Minimising number of requests vs Browser Caching & Multiple domains - performance

I have recently been working on improving the front end performance of our website and have been employing a number of best practices.
However I have had a recent example where some of the practices are slightly at odds with each other
Minimise HTTP requests
In order to "trick" the browser into making more concurrent requests have some assets served from a different domain
Leverage browser caching
We used to bundle almost all of our Javascript into one file to minimise HTTP requests. This included JQuery and JQuery UI.
I thought this was silly as many users are likely to have JQuery already cached in their browser so I decided we should remove it from our all.js and instead serve it from Google's CDN. This would save users downloading the code again and because it's on a different domain it can be downloaded in parallell with other resources from our own domains.
The concurrent downloading is shown in the graph below:
This of course has raised the number of requests for people without JQuery already cached which isn't great though.
So my question is this:
Is the change a sensible one? Do the benefits of leveraging caching and allowing concurrent requests outweigh a slight increase in the number of requests?

That is a very good question.
You have explained your reasoning well and they are all good reasons for making this change.
But there still remains benefits to both approaches.
Keeping everything combined in one file
Reduce number of HTTP requests, reduces the negative effects of round-trip latency on the user's connection.
All libraries/plugins are downloaded at once, and should remain cached for when they are later needed.
Reduce dependency on other services (although, Google is going to be quite reliable).
Separate files spread across domains
Increase parallelisation of downloads, reduces the negative effects of bandwidth shaping on the user's connection. (Note that most browsers don't limit concurrent per-domain requests to 2 anymore though.)
Increase granularity - separate parts can be downloaded on-demand as needed, ie if a particular plugin is not needed on the first page hit, it isn't downloaded.
Personally, I'd normally lean a little bit towards the former (reducing HTTP requests by combining them into one big file). I feel like most of my audience is going to be on a fairly high-bandwidth connection and I can reduce latency. Remember to use Google and Yahoo's page speed tools to find other ways of speeding things up.


Is the improvement from switching on http/2.0 in Cloudfront for an SPA noticeable for the average user of a large site during bootstrap?

We have a large SPA in backbone and Angular that calls out to a set of Java APIs for a financial system with a large number of users.
One person said:
Switching on http/2.0 will have a massive different for our users in terms of page load time due to the nature of the protocol.
Another person said:
Browsers like Chrome are actually pretty good even without http/2.0. Switching it on won't make a noticeable different to the end user.
We made the change, and measured static page load times before and after the change. We didn't see a difference over 48 hours of data each before and after the change. (By both browser tests, and getting logging data on page load times forwarded to the application from the browser in our logs.)
My question is: Is the improvement from switching on http/2.0 in Cloudfront for an SPA noticeable for the average user of a large site during bootstrap?
Way too vague a question to answer I’m afraid.
Some of the things to consider:
Is your site super optimised with HTTP/1 performance issue workarounds (e.g.
concatenation, spriting, sharding) that HTTP/2 (which looks to remove the need for those) provides no real noticeable performance benefits?
Is your site so full of crappy JavaScript that HTTP downloads (which HTTP/2 looks to make more efficient) are a tiny and almost unnoticeable part of the performance problem in the grand scale of things?
Is your site bandwidth bound (e.g. full of print quality images) so that bandwidth rather than HTTP queuing is the problem?
Is your backend and/or web server so sucky that it takes a long time to generate your pages so again the HTTP transfer part is a tiny, almost unnoticeable part of the problem?
Is your site a really small site with just one HTML page and one JavaScript load?
Could your site be more optimised for HTTP/2 (e.g. hosting everything on a single domain, potentially using HTTP/2 Push...etc.) to allow you to get more performance than you could out of HTTP/2?
All of these things could impact whether switching to HTTP/2 makes a noticeable difference or not. Google found that a sample of sites get a 27%-60% performance improvement for SPDY (that HTTP/2 is based upon), but it really does depend on the site in question.
Ultimately HTTP/2 aims to make downloading many assets more efficient as this is inefficient under HTTP/1 - and particularly on low latency conditions. If you don’t have many assets, or downloading those is not a problem then HTTP/2 then you may not notice much difference.
I’ve a blog post to help show the problems in HTTP/1 that HTTP/2 looks to address (including analysing a real world example - which may help you look at your site for the same potential issues (full disclosure it’s part of a book I’m writing on the subject).

