How to turn off compiler optimisations in AppCode - xcode

I am porting an iOS project to Android. I need to step through the methods in the Objective C classes to understand how they work and also to help with writing unit tests which will validate my ports. AppCode is my chosen weapon.
The problem is that whilst debugging, I often get "value temporarily unavailable due to optimisations" and I am unable to inspect most classes, lists and arrays.
I've opened the project in Xcode and set the compiler optimisations to "none" then opened it in AppCode. I've also tried opening the project in Xcode from within AppCode (File->Open project in Xcode). Despite the project properties showing no optimisations, I am still unable to view most variables. I also get variables repeated in the debug window and the execution point jumps all around the code when stepping. This leads me to believe that optimisations are still turned on.
I've tried with GDB and LLDB via debugging preferences in AppCode.
Can anyone rescue my sanity?

Have you checked that the Run/Debug configuration you're using (in AppCode) is a Debug (and not a Release) configuration? Run -> Edit configurations pops up a dialogue where you can edit each config. Make sure that the 'configuration' drop-down is set to 'Debug'.


Eclipse CDT (Windows/Cygwin) Ignoring Breakpoints - answers to other posts have not helped

Running the latest stable version of Eclipse CDT on an up-to-date Windows 10 x64. I started off with the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers and then installed CDT plugin minus preview/beta/experimental features - it is my only plugin; I'm able to debug Java projects just fine, but when it comes to using gdb in C it does not stop on breakpoints at all; the debugger works perfectly fine otherwise. I can step through program, examine variables, see assembly output. I can even see the breakpoints correlating to the assembly.
I've gone through several posts on StackOverflow and various forums and none of them have helped me. In light of their suggestions, here is my current situation:
I do NOT have the "Skip All Breakpoints" button accidentally enabled. (I've also toggled it on-off during program execution, does not help.)
I AM in the Debug perspective
Running Eclipse as Administrator does NOT fix the problem
Disabling "stop on startup" does NOT fix the problem
I am using the default debug configuration, so there is no optimization and maximum debugging information (currently using -O0 -g3 flags)
Passing the -ggdb3 flag does not help
I've tried various combinations of cleaning/rebuilding project/clearing breakpoints/restarting Eclipse
I've tried creating new projects and copying and creating new source files and copying and pasting the contents of the original sources into the new ones - new project does not fix anything
The breakpoints I am testing are in guaranteed-to-hit-places in main (eg. a simple "Hello World" program with only multiple printf statements), so there is no issue regarding loading libraries or other source files
Run -> Breakpoint Types is currently set to C/C++ Breakpoints
I hope someone is able to assist!

The Following Module was built either with optimizations enabled or without debug information after frame work is changed to 4.0 from 3.5

I am using VS2010.I was changed my project and its dependent projects .Net Framework to 4.0 from 3.5.Now I could not attach the process,due to this I am not able to debug the code.
I have cleaned all the bin folders and rebuild the projects ,but still I am having following error.
Please help me to resolve this..
I'm not sure what the question is here. The error message clearly tells you that you need to
Turn off (disable) optimizations
Turn on (enable) debug info
Rebuild your project so those changes take effect.
Apparently you only did step #3.
Also see vs2010 debugging module was built without debugging information?, which may provide more information.
I also received this error, and did all the right things as described above - those have been my settings all along anyway. I even went so far as deleting the assembly from the long C:\Users... path in the error message - it still didn't cause that message to go away.
Then I tried putting a breakpoint in the source, which should not be allowed if the module really WAS built without debug information. And then ran the program and it stopped at the break point and I could do all the usual debugging.
So right now I'm just ignoring the message. I could do as suggested and disable the 'Warn if no user code on launch' option as suggested in the message, but I'm not doing that until I can spend some time working out why the message comes up at all.
Uncheck this option in Visual Studio 2012.This would solve this issue

Breakpoints not working in xcode 4

I just started using Xcode to program a C++ openCV project.
The project is set up with an external makefile, /usr/bin/gnumake as build tool, and the program compiles and runs fine.
However, breakpoints gets skipped no matter what i do.
I have tried making a new project, selecting between gdb and LLDB, restarting Xcode++
There are numerous threads about this issue, but most talk about "Load Symbols Lazily", but as far as I know, this is not an issue in Xcode 4.5.2.
It is probably my limited Xcode knowledge that causes the error.
Help is greatly appreciated.
I could resolve my similar problem by disabling "Link-Time Optimization" for the Debug build settings.
Make sure that any kind of code optimization is disabled in your debug build settings (code stripping, optimization, etc). Then check that you really run the debug build and not the release version.
It would be great if XCode could automatically warn you when you have build settings that possible break the debugger...

