Mod_rewrite - don't display certain query string in the url - mod-rewrite

I know this question may have been asked several times, but to be honest I haven't yet found a complete answer for this.
I have this url:
Is it possible not to display yachtCode and lang in the url and still pass the values from page to page?
This is my htacces file:
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ $1.php [nc]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^lang=(EN|DE|NL)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/([0-9]+)/(.*)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$ modelDetails.php?manufacturerName=$1&manufacturerID=$2&modelName=$3&modelID=$4&yachtCode=$5 [L,QSA]

If you remove the data from the query string, then the only other way to access the data is to retrieve it from a cookie. But to set the cookie you'll have to have the yachtCode value appear in the query string at some point.
The only alternative would be to use POST (the mode used by a web form) instead of GET (the mode which is generally used). POST mode submits variables as part of the request, rather than adding the variables to the query string. But you can't force a hyperlink to use POST mode, so this is probably not of use to you.
In short, you probably can't hide yachtCode from the end user completely.


New NICE URLs with 301s. How to make them work Together?

I have this old website URL structure:
and real example will be something like:
here you can see that for the product page there are 4 variables: category, produt id, product title and sub category. Some of this variables were used to open a menu. And yes, the URL pulls variables with space and both lower and uppercase.
The new site url has a new structure:
a rel example will be like:
Which is accomplish by using two variables (friendly slug + a second product id: prodid2) with the following code in the .htaccess
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +Indexes
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^p/(.*)/$ product.php?prodid2=$1
RewriteRule ^p/(.*)$ product.php?prodid2=$1
Internally we can get prodid2 if we have prodid1 from the same table, but not viceversa.
Everything works fine, but we now have to create 301 redirects and apparently since the same variables are not used in the old / new url, then it becomes tricky since apparently we have to create a single rule for the nice URL creation and the 301s?
We have tried adding the following to the htaccess:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^cat=CAR%20AUDIO&prodid1=4444&prodtitle=MTX%20AMPS&subcat=AMPS$ [NC]
RewriteRule [R=301,L]
and it works for only 1 product, but when adding 2 or more, the site goes down. I imaging this would be an infinite loop?
An alternative would be adding a:
ErrorDocument 404 /404.php
to get the URL and redirect to the page, but this would be ugly for SEs.
Sorry for my lack of understanding on this topic, am very new to this.
The product has 2 important ids. For example:
MTX AMP (which is the actual product title) if listed in 3 categories will have 1 single prodid2 repeated and 3 different prodid1 (1 for each category). They all reside in the same table. So, if we have a prodid1 we can get the prodid2 which is right next to it in the db table.
The rule to get a nice URL on the new site is pulled using prodid2
RewriteRule ^p/(.*)$ product.php?prodid2=$1
which brings the complete value stored in the database. e.g. mtx-amps-8888 << this is a mix of a slug + the prodid2
complete url is:
(the p is just a virtual forder and we take advantage of that variable to show the right page template)
So mtx-amps-888 are not 3 keys, these are generated when creating a product and saved all together in a single field in the db. They already include the separation - so this is not done in the htaccess.
The cat (key) value is really used to expand a menu used in the old site with, but to create the 301 redirect we would probably use prodid1 since we can match that value to get a prodid2. prodid2 is used as the main query to get the nice URL in the new site and its value will bring the nice URL stored in the db.
What makes sense from all my research would be the following:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +Indexes
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^p/(.*)$ product.php?prodid2=$1
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^cat=CAR%20AUDIO&prodid1=4444&prodtitle=MTX%20AMPS&subcat=AMPS$ [NC]
RewriteRule [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^cat=CAR%20AUDIO&prodid1=5555&prodtitle=BOSS%20AMPS&subcat=AMPS$ [NC]
RewriteRule [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^cat=CAR%20VIDEO&prodid1=6666&prodtitle=ALPINE%20DVDS&subcat=DVD%20PLAYERS$ [NC]
RewriteRule [R=301,L]
Pls note that I removed a line from the main rewrite rule:
RewriteRule ^p/(.*)/$ product.php?prodid2=$1
This only assures that the user can also use / at the end of the URL:
I also repeated the rewrite condition for the 301 redirects of 3 products, but i really have about 3K products to list here. If I keep 1, it will work but if I add 2, I believe a loop is created.
Hopefully this makes sense. You have no idea how important is for me to get this up and running, so my best wishes to those who can help :)
Just re-create the file /folder/prod.php and have php do the redirect. This is the easiest and cleanest solution.
$prodid1 = $_GET['prodid1'];
//calculate prodid2 based on prodid1, or use mysql to retreive the prodid2 belonging to prodid1
$prodid2 = $prodid1;//just for testing
$newpath = "/p/$prodid2/";
// redirect using 301
header("Location: http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$newpath}");
header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');

