Recommender: Log user actions & datamine it – good solution [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am planning to log all user actions like viewed page, tag etc.
What would be a good lean solution to data-mine this data to get recommendations?
Say like:
Figure all the interests from the viewed URL (assuming I know the
associated tags)
Find out people who have similar interests. E.g. John & Jane
viewed URLS related to cars etc
It’s really my lack of knowledge in this domain that’s a limiting factor to get started.
Let me rephrase.
Lets say a site like stackoverflow or Quora. All my browsing history going through different questions are recorded and Quora does a data mining job of looking through it and populating my stream with related questions. I go through questions relating to parenting and the next time I login I see streams of questions about parenting. Ditto with Amazon shopping. I browse watches & mixers and two days later they send me a mail of related shopping items that I am interested.
My question is, how do they efficiently store these data and then data mine it to show the next relevant set of data.

Datamining is a method that needs really enormous amounts of space for storage and also enormous amounts of computing power.
I give you an example:
Imagine, you are the boss of a big chain of supermarkets like Wal-Mart, and you want to find out how to place your products in your market so that consumers spend lots of money when they enter your shops.
First of all, you need an idea. Your idea is to find products of different product-groups that are often bought together. If you have such a pair of products, you should place those products as far away as possible. If a customer wants to buy both, he/she has to walk through your whole shop and on this way you place other products that might fit well to one of that pair, but are not sold as often. Some of the customers will see this product and buy it, and the revenue of this additional product is the revenue of your datamining-process.
So you need lots of data. You have to store all data that you get from all buyings of all your customers in all your shops. When a person buys a bottle of milk, a sausage and some bread, then you need to store what goods have been sold, in what amount, and the price. Every buying needs its own ID if you want to get noticed that the milk and the sausage have been bought together.
So you have a huge amount of data of buyings. And you have a lot of different products. Let’s say, you are selling 10.000 different products in your shops. Every product can be paired with every other. This makes 10,000 * 10,000 / 2 = 50,000,000 (50 Million) pairs. And for each of this possible pairs you have to find out, if it is contained in a buying. But maybe you think that you have different customers at a Saturday afternoon than at a Wednesday late morning. So you have to store the time of buying too. Maybee you define 20 time slices along a week. This makes 50M * 20 = 1 billion records. And because people in Memphis might buy different things than people in Beverly Hills, you need the place too in your data. Lets say, you define 50 regions, so you get 50 billion records in your database.
And then you process all your data. If a customer did buy 20 products in one buying, you have 20 * 19 / 2 = 190 pairs. For each of this pair you increase the counter for the time and the place of this buying in your database. But by what should you increase the counter? Just by 1? Or by the amount of the bought products? But you have a pair of two products. Should you take the sum of both? Or the maximum? Better you use more than one counter to be able to count it in all ways you can think of.
And you have to do something else: Customers buy much more milk and bread then champagne and caviar. So if they choose arbitrary products, of course the pair milk-bread has a higher count than the pair champagne-caviar. So when you analyze your data, you must take care of some of those effects too.
Then, when you have done this all you do your datamining-query. You select the pair with the highest ratio of factual count against estimated count. You select it from a database-table with many billion records. This might need some hours to process. So think carefully if your query is really what you want to know before you submit your query!
You might find out that in rural environment people on a Saturday afternoon buy much more beer together with diapers than you did expect. So you just have to place beer at one end of the shop and diapers on the other end, and this makes lots of people walking through your whole shop where they see (and hopefully buy) many other things they wouldn't have seen (and bought) if beer and diapers was placed close together.
And remember: the costs of your datamining-process are covered only by the additional bargains of your customers!
You must store pairs, triples of even bigger tuples of items which will need a lot of space. Because you don't know what you will find at the end, you have to store every possible combination!
You must count those tuples
You must compare counted values with estimated values

Store each transaction as a vector of tags (i.e. visited pages containing these tags). Then do association analysis (i can recommend Weka) on this data to find associations using the "Associate" algorithms available. Effectiveness depends on a lot of different things of course.
One thing that a guy at my uni told me was that often you can simply create a vector of all the products that one person has bought and compare this with other peoples vectors and get decent recommendations. That is represent users as the products they buy or the pages they visit and do e.g. Jaccard similarity calculations. If the "people" are similar then look at products they bought that this person didn't. (Probably those that are the most common in the population of similar people)
Storage is a whole different ballgame, there are many good indices for vector data such as KD trees implemented in different RDBMs.
Take a course in datamining :) or just read one of the excellent textbooks available (I have read Introduction to data mining by Pang-Ning tan et al and its good.)
And regarding storing all the pairs of products etc, of course this is not done and more efficient algorithms based on support and confidence are used to prune the search space.

