Assembla Redmine JIRA Zoho Yodiz review and/or alternatives [closed] - project-management

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking for a AaaS to handle the agile/scrum project management for a commercial software development project. We are probably going to use git as SCM and ideally we would like to have a good integration between the code changes in SCM and the tasks/bugs in the project management. I've narrowed down the search to a few options:
Redmine: Mainstream open source, free software development management tool. Tasks, bugs, wiki, blogs, time tracking, git integration, pretty much everything we need. Not hosted. Could be deployed in-house or in a PaaS like CloudFoundry.
JIRA: Lots of features. Integration with Git, Eclipse, plenty of plugins, plenty of functionality. 1 to 4 $/month/person/application. Limited integration with google apps.
Zoho Projects: New generation of management apps, fully integrated with google apps (calendar, docs, tasks). Task Management, Document Sharing, Time Tracking & Billing, Bug Tracking Software, Gantt Charts, Project Wiki, Project Chat, Project Calendar, Project Forums. With bug tracker, ticketing, git integration. Quite expensive (Projects $299 / year, Bug Tracker Add-on $299 / year)
Yodiz: Looks perfect for scrum (scrum board, release board, backlog, planning board, epics, sprints, releases). It has time sheets and integration with SCM, with automatic posting in the tasks/defects when the code is committed ( Pricing 5$/user/month + 22$ month for GitHub. There is another similar software fogcreek ( but it's VERY expensive.
Assembla: Everything under one roof. SCM repository + all the agile functionality (wiki, tickets, files, etc). 9$ to 99$ per month, 10$/user/month for assembla portfolio. Quite popular.
Assembla looks like a very good option, but I don't seem to find a loot of feedback about it. Could you give me your advice on Assembla, the other tools and maybe other different options.
An interesting project managament/CRM/bug trackers comparison spreadsheet:

Assembla is good at integrating your SCM with your ticket/bug tracking. This is it's specialty. You can use Merge Requests for Code Review and Release Management. It has several ticket views for Management planning and Development planning. Every commit is able to be linked directly to tickets and you are able to track not only your bugs as they flow through the system, but the code that surrounds these bugs.
You should try it, there is a 30 day free trial that will allow you to use all of the various tools associated.

Looks like you are trying to look at different software alternatives for project management. Here is one good comprehensive list (and comparison) of the different tools you can use:
That should give you some really good alternatives and you can add that to your research.

Also take a look at -- designed specifically for Scrum and it includes support for backlogs, scrumboards, and burndown charts. I wrote a blog entry on its features here:


Free alternative to Atlassian Greenhopper/PivotalTracker? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm working with my brother on a website idea we have, and we'd like to use a tool to plan sprints and assign estimates to individual tickets.
Atlassian's JIRA+Greenhopper looks fantastic but costs $20/month and at this stage we're just validating our idea and would rather not spend money on a tool if we can avoid it.
Are there any free alternatives to these tools?
Taiga is 100% free and has all the features that comes with something like JIRA.
It even has a burn-down chart! So that's a win!
Here's a site with a nice overview of what Taiga integrates with and real developer opinions on the tool.
Trello is a good tool for creating task boards and tracking work for small teams.
I get this question a lot as a Scrum Trainer.
I strongly recommend Index Cards and a Physical Scrum Board. While it won't calculate time addition for you, that task is trivial and the 'information at a glance' that a Scrum Board offers is hugely beneficial.
If you absolutely HAVE to have an electronic board, try Visual Studio Online (TFS in the cloud) which, at present, is free for up to 5 users.
Another option (We use Jira) would be YouTRACK.
It is free for up to 10 users and seems to offer pretty much the same functionality.
DISCLAIMER: I have never used YouTRACK on any level. IntelliJ is a great product though.
For Agile project management, I have used extensive Thoughtworks - Mingle
It's free for 5 users.
Another good alternative could be agilefant. Agilefant offers a free and open source product that can be downloaded and deployed into your own private cloud.
If you are looking open source project management, which you can host on your own, the following list could be useful:
ProjectLibre is a java based ms-project rich client alternative
LibrePlan is a rich client and based on these videos it seems like ms-project and includes hours spend by user on task, collaboration was not visible in the videos
OpenProject is a web based software with features such as issues, time lines (gantt chart), calendars, meeting notes and more
Redmine is a web based software using the Ruby on Rails framework that includes issues, work log, a wiki and a gantt chart and more.
You can also check TargetProcess ( it's free for 5 users
i use it for three months and it's very good
I used Trello ( and Mingle ( on two different projects. Trello is great for tracking tasks and collaborating for small team. My trello project team had 3 members, we were distributed. We also use Google drives to track unstructured information. My mingle project team have more than 10 people, and used it for years. Team love using it for standup on big touch TV and different roles (BA/QA/PM) like it because you have have your own workspace track different tasks and sometime build their own report).
It's open source and you can run on your own server.
The best open source project planning in my opinion!
"If you don't pay after the 30 day free trial you can still use Teamwork Projects free forever"
"We also have a Free Forever Plan with 2 projects and 100mb space"

