graph algorithm to detect even cycles - algorithm

I have an undirected graph. One edge in that graph is special. I want to find all other edges that are part of a even cycle containing the first edge.
I don't need to enumerate all the cycles, that would be inherently NP I think. I just need to know, for each each edge, whether it satisfies the conditions above.
A brute force search works of course but is too slow, and I'm struggling to come up with anything better. Any help appreciated.

I think we have an answer (I must credit my colleague with the idea). Essentially his idea is to do a flood fill algorithm through the space of even cycles. This works because if you have a large even cycle formed by merging two smaller cycles then the smaller cycles must have been both even or both odd. Similarly merging an odd and even cycle always forms a larger odd cycle.
This is a practical option only because I can imagine pathological cases consisting of alternating even and odd cycles. In this case we would never find two adjacent even cycles and so the algorithm would be slow. But I'm confident that such cases don't arise in real chemistry. At least in chemistry as it's currently known, 30 years ago we'd never heard of fullerenes.

If your graph has a small node degree, you might consider using a different graph representation:
Let three atoms u,v,w and two chemical bonds e=(u,v) and k=(v,w). A typical way of representing such data is to store u,v,w as nodes and e,k as edges in a graph.
However, one may represent e and k as nodes in the graph, having edges like f=(e,k) where f represents a 2-step link from u to w, f=(e,k) or f=(u,v,w). Running any algorithm to find cycles on such a graph will return all even cycles on the original graph.
Of course, this is efficient only if the original graph has a small node degree. When a user performs an edit, you can easily edit accordingly the alternative representation.


Fixing Karger's min cut algorithm with union-find data structure

I was trying to implement Karger's min cut algorithm in the same way it is explained here but I don't like the fact that at each step of the while loop we can pick an edge with it's two endpoints already in a supernode. More specifically, this part
// If two corners belong to same subset,
// then no point considering this edge
if (subset1 == subset2)
Is there a quick fix for avoiding this problem?
It might help to back up and think about why there’s a union-find structure here at all and why it’s worth improving on the continue statement.
Conceptually, each contraction performed changes the graph in the following way:
The nodes contracted get replaced with a single node.
The edges incident to either node get replaced with an edge to the new joint node.
The edges running between the two earlier nodes get removed.
The question, then, is how to actually do this to the graph. The code you’ve found does this lazily. It doesn’t actually change the graph when the contraction is done. Instead, it uses the union-find structure to show which nodes are now equivalent to one another. When it samples a random edge, it then has to check whether that edge is one of the ones that would have been deleted in step (3). If so, it skips it and moves on. This has the effect that early contractions are really fast (the likelihood of picking two edges that are part of contracted nodes is very low when few edges are contracted), but later contractions might be a lot slower (once edges have started being contracted, lots of edges may have been deleted).
Here’s a simple modification you can use to speed this step up. Whenever you pick an edge to contract and find that its endpoints are already connected, discard that edge, and remove it from the list of edges so that it never gets picked again. You can do this by swapping that edge to the end of the list of edges, then removing the last element of the list. This has the effect that every edge processed will never be seen again, so across all iterations of the algorithm every edge will be processed at most once. That gives a runtime of one randomized contraction phase as O(m + nα(n)), where m is the number of edges and n is the number of nodes. The factor of α(n) comes from the use of the union-find structure.
If you truly want to remove all semblance of that continue statement, an alternative approach would be to directly simulate the contraction. After each contraction, iterate over all m edges and adjust each one by seeing whether it needs to remain unchanged, point to the new contracted node, or be removed altogether. This will take time O(m) per contraction for a net cost of O(mn) for the overall min cut calculation.
There are ways to speed things up beyond this. Karger’s original paper suggests generating a random permutation of the edges and using binary search over that array with a clever use of BFS or DFS to find the cut produced in time O(m), which is slightly faster than the O(m + nα(n)) approach for large graphs. The basic idea is the following:
Probe the middle element of the list of edges.
Run a BFS on the graph formed by only using those edges and see if there are exactly two connected components.
If so, great! Those two CCs are the ones you want.
If there is only one CC, discard the back half of the array of edges and try again.
If there is more than one CC, contract each CC into a single node and update a global table indicating which CC each node belongs to. Then discard the first half of the array and try again.
The cost of each BFS is O(m), where m is the number of edges in the graph, and this gives the recurrence T(m) = T(m/2) + O(m) because at each stage we’re throwing away half of the edges. That solves to O(m) total time, though as you can see, it’s a much trickier way of coding this algorithm up!
To summarize:
With a very small modification to the provided code, you can keep the continue statement in but still have a very fast implementation of the randomized contraction algorithm.
To eliminate that continue without sacrificing the runtime of the algorithm, you need to do some major surgery and change approaches to something only marginally asymptotically faster than keeping the continue in.
Hope this helps!

