Simultaneous AJAX calls during HTTP streaming - ajax

I have an Apache server running a web application. In this webapplication I show a video using JWPlayer. JWPlayer uses http pseudostreaming to fetch the video from a PHP script which serves up this video. All this works well and the video is streamed well.
The problem I am having is while the video is streaming I also use AJAX calls to fetch some XML files which are used by Adobe Flash files on the same page. While streaming these XML file fetches are kept 'pending' until the entire video is loaded. Using Chrome I can see that the video gets loaded byte by byte. When the video is entirely loaded, then the XML files are fetched. Also if I open another tab in my browser while a video is streaming and try to load the web application again, it will also not show until the video is entirely loaded.
This seems te be an Apache setting of some sort. The MPM settings for apache are:
ThreadsPerChild 150
MaxRequestsPerChild 0
This seems to be correct. Any ideas what could be wrong?

If you are using PHP sessions then this is probably what is causing the IO blocking.
php blocking when calling the same file concurrently

I was making a system with private video streaming. So, i was needing a streaming via php, because using php programming i was able to restringe user access.
I was having troubles to streaming video and execute other script on the server.
Using the session_write_close() solve the problem to open another scripts and i found that script on web that helps me sooooo much.
I want to share, because that script makes a real streaming.
I found it on website.
All thanks to the author of this code =D
$file = 'video360p.mp4';
$fp = #fopen($file, 'rb');
$size = filesize($file); // File size
$length = $size; // Content length
$start = 0; // Start byte
$end = $size - 1; // End byte
header('Content-type: video/mp4');
//header("Accept-Ranges: 0-$length");
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) {
$c_start = $start;
$c_end = $end;
list(, $range) = explode('=', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], 2);
if (strpos($range, ',') !== false) {
header('HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable');
header("Content-Range: bytes $start-$end/$size");
if ($range == '-') {
$c_start = $size - substr($range, 1);
$range = explode('-', $range);
$c_start = $range[0];
$c_end = (isset($range[1]) && is_numeric($range[1])) ? $range[1] : $size;
$c_end = ($c_end > $end) ? $end : $c_end;
if ($c_start > $c_end || $c_start > $size - 1 || $c_end >= $size) {
header('HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable');
header("Content-Range: bytes $start-$end/$size");
$start = $c_start;
$end = $c_end;
$length = $end - $start + 1;
fseek($fp, $start);
header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content');
header("Content-Range: bytes $start-$end/$size");
header("Content-Length: ".$length);
$buffer = 1024 * 8;
while(!feof($fp) && ($p = ftell($fp)) <= $end) {
if ($p + $buffer > $end) {
$buffer = $end - $p + 1;
echo fread($fp, $buffer);


How to automatically get basic monitoring info such as CPU and Memory Usage from the IBM i?

I'm trying to get some basic performance data (such as CPU and Memory Usage) from the IBM i every minute or so.
Then I'm creating a Web App, which will display all of this in a centralized dashboard and also notify the user for any unusual values/events.
All I need is some kind of parsable data output from IBM i; could be JSON, CSV, perhaps even ODBC,...
I already tried running commands to get spool output, but that's not consistent so it can't really be parsed. The latest thing I found is collecting CSV files, but that is not automatic.
Inside the "IBM i Navigator -> Performance -> Investigate Data" there is an option to show a graph with my required data and it's even possible to export it as CSV.
However, I was wondering if it's possible to GET this data via a HTTP Request as JSON? I was searching around and found mentions of "Integrated Web Services" and "CICS Transactions Server HTTP Requests", but nothing specific on getting existing data, only on creating your own.
Thank you!
I don't know if the data you search for available through a web request. What is the greater goal you want to achieve? Just curiosity? Centralized Monitoring for erratic values?
Usually, the requested class of data is exposed in more or less real time via SNMP and easily accessible by existing monitoring applications. It uses UDP and is much more efficient in terms of processor overhead than web requests.
The graphs you mention might be derived from the Performance Tools, something akin to sar & friends on Linux/Unix. However, this data is also not exported via web request. I think there are API calls within the OS to access this data. See Performance Tools for an overview.
Of course, this data is saved in tables and can be accessed via ODBC from outside IBM i, but I question the effort resulting from the probable lack of documentation about the table structure to be beneficial.
the system exposes all sorts of performance info as SQL table functions. here is the active job info table function
PHP can be used to write a web service which first calls the table function, then returns the resulting data as a JSON data stream.
header("Content-type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8;");
// access an input, posted json object.
$postContents = file_get_contents('php://input') ;
$postObject = json_decode( $postContents ) ;
$action = isset($postObject->action) ? $postObject->action : '' ;
$conn = as400Connect('qgpl qtemp') ;
$sql = "SELECT *
$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql) ;
$result = db2_execute($stmt) ;
$colNames = db2Stmt_GetColNames( $stmt ) ;
$finalArr = array( ) ;
while( $row = db2_fetch_array($stmt))
$assocArr = array( ) ;
for( $jx = 0 ; $jx < sizeof($row) ; ++$jx )
$colName = $colNames[$jx] ;
if ( in_array( $colName, $showColNameArr ))
$vlu = $row[$jx] ;
$assocArr[$colName] = $vlu ;
$finalArr[] = $assocArr ;
echo json_encode( $finalArr ) ;
// ---------------------------- as400Connect ------------------------
function as400Connect( $libl )
$options = array('i5_naming' => DB2_I5_NAMING_ON);
if (strlen($libl) > 0)
$options['i5_libl'] = $libl ;
$conn = db2_connect("*LOCAL","","", $options);
if (!$conn) {
echo "Connection failed" ;
echo "<br>" ;
echo db2_conn_errormsg( ) ;
exit( ) ;
return $conn ;
// --------------------- db2Stmt_GetColNames ----------------
// build and return array of column names from a db2_execute
// executed $stmt.
function db2Stmt_GetColNames( $stmt )
$colCx = db2_num_fields($stmt);
$colNames = array( ) ;
for( $ix=0; $ix < $colCx; $ix++ )
array_push( $colNames, db2_field_name( $stmt, $ix )) ;
return $colNames ;

