 8 sec. The overhead time is all spent in a libiomp function (intel library). 8Threads/1Thread scaling is poor for such cases.
Next - in the gemv for loop, we change nodeArray[k].mat to nodeArray[0].mat (see commented statement), so that only the first matrix is used for all the matrix-vector products.
dim=20 N=1000000
Threads 1 time 0.152298 (The serial time is halved)
Threads 2 time 0.0769173
Threads 4 time 0.0384086
Threads 8 time 0.019336 (7.87x on 8 threads)
Thus I get almost ideal scaling - why is this behavior? VTune says that a significant portion of CPU time is spent in synchronization and thread overhead. Here it seems there is no relation between the load balancing and thread synchronization. As matrix size is increased the granularity should increase and thread overhead should be proportionately small. But as we increase from size 10 to 20 the scaling is weakening. When we use nodeArray[0].mat (only the first matrix) for doing all the matrix-vector products the cache is updated only once (since the compiler knows this during optimization) and we get near ideal scaling. Thus the synchronization overhead seems to be related to some cache related issue. I have tried a number of other things like setting KMP_AFFINITY and varying load distribution but that did not buy me anything.
My questions are:
1. I dont have a clear idea about how does the cache performance affect openMP thread synchronization. Can someone explain this?
2. Can anything be done about improving the scaling and reducing the overhead?
I am currently writing a code, that calculates a integral Histogram on the GPU using the Nvidia thrust library.
Therefore I allocate a continuous Block of device memory which I update with a custom functor all the time.
The problem is, that the write to the device memory is veeery slow, but the reads are actually ok.
The basic setup is the following:
struct HistogramCreation
// pointer to memory
/// The actual summation operator
__device__ void operator()(int index){
.. do the calculations ..
for(int j=0;j<30;j++){
(1) *_memoryPointer = values (also using reads to such locations) ;
void foo(){
HistogramCreation initialCreation( ... _pointer ...);
if I change the writing in (1) to the following>
unsigned int val = values;
The performance is much better. THis is the only global memory write I have.
Using the memory write I get about 2s for HD Footage.
using the local variable it takes about 50 ms so about a factor of 40 less.
Why is this so slow? how could I improve it?
Just as #OlegTitov said, frequent load/store with global
memory should be avoided as much as possible. When there's a
situation where it's inevitable, then coalesced memory
access can help the execution process not to get too slow;
however in most cases, histogram calculation is pretty tough
to realize the coalesced access.
While most of the above is basically just restating
#OlegTitov's answer, i'd just like to share about an
investigation i did about finding summation with NVIDIA
CUDA. Actually the result is pretty interesting and i hope
it'll be a helpful information for other xcuda developers.
The experiment was basically to run a speed test of finding
summation with various memory access patterns: using global
memory (1 thread), L2 cache (atomic ops - 128 threads), and
L1 cache (shared mem - 128 threads)
This experiment used:
Kepler GTX 680,
1546 cores # 1.06GHz
GDDR5 256-bit # 3GHz
Here are the kernels:
void glob(float *h) {
float* hist = h;
uint sd = SEEDRND;
uint random;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMLOOP; i++) {
if (i%NTHREADS==0) random = rnd(sd);
int rind = random % NBIN;
float randval = (float)(random % 10)*1.0f ;
hist[rind] += randval;
void atom(float *h) {
float* hist = h;
uint sd = SEEDRND;
for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < NUMLOOP; i+=NTHREADS) {
uint random = rnd(sd);
int rind = random % NBIN;
float randval = (float)(random % 10)*1.0f ;
atomicAdd(&hist[rind], randval);
void shm(float *h) {
int lid = threadIdx.x;
uint sd = SEEDRND;
__shared__ float shm[NTHREADS][NBIN];
for (int i = 0; i < NBIN; i++) shm[lid][i] = h[i];
for (int i = lid; i < NUMLOOP; i+=NTHREADS) {
uint random = rnd(sd);
int rind = random % NBIN;
float randval = (float)(random % 10)*1.0f ;
shm[lid][rind] += randval;
/* reduction here */
for (int i = 0; i < NBIN; i++) {
if (threadIdx.x < 64) {
shm[threadIdx.x][i] += shm[threadIdx.x+64][i];
if (threadIdx.x < 32) {
shm[threadIdx.x][i] += shm[threadIdx.x+32][i];
if (threadIdx.x < 16) {
shm[threadIdx.x][i] += shm[threadIdx.x+16][i];
if (threadIdx.x < 8) {
shm[threadIdx.x][i] += shm[threadIdx.x+8][i];
if (threadIdx.x < 4) {
shm[threadIdx.x][i] += shm[threadIdx.x+4][i];
if (threadIdx.x < 2) {
shm[threadIdx.x][i] += shm[threadIdx.x+2][i];
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
shm[0][i] += shm[1][i];
for (int i = 0; i < NBIN; i++) h[i] = shm[0][i];
atom: 102656.00 shm: 102656.00 glob: 102656.00
atom: 122240.00 shm: 122240.00 glob: 122240.00
... blah blah blah ...