I should say recommendation is machine learning issue.
how to store the datas depends on which algorithm you chose.


Optimal buying strategy with multiple shops and items

I'm working on a program to "optimally" buy magic cards. On the site each user has a "mini-shop", think eBay without the auctions.
The users enters a list of cards he wants to buy, I then fetch all offers from the site and print an "optimal" shopping list. Optimal meaning cheapest. Prices differ in the shops and also postage changes depending on how many cards you buy.
I would like to implement some algorithm which creates that list for me. I have written one, which works(I think), but I have no idea how good it works.
So my question is this: Can this problem be solved by some existing algorithm? It would need to deal with ~1000 offers for EACH card (normally 40-60 cards, so around 50k different offers)
Can somone point me in the correct direction on this?
The "partition" or "bin packing" problems (which are both mappable to what you want to do) is known to be NP-complete. Thus, the only way to make SURE that you have the optimal solution is to try all possible solutions and pick the best way.
If the user wants to buy 1,000 cards, trying all possible options is not computationally feasible, so you need to use heuristics.

Best matching algorithm for an economic simulation?

I want to find the best matching algorithm to recreate an economic simulation.
I will create differents groups of customers. Each group will have particular parameters that will determine what the customers wants to buy. Example of those parameters : quality, features, marketing, etc.
Each player in my game will create differents products and try to fill out the needs of the differents groups of customers. Then, they will put a price on each product, and decide how much they will produce (limited quantity).
So, on one side, you have a limited quantity of customers. On they other side, you have a limited quantity of products. These to quantities do not need to be equal (but it can be). So you might have too much products for the quantity of customers, or too much customer for quantity of products. But one thing is sure : every customer wants to buy a product, unless there is a shortage.
I found the stable mariage algorithm, but this one doesn't seem to fit exactly my situation. What would be the best matching algorithm for this?
This question is related to a previous post about similar subject :
An algorithm for economic simulation?
One way to think about this problem is as a maximum-weight bipartite matching problem. In your setup, you can think of the problem as a graph with two groups of nodes:
Nodes corresponding to customers
Nodes corresponding to products
There is an edge pairing up each customer with the products that they're interested in buying, with the cost of an edge being how much the customer wants that particular product. Since customers aren't paired with customers and products aren't paired with products, this graph is bipartite.
Given this setup, one option would be to find a matching in this graph with the maximum possible possible total benefit (that is, maximizing the total amount of utility given by people buying the appropriate products). This way, everyone who can buy something will end up doing so, unless other people so disproportionately want the products that that customer wants that it makes more sense for that person not to get any of his preferred products. There are many algorithms for maximum-weight bipartite matching, and they run fairly quickly.
Hope this helps!

How to break a user story that changes something huge internally e.g. underlying data access layer [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We have a few products with one of the product use flat files for persistence.. Other products in the suite can use that data (via API) but only one at a time..
We cannot put the whole files in DB as its huge data.. 20GB+.. but still we have found a solution where some data can be put in DB.. e.g. user interpretations, meta info, markups etc..
So the story is like:
"As a user i can concurrently access product A data from product B, C and D". That is huge i.e. approx 6-8 months
Even if I keep it as "As a user i can concurrently access product A data from product B". It’s still huge.. i.e. approx 5-6 months
Even doing like following, It’s still huge..
"As a user i can concurrently access feature X of product A data from product B". i.e. approx 4-5 months.
The problem is if we can do one thing (one feature, one product) we can quickly do all..
how can i break this story into sub-stories.. or should i accept that some stories cannot be further broken into sub-stories that can fit in one iteration.
PS: we use scrum
Ask yourself (and your team): What makes the story so big? Is there absolutely no benefit that can be shown along the way? Features and products would be the obvious cut, but might not necessarily (as you've shown) be good enough.
How about sub-components of the feature? What are you putting in? Is any of it externally visible or valuable?
Do you have authentication, configuration, or other "standard" aspects of the product? You could cut those out and put them as user stories.
Perhaps the 3-5 month features can be cut down further?
I hope this helps,
What you are describing is what we call an "epic" - it's really a collection of smaller stories that you are describing with a much larger descriptor. I suggest you do some more analysis to determine what parts of the system will be impacted by your request. You might have groupings like Reports, Entry Forms, etc that are individually impacted by the request.
Tackle the impact of the "epic" request on each area as a user story. For example, "Enhance Report X to include data from Product B", "Enhance Report X to include data from Product C", etc. I don't know enough about what you are changing to make the titles more descriptive but hopefully you get the idea. Keep at this deconstruction until the stories get down to the sweet spot of 2, 3, or 5 points each.
The nice thing about this is that it also will allow the PO to make a decision once they see all of the costs for this request. They may decide that we really only need access to data from Product B alone to be successful once they see the costs to include Product C also.
Agile fully supports that some features have a longer horizons than a typical sprint period (2-4 weeks). Certainly the story can be broken down into tasks. In this case, I recommend prioritizing the tasks for this story and burning them down using your scrum methodology. At the end of each sprint, you should still have 'working software' that you can demonstrate / test. You may not have the full feature yet, and that is okay.

