Address to receive a message on an AMQP header exchange - amqp

What is the address I should use to binding to a queue to a header exchange using Qpid? I want the queue to only receive messages that have a specific header and value?

drain -f "qName ; { create:receiver , node: { durable:False, x-declare: {auto-delete:'false', type:headers}, x-bindings:[{arguments:{x-matc​h:any, 'header1':'value1'},key:qName,​ queue:qName, exchange:'amqmatch'}]}}"
If your address doesn’t look like this, it will not work. I got an error saying that x-match needed to be included even when I included it.
AMQP Broker: Qpid 0.12


RabbitMQ operation basic.ack caused a channel exception precondition_failed: unknown delivery tag 3 - Golang [duplicate]

We have a PHP app that forwards messages from RabbitMQ to connected devices down a WebSocket connection (PHP AMQP pecl extension v1.7.1 & RabbitMQ 3.6.6).
Messages are consumed from an array of queues (1 per websocket connection), and are acknowledged by the consumer when we receive confirmation over the websocket that the message has been received (so we can requeue messages that are not delivered in an acceptable timeframe). This is done in a non-blocking fashion.
99% of the time, this works perfectly, but very occasionally we receive an error "RabbitMQ PRECONDITION_FAILED - unknown delivery tag ". This closes the channel. In my understanding, this exception is a result of one of the following conditions:
The message has already been acked or rejected.
An ack is attempted over a channel the message was not delivered on.
An ack is attempted after the message timeout (ttl) has expired.
We have implemented protections for each of the above cases but yet the problem continues.
I realise there are number of implementation details that could impact this, but at a conceptual level, are there any other failure cases that we have not considered and should be handling? or is there a better way of achieving the functionality described above?
"PRECONDITION_FAILED - unknown delivery tag" usually happens because of double ack-ing, ack-ing on wrong channels or ack-ing messages that should not be ack-ed.
So in same case you are tying to execute basic.ack two times or basic.ack using another channel
(Solution below)
Quoting Jan Grzegorowski from his blog:
If you are struggling with the 406 error message which is included in
title of this post you may be interested in reading the whole story.
I was using amqplib for conneting NodeJS based messages processor with
RabbitMQ broker. Everything seems to be working fine, but from time to
time 406 (PRECONDINTION-FAILED) message shows up in the log:
"Error: Channel closed by server: 406 (PRECONDITION-FAILED) with message "PRECONDITION_FAILED - unknown delivery tag 1"
Solution <--
Keeping things simple:
You have to ACK messages in same order as they arrive to your system
You can't ACK messages on a different channel than that they arrive on If you break any of these rules you will face 406
(PRECONDITION-FAILED) error message.
Original answer
It can happen if you set no-ack option of a Consumer to true that means you souldn't call ack function manually:
The solution: set no-ack flag to false.
If you aknowledge twice the same message you can have this error.
A variation of what they said above about acking it twice:
there is an "obscure" situation where you are acking a message more than once, which is when you ack a message with multiple parameter set to true, which means all previous messages to the one you are trying to ack, will be acked too.
And so if you try to ack one of the messages that were "auto acked" by setting multiple to true then you would be trying to "ack" it multiple times and so the error, confusing but hope you understand it after a few reads.
Make sure you have the correct
If you use the RabbitTemplate without any channel configuration, use "simple":
In this case, if you use "direct" instead of "simple", you will get the same error message. Another one looks like this:

TopicExchanger not sending to all queues

In my RabbitMQ, I have an topic exchanger called room-topic-exchange and the bindings are like this
When I send a message to an specific queue, using the exchanger, everything works fine. I'm sending as follow:
template.convertAndSend(ROOM_TOPIC_EXCHANGE, roomId, message);
but when I try to send to ALL queues, nothing happens. I'm trying as this
template.convertAndSend(ROOM_TOPIC_EXCHANGE, "room*", message);
I declared the exchanger and the bind as follow
TopicExchange allRooms = new TopicExchange(ROOM_TOPIC_EXCHANGE, false, true);
I can't see what I'm doing wrong. I read the documentantion, and tried with routing key room# too and nothing happened.
The topic exchange doesn't work that way; you bind with wildcards, you don't use a wildcard in the routing key.
A queue bound with room.* will get messages sent to room.123 or room.124.
You can achieve what you want by adding a second binding to each room, say room.splat; then sending to room.splat will go to both queues.
Or, you can add a second fanout exchange. Bind both queues to both exchanges (no routing key needed for the fanout) and send broadcasts to the fanout exchange and directed messages to the topic.

Configure JMS for multiple clients feeding off same queue

So I have request/response queues that I am putting messages on and reading messages off from.
The problem is that I have multiple local instances that are reading/feeding off the same queues, and what happens sometimes is that one instance can read some other instance's reply message.
So is there a way I can configure my JMS, using spring that actually makes the instances read the messages that are only requested by them and not read other instance's messages.
I have very little knowledge about JMS and related stuff. So if the above question needs more info then I can dig around and provide it.
It's easy!
A JMS message have two properties you can use - JMSMessageID and JMSCorrelationID.
A JMSMessageId is supposed to be unique for each message, so you could do something like this:
Let the client send a request, then start to listen for responses where the correlation id = the sent message id. The server side is then responsible for copying the message id of the request to the correlation id of the response. Something like: responseMsg.setJMSCorrelationID(requestMsg.getJMSMessageID());
Example client side code:
Session session = getSession();
Message msg = createRequest();
MessageProducer mp = session.createProducer(session.createQueue("REQUEST.QUEUE"));
// If session is transactional - commit now.
String msgID = msg.getJMSMessageID();
MessageConsumer mc = session.createConsumer(session.createQueue("REPLY.QUEUE"),
"JMSCorrelationID='" + msgId + "'");
Message response = mc.receive(TIMEOUT);
A more performant solution would be to use dedicated reply queues per destination. Simply set message.setJMSReplyTo(session.createQueue("REPLY.QUEUE."+getInstanceId())); and make sure the server side sends response to requestMsg.getJMSReplyTo() and not to a hard coded value.