Optimizing File Cacheing and HTTP2

Our site is considering making the switch to http2.
My understanding is that http2 renders optimization techniques like file concatenation obsolete, since a server using http2 just sends one request.
Instead, the advice I am seeing is that it's better to keep file sizes smaller so that they are more likely to be cached by a browser.
It probably depends on the size of a website, but how small should a website's files be if its using http2 and wants to focus on caching?
In our case, our many individual js and css files fall in the 1kb to 180kb range. Jquery and bootstrap might be more. Cumulatively, a fresh download of a page on our site is usually less than 900 kb.
So I have two questions:
Are these file sizes small enough to be cached by browsers?
If they are small enough to be cached, is it good to concatenate files anyways for users who use browsers that don't support http2.
Would it hurt to have larger file sizes in this case AND use HTTP2? This way, it would benefit users running either protocol because a site could be optimized for both http and http2.
Let's clarify a few things:
My understanding is that http2 renders optimization techniques like file concatenation obsolete, since a server using http2 just sends one request.
HTTP/2 renders optimisation techniques like file concatenation somewhat obsolete since HTTP/2 allows many files to download in parallel across the same connection. Previously, in HTTP/1.1, the browser could request a file and then had to wait until that file was fully downloaded before it could request the next file. This lead to workarounds like file concatenation (to reduce the number of files required) and multiple connections (a hack to allow downloads in parallel).
However there's a counter argument that there are still overheads with multiple files, including requesting them, caching them, reading them from cache... etc. It's much reduced in HTTP/2 but not gone completely. Additionally gzipping text files works better on larger files, than gzipping lots of smaller files separately. Personally, however I think the downsides outweigh these concerns, and I think concatenation will die out once HTTP/2 is ubiquitous.
Instead, the advice I am seeing is that it's better to keep file sizes smaller so that they are more likely to be cached by a browser.
It probably depends on the size of a website, but how small should a website's files be if its using http2 and wants to focus on caching?
The file size has no bearing on whether it would be cached or not (unless we are talking about truly massive files bigger than the cache itself). The reason splitting files into smaller chunks is better for caching is so that if you make any changes, then any files which has not been touched can still be used from the cache. If you have all your javascript (for example) in one big .js file and you change one line of code then the whole file needs to be downloaded again - even if it was already in the cache.
Similarly if you have an image sprite map then that's great for reducing separate image downloads in HTTP/1.1 but requires the whole sprite file to be downloaded again if you ever need to edit it to add one extra image for example. Not to mention that the whole thing is downloaded - even for pages which just use one of those image sprites.
