JPlayer + Ajax page load - ajax

I will try to keep this short:
How would i manage to make a unique instance of jPlayer ( "work" after an ajax page load?
My jPlayer uses the following inline javascript code:
$mp3 = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'audio_mp3', TRUE);
$ogg = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'audio_ogg', TRUE);
<?php if($mp3 && $ogg) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
jQuery( '#jquery_jplayer_<?php the_ID(); ?>' ).jPlayer({
ready: function() {
jQuery(this).jPlayer('setMedia', {
mp3: "<?php echo ($mp3); ?>",
oga: "<?php echo ($ogg); ?>"
swfPath: "<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/js/jplayer/",
cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_<?php the_ID(); ?>",
supplied: "<?php if($mp3 != '') : ?>mp3, <?php endif; ?><?php if($ogg != '') : ?>oga, <?php endif; ?> all"
For non unique stuff like a prettyPhoto lightbox for example i created a function (prettyPhoto(); wich i put in the callback. But i cannot seem to get this working with jplayer!
Any help would be apriciated!

I recommend using the playlist add-on.
Create an empty player instance
var jpplaylist = new jPlayerPlaylist({
jPlayer: "#jquery_jplayer_1",
cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_1"
}, [], {
swfPath: "/path/to/swf",
supplied: "mp3",
wmode: "window"
After your AJAX page load, use the setPlaylist function to add your tracks:
title:"Song Title",
The full playlist specs are here:


Woocommerce mini-cart ajax apply coupon

I have been going in circles with this I have added an apply coupon field to mini-cart.php and am trying to get it to run without refreshing the whole page. Any suggestions would be amazing help.
function apply_coupon_code(){
$coupon_code = isset( $_POST["coupon_code"] ) ? $_POST["coupon_code"] : '';
add_action( 'wp_ajax_apply_coupon_code', 'apply_coupon_code' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_apply_coupon_code', 'apply_coupon_code' );
<?php if (empty (WC()->cart->get_coupons())): ?>
<span id="coupon-form">
<?php if ( wc_coupons_enabled() ) { ?>
<form class="widget_shopping_cart_content" action="<?php echo $cart_url ?>" method="post">
<?php } else { ?>
<form id="apply-promo-code" class="widget_shopping_cart__coupon">
<?php } ?>
<label id="promo-code" for="coupon-code">Promo Code:</label>
<input id="minicart-coupon" class="input-text" type="text" value="" name="coupon_code"/>
<button type="submit" id="minicart-apply-button" class="button" name="apply_coupon" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Apply coupon', 'woocommerce' ); ?>"><?php esc_attr_e( 'Apply', 'woocommerce' ); ?></button>
<?php do_action( 'woocommerce_cart_coupon' ); ?>
<?php do_action( 'woocommerce_cart_actions' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php foreach ( WC()->cart->get_coupons() as $code => $coupon ) : ?>
<span id="widget-shopping-cart-remove-coupon" class="mini_cart_coupon-<?php echo esc_attr( sanitize_title( $code ) ); ?>">
Promo Code: <?php echo esc_attr( sanitize_title( $code ) ); ?>
<?php $remove_url = $cart_url.'?remove_coupon='.$coupon->code; ?>
<?php wc_cart_totals_coupon_html( $coupon ); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
jQuery(document).on('click', 'button#minicart-apply-button', function() {
var coupon = jQuery( 'input#minicart-coupon' ).val();
var button = ( this );
var data = {
action: "apply_coupon_code",
coupon_code: "coupon"
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
url: wc_add_to_cart_params.ajax_url,
data: data,
success: function (response) {
error: function (errorThrown) {
You can get the new mini cart HTML inside your ajax callback on the server and then return that as a response to the jQuery ajax call then simply replace the whole mini cart HTML on the front-end with the updated HTML.
function apply_coupon_code(){
$coupon_code = isset( $_POST["coupon_code"] ) ? $_POST["coupon_code"] : '';
$cart_html = ob_get_clean();
return $cart_html;
add_action( 'wp_ajax_apply_coupon_code', 'apply_coupon_code' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_apply_coupon_code', 'apply_coupon_code' );
The output buffer is used here as woocommerce_mini_cart uses wc_get_template which just echoes out the content. The output buffer will allow you to capture this as a string.
Now you need to tell jQuery that you're expecting HTML back from the server...
jQuery(document).on('click', 'button#minicart-apply-button', function() {
var coupon = jQuery( 'input#minicart-coupon' ).val();
var button = ( this );
var data = {
action: "apply_coupon_code",
coupon_code: "coupon"
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'html',
url: wc_add_to_cart_params.ajax_url,
data: data,
success: function (response) {
error: function (errorThrown) {
Now response will have the new HTML for the mini-cart, so you can replace it using jQuery's html() function...
success: function (response) {