Is there a ticket system that also does project management? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Were looking to roll out a ticket system that also has project management capability. We're currently using Trac but we find that it's really difficult to config and also has very weak support with workflows. Ideally we want a system that has:
A ticket system that supports workflow
Integrates well with window's Active Directory for user management
Has good integration with our source management (SVN)
Has project management functions and reporting. At the very least some sort of Gantt chart.
Project manager needs to be able to pick tickets and features to go into a certain milestone/sprint
The interface to this system needs to be accessible from any platform (windows, mac etc).
What system should we use? What are your experiences? We are looking at a few examples like Jira, FogBugz, TFS, Jass, etc etc. There's just too many, looking for recommendations.
We are a commercial shop so cost is not an issue.
Personally I find the Atlassian products to be affordable, robust, and well supported, so I went with JIRA when I was looking at ticketing systems in the past. It integrates nicely with AD and SVN which I had no trouble setting up.
One of the reasons I picked JIRA was the reporting functionality which gave great breakdowns of number of issues and progress on each project, and even let you use sql-like syntax to customize as needed.
It's web based, so any platform is not an issue.
I did not use it for project management, but they have a solid plugin community and a quick google search turns up a few gantt plugins such as Gantt Connector.
I think Redmine (opensource, GPL) is a nice alternative.
Below are some of the main features of Redmine (from the site).
Multiple projects support
Flexible role based access control
Flexible issue tracking system
Gantt chart and calendar
News, documents & files management
Feeds & email notifications
Per project wiki
Per project forums
Time tracking
Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
Issue creation via email
Multiple LDAP authentication support
User self-registration support
Multilanguage support
Multiple databases support
I'd also note:
There are many plugins for Redmine on internet
Issue reports generation in PDF
Intuitive interface
I agree with the Redmine suggestion - it's got great functionality compared to the rest of the open-source/free competition, although in my opinion its still a relatively immature and unpolished product.
If you have your own servers or high end VPS, somebody dedicated to IT/admin stuff and don't mind paying the money, I think the Atlassian suite of tools (Jira etc.) are the way to go in terms of features, usability and customization.
You can add my favourite to your short-list: Gemini by CounterSoft.
It's .NET based and just requires Windows IIS/SQL Server, works on all browsers (even for some our client's running IE6 and keeps the MAC boys happy!).
Doesn't have AD support yet, but has fairly flexible capabilities to help you set it up so you get quickly user adoption. By this I mean, define your screens, tweak your on-screen labels, workflows, per-project metadata, nested versions (for your sprints, etc.).
Funnily enough, one thing that it has that really makes a difference to us is inline editing: editing in place when viewing lists of issues, makes things easier when running daily meetings, etc. Reporting is basic, but we dropped in our own custom reports (by creating simple ASP.NET User Controls).
We used it with SVN and it's OK but now switched to TFS Source Control and Gemini still works well with it.
Please try BootStrapToday, it is just fit for your perusal. Equipped with all the features of Ticketing, Tracking, Project Management, SVN and GIT support, Integration with other softwares, Gantt charts, apart from these.. the Two very unique features of this tool are:
1) Automation :
2) Intelligence:
To gain insights of these features in detail do visit
I have tried this tool at my office and the collaboration has become much more easier at our premises.
BootStrapToday is also available as On-Premise set up as well cloud based.

