Local Hook not working - winapi

I have an application and wish to monitor MSWord keypressing (LOCAL HOOK), but I cant figure out how to find the pid to be used! The bellow CODE WORKS GOOD with global hook (pid = 0) and with (pid = GetCurrentThreadId). But doesn´t work with GetWindowThreadProcessId:
HWND hWindow = FindWindowEx(NULL,NULL,String("Notepad").w_str(),NULL);
if (!hWindow) {
ShowMessage("hWindow fail");
unsigned long pid;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWindow ,&pid);
//pid = GetCurrentThreadId();
if (!hWindow) {
ShowMessage("pid fail");
String s = "HookDLL.dll";
HOOKFCT_2 InstHook=reinterpret_cast<HOOKFCT_2> (GetProcAddress(DllHandle,"InstallHook"));
if(!InstHook(pid, (void *)(callIt) ))
Label1->Caption="Unable to install mouse hook!";
else Label1->Caption="Mouse hook installed!";
I will be very, very gratefuLl for any light on the problem...
I wish a hook to MSWord only.
The above code works, failling only when trying to hook on another application (i.e.: not using pid=0 or pid=GetCurrentThreadId), resulting in = "Unable to install mouse hook!".
I already try FindWindow, FindWindowEx, GetForegroundWindow, GetActiveWindow; since not of this works, I belive the problem is GetWindowThreadProcessId.

SetWindowsHookEx requires thread ID, not process ID. Pass thread ID instead:
DWORD threadID = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWindow, 0);
if(!InstHook(threadID, (void *)(callIt) )) {...}


Detect "suspended" Windows 8/10 process

UWP (or "Metro") apps in Windows 8/10 can be suspended when they are not in the foreground. Apps in this state continue to exist but no longer consume CPU time. It looks like this change was introduced to improve performance on low-power/storage devices like tablets and phones.
What is the most elegant and simple method to detect a process in this state?
I can see 2 possible solutions at the moment:
Call NtQuerySystemInformation() and the enumerate each process and each thread. A process is "suspended" if all threads are in the suspended state. This approach will require a lot of code and critically NtQuerySystemInformation() is only semi-documented and could be removed in a future OS. NtQueryInformationProcess() may also offer a similar solution with the same problem.
Call GetProcessTimes() and record the counters for each process. Wait some longish time (minutes) and check again. If the process counters haven't changed then assume the process is suspended. I admit this is a hack but maybe could work if the time period is long enough.
Is there a more elegant way?
for this exist PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION - meaning of flags in it described in this answer. you are need IsFrozen flag. so you need open process with PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION access (for do this for all processes, you will be need have SE_DEBUG_PRIVILEGE enabled in token). and call NtQuerySystemInformation with ProcessBasicInformation and PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION as input. for enumerate all processes we can use NtQuerySystemInformation with SystemProcessInformation. of course possible and use CreateToolhelp32Snapshot + Process32First + Process32Next but this api very not efficient, compare direct call to NtQuerySystemInformation
also possible enumerate all threads in process and check it state and if state wait - wait reason. this is very easy, because all this information already returned by single call to NtQuerySystemInformation with SystemProcessInformation. with this we not need open processes. usually both this ways give the same result (for suspended/frozen) processes, but however use IsFrozen is most correct solution.
void PrintSuspended()
RtlAdjustPrivilege(SE_DEBUG_PRIVILEGE, TRUE, FALSE, &b);
ULONG cb = 0x1000;
NTSTATUS status;
if (PBYTE buf = new BYTE[cb])
if (0 <= (status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessInformation, buf, cb, &cb)))
union {
pb = buf;
ULONG NextEntryOffset = 0;
pb += NextEntryOffset;
if (!spi->UniqueProcessId)
if (0 <= NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessBasicInformation, &pebi, sizeof(pebi), 0) &&
pebi.Size >= sizeof(pebi))
if (pebi.IsFrozen)
DbgPrint("f:%x %wZ\n", spi->UniqueProcessId, spi->ImageName);
if (ULONG NumberOfThreads = spi->NumberOfThreads)
if (TH->ThreadState != StateWait || TH->WaitReason != Suspended)
} while (TH++, --NumberOfThreads);
if (!NumberOfThreads)
DbgPrint("s:%x %wZ\n", spi->UniqueProcessId, spi->ImageName);
} while (NextEntryOffset = spi->NextEntryOffset);
delete [] buf;
} while (status == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH);