Update meta_key with ajax in Wordpress

I want to update meta_key with ajax in wordpress i use this form
this is my code but not work for me
add_action( 'wp_head', 'ajax_the_clike' );
function ajax_the_clike() {
var ajaxurl = 'http://''/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php';
var formd = "#like";
$(formd).submit(function(event) {
url: $(formd).attr('action'),
type: $(formd).attr('method'),
data: $(formd).serialize(),
success: function(data) {
error: function(data) {
add_action('wp_ajax_the_clike', 'the_clike'); // wp_ajax_{ACTION HERE}
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_the_clike', 'the_clike');
function the_clike() {
echo '<form action="'.site_url() .'/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php" method="post" id="like">';
echo '<input type="submit" value="VoteUp" id="submit" name="submits">';
$postsid = get_the_ID();
$addone = get_field('like');
update_field('field_5f009fe6d7067' ,$addone, $postsid);
echo '</form><p> Like : '; if(get_field('like')) { the_field('like');}else{echo '0';} echo '</p>';
I using a Advanced custom field plugin
Where is wrong? How do I solve this problem?
Thanks for any help

dropdown is not working i ajax form submit in yii 1x

My drop down is not working in ajax form submit but its working on normal form.
When i do ajax submit i get error in firebug
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -"
But when i do the normal submission the form works.
Please help me to solve this issue
My ajax view is _ajax_create_form.php. Code:
<div class="form">
'onsubmit'=>"return false;",/* Disable normal form submit */
'afterValidate'=>'js:function(form, data, hasError) {
if (!hasError)
)); ?>
div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'country_id'); ?> <?php echo $form->dropDownList($model,'country_id',
CHtml::listData(Country::model()->findAll(),'id','name')); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model,'country_id'); ?> </div>
<div class="modal-footer">
<div class="form-actions">
$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbButton', array(
'icon'=>'ok white',
'label'=>$model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Save',
$this->endWidget(); ?>
Scipt for ajax submit
<script type="text/javascript">
function create()
var data=$("#state-create-form").serialize();
type: 'POST',
url: '<?php
echo Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl("state/create"); ?>',
$.fn.yiiGridView.update('state-grid', {
error: function(data) { // if error occured
alert("Error occured.please try again");
function renderCreateForm()
$('#state-create-form').each (function(){
My Controller code is
public function actionCreate()
$model=new State;
// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
echo $model->id;
echo "false";
Chnage your AJAX url
try by this
var href = window.localion.href.split('/');
var SITE_URL = href[0] + '//' + href[2] + '/';
url: SITE_URL + 'controller/action',

Ajax retrieve data from success function

I am submitting a form via Ajax, and I want to prepend the project name to a list item when the form is submitted. Everything works fine except for pulling the information needed inside the success function. Data[Project][project_name] is being posted. How do I get the project name inside the success function? Right now "data" is being displayed in the list. I only have the one textbox in my form.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var frm = $('#ProjectAddForm');
frm.submit(function() {
type: frm.attr('method'),
url: frm.attr('action'),
data: frm.serialize(),
success: function(data) {
$('#ProjectList').prepend("<li style='color: green;'>data</li>");
return false;
<ul id="ProjectList">
<?php foreach ($projects as $project): ?>
<li><?php echo $project['Project']['project_name']; ?></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php unset($project); ?>
<form accept-charset="utf-8" method="post" onsubmit="event.returnValue = false; return false;" id="ProjectAddForm" action="/callLog/projects/add">
I needed to add a dataType: 'json' to the request.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var frm = $('#ProjectAddForm');
frm.submit(function() {
type: frm.attr('method'),
url: "<?php echo $this->Html->Url(array('controller' => 'projects', 'action' => 'add.json')); ?>",
data: frm.serialize(),
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
$('#ProjectList').prepend("<li class='icon-remove', style='color: green;'>" + data.projectName + "</li>");
return false;