Joomla htaccess rewrite url - Parameter must index by a number - Why?

this is the firsttime a put a question here, so dont hard on me. Thank you.
I currently setup a joomla site. I create a page, and a new template, and a module, inside the template/index.php i call my module.
The original url that works is something like:
danh-sach-game: is the page.
game-mang-xa-hoi: is the input parameter to the module.
everythings works find but i want to rewrite url to this:
So i created a .htaccess with content:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^danh-sach-game/(.*)$ index.php/danh-sach-game?gt_name=$1 [L]
Now this is time for "MAGIC"
if i enter the url:
then Joomla push a message "An error has occurred.The requested page cannot be found."
But if i index the parameter by a number like this:
danh-sach-game/1-game-mang-xa-hoi (note: the number 1).
Then it works finds. Any paremeter index by a number will work find.
I rewrite url to a test file (replace index.php by test.php) than the page test.php receive the parameter as usuas, with or without number index the parameter.
This is because Joomla and most of the Joomla extensions uses ID column of the content as an identifier to look up the database. Some of the SEF tools (for example AceSef, sh404Sef) provide the facility to lookup using the alias name (the text after the number and hyphen) however with additional cost of database queries (they will in turn query for proper url internally).
The number in the last part of the URL will be processed and passed as ID of the particular page/content that you are viewing. This is done in the particular component's router.php file. So check the router.php file of the component you are using to check how the url gets parsed.

301 redirect using rewrite

I recently rebuilt an ecommerce site and I need to put some redirects in it to account for the old category adn search results from the old siteto the new format. I have it almost working but it is carrying the query string to the new page. Here is what I have
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^group_id=4$
RewriteRule ^searchResult.php$ [L,R=301]
I have other rewrite rules in there that are working fine so I put this on the top so it would not interfere with anything. This does work but it carrys the query string to the page. Any ideas what I am doing wrong. I did go through a ton of posts on here, thats where I came up with what I have.
An empty query string in the target will clear it.
RewriteRule ... ...? [...]

Getting the original REQUEST_URI when using mod_rewrite AND mod_proxy

I'm using a custom.conf file for rewrites and codeigniter for some features of the site, mainly the articles.
My original url gets rewritten, so I have, this uses the custom.conf file to rewrite to codeigniter/article/read/101. I think I must send this as a proxy call using the [P] flag in mod_rewrite to make it rewrite again in codeigniters .htaccess file. Once it hits the code igniter .htaccess, it uses that mod rewrite structure to call the index file and use the article controller and the read function sending in the 101 as the parameter.
What I'm trying to figure it is how do I get the original url in the address bar as its not in the $_SERVER variable. Since I use the [P] on the first rewrite, request_uri has codeigniter/article/read/101.
RewriteRule ^/([_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)-a([0-9]+)$ /codeigniter/article/read/$2 [P,L]
codeigniters .htaccess, fairly basic
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L]
Here's my current solution that I know there must be a better method for
RewriteRule ^/([_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)-a([0-9]+)$ /codeigniter/article/read/$2?orig_url=%{REQUEST_URI}&%{QUERY_STRING} [P,L]
This stays hidden from the user, and I can access the original url through the query string, but doesn't seem like an elegant solution.
I'm pretty sure you cant do it any other way with mod_rewrite
but you could do it with codeigniter routing.
$route['^([_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)-a([0-9]+)$'] = "article/read/$2";
assuming your controller is named article and your function is named read
if you visited /article-a101
then $this->uri->uri_string(); would return article-a101 (the original url, which should be in your url bar now)
and $this->uri->ruri_string(); would return article/read/101 (where you actually are)

Dealing with non-hardcoded domain names with mod_rewrite

I am migrating my application which provides a subsite for each user from to In order to do this, I wrote the following RewriteRule:
RewriteRule ^~([a-z_]+)(/.*)?$ http://$1.%{HTTP_HOST}$2 [R=301,QSA,NC]
However, %{HTTP_HOST} doesn't do exactly what I need it to, because if for instance a user browses to, it'll redirect to which is obviously not what I'm looking for.
I know that I can replace %{HTTP_HOST} with a hardcoded domain, but I don't want to do this either, because I will be rolling out the changes on multiple domains and don't want to have to customize it for each one. Is there a better way to make a singular change without hardcoding? (Furthermore, what if the base domain already has a subdomain -- ie. ->
Try it with this additional RewriteCond:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?(.+)
RewriteRule ^~([a-z_]+)(/.*)?$ http://$1.%2$2 [R=301,QSA,NC]
This will remove the www. prefix from the host if present.