However, saying all that, there is a train of thought that says the benefit of long term caching is over stated. See this article and in particular the section on HTTP caching which goes to show that most people's browser cache is smaller than you think and so it's unlikely your resources will be cached for very long. That's not to say caching is not important - but more that it's useful for browsing around in that session rather than long term. So each visit to your site will likely download all your files again anyway - unless they are a very frequent visitor, have a very big cache, or don't surf the web much.
is it good to concatenate files anyways for users who use browsers that don't support http2.
Possibly. However, other than on Android, HTTP/2 browser support is actually very good so it's likely most of your visitors are already HTTP/2 enabled.
Saying that, there are no extra downsides to concatenating files under HTTP/2 that weren't there already under HTTP/1.1. Ok it could be argued that a number of small files could be downloaded in parallel over HTTP/2 whereas a larger file needs to be downloaded as one request but I don't buy that that slows it down much any. No proof of this but gut feel suggests the data still needs to be sent, so you have a bandwidth problem either way, or you don't. Additionally the overhead of requesting many resources, although much reduced in HTTP/2 is still there. Latency is still the biggest problem for most users and sites - not bandwidth. Unless your resources are truly huge I doubt you'd notice the difference between downloading 1 big resource in I've go, or the same data split into 10 little files downloaded in parallel in HTTP/2 (though you would in HTTP/1.1). Not to mention gzipping issues discussed above.
So, in my opinion, no harm to keep concatenating for a little while longer. At some point you'll need to make the call of whether the downsides outweigh the benefits given your user profile.
Would it hurt to have larger file sizes in this case AND use HTTP2? This way, it would benefit users running either protocol because a site could be optimized for both http and http2.
Absolutely wouldn't hurt at all. As mention above there are (basically) no extra downsides to concatenating files under HTTP/2 that weren't there already under HTTP/1.1. It's just not that necessary under HTTP/2 anymore and has downsides (potentially reduces caching use, requires a build step, makes debugging more difficult as deployed code isn't same as source code... etc.).
Use HTTP/2 and you'll still see big benefits for any site - except the most simplest sites which will likely see no improvement but also no negatives. And, as older browsers can stick with HTTP/1.1 there are no downsides for them. When, or if, you decide to stop implementing HTTP/1.1 performance tweaks like concatenating is a separate decision.
In fact only reason not to use HTTP/2 is that implementations are still fairly bleeding edge so you might not be comfortable running your production website on it just yet.
**** Edit August 2016 ****
This post from an image heavy, bandwidth bound, site has recently caused some interest in the HTTP/2 community as one of the first documented example of where HTTP/2 was actually slower than HTTP/1.1. This highlights the fact that HTTP/2 technology and understand is still new and will require some tweaking for some sites. There is no such thing as a free lunch it seems! Well worth a read, though worth bearing in mind that this is an extreme example and most sites are far more impacted, performance wise, by latency issues and connection limitations under HTTP/1.1 rather than bandwidth issues.