Algorithm for fuzzy sorting with probabilistic pairwise comparison

Assume that there are n players to play a pair-wise game. Result of each match is mainly depend on two players' strength as well as a bit of luck.
How to obtain a more accurate ranking of each players with fewer games?
In the ideal case where the stronger player always wins you would be able to sort the list of players using a comparison sort like mergesort or quicksort, or even using a sorting network to require the fewest comparisons possible. Since this is not the ideal case (luck is involved), these algorithms might not yield the correct result due to a violation of the transitive property, however I believe there is a way you could detect and correct many of the instances of luck beating strength, as described below:
First, sort the players using something like mergesort (where violation of the transitive property isn't going to cause an infinite loop). Transform the comparisons executed into a directional graph, where each edge points to the winner of the match. Call this original graph G. Now, for each pair of connected edges in G, add a third edge (creating a triangle) by doing a comparison between the "end" vertices, and put the updated graph in G' (leave G unmodified). Once this is done, check G' for cycles- if any exists, they represent a violation of the transitive property. To resolve them, compare members of the cycle with other members of the graph, which inevitably will produce more cycles. The mutual edge between these cycles is quite likely the offender, and we may assume it was a "lucky" win. Mark all such edges for negation.
Once all cycles have been resolved, you may find that you cannot sort the graph topologically due to some ambiguities. Perform comparisons as necessary to resolve the ambiguities, but note that these new comparisons have nothing to guarantee their correctness (yet). To resolve this, repeat the above procedure with these new edges in a graph G1 recursively, until an unambiguous graph is produced. Insert these edges into G, and topologically sort.
You may modify the above algorithm for more speed or more accuracy if you wish. For accuracy, just compare each edge with more redundant edges to expose and clarify cycles more reliably. For more speed, test for larger groups of cycles- instead of trying to find cycles of length 3, compare "ends" of say- every 6 edges to find cycles of length 7, or so. If cycles / "lucky wins" are rare enough, you'll save considerable time by checking multiple edges at once although a) you may overlook a cycle if two violations "cancel" each other out, and b) you'll still spend a good deal of time locating the specific violating edge in a larger cycle.

