How can i get element in string by Linq - linq

I need some help from Everyone
I have a string: "123456"
how can i get seperately "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" by using Linq?
Tks a lot.

var str = "123456";
var digits = str.Select(c => c.ToString()).ToArray();

Also, you have the option to include a predicate function. For example,
"123456".First(n => n > '1')
But you may consider using the foreach statement instead. I'm not sure if that is considered part of LINQ though.

You could use this if you want it as a LINQ query:
IEnumerable<string> query =
from c in "123456"
select c.ToString();
If you're happy to have an enumerable of characters you could just do this:
IEnumerable<char> query =
from c in "123456"
select c;


Rails5 ActiveRecord error: TypeError: can't quote Array

I'm trying to check to see if there's a pre-existing Update.
The field is receiving_account_id, and it's looks like
["1", "3", "4"]
and my query is
if Update.where("band_id = ? and fan_id = ? and receiving_account_id = ? and response = ?", "#{#remove_member.band_id}", "#{#remove_member.fan_id}", "#{[#remove_member.receiving_account_id]}", "none").any?
i've tried all variations of "#{#remove_member.receiving_account_id}, and i get some version of a malformed array literal.
edit: if i go
in the query, i get the type error. and if i do
receiving_account_id && ARRAY[?]
i get
receiving_account_id && ARRAY['["1", "3", "4"]']
which i believe to mean includes in the array, as if the array includes that array, so doesn't find it.
Survey says...
Update.where("receiving_account_id && ARRAY[?]", #remove_member.receiving_account_id).any?

c# group by alphabets

I need to show list of authors group by last name first letter.
Kim, Ami
Dim, Amaiar
jin, Amairaz
Bin, Bom
Kin, Bomo
Cin, Ci
Con, Co
Could some one please help me what's the best way to solve the above problem?
If you want to group by, use GroupBy, I assumed you want the output to be ordered (OrderBy), Change the GroupBy expression to match your exact requirment:
List<String> names = new List<String>{"Bill", "Mark", "Steve", "Amnon", "Benny"};
foreach(var g in names.GroupBy(name => name.First()).OrderBy(g => g.Key)){
g.OrderBy(name => name).ToList().ForEach(Console.WriteLine);
Will output:
You can use GroupBy extension method over Linq object to get the desire result.
List<string> firstNames = new List<string>(){ "Ami", "Amaiar","Amiraz","Bom","Bomo","Ci","Co" };
var groups = firstNames.GroupBy(x=>x[0]);
foreach (var element in groups)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", element.Key);
foreach (var word in element)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", word);

Use Hash with Redundant Items in sqlite3 Bind

I'm trying to run an INSERT query such as the following:
Query = "INSERT INTO t (x,y,z) VALUES (:aval,:bval,:cval)"
Using the following format, I can use a hash to insert the actual values:
db.execute(Query,{"aval" => "1", "bval" => "2", "cval" => "3"})
My problem is that the values are already in a hash that has some redundant values, e.g.:
{"aval" => "1", "bval" => "2", "cval" => "3", "dval" => "4"}
Since dval is not one of the required parameters, I get the error -
SQLite3::Exception: no such bind parameter
Of course, I may be wrong and the error may be due to a different reason.
It would be great if there were a way to overcome this using SQLite3. Alternatively, a method for creating a "trimmed" copy of the has with only the required parameters would also be OK.
You should write as -
Query = "INSERT INTO t (x,y,z) VALUES (?,?,?)"
hash = {"aval" => "1", "bval" => "2", "cval" => "3"}
db.execute(Query, hash.values_at("aval", "bval", "cval" ))
Read this execute( sql, *bind_vars ) {|row| ...} documentation.

Using linq to build a comma delimited string

I need to generate a string that has a comma delimited list, but no comma after the last element.
var x = new List<string>() { "a", "b", "c" };
should yield:
Yes, a very simple thing to do using "normal" techniques, but I hope with linq there is a more elegant way.
var cols =context.Database.SqlQuery<String>("select Column_Name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = {0};", prefix + table);
No need Linq, just use String.Join
String.Join(",", new List<string>() { "a", "b", "c" });
String class provide Join method to join string array with delimiter.
var x = new List<string>() { "a", "b", "c" };
Although I strongly recommend you use the answer of Siva Charan, just for information here's an implementation in LinQ using Enumerable.Aggregate Method (IEnumerable, Func):
var result = x.Aggregate((c, n) => c + "," + n);

how to insert an array of id's into linq-to-sql query line in .net mvc 3

i want to get an array of id's which is like ["15", "26", "37", "48", "90"] and i want to get my remaining items from my remaining table that doesnt includes these supplier id's..
here what i done so far:
string[] arrgroupdetails;
arrgroupdetails = dataContext.GroupDetails.Select(c => c.supplier_id).ToArray();
var items = from thingies in dataContext.remainings where thingies.supplier_id.ToString() != arrgroupdetails.Any().ToString() select thingies;
so how can i achive this?
By heart, so do check syntax but someething like this should work:
var items = from thingies in dataContext.remainings
where !arrgroupdetails.Contains(thingies.supplier_id.ToString())
select thingies;
