Visual Studio 2010 - Visual editor - Hiding the css guides (blue lines)? - visual-studio-2010

When selecting a control in visual editor, using absolute positioning on a webpage, I get these "guides" for aligning (top, bottom, left, right), accidentally clicking them results in the css property being set.
I find this very annoying and sometimes results in unwanted behavior of a control. So my question is, are there any way to remove/hide these guides?


Is there a way to disable gutter icons in Visual Studio 2022?

Visual Studio 2022 displays symbolic colored icons in the gutter next to line numbers, e.g.
I find the icons distracting and not particularly useful. They seem to be related to code structure — e.g. object inheritance and method overrides — which I can already understand from looking at the code.
Is there a way to "declutter my gutter" by hiding these particular icons?
I'm not talking about the code folding icons, or breakpoint icons. These are more or less useful, and less visually distracting.
Visual Studio version used: Preview Version 17.3.0 Preview 2.0
These icons are the "Inheritance Margin" icons. You can disable them by going to Options → Text Editor → C# → Advanced and uncheck the "Show inheritance margin" option:

Visual Studio 2017 color changes

I am trying to change colors of my VS. I am using Color Theme Editor.
And I am struggling to find few option which controls View windows background.
How do you change that background which is circled in images?
First is Solution Explorer window, and second Team Explorer.
If any one stumbles upon this, when you click Customize colors under Tools you need to switch to Show all elements view. There you need to find TreeView category. And there are all options to manipulate Solution Explorer and some part of Team Explorer.

Visual Studio, static page tab width

I am using Visual Studio 2010. I find myself having to close multiple files in a project sometimes, and because visual studio adjusts a page tab width according to the respective file name length, I have to move my mouse left or right for each tab to get to the "X" for close. This can be annoying after a few times. Yes there is "close all but this" but sometimes i want i keep some tabs that are to the left. Is there a setting for this? Or an extension that adds this sort of behaviour (Similar to what you get in Google Chrome, and most popular browsers where tabs are the same width)?
You can configure Tabs Studio (commercial, developed by me) to have fixed tab width (style TabInternals to have fixed width). It also has an add-in to close all tabs to the right of the selected tab.

Visual Studio Theme Customize Colors

I'm wondering if there is a reference manual of some kind which would indicate what items in the "Customize Colors" menu correspond with items on the Visual Studio IDE.
For instance, here's the Class View with one of the items highlighted (light green on white):
And here's a view of the spillover tabs section (Black text on dark gray):
My issue is that the list of items to change in the "Customize Colors" dialog (as shown in image one) is extremely long and I'm having a hard time corresponding the names to actual items in the Visual Studio IDE.

How can I increase width of Selection Margin or prevent block highlighting in Visual Studio 2010 text editor?

When I moved from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010, there seems to only be a small section of pointing space (for the mouse) to click and drag and click again, to grab a few lines of code. This is about 8 pixels wide and is referred to as the Selection Margin. I often used this area in Visual Studio 2008 to select/copy/paste code. Now I have to rely on using the keyboard, which is not difficult, but if I'm using the mouse, Visual Studio is not very intuitive or usable. Is there a way to prevent the highlighting of lexical groups (where the expand/collapse or plus/minus sections are) so I can just select the lines of code instead? They seem to call this block highlighting. Most of the surface area to the left of the text in Visual Studio 2010 seems to be dedicated to the block highlighting. The text editor freezes when a lexical block of code is highlighted and I cannot use the right context menu. The right context menu is also only available from inside the text editor now, so I have to select my lines in that 8 pixel region, then move my mouse over to the right to copy. My productivity in Visual Studio 2010 has decreased substantially because of this change.
I'm wondering if anyone has written any extensions with the Visual Studio 2010 editor to fix these issues?
Options > Text Editor > All Languages > Show line numbers. This allows you to have more space to select and copy the lines, but you still must go over to the right (where the code is) to copy.
Have you tried to select in a so called 'Continuous Stream Mode' which is supported by VS 2010 by default? Here's what I mean -> Hold down the SHIFT key and click in the Selection Margin(located at the far left of the Editor window, to select a whole line.) to extend your selection line by line.