algorithms to evaluate user responses

I'm working on a web application which will be used for classifying photos of automobiles. The users will be presented with photos of various vehicles, and will be asked to answer a series of questions about what they see. The results will be recorded to a database, averaged, and displayed.
I'm looking for algorithms to help me identify users which frequently don't vote with the group, indicating that they're probably either not paying attention to the photos, or that they're lying about what they see. I then want to exclude these users, and recalculate the results, such that I can say, with a known amount of confidence, that this particular photo shows a vehicle that is this and that.
This question goes out to all you computer science guys, where to find such algorithms or to give myself the theoretical background to design such algorithms. I'm assuming I'm going to have to learn some probability and statics, maybe some data mining. Some book recommendations would be great. Thanks!
P.S. These are multiple choice questions.
All of these are good suggestions. Thank you! I wish there was a way on stack overflow to select multiple correct answers so more of you could be acknowledged for your contributions!!
Read The Elements of Statistical Learning, it is a great compendium on data mining.
You can be interested especially in unsupervised algorithms, for example clustering. Assuming that most people do not lie, the biggest cluster is right and the rest is wrong. Mark people accordingly, then apply some bayesian statistics and you'll be done.
Of course, most data mining technologies are pretty experimentative, so don't count on that they will be always right... or even in most cases.
I believe what you described is solved using outlier/anomaly detection.
A number of techniques exist:
statistical-based methods
distance-based methods
model-based methods
I suggest you take a look at these slides from the excellent book Introduction to Data Mining
If you know what answers you are expecting why do you ask people to vote? By excluding some values you basically turn the vote in something that you like. Automobiles make different impression to different individuals. If 100 ppl loved a car then when someone comes and says that he/she doesn't like it, you exclude the vote?
But anyway, considering that you still want to do this, first of all you will need a large set o data from "trusted" voters. This will give you an idea of "good" answer and from this point you can choose the exclude threshold.
Without an initial set of data you cannot apply any algorithm because you will get false results. Consider just one vote of 100 from on a scale from 0 to 100. The second vote is "1" The you will exclude this vote because is too far away from the average.
I think a pretty simple algorithm could accomplish this for you. You could try and get fancier by calculating the standard deviations and such, but I wouldn't bother.
Here's a simple approach that should be sufficient:
For each of your users, calculate the number of questions they answered and the number of times they selected the most popular answer for the question. The users which have the lowest ratio of picking the popular answer versus total answers you can guess are providing bogus data.
You probably would not want to throw out the data from users where they've only answered a small number of questions because they likely have just disagreed on a few versus putting in bogus data.
What kind of questions are they (Yes/No, or 1 to 10?).
You may be able to get away with not discarding anything by using a mean instead of an average. With averages if there are extreme outliers in the response it could affect the average, but if you use median you may get a better answer. So for example if you had 5 answers, order them and pick the middle one.
I think what you are saying is that you are concerned that certain people are "outliers", and they are adding noise to your data, making the categorizations less reliable. So, if you have a Chevy Camaro, and most people say it is either a pony car, a muscle car, or a sports car, but you have some goofball who says it's a family sedan, you would want to minimize the impact of his vote.
One thing you could do is provide a Stack Overflow-like reputation score for users:
The more a user is "in agreement" with other users, the better his or her score would be. For a given user (User X), this could be determined by a simple calculation of what percentage of users who responded to a question chose the same category as User X, then averaging this value over all questions answered.
You may want to to multiply this value by the total number of question answered to encourage people to answer as many questions as possible. (Note: if you choose to do this, it would be equivalent to just summing the percentage agreement scores rather than averaging them.)
You could present the final reputation score to users, making sure to explain that they will be rewarded for how well their responses agree with those of other users. This will encourage people to answer more questions but also to take care in their answers.
Finally, you could calculate a certainty score for a given categorization by adding up the total reputation score of all people who chose a given category.
Some of these ideas may need some refinement, especially since I don't know your exact situation. Certainly, if people can see what other people chose before they vote, it would be way too easy to game the system.
If you were to collect votes like "on a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate this car", you could probably use simple average and standard deviation: the smaller the standard deviation, the more unanimous the general consensus is among your voters, and you can flag users who are e.g. 3 standard devs from the average.
For multiple choice, you need to be more careful. Simply discarding all but the most-voted option will do nothing but disgruntle the voters. You need to establish a measure of how significant the winner is w.r.t. the other options, e.g. flag users who voted for options with less than 1/3 of the winning options count.
Note that I wrote "flag users", not discard votes. If you discard votes, you can't tell how confident you are about the result ("91% voted this to be a Ford Mustang"). If a user has more than a certain percentage of his votes flagged - well, that's up to you.
Your trickiest problem, however, will probably be to collect sufficient votes. Depending on how easy the multiple choice problem is, you probably need several times the number of options as votes, per photo. Otherwise the statistics are meaningless.