Project collaboration tool recommendations [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What project collaboration tools do you recommend for maintaining tasks, bugs, collaborating, messaging, storing files, wiki, etc?
I had a look at Remember The Milk, but not sure if it's ideal! Backpack looks good and reasonably priced; has anyone used it?
I find it nice to have one web based project management tool in which I can get an overview of everything related to the project(s). This includes user (developer) administration, wiki, repository and most importantly time tracking with road mapping.
Redmine does the job for me.
And I normally use a git repository with it. It can be a wee bit difficult to set up on your web server but I found that it was worth the effort.
There's also related questions on stackoverflow like Project tracking/management tool.
Good luck.
I've used unfuddle which is quite good. It has a ticket based workflow along with git and subversion hosting.
A single project account is free, with payed accounts being charged by number of projects and amount of storage space used.
The Atlassian products are great but not cheap.
Jira for bug tracking
Confluence for wiki/collaboration
Pair this with Google App
And you're rolling.
I would personally look into Mindtouch's products. There are even extensions/plugins that are suited to software development teams.
I'd recommend giving TeamLab a try. Maintaining tasks, collaborating, messaging, storing and editing files and wiki are featured. The only thing they lack is bug tracking.
Perhaps, if you can wait, Google Wave might be a good fit.
Depending on the size of you team (and other factors) a combination of Subversion & BugZilla might suffice.
Of course, Microsoft swears by it's VS Team Systems (haven't used it as the price tag is prohibitive)
TortoiseSVN is comfortable.
I would seriously look into Code Collaborator
Lighthouse is awesome if you want a hosted solution. It's basically the same as Basecamp, except with a software development focus.
The best I've used so far is SmartSheet ( - I feel like one of those TV salesmen...spreadsheet like interface, stores all size files (and file versions), allows for discussions, alerts and reminders. Very flexible and easy to use.
I've heard of a few teams that use Basecamp, but I've always just used Trac. Trac is opensource and has a decent API for extensions.

How to manage project for free? [closed]

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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 6 years ago.
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I was asked to manage and develop a project. The client does not really care if I hire people who would do it or I do it myself. Thus, I've decided to be more manager than developer.
Are there any (free / low cost) web projects that could help me to communicate with each "sub-developer" outta there on Internet?
What I expect is to have similar project as basecamp, however sub-developers wouldn't know about each other because I would be communicator between them. It's possible that basecamp includes this kind of service, but I am not going to pay to every possible similar service to know this.
If you have some real-life experience with this kind of problem I'm about to encounter, please, write it here.
Thank you
As many open source projects found, trac is a good fit - lightweight project management with integrated subversion interface:
Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. Our mission is to help developers write great software while staying out of the way. Trac should impose as little as possible on a team's established development process and policies.
It provides an interface to Subversion, an integrated Wiki and convenient reporting facilities.
Trac allows wiki markup in issue descriptions and commit messages, creating links and seamless references between bugs, tasks, changesets, files and wiki pages. A timeline shows all current and past project events in order, making the acquisition of an overview of the project and tracking progress very easy. The roadmap shows the road ahead, listing the upcoming milestones.
Both trac and subversion can be used from anywhere on the Web, using one of the free or low cost providers (for some references, see TracUsers).
I'd set up sharepoint if i were you. It's perfect for handling projects and talking to members. Also set up a couple of mailing-lists where you all can easily communicate.
Good Luck
I would suggest looking at Assembla, it has issue tracking, version control and Trac support all in it - and it's free.
It is possible that you can do this with the free version of AceProject.
There are quite a lot of software available to manage projects easily, here I'd suggest you to check out ProofHub - (heads up - I work there). It allows you to capture both the full picture and a detailed snapshot of your plans and progress. The Gantt charts and task management feature provide clear picture for you to understand what is being worked on and what needs to be done. You can track task dependencies on your Gantt chart to see the progress of your projects. Here's how it looks:
ProofHub Overview