Spring WebSocket - sequential delivery of messages on clientOutboundChannel (per Queue)

I am working on real-time event-based application using Spring WebSockets, Messaging and RabbitMQ. In this application, messages need to be delivered to clients in the exact order they were inserted into RabbitMQ.
Our goal is to recieve a message from a browser, process it on the server in order (against a unique object determined by route paramteter), enrich the message and broadcast it to all subscribing browsers via external STOMP MQ (RabbitMQ).
Our MessageMapping method is as follows:
public CommandMessage receiveCommand(CommandMessage message, Principal principal) {
try {
// Get object to synch on using route
Object o = ...
syncrhonized(o) {
// Perform command on object
// Set message server sequence
// Log server sequence
log.debug("Message server sequence:" + message.getServerSequence());
// Send to external MQ for broadcasting to all subscribers
return message;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
If we configure the ClientInboundChannel and ClientOutboundChannels with a corePoolSize and maxPoolSize of 1 each, all messages are in order.
If we increase the corePoolSize and maxPoolSize on the ClientInboundChannel, messages get to MQ in the incorrect order; if we do the same increase for ClientOutboundChannel, messages get to browser in incorrect order.
Tests were done using a single browser client.
We turned on tracing for StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler and received logs entries like:
2014-05-06 14:26:39 TRACE [clientInboundChannel-6] o.s.m.s.s.StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler [] Processing message=[Payload byte[303]][Headers={stompCommand=SEND, nativeHeaders={content-type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], destination=[/topic/commands.BKN01.20140318]}, simpMessageType=MESSAGE, simpDestination=/topic/commands.BKN01.20140318, contentType=application/json;charset=UTF-8, simpSessionId=ehjcoxb3, id=a31d0e3d-12cc-f562-1ec2-e2d7ba0899eb, timestamp=1399400799940}]
2014-05-06 14:26:39 DEBUG [clientInboundChannel-6] o.s.m.s.s.StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler [] Forwarding message to broker
2014-05-06 14:26:39 TRACE [clientInboundChannel-3] o.s.m.s.s.StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler [] Ignoring message to destination=/app/commands.BKN01.20140318
2014-05-06 14:26:39 TRACE [clientInboundChannel-7] o.s.m.s.s.StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler [] Ignoring message to destination=/app/commands.BKN01.20140318
2014-05-06 14:26:39 TRACE [clientInboundChannel-1] o.s.m.s.s.StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler [] Processing message=[Payload byte[314]][Headers={stompCommand=SEND, nativeHeaders={content-type=[application/json;charset=UTF-8], destination=[/topic/commands.BKN01.20140318]}, simpMessageType=MESSAGE, simpDestination=/topic/commands.BKN01.20140318, contentType=application/json;charset=UTF-8, simpSessionId=ehjcoxb3, id=3cc7b4ae-8ea4-ef8a-6c4d-c3bc1ed23bcd, timestamp=1399400799947}]
2014-05-06 14:26:39 DEBUG [clientInboundChannel-1] o.s.m.s.s.StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler [] Forwarding message to broker
We also turned tracing on for StompSubProtocolHandler in the org.springframework.web.socket.messaging package and received messages like:
2014-05-07 10:58:58 TRACE [http-nio-8080-exec-5] o.s.w.s.m.StompSubProtocolHandler [] Received message from client session=u8wrnsr6
None of the information provides an easy way to map our message.serverSequence property (which is set prior to sending to MQ) with the various ids the log details.
Is there any way to increase inbound/outbound channel threads so ordering is intact? For example, could the channels be tied to a "route" or could a thread be pegged to a "route"?
Please help.
Thank you,
Thanks, I see now. Indeed at present there is no way to ensure messages from the external broker are delivered to a client in the exact same order and that messages from a client will be sent to the external broker in the exact same order.
We could assign an index to every Message within a session and then check and buffer if necessary to enforce the order but that would be a new feature. Feel free to create a request in JIRA.
As for now you could look into creating a ChannelInterceptor that checks every message to see what session it belongs to and then set some incremental index header on it before having it sent (on the clientInboundChannel or clientOutboundChannel). Then extend StompSubProtocolHandler and StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler to check the index header and try to enforce the order of messages.

WTX MQ Adapter ReplyTO Q

I have a WTX map which puts a message on WMQ "Q1". There is some other application which reads the message from "Q1" and then processes the message and places the response on the queue specified in "ReplyToQ" available on MQ Header information.
I am not able to find a command parameter to add the ReplyToQ in the message WTX map is placing on "Q1".
Any thoughts?
Thanks for taking the time to look at this question and helping out!
The ReplyToQueue is sent on the message header, so you must get the message with the header (-HDR) and parse it from there on your input card.
Here's the doc about the adapter's command:
You should have a type tree on the Examples to read the message with a header.
