I have a setup project which I supposed to build only during Release mode build. How can configure to skip this during debug mode build?
Goto Build -> Configuration Manager.
Select Debug in Active Solution Configuration
Untick Build and Deploy
So when you debug this will prevent it from building the setup project
I have a project which is being refactored. But right now I wanna unit test a class which has changed a lot and caused other dependencies to break.
Can I run tests for this class alone without getting errors from the other classes.
I'm getting errors in compileJava task from Gradle.
I searched the web about a Build, no error check option in Intellij but I'm running Gradle as a build tool.
I'm running Intellij IDEA 2022.1 (Ultimate Edition) and Gradle v7.4.
Gradle does not support such kind of compilation that would proceed on errors.
As a workaround, you can switch to IDE's build in stead of gradle's in Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle | Build and run using and use "Build, no error check" approach. Then build project and run tests using IDE's builder and runner.
I am opening a working Gradle project in Idea, but it is failing to sync. In the sync window it says Sync cancelled. I tried changing proxy settings, project SDK, reboot, killing gradle daemon forcefully, but no luck
Solved the problem by changing Gradle JVM from settings.
In Maven project we can set project SDK, and it will be used for Maven build also.
But for Gradle we have to set it differently. Setting project SDK alone doesn't help as it is used only for project by Idea and not for Gradle.
Need to set the Gradle JVM to compatible JVM
Go to Settings
Search for Gradle under Build Tools
Set Gradle JVM to >=1.8
I'm using Intellij IDE for Spring projects. Whenever I add a dependency in pom file, it's not downloading it. In the case of Eclipse IDE, it automatically downloads the dependency whenever a dependency is added in pom.xml file.
I added the highlighted dependencies in the pom.file but it's not downloading. How to configure the IDE for auto-download dependencies whenever the pom.xml is updated?
You can tick the checkbox "Import Maven Projects automatically"
under "settings" -> "Build, Execution, Deployment "
-> "Build Tools" -> "Maven" -> "Import Maven projects automatically"
Usually, if do some modification in pom.xml, the Intellij will give always suggest you to enable Auto Import in a small pop-up(). I think it might have suggested you already. Anyways, you can do the above.
In Eclipse project build automatically it that option is enabled as build automatically
but idea we can not load maven dependency just by adding it in pom.xml but we can build the project by
IntelliJ Idea - Preferences
Select “Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler” -- build Project automatically
Above will build the project but it will not download the dependency
We have to click reload all maven project icon under maven tool window which can be activated by view - Tools Windows - maven
I am new to IntelliJ. I want to use sonar Qube and sonar lint in combination with IntelliJ IDE. How to configure sonar Qube and sonar lint plugin in IntelliJ?
I went through some sites which are suggesting me File -> Settings -> Other Settings -> Sonar but in my IntelliJ, there is nothing like Other Settings after opening Settings. I am using IntelliJ Ultimate version 2018.2
You first need to install the plugin via File -> Settings -> Plugins -> Search in Repositories.
After the plugin was installed successfully, you will find the described "Other Settings" section:
Is there any way to actually debug a maven plugin while it is in action. What I mean is that for example we have the maven-clean-plugin. So when this plugin executes it's action can we somehow debug and check inside the source code of maven-clean-plugin?
Obviously we would have to associate the Java source for the plugin in eclipse but how can we set it for debugging?
EDIT: Changing the subject
I'm sorry guys maybe I should have been more precise. Actually I have my web-app which is a maven project, which makes use of 3rd party maven plugins. Now when I do a mvn clean install I need to debug my 3rd party maven plugin. Now in my maven dependency I dont get a dependency to that plugin jar, which is quite normal. Any ideas?
If you are using Eclipse with the m2eclipse plugin, simply launch your build with Debug As... instead of Run as....
If you are not using m2eclipse, run mvnDebug instead of mvn (for Maven 2.0.8+) and attach a remote debugger on port 8000. For Maven 2.0.8<, add the remote debuggin options to the start script.
Of course, you need to import the sources of the plugin in your workspace.
See also
Developing and debugging Maven plugins
Dealing with Eclipse-based IDE
If you want to debug Maven execution in eclipse, here is how I did it, with mostly command-line tools (no Eclipse plugin used) (may be off at some points, I haven't done that for 6 months):
Run, from the command line, mvndebug in place of the mvn command. Maven will begin launching and wait for an external debugger to appear on a TCP port before resuming. Note the port number.
Configure in Eclipse a custom, remote debug configuration. (See http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-ecbug/ , Remote debugging) - set the port number as the one used by mvndebug. Also put the source files that you will be using for debugging in the Debug configuration.
Launch the remote debug configuration. Maven should resume and you will catch bugs in Eclipse.
This might be slightly off, since I'm going to talk about IntelliJ IDEA. With IDEA, you can load a maven project directly, and then simply right click on one of the build lifecycle phases (clean, package, install etc...) and choose debug. The IDE then runs that phase with the correct classpath and drops you into a debugger.
I've used the debugger to debug several of my own plugins. I've never tried debugging a third party plugin, although I imagine this will be relatively painless if the jar still has debug symbols in it and you have corresponding source code.
The community edition of IDEA is available for no fee.
Just replace mvn with mvnDebug in your command:
mvnDebug clean install
As result JVM listens for debugger at port 8000. For finer control you can set MAVEN_OPTS environment variable with standard JVM debug parameters:
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000"
mvn clean install
In NetBeans 7.4, Right-click the project > Properties > Actions. Pick the Build project action (or any other), then next to "Set Properties" click Add and Debug Maven Build.