Can't access TFS 2008 (TF31003) but Team Foundation Web System works - visual-studio-2010

I've looked through existing Stack Overflow questions and haven't found anything that matches my situation.
I'm running TFS 2008 and am unable to connect using Team Explorer in Visual Studio 2010 (error message TF31003: Either you have not entered the necessary credentials or your user account does not have permission to connect to the TFS server at servername).
I am authenticating via a domain account and have confirmed that other TFS users cannot access the server with their credentials either. I have Team Foundation Web System set up on the same server and the same users can log in without problems. That tells me that the server is up and the data is accessible, just not via Visual Studio. I've also checked firewall states -- completely disabling all firewalls (my machine and the server) has no effect.
Is there something obvious I'm missing about why Visual Studio won't authenticate users? (Yes, I've tried restarting my development machine and the TFS server.)


TFS 2010 Team Foundation services are not available from server <host>. Unable to connect to the remote server

The system administrators had to do a restore of a number of servers in our network, one of which was our TFS Server and Database.
However, we have found that our Visual Studio IDEs are not able to connect, and is coming back with the message " Team Foundation services are not available from server . Unable to connect to the remote server".
Looking at the TFS Admin Console, I can see that the Project Collections are there and there is a message saying they are online.
We have tried restarting services and dropping caches, but nothing seems to work!
Does anyone have any bright ideas?

Cannot connect TFS

I want to connect to TFS through the Team Explorer in Visual Studio 2015.
So, my problem is that I cannot connect because of a wrong authentication (valid username and password, valid privileges).
I think the reason for that is the Domain but I never joined one because I use a normal version of Windows 10 Enterprise. Could it depend on installed features like WCF? I did really intensive research but I'm not able to find any information to solve my problem.
Here is a screenshot of the Login-Dialog:
On premise TFS only supports Windows auth (either local or domain).
If your TFS server and VS are installed on the same machine, you could use your local account with enough permission to connect TFS server directly.
If your TFS server and VS are installed on the different machine, and since you haven't joined domain. Suggest you to join domain : This is the easiest to setup, user-wise. All you have to do is be a member of the domain and a member in a team project. Another option is using Visual Studio Team Service (TFS in the cloud) for this. It's currently free and uses Microsoft live accounts instead. Which you can access it everywhere on the internet.
First I want to thank you for your support.
I'm sorry that this comes late but I already solved my problem.
I obviously just forgot to put a Backslash in front of my username so that I don't use the domain of my local computer.

Unable To Configure Visual Studio 2013 to Connect to Team Foundation Server 2013

I'm trying to connect Visual Studio 2013 to TFS 2013 from a different machine, but it's giving me error:
(TF31002: Unable to connect to this Team Foundation Server).
The Server's IP is working, so the server is online, I've tried things such as turning off Firewall, starting VS as Administrator and it doesn't seem to work.
It's the first time I'm working with TFS, am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.
Try connecting via telnet, e.g telnet yourserver 8080 at the command prompt: this checks if the client has TCP/IP connectivity. Telnet client is not installed by default in Windows, so you may have to turn the corresponding Windows Feature on.
If previous check passes, open the Home page in a browser, e.g. http://yourserver:8080/tfs. If the browser is not configured for Integrated authentication, you will receive a prompt for credential. Insert a valid user and the home page should appear.
Consider which credential you are using: if TFS server is in workgroup, use an account defined on the TFS server; if TFS server is joined to Active Directory, use an account from the same domain. In any case the account must be part of TFS Valid Users group.

Unable to connect to remote TFS server from VS2010

SOLVED: Turns out the people not being able to access TFS via VS2010 were using laptops, I didn't put two and two together, and Symantec Endpoint was blocking the ports required.
Some users cannot get to the TFS 2010 server, secured by SSL, from team explorer but can via IE.
For example, I go into VS2010 SP1 and attempt to add a new server, it sits there for a while and then spits out a dialog that basically tells me "Unable to connect to the remote server". If I enter the exact same URL into IE I get access perfectly.
https://tfserver:8088/tfs (custom SSL port number) in IE and I get full access
The same detail entered into the add server results in
Any ideas?
Connect to tfspreview through VS2010, you need to install following things :
Edit: These links are no longer available. The update is now only provided through windows update. See here

Connecting to VS2010 Remote Debugger from a domain?

I'm trying to set up a remote debugger connection from my dev box on a domain to a web server (SERVER) in a workgroup with no success and I'm hoping for the some insight.
Microsoft Visual Studio
Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor
named 'SERVER'. The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor
(MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remote computer. Please see
Help for assistance.
At this point, I have done the following:
I've installed the x64 debugging components, but not as a service. The monitor is up and running.
I've created an account on the workgroup machine to match my domain account in name and password.
I've granted this account the "Debug programs" right in Local Security Policy.
I've added this account the "Administrators" group.
Still I get the same error message.
Any suggestions?
You also need to create a local account on your dev box with the same name and password as your domain account.
This account just needs to exist - you don't need to run VS with it.