Algorithm for suggesting products

What's a good algorithm for suggesting things that someone might like based on their previous choices? (e.g. as popularised by Amazon to suggest books, and used in services like iRate Radio or YAPE where you get suggestions by rating items)
Simple and straightforward (order cart):
Keep a list of transactions in terms of what items were ordered together. For instance when someone buys a camcorder on Amazon, they also buy media for recording at the same time.
When deciding what is "suggested" on a given product page, look at all the orders where that product was ordered, count all the other items purchased at the same time, and then display the top 5 items that were most frequently purchased at the same time.
You can expand it from there based not only on orders, but what people searched for in sequence on the website, etc.
In terms of a rating system (ie, movie ratings):
It becomes more difficult when you throw in ratings. Rather than a discrete basket of items one has purchased, you have a customer history of item ratings.
At that point you're looking at data mining, and the complexity is tremendous.
A simple algorithm, though, isn't far from the above, but it takes a different form. Take the customer's highest rated items, and the lowest rated items, and find other customers with similar highest rated and lowest rated lists. You want to match them with others that have similar extreme likes and dislikes - if you focus on likes only, then when you suggest something they hate, you'll have given them a bad experience. In suggestions systems you always want to err on the side of "lukewarm" experience rather than "hate" because one bad experience will sour them from using the suggestions.
Suggest items in other's highest lists to the customer.
Consider looking at "What is a Good Recommendation Algorithm?" and its discussion on Hacker News.
There isn't a definitive answer and it's highly unlikely there is a standard algorithm for that.
How you do that heavily depends on the kind of data you want to relate and how it is organized. It depends on how you define "related" in the scope of your application.
Often the simplest thought produces good results. In the case of books, if you have a database with several attributes per book entry (say author, date, genre etc.) you can simply chose to suggest a random set of books from the same author, the same genre, similar titles and others like that.
However, you can always try more complicated stuff. Keeping a record of other users that required this "product" and suggest other "products" those users required in the past (product can be anything from a book, to a song to anything you can imagine). Something that most major sites that have a suggest function do (although they probably take in a lot of information, from product attributes to demographics, to best serve the client).
Or you can even resort to so called AI; neural networks can be constructed that take in all those are attributes of the product and try (based on previous observations) to relate it to others and update themselves.
A mix of any of those cases might work for you.
I would personally recommend thinking about how you want the algorithm to work and how to suggest related "products". Then, you can explore all the options: from simple to complicated and balance your needs.
Recommended products algorithms are huge business now a days. NetFlix for one is offering 100,000 for only minor increases in the accuracy of their algorithm.
As you have deduced by the answers so far, and indeed as you suggest, this is a large and complex topic. I can't give you an answer, at least nothing that hasn't already been said, but I an point you to a couple of excellent books on the topic:
Programming CI:
is a fairly gentle introduction with
samples in Python.
CI In Action: looks a
bit more in depth (but I've only just
read the first chapter or 2) and has
examples in Java.
I think doing a Google on Least Mean Square Regression (or something like that) might give you something to chew on.
I think most of the useful advice has already been suggested but I thought I'll just put in how I would go about it, just thinking though, since I haven't done anything like this.
First I Would find where in the application I will sample the data to be used, so If I have a store it will probably in the check out. Then I would save a relation between each item in the checkout cart.
now if a user goes to an items page I can count the number of relations from other items and pick for example the 5 items with the highest number of relation to the selected item.
I know its simple, and there are probably better ways.
But I hope it helps
Market basket analysis is the field of study you're looking for:
Microsoft offers two suitable algorithms with their Analysis server:
Microsoft Association Algorithm Microsoft Decision Trees Algorithm
Check out this msdn article for suggestions on how best to use Analysis Services to solve this problem.
link text
there is a recommendation platform created by amazon called Certona, you may find this useful, it is used by companies such as B&Q and Screwfix find more information at‎