Is it better to use Cache or CDN?

I was studying about browser performance when loading static files and this doubt has come.
Some people say that use CDN static files (i.e. Google Code, jQuery
latest, AJAX CDN,...) is better for performance, because it requests
from another domain than the whole web page.
Other manner to improve the performance is to set the Expires header
equal to some months later, forcing the browser to cache the static
files and cutting down the requests.
I'm wondering which manner is the best, thinking about performance and
if I may combine both.
Ultimately it is better to employ both techniques if you are doing web performance optimization (WPO) of a site, also known as front-end optimization (FEO). They can work amazingly hand in hand. Although if I had to pick one over the other I'd definitely pick caching any day. In fact I'd say it's imperative that you setup proper resource caching for all web projects even if you are going to use a CDN.
Setting Expires headers and caching of resources is a must and should be done 100% of the time for your resources. There really is no excuse for not doing caching. On Apache this is super easy to config after enabling mod_expires.c and mod_headers.c. The HTML5 Boilerplate project has good implementation example in the .htaccess file and if your server is something else like nginx, lighttpd or IIS check out these other server configs.
Here's a good read if anyone is interested in learning about caching: Mark Nottingham's Caching Tutorial
Content Delivery Network
You mentioned Google Code, jQuery latest, AJAX CDN and I want to just touch on CDN in general including those you pay for and host your own resources on but the same applies if you are simply using the jquery hosted files cdn or loading something from for example.
I would say a CDN is less important than setting server side header caching but a CDN can provide significant performance gains but your content delivery network performance will vary depending on the provider.
This is especially true if your traffic is a worldwide audience and the CDN provider has many worldwide edge/peer locations. It will also reduce your webhosting bandwidth significantly and cpu usage (a bit) since you're offloading some of the work to the CDN to deliver resources.
A CDN can, in some rarer cases, cause a negative impact on performance if the latency of the CDN ends up being slower then your server. Also if you over optimize and employ too much parallelization of resources (using multi subdomains like cdn1, cdn2, cdn3, etc) it is possible to end up slowing down the user experience and cause overhead with extra DNS lookups. A good balance is needed here.
One other negative impact that can happen is if the CDN is down. It has happened, and will happen again. This is more true with free CDN. If the CDN goes down for whatever reason, so does your site. It is yet another potential single point of failure (SPOF). For javascript resources you can get clever and load the resource from the CDN and should it fail, for whatever the case, then detect and load a local copy. Here's an example of loading jQuery from with a fallback (taken from the HTML5 Boilerplate):
<script src="//"></script>
<script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/vendor/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"><\/script>')</script>
Besides obvious free API resources out there (jquery, google api, etc) if you're using a CDN you may have to pay a fee for usage so it is going to add to hosting costs. Of course for some CDN you have to even pay extra to get access to certain locations, for example Asian nodes might be additional cost then North America.
For public applications, go for CDN.
Caching helps for repeated requests, but not for the first request.
To ensure fast load on first page visit use a CDN, chances are pretty good that the file is already cached by another site already.
As other have mentioned already CDN results are of course heavily cached too.
However if you have an intranet website you might want to host the files yourself as they typically load faster from an internal source than from a CDN.
You then also have the option to combine several files into one to reduce the number of requests.
A CDN has the benefit of providing multiple servers and automatically routing your traffic to the closest location to your client. This can result in faster delivery, optimized by location.
Also, static content doesn't require special application servers (like dynamic content) so for you to be able to offload it to a CDN means you completely reduce that traffic. A streaming video clip may be too big to cache or should not be cached. But you don't neccessarily want to support that bandwidth. A CDN will take on that traffic for you.
It is not always about the cache. A small application web server may just want to provide the dynamic content but needs a solution for the heavy hitting media that rarely changes. CDNs handle the scaling issue for you.
Agree with #Anthony_Hatzopoulos (+1)
CDN complements Caching; also in some cases, it will help optimize Caching directives.
For example, a company I work for has integrated behavior-learning algorithms into its CDN, to identify and dynamically cache generated objects.
Ordinarily, these objects would be un-Cachable (i.e. [Cache-Control: max-age=0] Http header). But in this case, the system is able to identify Caching possibilities and override original HTTP Header directions. (For example: a dynamically generated popular product that should be Cached, or popular Search result page that, while being generated dynamically, is still presented time over time in the same form to thousands of users).
And yes, before you ask, the system can also identify personalized data and very freshness, to prevent false positives... :)
Implementing such an algorithm was only possible due to a reverse-proxy CDN technology. This is an example of how CDN and Caching can complement each other, to create better and smarter acceleration solutions.
Above those experts quotes, the explanation are perfect to understand CDN tech and also cache
I would just provide my personal experience, I had worked on the joomla virtuemart site and unfortunately it will not allow update new joomla and virtuemart version cause it was too much customised fields in product pages, so once the visitor up to 900/DAY and lots user could not put their items in their basket because each time to called lots js and ajax called for order items takes too much time
After optimise the site, we decide to use CDN, then the performance is really getting good, along by record from gtmetrix, the first YSlow Score was 50% then after optimise + CDN it goes to 74%
and from dashboard of CDN you could see which datacenter cost most and data charged most to get your improvement of marketing:
But yes to configure CDN it has to be careful of purge time and be balancing numbers of resource CDN cause if it down some problem you need to figure out which resource CDN cause
Hope this does help

