Overriding a few properties for junit test using spring or camel property placeholder in a maven layout - spring

I want to specify only the properties I want to override in a test properties file of the same name in the src/test/resources folder.
A little more detail...
In a maven layout I have a properties file that contains the deployed value to use (eg. input.uri).
This file's properties are loaded into the context.xml file by the property-placeholder:
<context:property-placeholder properties-ref="springProperties"/>
<util:properties id="springProperties" local-override="true" location="classpath:app.properties" />
I have the test properties file with the same name, app.properties, in src/test/resources folder and override the input.uri definition to one that my junit test will use. (note, app.name doesn't change).
How would you write the junit test and/or a test context.xml file so that properties are loaded from the src/main/resources/app.properties file, but any properties defined in the src/test/resources/app.properties file override the ones in the src/main/resources/app.properties file? Without it being obvious that you're loading two different files either in the src/main files or src/test junit test files - I want the property placeholder to search the classpath and pick the right values.

You will have to provide a different name though - if both the properties in the main and the test have the same name, the entire properties in one or the other will take effect.
Instead an approach like this has worked for me:
In your src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/context.xml do this:
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:app.properties" local-override="true" properties-ref="springProperties"/>
<util:properties id="springProperties">
In a test-context.xml file:
<import resource="classpath:/META-INF/spring/context.xml">
<util:properties id="springProperties"> <!-- or refer to a overriding file -->
<prop key="input.uri">seda.in</prop>
This will override the properties for you, while maintaining the not overridden values from the original file.


Spring: exclude some properties files from context

suppose we have some jars with properties files with the same key/values.
The problem: Spring mixes values from the both properties files. So, how to exclude log4j.A.properties from the context and process only log4j.B.properties?
UPDATE (added some stuff): there is a maven build which produces two jars mentioned above. Here in webapp (applicationContext.xml) following setup:
<util:properties id="propertyConfigurer" location="classpath:common.properties,classpath*:edrive.properties,classpath*:job.properties,classpath*:log4j.B.properties"/>
After the startup Spring mixes both jars and takes random (or the last one) jar and it's log4j.properties. But we need only the log4j.B.properties. How to do that?
try adding the config file to be used in your properties file
I resolved the issue by myself. I've upgraded logging facility to Log4j2 with following configuration:
log4j2.component.properties in classpath:
That's it.

Can spring-boot application.properties file woking with log4j2.xml configuration?

I want to define high-level file logging in application.properties as a convenience to leverage my log4j2.xml file configuration. By itself my log4j2 config is working fine, however I was hoping to control logging levels and log file and path info from the application.properties file. I have the spring-boot-starter-log4j2 dependency in the application's pom file.
In log4j2.xml I have as one of the properties
<Property name="LOG_FILE">${LOG-DIR}/test.log</Property>
, where LOG-DIR is defined in another (previous) property in the same file. In my application.properties file, I have
as a property, plus several level properties such as
none of these log-related properties as defined in my application.properties file are working to build the corresponding log file. Again, when I simply use log4j2.xml by itself it works fine, but wanted to take advantage of the convenience of application.properties for logging configuration.
Any insights into what I am doing wrong are greatly appreciated. thank you
If I understood your question right, you are looking at Property Substitution feature of log4j2.
You can define logging property in application.properties file like below:
And then the property(s) lookup defined as Property in log4j2.xml:
<property name="LOG_FILE">${bundle:application:log.file.path}</property>
Now all the property can be referred in same log4j2.xml with ${propertyName} notation, which eventually points to values from application.properties file.

Spring Boot Reading Properties Files Based on classpath arg

I have created a standalone boot.jar that I need to start integrating into our higher environments.
Each environment has a property file that contains database specific connection information. Since this does not live in my boot jar, I would like to somehow add the path to this database.properties file and then read the entries based on key. Used to create a bean like so:
<bean id="propertyLoader" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="locations">
but with boot, I am not sure how to do this: But I want to point to this below property example and pull out my values and somehow populate the application.properties values that I hardcoded in dev.
Updating my application.properites:
Something like that do I can parameterize my application.properties file.
SpringBoot offers profiles, which basically allows you to have separate application.properties file for each environment.
You can have something like this:
public interface DataSourceConfig {}
public DevDataSourceConfig implements DataSourceConfig{}
public ProdDataSourceConfig implements DataSourceConfig{}
If you have the spring profile "dev" set as active, only the DevDataSourceConfig bean will be instantiated and in Spring Environment the properties that will be injected, will be read from the application-dev.properties file.
Similarly when you have the "prod" profile activated, only the ProdDataSourceConfig will be instantiated and the properties will be loaded from application-prod.properties file.
This allows you to have:
If you want to load the configuration from a custom location on the file system - you can check how to pass the location with command line arguments (docs)
java -jar boot.jar --spring.config.location=classpath:/database.properties
you already told you can not have property files inside your jar, still there are multiple options.
1> passing a property file for respective env.
java -jar myproject.jar --spring.config.location=classpath:/database.properties
2> pass properties while calling the jar
java -jar app.jar --spring.datasource.username="jdbc.username" --spring.datasource.password="jdbc.password"
Read a lot of other options here `
I would go with option 1, because passing credentials is never advisable in arguements.

