WSO2 ESB more than 10 JMS Queue not working - jms

While develping WSO2 flows with proxies and queues we discovered that with more than 10 queues in the ActiveMQ, some proxy do not get the messages from the JMS anymore.
We found follwing links on this problem, but the correct solution can't be found:
Where do I have to put the mentioned parameters?

The answer could be found here:
You have to add the following parameters to your start script of the WSO2
wso2server.bat -Dsnd_t_max=600 -Dsnd_t_core=120


How to send MQ messages (JMS) using JMeter

I have to put messages in a queue for which I have all the connection details (host, port, channel, manager, queuename and username). I never worked on implementing JMeter for sending MQ. Can anyone let me know where can I get (blog or reference) step by step procedure to perform this? I tried referring to official site, can't really understand those JNDI, connection Factory settings
Man, your MQ statement is too general as there are too many possible message queue system providers like Apache ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, IBM MQ, TIBCO, etc. and the values for all these JNDI/JMS properties, connection factory names, queue names, etc. will be different.
To get an overview of Java communication with "MQ" get familiarized with Getting Started with Java Message Service (JMS)
Download .jar files for your MQ system and put them to JMeter Classpath
Perform configuration as per your MQ system connection settings, example setup for Apache ActiveMQ is here: Building a JMS Testing Plan - Apache JMeter

Configure hornetq on Wildfly8 to send messages on JMS queue

I have recently started using Wildfly 8 and noticed that Wildfly8 has a built-in JMS utility called Hornetq. My question is, how can I configure hornetq to send and receive message on a JMS queue using Wildfly8 server?
There are a number of good tutorials on the net about how to use HornetQ (JMS) from within Widlfly, I like this one for JMS 2.0:
Here is the hello world example from Wildfly themselves, illustrating how to implement an MDB and the respective listeners and topics:
That page describes everything in excellent detail and demonstrates the use of JMS 2.0 and EJB 3.2 Message-Driven Bean in WildFly 8. The project is runnable with maven and creates two JMS resources:
A queue named HELLOWORLDMDBQueue bound in JNDI as java:/queue/HELLOWORLDMDBQueue
A topic named HELLOWORLDMDBTopic bound in JNDI as java:/topic/HELLOWORLDMDBTopic
If you are having trouble with configuration of queues etc. in the standalone, the docs here are actually quite helpful as well:

Trying to use jms publisher/subscriber in jmeter to connect to IBM MQ

We have been using jms point-to-point sampler in jmeter to post an xml based request to the MQ. Since then our application has changed and now the messages that are posted to the MQ are Serialable objects created with spring integration. To have a test around this, we tried using jms publisher/subscriber. All the online support we tried is pointing to connection to ActiveMQ. Has anyone tried using jms published to post object message to and IBM MQ?
The online approach gives you all the elements to switch to IBM MQ.
You would need to:
put IBM MQ jars in lib folder of jmeter
Find the infos needed for :
This will help you:

How to Check or Test JMS Url is Active Before Sending Message in WSO2 ESB

Is there any way or any configurations in WSO2 ESB to test JMS endpoint before sending actual message. I have searched alot but didn't find any solution. I need help from WSO2 experts.
there is no option in WSO2, just send a test message and check.

WSO2 ESB MessageStore & MessageProcessor support for RabbitMQ?

I have tested AMQP Transport implementation for RabbitMQ (v3.3.5) from WSO2 ESB (v4.8.1) Proxies with a few minor issues, now everything works fine. For this, I followed this blog post (from 2013/03/26).
Now, I would like to try with WSO2 MessageStore & MessageProcessor with RabbitMQ, because I think this is the best approach to follow, but seems that is not any implementation for RabbitMQ and WSO2's Documentation Portal says nothing of how to implement it.
I know that RabbitMQ (v3.3.5) do not implement JMS1.1 and AMQP1.0 by default, It does need extra plugins. Then, What do I need to follow to implement MS/MP correctly?.
I have started reviewing the source code of the current implementation of and org.apache.synapse.message.processor.impl.forwarder.ScheduledMessageForwardingProcessor, but I need more guidance.
Someone has implement custom MessageStore/MessageProcessor?, Could you share your experience?.
After digging in existing WSO2 JMS MessageStore implementation, I have created a new JMS-AMQP MessageStore for RabbitMQ. Using WSO2 MessageStore I can manage DeadLetter Channel and GuaranteedDelivery Patterns from WSO2 ESB.
The steps followed were:
1) To solve incompatibility issues between AMQP 0.9.1 implementation of RabbitMQ and JMS 1.1.
Right now does not exist any lib to connect to AMQP Broker using JMS, except the Apache Qpid client (0.30). It was a great help.
2) Improve existing code of WSO2 JMS MessageStore.
I added a new second JMS Destination, the first one was to consume and the another one was to produce messages. In this manner I got to connect to RabbitMQ using pre-configured Exchanges, Routing Keys and Queues.
I hope that is useful.