Using fileuploader.js in codeigniter along with csrf in ajax

How do I use fileuploader.js in Codeigniter with csrf, in ajax?
I am using the images_crud library
I keep getting
The action you have requested is not allowed.
I have added the create method in the controller :
* pages form
public function create(){
$this->data = array_merge($this->data,
array( 'output' => '' ,
'js_files' => array() ,
'css_files' => array()
//for file uploading
$image_crud = new image_CRUD();
$output = $image_crud->render();
$this->load->view('admin/create_pages.php', $this->data);
And the create_pages in view :
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); ?>
<?php echo validation_errors()?>
foreach($css_files as $file): ?>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $file; ?>" />
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php foreach($js_files as $file): ?>
<script src="<?php echo $file; ?>"></script>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php echo form_open(site_url('admin/pages/save'),array('style'=>'width:700px;'))?>
<input type='text' name='title' value='<?php echo #$title?>' />
content :
<textarea name="content" id="content" >
<?php echo #$content?>
<?php echo $output?>
<input type='submit' name='submit' value='save' />
I have added image_crud.php and image_moo.php in the library.
I am getting 500 Internal Server Error with the url being
which I wanted to be
I am not sure why the fileuploader.js is taking a different url for uploading.
Well, I have not made much changes to the codings avilaible from
<?php if ( ! $unset_upload) {?>
<?php }?>
function loadColorbox()
rel: 'color-box'
function loadPhotoGallery(){
url: '<?php echo $ajax_list_url?>',
dataType: 'text',
beforeSend: function()
$('.file-upload-message').html("<?php echo $this->l('loading');?>");
complete: function()
success: function(data){
function createUploader(){
var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({
element: document.getElementById('file-uploader-demo1'),
template: '<div class="qq-uploader">' +
'<div class="qq-upload-drop-area"><span><?php echo $this->l("upload-drop-area");?></span></div>' +
'<div class="qq-upload-button"><?php echo $this->l("upload_button");?></div>' +
'<ul class="qq-upload-list"></ul>' +
fileTemplate: '<li>' +
'<span class="qq-upload-file"></span>' +
'<span class="qq-upload-spinner"></span>' +
'<span class="qq-upload-size"></span>' +
'<a class="qq-upload-cancel" href="#"><?php echo $this->l("upload-cancel");?></a>' +
'<span class="qq-upload-failed-text"><?php echo $this->l("upload-failed");?></span>' +
action: '<?php echo $upload_url?>',
debug: true,
onComplete: function(id, fileName, responseJSON){
function saveTitle(data_id, data_title)
url: '<?php echo $insert_title_url; ?>',
type: 'post',
data: {primary_key: data_id, value: data_title},
beforeSend: function()
$('.file-upload-message').html("<?php echo $this->l('saving_title');?>");
complete: function()
here you have two problems.
First: you need to set the csrf token with every ajax request. which is simple.
Second: you need to set the csrf token for when uploading. which is impossible.
But sure you have other alternatives here. DON'T Worry!.
each method like edit title or delete etc.. you can solve it like this:
in your list.php at the very first:
$CI =& get_instance(); // create codeigniter reference instance.
function saveTitle(data_id, data_title)
url: '<?php echo $insert_title_url; ?>',
type: 'post',
data: {primary_key: data_id, value: data_title,
'<?php echo $CI->security->get_csrf_token_name(); ?>':'<?php echo $CI->security->get_csrf_hash(); ?>'},
beforeSend: function()
$('.file-upload-message').html("<?php echo $this->l('saving_title');?>");
complete: function()
simple solution. just adding the csrf_token_name and csrf_hash_value.
now for the second problem I said that it's impossible because the qq.fileuploader
uses $_GET and not $_POST, so the property params they offer just adds a get argument for you which will not be parsed by csrf_verify() method.
how to solve it: simply go to your config/config.php and add the following code to the end of it:
if(stripos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"],'/upload_file') === FALSE)
$config['csrf_protection'] = TRUE;
$config['csrf_protection'] = FALSE;
which will disable the uploading csrf checking for you ( it will be disabled just when uploading ) and it will re-enable it with the next request.
I have tested this code and it's working 100%. :)
Update: the main problem consists of that the developer of image_crud has not considered multipart encoded request ( as I can see from the new results). and he is using an old version of fineuploader. the problem is solved by fineuploader 3.0+ but not yet in image_crud which is making problems when using multipart encoded request.
Hope that I helped.
The author of image_crud has just pushed out a new version that utilizes the latest version of Fine Uploader. Problems with IE and other issues you may have run into should be fixed in the newest version. You should be able to make use of csrf tokens now without minimal reconfiguration.