One Thread: 126.3919 msec
Atomic: 7.5459 msec
Sh_mem: 2.2207 msec
The ratio between these kernels is 57:17:1. Many things can
be analyzed here, and it truly does not mean that using
L1 or L2 memory spaces will always give you more than 10
times speedup of the whole program.
And here's the main and other funcs:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
#define NUMLOOP 1000000
#define NBIN 36
#define SEEDRND 1
#define NTHREADS 128
#define NBLOCKS 1
__device__ uint rnd(uint & seed) {
#if LONG_MAX > (16807*2147483647)
int const a = 16807;
int const m = 2147483647;
seed = (long(seed * a))%m;
return seed;
double const a = 16807;
double const m = 2147483647;
double temp = seed * a;
seed = (int) (temp - m * floor(temp/m));
return seed;
... the above kernels ...
int main()
float *h_hist, *h_hist2, *h_hist3, *d_hist, *d_hist2,
h_hist = (float*)malloc(NBIN * sizeof(float));
h_hist2 = (float*)malloc(NBIN * sizeof(float));
h_hist3 = (float*)malloc(NBIN * sizeof(float));
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_hist, NBIN * sizeof(float));
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_hist2, NBIN * sizeof(float));
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_hist3, NBIN * sizeof(float));
for (int i = 0; i < NBIN; i++) h_hist[i] = 0.0f;
cudaMemcpy(d_hist, h_hist, NBIN * sizeof(float),
cudaMemcpy(d_hist2, h_hist, NBIN * sizeof(float),
cudaMemcpy(d_hist3, h_hist, NBIN * sizeof(float),
cudaEvent_t start, end;
float elapsed = 0, elapsed2 = 0, elapsed3;
cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
atom<<<NBLOCKS, NTHREADS>>>(d_hist);
cudaEventRecord(end, 0);
cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsed, start, end);
cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
shm<<<NBLOCKS, NTHREADS>>>(d_hist2);
cudaEventRecord(end, 0);
cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsed2, start, end);
cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
glob<<<1, 1>>>(d_hist3);
cudaEventRecord(end, 0);
cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsed3, start, end);
cudaMemcpy(h_hist, d_hist, NBIN * sizeof(float),
cudaMemcpy(h_hist2, d_hist2, NBIN * sizeof(float),
cudaMemcpy(h_hist3, d_hist3, NBIN * sizeof(float),
/* print output */
for (int i = 0; i < NBIN; i++) {
printf("atom: %10.2f shm: %10.2f glob:
printf("%12s: %8.4f msec¥n", "One Thread", elapsed3);
printf("%12s: %8.4f msec¥n", "Atomic", elapsed);
printf("%12s: %8.4f msec¥n", "Sh_mem", elapsed2);
return 0;
When writing GPU code you should avoid reading and writing to/from global memory. Global memory is very slow on GPU. That's the hardware feature. The only thing you can do is to make neighboring treads read/write in neighboring adresses in global memory. This will cause coalescing and speed up the process. But in general read your data once, process it and write it out once.
Note that NVCC might optimize out a lot of your code after you make the modification - it detects that no write to global memory is made and just removes the "unneeded" code. So this speedup may not be coming out of the global writer per ce.
I would recommend using profiler on your actual code (the one with global write) to see if there's anything like unaligned access or other perf problem.