spring junit load application context for tests

I've got some XML files under my WEB-INF directory:
the servlet xml imports other xml files:
<import resource="dataSource.xml"/>
<import resource="hibernate.xml"/>
<import resource="beans.xml"/>
I would like my junit4 JukeboxTest class to include entire spring configuration. Using default filename I have created a JukeboxTest-content.xml file. And finally, I do not know what to put there...
I've tried:
<import resource="/WEB-INF/dataSource.xml"/>
<import resource="/WEB-INF/hibernate.xml"/>
<import resource="/WEB-INF/beans.xml"/>
<import resource="classpath:./WEB-INF/dataSource.xml"/>
<import resource="classpath:./WEB-INF/hibernate.xml"/>
<import resource="classpath:./WEB-INF/beans.xml"/>
and some other ideas but all failed. Could someone point me how to access those files and what way spring interprets those filepaths?
Option 1 (should be preferred as it's the best practice):
Refactor your config files under WEB-INF and move the common parts (that you want to access also from integration tests) to src/main/resources/. Then write test specific configuration files in src/test/resources/ (if you only need to import several different config files from src/main to assemble your test context, then skip this, and use #ContextConfiguration preferably).
Option 2 (hack):
Use references like:
Option 3 (hack):
If you have a Maven project, you can configure the maven-surefire-plugin (used in the test phase) to declare src/main/webapp as an additional classpath element during test execution.
The latter two options are considered as hack, because files under src/main/webapp are simply not supposed to be on the classpath.
Now the detailed explanation:
The reason why you can't refer to these files as classpath:/WEB-INF/*.xml is that they are indeed not on the classpath. It's important to understand how your webapp is packaged, and what exactly ends up on the classpath. Assuming a default Maven project structure:
Java classes from src/main/java go to /WEB-INF/classes after compilation.
Resources from src/main/resources go to /WEB-INF/classes as well.
Project dependencies go to /WEB-INF/lib.
Everything you have in src/main/webapp goes to / (root of the package). This means that all files from src/main/webapp/WEB-INF go to /WEB-INF, of course.
The most important thing to know is that the classpath will only contain /WEB-INF/classes and one entry for each jar in /WEB-INF/lib. Consequently, resources outside these two locations are completely invisible for the classloader. This is also true for the xml config files directly under /WEB-INF, which is why the reference classpath:/WEB-INF/dataSource.xml will never work.
You may ask yourself, how the hell are then these xml config files loaded by Spring if they are not reachable from the classpath? The answer is simple: When you start your webapp (as opposed to executing just unit/integration tests), it is running in a Servlet Container which provides access to the ServletContext (an actual class from the Servlet API), so it uses ServletContext.getResourceAsStream() to load these files. The key for understanding is the following quote from the javadoc of this method:
This method is different from java.lang.Class.getResourceAsStream, which uses a class loader. This method allows servlet containers to make a resource available to a servlet from any location, without using a class loader.
Sorry this become way too long, but that's the whole story...
try this
#ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:**/dataSource.xml",

How do I include two files of the same name in my spring application context?

Not sure if this has an answer, but here goes. I'm using JUnit 4.8.1 to test my Spring 3.1.0.RELEASE project. I have two JAR files on my classpath. Within each, there are files of identical names -- /module/rootContext.xml .
In my testApplicationContext.xml file (my Spring context file for my JUnit tests), is it possible to include each of those? Right now, the only thing I know how to do is
<import resource="classpath:/module/rootContext.xml" />
but I don't know how to specify the exact JAR file where each file lives.
Because I'm dealing with code that's not my own, it is not an option to change the names of the XML files within the JARs.
If you want to include both files simultaneosly, you can do it as follows:
<import resource="classpath*:/module/rootContext.xml" />
See also: The classpath*: prefix