HTTP Keep Alive benefits on AJAX site

We have a reasonably heavy AJAX site at
Currently each page request uses 5/6 AJAX requests to return the various pieces of the page and are fairly mySQL intensive. We'll be due a slow increase in traffic up until Christmas. Would we see any benefit of using keep alive?
How much traffic are you talking about? If you plan to use Keep-alive then you might want to ensure you have enough memory and lower the keep alive timeout to the lowest possible otherwise if you end up getting a lot of traffic it could hurt you. Sites with excessive traffic usually have keep alive disabled.
Also take a look and read http keep-alive in the modern age
I ran a report on your page at
As for your AJAX calls, I would improve those whether you use keep-alive or not. I would cache the responses. For example after you run your mysql queries and generate your output, cache it to disk for a few hours (or longer if possible) and then on subsequent calls pull the data from disk if it has not expired. This will save a bunch and speed up things overall.
Also if you're concerned about speed, I would use image sprites for a lot of your image resources. I notice some of your images are placeholders and are 100% transparent, consider using css only for those. This will reduce your overall requests dramatically.
I would also enable mod_expires and add some Expires headers. For an example htaccess file using these and more good practice features look at:
Jeepstone, I would recommend you don't enable keep-alive and maybe use a CDN and Parallelize your resources. You may also want to look at your database config. For example MySQL has low max connections and you might want to optimize slow queries, connection timeouts and ensure that you do not use any persistent connections.
Also if you're really concerned about the state of your web stack you can test it right now instead of finding out the problems down the line when there are a lot more real customers knocking. I'm talking about stress/load testing.
Check out Best way to stress test a website
and maybe
There are two big issues on large sites: concurrent connections and latency.
Looking at your Christmas numbers, I don't think your site is large. Therefore I would not see a big benefit from using Keep-Alive. Enabling Keep-Alive might increase the number of idle connections which would not help.
I would go the route of load testing your website, see what is the biggest bottleneck and fix it. Iterate by finding the biggest bottleneck and improve. You might find in your instance that the database is the main culprit. There are free load testing tools out there, or semi-free: VS Test Suite offers free for MSDN subscribers up to 250 virtual real concurrent users, which is more than you need.

HTTPS on Apache; Will it slow Apache?

Our company runs a website which currently supports only http traffic.
We plan to support https traffic too as some of the customers who link to our pages want us to support https traffic.
Our website gets moderate amount of traffic, but is expected to increase over time.
So my question is this:
Is it a good idea to make our website https only?(redirect all http traffic to https)
Will this bring down the websites performance?
Has anyone done any sort of measurement?
PS: I am a developer who also doubles up as a apache admin.
Yes, it will impact performance, but it's usually not too bad compared to the running all the DB queries that go into the typical dymanically generated page.
Of course the real answer is: don't guess, benchmark it. Try it both ways and see the difference. You can use tools like siege and ab to simulate traffic.
Also, I think you may have more luck with this question over at
I wouldn't worry about the load on the server; unless you are serving high volumes of static content, the encryption itself won't create much of a burden, in my experience.
However, using SSL dramatically slows down web sites by creating a lot more latency in connection setup.
An encrypted session requires about* three times as much time to set up as an unencrypted one, and the exact time depends on the latency.
Even on low latency connections, it is noticeable to the end user, but on higher latency (e.g. different continents, especially Australasia where latency to America/Europe is quite high) it makes a dramatic difference and will severely impact the user experience.
There are things you can do to mitigate it, such as ensuring that keep-alives are on (But don't turn them on without understanding exactly what the impact is), minimising the number of requests and maximising the use of browser cache.
Using HTTPS also affects browser behaviour in some cases. Certain optimisations tend to get turned off for security reasons, and some web browsers don't store objects loaded over HTTPS in the disc cache, which means they'll need to get them again in a later session, further impacting the user experience.
* An estimate based on some informal measurement
Is it a good idea to make our website
https only?(redirect all http traffic
to https) Will this bring down the
websites performance?
I'm not sure if you really mean all HTTP traffic or just page traffic. A lot of sites unnecessarily encrypt images, javascript and a bunch of other content that doesn't need to be hidden. This kind of content comprises most of the data transferred in a request so
if you do find feel that HTTPs is taking too much out of the system you can recommend the programmers separate content that needs to be secured from the content that does not.
Most webservers, unless severely underpowered, do not even use a fraction of the CPU power for serving up content. Most production servers I've seen are under 10%, even when using some SSL traffic. I think it would be best to see where your current CPU usage is at, and then do some of your own benchmarking to see how much extra CPU usage is used by an SSL request. I would guess it isn't that much.
No, it is not good idea to make any website as only https. Page loading speed might be little slower, because your server has to perform redirection operation unnecessarily for each web page request. It is better idea to make only pages as https that may contain secure/personal/sensitive information of users or organization. Even if the user information passing through web pages, you can use https. The web page which have information that can be shown to all in the world can normally use http. Finally, it is up to your requirement. If all pages contain secure information, you may make the website as https only.