What facets have I missed for creating a 3 person guerilla dev team? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
Sorry for the Windows developers out there, this solution is for Macs only.
This set of applications accounts for: Usability Testing, Screen Capture (Video and Still), Version Control, Task Lists, Bug Tracking, a Developer IDE, a Web Server, A Blog, Shared Doc Editing on the Web, Team and individual Chat, Email, Databases and Continuous Integration. This does assume your team members provide their own machines, and one person has a spare old computer to be the Source Repository and Web Server. All for under $200 bucks.
Licenses = 3 x $49.95
"Spontaneous, unobtrusive usability testing software for designers and developers."
Source Control Server and Clients (multiple options)
Subversion = Free
Subversion is an open source version control system.
Versions (Currently in Beta) = Free
Versions provides a pleasant work with Subversion on your Mac.
Diffly = Free
"Diffly is a tool for exploring Subversion working copies. It shows all files with changes and, clicking on a file, shows a highlighted view of the changes for that file. When you are ready to commit Diffly makes it easy to select the files you want to check-in and assemble a useful commit message."
Bug/Feature/Defect Tracking (multiple options)
Bugzilla = Free
Bugzilla is a "Defect Tracking System" or "Bug-Tracking System". Defect Tracking Systems allow individual or groups of developers to keep track of outstanding bugs in their product effectively. Most commercial defect-tracking software vendors charge enormous licensing fees.
Trac = Free
Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects.
Database Server & Clients
MySQL = Free
CocoaMySQL = Free
Web Server
Apache = Free
Development and Build Tools
XCode = Free
CruiseControl = Free
CruiseControl is a framework for a continuous build process. It includes, but is not limited to, plugins for email notification, Ant, and various source control tools. A web interface is provided to view the details of the current and previous builds.
Collaboration Tools
Writeboard = Free
Ta-da List = Free
Campfire Chat for 4 users = Free
WordPress = Free
"WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time."
Gmail = Free
"Gmail is a new kind of webmail, built on the idea that email can be more intuitive, efficient, and useful."
Screen Capture (Video / Still)
Jing = Free
"The concept of Jing is the always-ready program that instantly captures and shares images and video…from your computer to anywhere."
Lots of great responses:
TeamCity [Yo|||]
Skype [Eric DeLabar]
FogBugz [chakrit]
IChatAV and Screen Sharing (built-in to OS) [amrox]
Google Docs [amrox]
You've got most of it covered.
I always add space, time and money for 2 more things you might consider strange.
A machine set up just like the average user. No development or debugging tools installed. Make it look like someone just bought it from the Apple store. I do image switching but I've know people who swear by switching to an external boot drive.
Also include a 'free' lunch for a virgin. This is someone to come in and test your program that is NOT a developer and doesn't know squat about your software. You might have to do this more than once but don't ever use the same person again.
As an added note, make very sure the 'free' applications and web sites you use are truly free, not just free for personal use!
Good luck on your project!
Collaboration Tools
Skype = Free - If you can't work face-to-face a tool like Skype can get you pretty close for no cost assuming everybody already has broadband. The mac client works great and since most modern macs have a camera already you should be mostly set.
Consider hudson as a CI server
How do you do time tracking/scheduling/release planning?
Those that help you ship on time? ala FogBugz
Trac and Subversion have a pretty nice integration that lets you link Trac tickets to SVN change sets and vice-versa (SVN change sets can actually move a Trac ticket to a new state).
Some built-in Leopard tools that I find useful are iChat AV and Screen Sharing.
Also, Google Docs, especially spreadsheets and forms are nice (and free).
Change CruiseControl for JetBrains' TeamCity. It's free for up to 20 users, and is more powerful and usable than CruiseControl.
It's easy to set up, and has some amazing features. Such as automatically sending off a build to be performed on any spare computer you may have sitting around in the office.
Version control: svnX is a free GUI-based Subversion client.
RDBMS: PostgreSQL is a free relational database with a track record stretching back a couple of decades. It's easily installed on OS X.
IDE: If (and possibly only if) you're coding Java, Eclipse is an unbeatable (and free) IDE for Java (and other platforms, though I'm not vouching for anything other than it's Java ability).
Screencasting: ScreenFlow is outstanding at $US 99.