Looking for algorithms: Minimum cut to produce bipartite graph

Given an undirected weighted graph (or a single connected component of a larger disjoint graph) which typically will contain numerous odd and even cycles, I am searching for algorithms to remove the smallest possible number of edges necessary in order to produce one or more bipartite subgraphs. Are there any standard algorithms in the literature such as exist for minimum cut, etc.?
The problem I am trying to solve looks like this in the real world:
Presentations of about 1 hour each are given to students about different subjects in one or two time blocks. Students can sign up for at least one presentation of their choice, or two, or three (3rd choice is an alternative in case one of the others isn't going to be presented). They have to be all different choices. If there are less than three sign-ups for a given presentation, it will not be given. If there are 18 or more, it will be given twice in both blocks. I have to schedule the presentations such that the maximum number of sign-ups are satisfied.
Scheduling is trivial in the following cases:
Sign-ups for only one presentation can always be satisfied if the presentation is given (i.e. sign-ups >= 3);
Sign-ups for two given presentations are always satisfiable if at least one of them is given twice.
First, all sign-ups are aggregated to determine which ones are given once and which are given twice. If a student has signed up for a presentation with too few other sign-ups, the alternative presentation is chosen if it will also be given.
At the end of the day, I am left with an undirected weighted graph where the vertices are the presentations and the edges represent students who have signed up for that combination of presentations, each of which is only presented once. The weight corresponds to the number of sign-ups for the unique combination of presentations (thus avoiding parallel edges).
If the number of vertices, or presentations, is around 20 or less, I have come up with a brute force solution which finishes in acceptable time. However, each additional vertex will double the runtime of that solution. After 28 or so, it rapidly becomes unmanageable.
This year we had 37 presentations, thirty of which were only given once and thus ended up in the graph. What I am trying right now for larger graphs is the following:
Find all discrete components and solve each component individually;
For each component, remove leaf nodes and bridge edges recursively;
Generate a spanning tree (I am using Kruskal's algorithm which works very well), saving the removed edges;
Generate the fundamental cycle set by adding one removed edge back into the tree at a time and stripping off the rest of the tree;
Using the Gibbs-Welch algorithm, I generate the complete set of all elemental cycles starting with the fundamental set obtained in step 4;
Count the number of odd and even cycles to which each edge belongs;
Create a priority queue of edges (ordering discussed below) and remove each edge successively from its connected component until the resulting component is bipartite.
I cannot find an ordering of the priority queue for which I can prove that the result would be as acceptable as a solution obtained using the brute force method (it is probably NP-hard). However, I am trying something along these lines:
a. If the edge belongs only to odd cycles, remove it first;
b. If the edge belongs to more odd than even cycles, remove it before any other edges which belong to more even cycles than odd;
c. Edges with the smallest weight should be removed first.
If an edge belongs to both an odd and an even cycle, removing it would leave a larger odd cycle behind. That is why I am ordering them like that. Obviously, the larger the number of odd cycles to which an edge belongs, the higher the priority, but only if less even cycles are affected.
There are additional criteria which exist but need to be considered outside of the graph problem; for example, removing an edge effectively removes one of the sign-ups for one of the presentations, so an eye has to be kept on not letting the number of sign-ups get too small.
(EDIT: there is also the possibility of splitting presentations into two blocks which have almost enough sign-ups, e.g. 15-16 instead of 18. But this means that whoever is giving the presentation would have to do it twice, so it is a trade-off.)
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
This problem is equivalent to the NP-hard weighted max cut problem, which asks for a partition of the vertices into two parts such that the maximum number of edges go between the parts.
I think the easiest way to solve a problem size such as you have would be to formulate it as a quadratic integer program and then apply an off the shelf solver. The formulation looks like
maximize (1/2) sum_{ij} w_{ij} (1 - y_i y_j)
subject to
y_i in {±1} for all i
where w_ij is the weight of the undirected edge ij if present else zero (so the corresponding variable and its constraint can be omitted).

Looking for an algorithm by possibly Dijkstra

I am looking for an algorithm that distributes nodes on a plane, such that the edges are
all the same size. I think it is by Dijkstra, but I cannot remember.
Anyone heard of this algorithm?
In general this will be impossible. Effectively you want something similar to the finite pictures in tilings of the plane.
There are some simple cases - regular polygons and a few graphs which include joined polygons, but even something as simple as the complete graph for 4 points (tetrahedron) is impossible.
If you want something that tries to balance the impossible constraints, try graphviz and its neato program.
Well if you want to create any graph with such property, then there are number of graphs that may help you with that, for instance: a line, a ring, a tree etc .. but in here, you are the one who decide what edges to include or exclude.
If you have a certain graph, and you want to have all edges of the same size then this is impossible (because of some cases) - such as: a complete graph of more than 3 nodes, a star topology with one master and more than 5 slaves, and slaves that are directly close to each other are neighbors. [I believe the cases in the other posts tells you more]
A special case, is given a graph $G(V,E)$, draw $G$ such that the length of each edge in $e \in E$ is less than a unit. This is an NP-Hard problem. [That is, you cannot decide whether an arbitrary graph $G$ is a unit disk graph]

Is this minimum spanning tree algorithm correct?

