What values from these colums (jos_content) means? - joomla

I would like to be sure about meaning values from columns in jos_content table:
Could someone give me any hints?

modified : date time when the article was last modified
published : i couldn't see any field named published in that table
publish_up : date-time when you want that article to be published
publish_down : date time when you want that article to be unpublished



I am very new to programming and have what I believe is a basic question I can't find the answer to.
I am trying to use this function, the statement is below :
ML.DETECT_ANOMALIES(MODEL mydataset.my_arima_plus_model,
STRUCT(0.9 AS anomaly_prob_threshold),
TABLE mydataset.my_time_series_data_table)
#it is from this link
My question is, how can I create the table for "TABLE mydataset.my_time_series_data_table)" and what should I put in the columns for headers and data?
The mydataset.my_time_series_data_table is the data that you want to detect the anomalies. In the example that you linked, the timestamp is date and time series data is temperature, as mentioned on that page:
column names are date and temperature ...
what should I put in the columns for headers and data?
Your table should have at least date and temperature two columns.

Google sheet adding a layer on top of a vlookup to make it conditional on a yes/no and a date

I would like to put in a basic toggle into a Google sheet.
Here is my reference table, It gets imported from another Google document so it's updated all the time.
I also have another google sheet that goes back to this lookup reference. It fills in the data if the date is less than today's date and matches the Date and the Source columns as a key.
I'd like to add another part in the Google sheet that says Include Today and you can type in the word "Yes"
If you type in Yes, I would like the yellow section, that uses the lookup_ref reference table, to include today's date, and otherwise include only days before today. In the example here, today is October 14, so if we type in "Yes" into this field, we need to have a value other than 0 for V15.
Okay, so you want to optionally include today's values in the formula. So you can conditionally add 1 day to today based on the value of "Include Today".
For example, if you add "Include Today" Yes/No value at cell "Z1", then you need to add IF(Z1="yes",1,0). So your formula can be
=IFERROR(IF(O15 < today() + IF(Z1="yes",1,0), vlookup(A15,lookup_ref,4,false), 0),0)

Informatica: If Current month data missing, use previous month

The project I'm working on has monthly data for gas prices in California. The data is taken from a website and loaded into a table. I've done this part - the data is current until March 2016. We are now in April, which does not have any data yet, so the next step I need to do is use March's data and place that into April.
Here is what my table looks like right now:
My question is: How do I add a new row with first column data of 201604 and use March's price?
Let me know if I need to add more information.
I can't help but thinking that your table structure is going to hurt later.
You don't appear to have a primary key which helps with integrity and performance.
YYYYMM could be a key but it's not clear whether you are storing it as a number or a string.
The use of YYYYMM as a column name might prove troublesome as that is part of the Oracle data format.
your naming convention of GAS_PRICES table and GAS_PRICE column could provide confusion due the similarity

ApplySimple Formula for Current year in Microstrategy

I'd like to nkow how to extract the current year using an ApplySimple formula for an Oracle DB being used on microstrategy.
The formula I tried is :
Even though this formula is a valid one - when I try using this formula to create an attribute , and display it in a report , I get no results( blank column )
What I'm essentially trying to do is compare this current year attribute to another year attribute and create afilter based on this.
Any help wll be much appreciated!
I wouldn't bother with ApplySimple at all, it can be done directly in a filter.
Qualify on the attribute form that you want to compare (presumably the Year ID), and then in the Operator section, change the dropdown from its default 'Value' to 'Custom'.
This allows you to use MicroStrategy's built-in functions in your qualification. The current year can be returned by putting:
for your comparison.
Are you sure you want to compare the string "twenty fourteen"? Because, TO_CHAR(SYSTIMESTAMP,'year') would return that. Instead, you might need the YYYY format :
But that is still a string.
You probably need NUMBER :
So, I would prefer, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM SYSTIMESTAMP) Because, this will return 2014 as NUMBER.
If the attribute is NUMBER data type, you might need this formula :

Problem with Oracle BI Answers Calendar Prompt

I have a calendar prompt which when selected is in the format 'MM/DD/YYYY' but when the filter is applied the timestamp gets appended to it.
Please see the attached picture.
I do not want the timestamp to be appended after applying the filter.
Figured out the problem - The data type of the selected column was DATETIME in the physical layer. Once I changed it to DATE everything was fine