Insert $i variable in object call in Propel & PHP

I'm currently busy rebuilding our CMS in Propel. I currently have the functions to get several body's from our database but i'm struggling to get a desired one based on a $i variable.
The function is as follows:
for ($i = 0; $i < $item->getColumns(); $i++) {
if (strlen(strip_tags(stripslashes($item->getBody1()))) > 100) {
$body = strip_tags(stripslashes(substr(strip_tags($item->getBody$i()), 0, strpos(strip_tags($item->getBody.$i()), ' ', 100)))) . ' ...';
} else {
$body = stripslashes($item->getBody.$i());
In the function above you the see code $item->getBody1(). I want the function to use the $i variable to get the desired body, so for example if $i = 2, the getBody function should be $item->getBody2().
I've tried to use $item->getBody.$i() but that doesn't work. Is there a way I could create this?
Any help is appreciated!
This is not an issue with Propel, but with PHP.
Instead of using:
$getIthBodyMethod = 'getBody' . $i;
PHP manual on variable methods

Php Generate random number without repeat

$C = $_POST['Cc'];
$X = $_POST['X'];
$CX = $_POST['Cc'] . $_POST['X'];
$NC = preg_replace_callback("/x/" ,function() {return rand(0,9);}, $CX);
$New = $NC ;
$NNew = str_repeat($New,10);
echo $NNew;
what's wrong when i output it , it gives me the same number How to make It Don't Give me the same Numbers ??
It's basically you are not changing the seed for the rand method. Each time it's getting same seed and generating same number.
Read this PHP manual :
Check the code snippet below:
// seed with microseconds
function make_seed()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return $sec + $usec * 1000000;
$randval = rand(0,9);
echo $randval;
Or you can use mt_rand() which is seeded differently on each execution.

Need simple parallelism example in Perl 6

I am trying to learn Perl 6 and parallelism/concurrency at the same time.
For a simple learning exercise, I have a folder of 550 '.htm' files and I want the total sum of lines of code among all of them. So far, I have this:
use v6;
my $start_time = now;
my $exception;
my $total_lines = 0;
my #files = "c:/testdir".IO.dir(test => / '.' htm $/);
for #files -> $file {
$total_lines += $file.lines.elems;
default { $exception = $_; } #some of the files error out for malformed utf-8
say $total_lines;
say now - $start_time;
That gives a sum of 577,449 in approximately 3 seconds.
How would I rewrite that to take advantage of Perl 6 parallelism ideas? I realize the time saved won't be much but it will work as proof of concept.
Implementing Christoph's suggestion. The count is slightly higher than my original post because I'm now able to read in the malformed UTF-8 files using encode latin1.
use v6;
my $start_time = now;
my #files = "c:/iforms/live".IO.dir(test => / '.' htm $/);
my $total_lines = [+]*.lines(:enc<latin1>).elems);
say $total_lines;
say now - $start_time;
use v6;
my $start_time = now;
my $exception;
my #lines;
my $total_lines = 0;
my #files = "c:/testdir".IO.dir(test => / '.' htm $/);
await do for #files -> $file {
start {
#lines.push( $file.lines.elems );
default { $exception = $_; } #some of the files error out for malformed utf-8
$total_lines = [+] #lines;
say $total_lines;
say now - $start_time;

Timepicker that removes times as they're selected (ajax)

I'm building a booking form for a moving business that uses a calendar combined with a start and end time. I built the timepicker with Formidable Pro, and it allows me to check "unique" on time fields which automatically removes them on the selected date. However it doesn't automatically remove the times from within the range between start and end times (ie: if someone chooses to rent a truck from 1am-3am I need 1am,2am,and 3am to be removed from future options but right now it only removes 1am and 3am) . I need to write ajax to remove the in-between times from the options. I'm not sure where to begin. This is the current ajax_time_ options function. Any push in the right direction would be appreciated.
function ajax_time_options(){
global $frmpro_settings, $frmdb, $wpdb;
//posted vars = $time_field, $date_field, $step, $start, $end, $date, $clock
$time_key = str_replace('field_', '', $time_field);
$date_key = str_replace('field_', '', $date_field);
if (!preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/', trim($date)))
$date = FrmProAppHelper::convert_date($date, $frmpro_settings->date_format, 'Y-m-d');
$date_entries = FrmEntryMeta::getEntryIds("fi.field_key='$date_key' and meta_value='$date'");
$opts = array('' => '');
$time = strtotime($start);
$end = strtotime($end);
$step = explode(':', $step);
$step = (isset($step[1])) ? ($step[0] * 3600 + $step[1] * 60) : ($step[0] * 60);
$format = ($clock) ? 'H:i' : 'h:i A';
while($time <= $end){
$opts[date($format, $time)] = date($format, $time);
$time += $step;
if($date_entries and !empty($date_entries)){
$used_times = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT meta_value FROM $frmdb->entry_metas it LEFT JOIN $frmdb->fields fi ON (it.field_id = WHERE fi.field_key='$time_key' and it.item_id in (". implode(',', $date_entries).")");
if($used_times and !empty($used_times)){
$number_allowed = apply_filters('frm_allowed_time_count', 1, $time_key, $date_key);
$count = array();
foreach($used_times as $used){
$count[$used] = 0;
if((int)$count[$used] >= $number_allowed)
echo json_encode($opts);