The minimum spanning tree problem is to take a connected weighted graph and find the subset of its edges with the lowest total weight while keeping the graph connected (and as a consequence resulting in an acyclic graph).
The algorithm I am considering is:
Find all cycles.
remove the largest edge from each cycle.
The impetus for this version is an environment that is restricted to "rule satisfaction" without any iterative constructs. It might also be applicable to insanely parallel hardware (i.e. a system where you expect to have several times more degrees of parallelism then cycles).
The above is done in a stateless manner (all edges that are not the largest edge in any cycle are selected/kept/ignored, all others are removed).
What happens if two cycles overlap? Which one has its longest edge removed first? Does it matter if the longest edge of each is shared between the two cycles or not?
For example:
V = { a, b, c, d }
E = { (a,b,1), (b,c,2), (c,a,4), (b,d,9), (d,a,3) }
There's an a -> b -> c -> a cycle, and an a -> b -> d -> a
I don't know about removing all but two - I've been sketching out various runs of the algorithm and assuming that parallel runs may remove an edge more than once I can't find a situation where I'm left without a spanning tree. Whether or not it's minimal I don't know.
For this to work, you'd have to detail how you would want to find all cycles, apparently without any iterative constructs, because that is a non-trivial task. I'm not sure that's possible. If you really want to find a MST algorithm that doesn't use iterative constructs, take a look at Prim's or Kruskal's algorithm and see if you could modify those to suit your needs.
Also, is recursion barred in this theoretical architecture? If so, it might actually be impossible to find a MST on a graph, because you'd have no means whatsoever of inspecting every vertex/edge on the graph.
I dunno if it works, but no matter what your algorithm is not even worth implementing. Finding all cycles will be the freaking huge bottleneck that will kill it. Also doing that without iterations is impossible. Why don't you implement some standard algorithm, let's say Prim's.
Your algorithm isn't quite clearly defined. If you have a complete graph, your algorithm would seem to entail, in the first step, removing all but the two minimum elements. Also, listing all the cycles in a graph can take exponential time.
In a graph with n nodes and an edge between every pair of nodes, there are, if I have my math right, n!/(2k(n-k)!) cycles of size k, if you're counting a cycle as some subgraph of k nodes and k edges with each node having degree 2.
#Tynan The system can be described (somewhat over simplified) as a systems of rules describing categorizations. "Things are in category A if they are in B but not in C", "Nodes connected to nodes in Z are also in Z", "Every category in M is connected to a node N and has 'child' categories, also in M for every node connected to N". It's slightly more complicated than this. (I have shown that by creating unstable rules you can model a turning machine but that's beside the point.) It can't explicitly define iteration or recursion but can operate on recursive data with rules like the 2nd and 3rd ones.
#Marcin, Assume that there are an unlimited number of processors. It is trivial to show that the program can be run in O(n^2) for n being the longest cycle. With better data structures, this can be reduced to O(n*O(set lookup function)), I can envision hardware (quantum computers?) that can evaluate all cycles in constant time. giving a O(1) solution to the MST problem.
The Reverse-delete algorithm seems to provide a partial proof of correctness (that the proposed algorithm will not produce a non-minimal spanning tree) this is derived by arguing that mt algorithm will remove every edge that the Reverse-delete algorithm will. However I'm not sure how to show that my algorithm won't delete more than that algorithm.
OK this is an attempt to finish the proof of correctness. By analogy to the Reverse-delete algorithm, we know that enough edges will be removed. What remains is to show that there will not be to many edges removed.
Removing to many edges can be described as removing all the edges between the side of a binary partition of the graph nodes. However only edges in a cycle are ever removed, therefor, for all edge between partitions to be removed, there needs to be a return path to complete the cycle. If we only consider edges between the partitions then the algorithm can at most remove the larger of each pair of edges, this can never remove the smallest bridging edge. Therefor for any arbitrary binary partitioning, the algorithm can't sever all links between the side.
What remains is to show that this extends to >2 way partitions.
