Display panel on a calling page (WP7) - windows-phone-7

I want to display a small panel in front of a page in windows phone 7
Once a page called method, a panel should appear above the page on the center of the screen
I created a class that extends panel and I stopped on how can I make this form appear on front of any calling page
Any help?

You can make use of MessagePrompt, a control from Coding4Fun.
Place your panel code in the MessagePrompt UserControl and call it in every page you want.


Prism Navigation keep MasterPageDetail menu after navigating to other page

I'm using prism and had a MasterDetailPage with some pages that is accessible from that. But, in some of this pages, I can navigate to other pages that is not accessible from the MasterPageDetail Menu, but menu is still accessible with sliding action. I'll post some prints to try explain.
That's is a page that is accessible from MasterPageDetailMenu
When the user is accessing this page, he can access the MasterPageDetail Menu. But if the user select an item of the list or click in "Plus" Floating Button, the app navigate to other Page where MasterPageDetail Menu shouldn't be accessible.
But, as you can see on the next image, if the user slide the page from the left to right, the MasterPageDetail Menu is still accessible
How can I avoid this behaviour?
In the App class, my code for navigate to MasterPageDetail is:
await NavigationService.NavigateAsync("Menu/Navigation/TipoItensCardapio")
In this case, menu is my MasterPagelDetail.
The code for navigate from TipoItensCardapio page to the second page is:
If you intend for a specific page to not allow the drawer to be swiped out it sounds like you should probably be pushing it as a Modal instead of a normal Page. For example:
await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new YourPage());
For more info about Xamarin.Forms modals I'd check out the docs

Prism Xamarin Forms ToolbarItem appearing twice

I am using Prism for Xamarin Forms application development.
May be because I am new to both Prism and Xamarin Froms because of which I am facing a basic issue with the navigation.
Let me start with the details of my implementation and then the issue at hand.
I have a MasterDetail Page (named Home) which is my main page.
There are a few menu items in the Master Page. One of them is Partner.
On Click of Partner menu item, NavigationService.NavigateAsync("Navigation/Partner") method is called. Where "NavigationService" is of type "INavigationService".
This opens a page called "Partner" which is a tabbed page (TabbedPage). The first tab is a contentpage called "PartnerAll".
PartnerAll page contains a listview. On click of a list view item, a new page is opened "PartnerDetails" by calling NavigationService.NavigateAsync("Navigation/PartnerDetails", parameters, false, true);
On PartnerDetails page, I have added a toolbaritem called "Cancel".
Issue: When "PartnerDetails" page opens up, "Cancel" item shows up twice, as shown in the screenshot:
screenshot of partner details page with two cancel buttons
Where is it I am going wrong. What should I do to make it work?
Please assist.
Best regards, Ankur Jain
You’re pushing two NavigationPage’s onto the Navigation Stack. This would result in two Navigation bars. You can see in your screenshot you have both a back and a hamburger menu icon.
You should just pass in the identifier string for your destination page, instead of pushing another instance of the NavigationPage onto the stack
do it like so NavigationService.NavigateAsync(PartnerDetails);

Create Page custom animations in Windows Phone 8.1 (Windows Runtime)

I would like to develop some animations for my pages or my page content. The approach of which one I should follow is unclear to me at the moment and I'll try to explain why.
What I'd like to achieve is to create a page (or page content) animation with a slide-in from right when navigating to the page and slide-out to left when leaving the page.
The slide-in part can be achieved with ContentThemeTransition from TransitionCollection. But what about the slide-out part?
I can't seem to know or find any good timing regarding when to fire a slide-out animation just before the page is about to be left.
I'dlike not to apply any animation to the page in such way that WP does by default (with some jump-out, jump-in effect). I'd like to be like BasicPage from templates with no animation but with custom animated content upon page enter and page leave.
How could this be achieved?
Thanks in advance.
I assume you are navigating from the page via tapping a button or something similar. Why don't you create a storyboard animation, start that from the Click event handler of the button, and call Frame.Navigate() when the animation has finished playing?

CodingForFun Toolkit Closing popup clears content from textboxes WP8

I am using CodingForFun Toolkit to create a pop up on on Windows phone app page (xaml).
I used the following code example http://developer.nokia.com/community/wiki/Create_simple_overlay_with_UserControl_in_Windows_Phone#?ticket=ST-0e471fde-6d16-4345-8eaf-038344e8f195-a00475e0-92ab-4a0b-9a4e-dccb8fffb737.
My page contains textboxes as I am trying to create a form page that has a link at the bottom (accept terms and conditions) that opens using a popup. But when I close the Popup using the back key on the phone the form content is cleared.
How can I keep the content even after closing the popup?

How to change screen's in windows phone 7?

Problem with the UriMapper. The flaw is when i am navigating to my EULA page which navigates to first page which navigates to Main Page.xaml but, this navigates back to EULA.xaml, here i mapped the MainPage.xaml and toggled between EULA.xaml and MainPage.xaml. So, the problem is after EULA->firstpage->EULA but i want it like EULA->firstpage->MaiNPage. How to achive this?
You have a navigation loop.
Instead of mapping MainPage with UriMapper, map a virtual page eg. MainOrFirstPage.
Are you talking about a Navigation Loop ? I have this problem with a login screen : Remove a page from Navigation Stack
If you want a way to only show your EULA page once, have a look at these questions which all cover this issue:
Creating a Logon Screen
How do I clear navigation history in Silverlight/Windows Phone 7?
How to change the startup page of a WP7 Application
Windows Phone 7 Sign in screen redirect
On application launch show 2 different pages based on a condition?