Cannot find the main window handle of the just stareted Dialog APP

Here is the scenario:
I have 2 apps. One of them is my main app, and the second is a dialog based app, which is started from the first one. I'm trying to capture the main handle of the dialog based app from my main app. The problem is that I cannot find it with EnumWindows. The problem disappears if I put sleep for a second, just before start enumerating windows.
This is the code:
BOOL res = ::CreateProcess( NULL, _T("MyApp.exe"), NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, &siStartInfo, &piProcInfo );
dwErr = WaitForInputIdle(piProcInfo.hProcess, iTimeout);
ASSERT(dwErr == 0);
//Sleep(1000); //<-- uncomment this will fix the problem
DWORD dwProcessId = piProcInfo.dwProcessId;
EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, (LPARAM)&dwProcessId);
BOOL IsMainWindow(HWND handle)
return GetWindow(handle, GW_OWNER) == (HWND)0 && IsWindowVisible(handle);
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
DWORD* pParam = (DWORD*)lParam;
DWORD dwTargetProcessId = *pParam;
DWORD dwProcessId = 0;
::GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &dwProcessId);
if (dwProcessId == dwTargetProcessId )
::SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)MAXTEXT,(LPARAM)buffer);
if( IsMainWindow(hwnd))
g_hDlg = hwnd;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
There are exactly 2 windows which belongs to my process and tracing their text shows:
GDI+ Window
Default IME
I'm not quite sure what does this mean. These might be the default captions, assigned to the windows, before their initialization.... but I call EnumWindows after WaitForInputIdle ...
Any help will be appreciated.
CreateProcess returns, when the OS has created the process object including the object representing the primary thread. This does not imply, that the process has started execution.
If you need to query another process for information that is only available after that process has run to a certain point, you will need to install some sort of synchronization. An obvious option is a named event object (see CreateEvent), that is signaled, when the second process has finished its initialization, and the dialog is up and running. The first process would then simply WaitForSingleProcess, and only continue, once the event is signaled. (A more robust solution would call WaitForMultipleObjects on both the event and the process handle, to respond to unexpected process termination.)
Another option would be to have the second process send a user-defined message (WM_APP+x) to the first process, passing its HWND along.
WaitForInputIdle sounds like a viable solution. Except, it isn't. WaitForInputIdle was introduced to meet the requirements of DDE, and merely checks, if a thread in the target process can receive messages. And that really means any thread in that process. It is not strictly tied to a GUI being up and running.
Additional information on the topic can be found here:
WaitForInputIdle should really be called WaitForProcessStartupComplete
WaitForInputIdle waits for any thread, which might not be the thread you care about

Automatically Resume a Suspended Windows Process

I'm trying to write a windows batch file in order to resume a windows process that gets Suspended. I'm using pssuspend (from pstools) to resume the process. However, I'm trying to write windows batch file script that will continually get the status of a process (e.g. myExe.exe). If the script is not suspended, I would like for it to keep checking if it is suspended. If it is suspended, I would like it to run the pssuspend code. I'm unsure how to obtain the Suspend status. So far I have this:
if myExe.exe == "Suspend" (
pssuspend -r myExe.exe
) else (
Thanks for your help!
Windows services (that are created with the right attributes) can be suspended, but I am not sure how an executable can be suspended, or what exactly you mean by that.
If you mean that the program has been stopped, and when it does, you want to restart it, then here are a couple of code blocks that I have used to determine if a program is running:
1) by checking to see if the exe name exists, i.e., is running.
By the way, I recommend this one from my interpretation of your post:
BOOL ExeExists(char *exe)
HANDLE pss = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPALL, 0);
PROCESSENTRY32 pe = { 0 };
pe.dwSize = sizeof(pe);
if (Process32First(pss, &pe))
if (strstr(pe.szExeFile,exe))
return TRUE;
while(Process32Next(pss, &pe));
return FALSE;
2) by checking to see if the PID exists
BOOL PidExists(int pid)
HANDLE pss = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPALL, 0);
PROCESSENTRY32 pe = { 0 };
pe.dwSize = sizeof(pe);
if (Process32First(pss, &pe))
if (pe.th32ProcessID == pid)
return TRUE;
while(Process32Next(pss, &pe));
return FALSE;
By the way this is used to get the process ID (it is defined in winbase.h)
of the application making the call.
int GetProcessIdApp(void)
return GetProcessId(GetCurrentProcess());//defined in WinBase.h
Inside WinBase.h
__in HANDLE Process
In my scenario, An application broadcasts its PID at start up, such that
my monitoring program (the Windows service) can read it, then use it to make an ongoing determination of the application's status. If the app is discovered to be dead, and if other criteria indicate it should still be running, my service will start it back up.