Debugging a C executable with a C++-CLI Library compiled with /clr

I am using Visual Studio 2010 to debug an application mostly written in C. Normally, I can attach the debugger just fine, but I am running in to some problems when I link in a library written in C++ / CLI.
If I compile the library with the /clr flag (which I will eventually have to do for this as of yet unwritten library) then I lose all ability to debug the entire C application, even the parts that have nothing to do with the library calls. I get the empty circle with the yellow triangle and exclamation mark where a red break point circle ought to be. Hovering over it gives me only a tool tip that says "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No executable code is associated with this line. Possible causes include: conditional compilation or compiler optimizations."
Then if I link with the exact same library compiled without the /clr flag, I am again able to debug my application.
I understand that visual studio will not likely be able to debug the library written in C++ / CLI, and that is OK. I just want to keep the ability to debug the rest of the application and at least see the results of my calls to the external library.
Another complicating factor is that this project is not being built by visual studio. It is compiled using an external make system that uses cl, so I can customize any commands that need to be issued to the compiler that way.
Does anyone know why I can't currently debug the libraries the way I want to? Any advice for how I can?
You have to select the kind of debugger when you attach. Note the "Attach to" label in the dialog. Press the Select button and tick "Native" to get support for debugging native code. The DLL also needs to be loaded before any of your breakpoints can hit. If you are not sure whether or not that was done then look in the Debug > Windows > Modules debugger window to see loaded DLLs. The breakpoint indicator turns from hollow to solid red as soon as the debugger saw the DLL load and armed the breakpoint.
Debugging C++/CLI is otherwise supported, you can tick both the "Managed" and "Native" checkboxes. And set breakpoints in either kind of code. The only thing not supported is single-stepping from managed to native code and back. A mode-switch is required to activate the correct debugging engine, that requires code to hit a breakpoint.
And consider the Debug options in your native project, you can specify an EXE to start. So that you can simply press F5 to start debugging and skip the attach hassle.
It might also have to do with the Debugger Type!
(but that depends on your specific building configuration about which I do not know enough)
If any of your projects is complied with Common Language Runtime Support (/clr) you should set the Debugger Type in your startup project to "Mixed", since the default setting "Auto" might fail!
Imagine, you have two projects:
1) A non-CLR C++ project, which is your startup project that generates some .exe file.
2) A C++ project, that generates mylibrary.dll, which is compiled with Common Language Runtime Support, because it uses some managed code. The .exe from the first project calls mylibrary.dll.
If you start the first project with Debugger Type set to its default value "Auto", you'll be able to debug into the first project, but not into the second one. The debugger selector does not realize that you will be calling a CLR-library.
So set Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Debugging -> Debugger Type to "Mixed"!

Xcode 3.2 + LLVM = no local symbols when debugging

I have a project for Mac OS X 10.5 that I'm building on 10.6 using Xcode 3.2. When I use GCC 4.2 for Debug build and hit a breakpoint, Xcode debugger displays local variable information normally. If I choose LLVM GCC 4.2 or Clang LLVM, when I hit breakpoint, local symbols are not available, and GDB says No symbol 'self' in current context if I try to print self or any other local symbol. In all cases Generate debug info option is set. The Debug configuration is set to $(NATIVE_ARCH) and 10.5 SDK, Build active architecture only option is set. When GDB starts, I can see it is being configured as x86_64-apple-darwin. I must be missing something obvious. How do I make GDB show local symbols when using a LLVM compiler?
For those not familiar, a little more detail to cdespinosa's answer, which worked for me, and which I voted up.
From the Xcode menu, select Project > Edit Project Settings...
Choose the Build tab
In the search box type "Optimization Level", choose that field, and select None.
Next search for "Debug Information Format", choose that field, and select "DWARF" or "DWARF with dSYM".
Would have put this in comments to his post if I had the privs. ;)
This cost me some serious time, and was frankly kind of sloppy on Apple's part, but in general I can't complain.
Make sure you're building with Dwarf symbols and no optimization. llvm is a new back-end, and not all of its optimized codegen is hooked up to debug symbol generation yet.
This may help. Try turning off "Link-Time Optimization" in the project's build options. That fixed a problem I had with missing debug symbols.
In fact, that fixed a bunch of weird problems I was having with Clang. I'd say that feature is just too bleeding edge to use yet.
GDB from FSF only added support for JIT code very recently.
I don't know whether Apple-supplied GDB has support for it at all (do you get reasonable stack traces?). If it does, this support is (apparently) incomplete.
I was having this problem and solved it by putting a tick next to the menu item: "Project > Set Active Build Configuration > Debug". Previously, the "Release" option was selected. Locals started showing up in the debugger for my project from then on.
