Jenkins: How to configure Mercurial installer for OSX? - macos

How do I configure Jenkins to automatically install Mercurial on nodes (slaves) that need it?
I tried checking the Mercurial -> Install Automatically combo-box under the Master node but it didn't seem to work. Do I need to "Add installer" for this to work? If so, how?

Apparently there are many Jenkins bugs on OSX:
There doesn't seem to be a way to auto-install Mercurial under OSX at this time. You must install Mercurial manually and point Jenkins to it. Ubuntu deployments can run sudo apt-get install mercurial but I'm not familiar with an equivalent for OSX.


Is there a way to silently accept the xcode license?

I'm trying to automate the installation of git for a large scale deployment on osx, and right now we're relying on the xcode tools version of git. As of OSX Mojave, it now requires the user to accept the xcode license before you can install, which has been breaking all our install scripts. Is there a way to automate the acceptance of this license?
Yes, you can use xcodebuild -license accept as root (or with sudo). You may want to use xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch instead, which will also install the needed package (you don't need that for git, but it may simplify the rest of your process).

How to install GitFlow for Windows

Is there a way to install Git Flow on Windows? I tried this tutorial but I'm unable to understand it.
I already have Git Installed on my PC, can I use GitFlow from my current Git installation?
Use the recently released Git for Windows 2.5.3 which now ships with git-flow (the AVH edition of it).
If you have Sourcetree OR if you install Sourcetree, you can find GitFlow options there. This is one of the easiest way to use GitFlow.
Once you active GitFlow from their (shown in the above screenshot), you can use all GitFlow commands from the terminal as well.

Git not working. Installed XCode

Using an iMac running OSX 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion). It's a work computer and can't upgrade to a higher OS version at the moment for various reasons.
I tried installing XCode so that I can use Git but it isn't working.
In terminal I run:
git --version
and get this response:
-bash: git: command not found
What am I doing wrong?
You need to install git separately:
Source control was only introduced into Xcode 4. This however does not mean git is installed onto your system as part of downloading Xcode. It just means that you can use some git features in a Xcode project by pressing the source control button at the top. To install the actual git go here.
I'm don't know why it appears to be so, but it looks like Git still isn't installed on your computer. Another way to check if Git is installed is by using the which git command. If that still doesn't help, install it separately. Download Git for Mac.

Command line installers

Ok I want to install the command line version of git on a Mac OSX machine.
Should I be using "brew" or macports or something else?
I want a good command line software manager and there are many.
Download and install xcode 4 from AppStore.
This will install all developer tools, including git.
For other things I recommend MacPorts.
You can grab git for Mac OSX here:
Git has installer for MacOSX.
Github has pretty good instruction on how to setup Git on Mac.

How can I build an RPM on my MacOS system?

I'm running Mac OS X 10.6.6. I have some data-only RPMs that I'd like to build.
Until recently I've done most of my development on a VM running CentOS, but one by one I've been able to transition these tasks to the Mac proper. I've been using Fink to access the Open/Free tools I need, but I'm not ready to go to Fink unstable, where the RPM5 package has been for a while.
I've also tried to build the RPM utilities from source, with little luck so far.
Is anyone else building RPMs natively on a Mac? If so, how?
You can install rpmbuild on MacOS using Homebrew package manager.
brew install rpm
This installs a bunch of packages including rpmbuild which is used to build an rpm. You can then run the following command to create an rpm
rpmbuild <specfile>
I was in this same situation today, but I've just successfully built and run rpm by first installing MacPorts and then installing from there. It requires an absolutely ludicrous 1.8GB of downloads before you can even build because it requires installing the (free) Xcode developer tools package from the Apple Store at 1.6GB, then another 140MB package of command line tools.
So, first carefully follow every step of the clear instructions here to install MacPorts:
After doing all that, be sure to run the update command (as mentioned in the install instructions) so that it downloads the available software ports package (it'll say "can't find rpm" if you don't):
sudo port -v selfupdate
Once all that is done, run the following to fetch rpm and build it:
sudo port install rpm
On my early 2011 MacBook Pro with Lion, it took about 10 minutes to download everything and build.
The whole process takes a while, but it works. Good luck!
As #user132447 pointed out, you will need to reformat the drive to MacOS extended (case sensitive).
The rpm which is part of CentOS is different then the RPM5 build. Both are two different projects. And later may work on MacOS, but I would recommend you to go using VMs (or separate systems) which are RPM based only. That will surely save you long hours of fixing and caring about not so useful issues.
RPM from doesn't support MacOS yet (it builds I guess - at least the latest version), and this is the rpm which CentOS uses.
I've been using RPM for Darwin for building maven based projects that create RPM artifacts.