Symbol Device Kill Process

I'm trying to see how many instances of an application are running on a MC65 device, a Windows Mobile 6.5 device. Then if there is more than one instance of the application running kill all instances and run the application. I've tried that code here. But it doesn't work on the MC65 device. I believe this is because it is a symbol device and I've read somewhere that they act differently than non-symbol devices.
Does anyone know how to find out what processes are running on a symbol device programatically?
Update: Upon further testing the device is having problems creating a snapshot of the running processes. Still haven't found a solution.
Taking a snapshot should work fine BUT you have to use a flag to avoid memory limitations throwing an exception:
private enum SnapshotFlags : uint
HeapList = 0x00000001,
Process = 0x00000002,
Thread = 0x00000004,
Module = 0x00000008,
Module32 = 0x00000010,
Inherit = 0x80000000,
All = 0x0000001F,
NoHeaps = 0x40000000
Then in a normal call to CreateToolhelp32Snapshot you can get a list of processes:
public static Dictionary<UInt32, process> getProcessNameList()
int iCnt = 0;
//List<processnames> name_list = new List<processnames>();
Dictionary<UInt32, process> _pList = new Dictionary<uint, process>();
uint procID = 0;
IntPtr pHandle = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(SnapshotFlags.Process | SnapshotFlags.NoHeaps, procID);
if ((Int32)pHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
throw new Exception("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot error: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().ToString());
if ((int)pHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
pEntry.dwSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(pEntry);
if (Process32First(pHandle, ref pEntry) == 1)
//name_list.Add(new processnames(pEntry.th32ProcessID, pEntry.szExeFile));
_pList[pEntry.th32ProcessID] = new process(pEntry.th32ProcessID, pEntry.szExeFile, new List<thread>());
} while (Process32Next(pHandle, ref pEntry) == 1);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Process32First error: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().ToString());
return _pList;
The above code is part of my remote ProcessorUsage test application.
Nevertheless normal windows mobile application will terminate them self if a previous instance is already running. That is also the default when you create and run a SmartDevice project in CSharp or CPP targetting "Windows Mobile ...".
If you target a Standard Windows CE based SDK, there is no automatic code generated to prevent multiple instances in the start code of the app.
Let us know, if you still need assistance.

calling setwindowshookex with WH_GETMESSAGE doesn't work on any process except the injector

I previously asked a question about something similar but I believe this time the circumstances are different.
I have a DLL that has standard hook, unhook and msgProc functions. I load this DLL in my main application and then call 'hook', that is below:
if( hWndServer != NULL )
return FALSE;
hook = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_GETMESSAGE, (HOOKPROC)msghook, hInstance, threadID );
if( hook != NULL )
hWndServer = hWnd;
ofstream logFile;
logFile.open( "LOG.txt" );
logFile << "Hooked for: " << hWndServer << endl;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
The problem is that if I make it global, with threadID = 0, then msgHook only and only captures the messages received by the window of the process that loaded the library and nothing else, even if it is supposed to be a global hook.
If I supply a threadID of some other window, then I don't receive messages at all.
What could perhaps be the reason for it?
Are you using 64-bit Windows? If so,
your hook process and DLL must match
the bitness of the process(es) you
wish to hook.
What is hInstance in your example?
The DLL or the EXE instance? It
should be the DLL that contains the
msgHook function.
What does your msgHook do? How do you
detect whether or not it is being
called? Note that it will be called
within the process(es) that you hook,
not within your own process. (So if
you've set a breakpoint on it, it
won't be triggered unless you attach
the debugger to the process you've
hooked, rather than the process that
installed the hook.)
