How to pan a zoomed out UIImageView inside an UIScrollView? - uiscrollview

I have an UIScrollView which contains one UIImageView. Everything is working correctly, I can zoom in and out, when zoomed in I can pan around, etc.
The problem that I am unable to solve is how to pan a zoomed out image around the screen. The user needs to be able to zoom the image out until it's small, and then move that small image to any point on the screen. Sadly, it's stuck in the center of the screen (usually, it would be stuck in the top left corner but I did fix that problem).

There are a couple of things you need to do here. I suggest doing them in viewWillAppear rather than viewDidLoad because if you're using storyboards, it doesn't work quite right in viewDidLoad.
First, you need to set the content size property of your scroll view to be the size of the photo itself because you want the entire area of your photo to be scrollable.
photoShown is UIImage. scrollView is a UIScrollView
Second, you need to set the frame of your UIImageView that houses your image to be the size of your image:
self.imageView.frame=CGRectMake(0,0, self.photoShown.size.width, self.photoShown.size.height);
if you haven't done this, then the frame of the UIImageView is the size of the screen itself and there is simply nowhere to pan. That's why it needs to be bigger, so you can pan to the regions not currently shown on screen.


subview of IKImageView appears below image instead of above

I have a IKImageView and a NSImageView as a subview. Subviews are supposed to get drawn above their master view. I tried an NSImageView with the same subview, and it worked fine, but I really need to be able to move the image around with the mouse, and zoom it with a slider, and I think IKImageView is a bit easier.
What happens is this:
As you can see, the small picture (subview) is below the image on the IKImageView, but in front of the background of IKImageView.
How can I fix this?
ps: Do you think I should use NSImageView? If so, how would I move it around, and zoom?
call addSubview again everytime after I set the IKImageView's image.
That work for me.

How can I draw something on top of AVPlayer video in Cocoa?

In my app I want to be able to draw rectangles on top of the playing video. I already implemented the drawing canvas which is a NSView, and I have a player implemented as well.
However, when I place my drawing canvas on top of my player view, player view is still showing up on top.
I was thinking that my drawing canvas wasn't on top of the player view, but it is. When I change the size of the window, I can see that on the area of the window that is not covered by the video I can draw. However, magically my drawing is not showing up on top of the playing video.
I really don't know where to find the problem.
Any help is highly appreciated!
i also had a problem where one NSView that i add to a superView was layer backed and the last NSView wasn't, and always the layer backed NSView would be on top, so i'd recommend you to enable the layer for any NSView that would come on top of the AVPlayer,
[yourCanvasView setWantsLayer : YES];
i think this would do the job,
There's a solution for iOS, as answered here, and it works in OS X too (I tested on OS X 10.10.2).
Basically, set the zPosition of the view you want on top:
topView.layer.zPosition = 1;

NSTableView with overlapping corner views has odd scrolling

I'm trying to implement an NSTableView with rounded corners. The approach I took was to put a container on top of the table view that has images only on the corners to produce the rounded effect. The problem I'm having is that when the table scrolls, the corner images scroll with the row they were drawn on. Does anyone have insights as to why this is occurring?
Edit: I tried putting a button in the center of the corner image container and it seems like the NSScrollView is going on top when it's scrolling. When it scrolls, the button is also disappearing from the view. Is the scroll view known to do this?
Solved. I took the approach of creating a child window overlay. An example of this:

UIScrollView scroll when orientation changes

I create a UIScrollView, in which I put a UIView. Then I add some objects which are subviews of the view I added to the UIScrollView, so that I can zoom properly all the objects within the scroll.
The point is that I have an UIImageView as a subview of the mentioned view, which contains an image which is adapted to the screen size by using "imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;" property.
Initially, in portrait orientation, the image fits with the screen width, so you can't scroll to left or right. When I change orientation to landscape, image fits with screen top and bottom. Then my problem. You can scroll up and down a little bit the image, as if it preserved some of the top and bottom padding from the portrait orientation.
But, if I try to zoom out, as the min zoom I setted was 1,0, the image recovers its initial size. Then you can't zoom out anymore when the zoom scale is 1.0. The 'virtual' padding is gone!
It seems as if it needed some kind of refresh.
The same happens when I keep changing orientation for portrait and landscape. It only works correctly when app loads.
I tried setting "myUIScrollView.zoom = 1.0;" in "didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation" method (when the image was not zoomed) and it worked, the 'virtual' padding again was gone.
It seems that it needs a refresh once orientation changes.
Any clue about what I'm doing wrong?

OPENGL/ES 3D model zoomed doesn't pan correctly in UIScrollView

I have a 3d model rendered in a UIView. When I pinch the model it zooms correctly, but when zoomed in I'd like the ability to pan/scroll the view so that I can see the parts of the model which are outside the boundaries of the view. I switched the UIView to a UIScrollView, and on the pinch event is update the content size with the scale factor. This works great and I can now scroll the view. My problem is that panning to the outer edges of the content view still shows the 3d model still clipped at the size of the initial view. I hope this makes sense...
Does anyone have an idea what might be needed to render the zoomed in parts of the chair, which should now be visible (after panning)?
I was able to get this working after setting the UIView.bounds as well as the UIScrollView content size. That is, the scrollview contained a uiview, which contained the 3d model. I was resizing the scrollview, but not the uiview. They both needed to be set in order for this to work.

