Dynamic Module Parameter in Joomla - joomla

I need to set dynamic module params based on the other selected paramts. E.g:
Theme : Style 1, Style 2, Style 3, Style 4, Style 5 etc.
If Style 1 is chosen, I want to display the configuration options of style 1 only as they are the only ones that apply.
Style 1 > Color, Style 1 > width, Style 1 > height etc.
I do not want to have too many visible fields (that do not apply to the module anyway). Is there a way I can add javascript to hide other fields or is there some other solution to this problem.
Need solution for Joomla 1.5 and 2.5 too.

In Joomla 1.5 this is not possible (as far as I know). I always try to order the fields as logic as possible and use the advanced tab.
As for 2.5, there is a description here: http://www.spiralscripts.co.uk/Joomla-Tips/creating-custom-parameters-in-joomla-16.html


TYPO3 v10: Remove <p> tags around paragraphs in custom RTE field (CKeditor)

I have a RTE field in my custom extension for TYPO3 10.4 with Fluid Styled Content. The RTE CKEditor automatically wraps each paragraph with a p tag. I'd like to get rid of this p tag. It's just a teaser field where I don't need line breaks or paragraphs.
What I tried so far is to create my own parseFunc via TypoScript to solve the problem during frontend output:
lib.parseFunc_my_teaser < lib.parseFunc_RTE
lib.parseFunc_my_teaser.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines >
lib.parseFunc_my_teaser.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines {
encapsTagList = p
remapTag.P =
In my Fluid template I use the parsefunc like this:
{article.data.teaser -> f:format.html(parseFuncTSPath: 'lib.parseFunc_my_teaser')}
This works and p tags are gone.
But I wonder if there is no nicer solution. I think I need to find a solution to tackle this problem either within the CKEditor configuration or via Page TSconfig. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a proper approach.
By the way, another problem is, that in the "Info" Backend module of TYPO3 in my installation the view for Page TSconfig filtered by RTE. is empty. Any ideas on this?
I actually do that directly within an own RTE preset for CKE4 (tested in TYPO3 8, 9, 10 LTS):
editor.config.format_tags: "p"
editor.config.enterMode: 2
editor.config.shiftEnterMode: 2
With that an editor can't write P-tags. Even not in Source-Mode of CKE4.

News Show Pro GK5 pagination

I am using the following module extension in Joomla 3.0 to display articles: https://www.gavick.com/news-show-pro
The module displays articles in columns and slides to the next article on automation or with pagination buttons.
Problem: It always slides by the nr of columns.
Example: If you specify 4 columns and paginate it slides away those 4 columns to the next 4.
Is there an option which allows me to just slide one column away and display a new one at the end.
Apologies for the initial comment. Looked too quickly at the word "Pro".
This isn't a default feature with this module, however some core jquery hacks can be made to the module, although I'm not a fan of some sort of approach and would suggest using a different module. Below os a little something to get you started.
Firstly ensure you are using the jQuery engine rather than MooTools. To to this, in the Module setting, go to the External Files tab and set the Used Javascript Framework to jQuery.
Go to line 275 of the following the following file:
where you will find this code:
'margin-left': (-1 * this.arts_current * this.arts_block_width) + "%"
}, $this.config['animation_speed']);
and replace it with the following:
var contentWidth = jQuery('.nspArt').width();
'margin-left': "-" + contentWidth + "px"
}, $this.config['animation_speed']);
You will now notice that the slide moves 1 article at a time, however the previous ones disappear. This is because of the active class. Only articles within the parent element with the class active are set to be visible. From here on, have a mess around with the CSS to set the visibility styling.
Hope this helps
Unfortunately this will not be added to the extension. Here is the belonging github issue:

Two Articles reached over same menu

I am new to Joomla and I think there must be an easy way for doing this.
I have my content-area and i want to put two articles there like in this pic:
The Articles should be reached over the same menu entry.
By now I have a simple <jdoc:include type="component" /> for inserting main Content, but the Second "Box" should be filled with another Article.
Is this possible via Categorys ore something else?
The fastest and nastiest way to do it:
Just make one article, make some simple html code with divs or a table and paste it in the article editor (of course toggle html view first and if you have problems with code-cleanup, just deactivate the editor)
Problem Solved, you have one menu entry ;)
Otherwise you can do it with the category blog view: leading = 0, intro = 2, columns = 1, links = 0
After that you have to style both css classes .item.column-1 and .item.column-2 to make your "article seperations"

visually enhanced joomla 2.5 List of Categories component (Default is ugly)

I have a menu item that loads a List of Categories.
The problem is that I donĀ“t know if there is a visually enhaced component other than the default one.
Could you please point me to the right direction
I am using Joomla 2.5
Printscreen: http://snag.gy/pEQsb.jpg
Just to add a link to the suggestion from Marko D about template overrides (which would be the correct answer):
http://docs.joomla.org/How_to_override_the_output_from_the_Joomla!_core and http://docs.joomla.org/Understanding_Output_Overrides explains how the template overrides work
This is indeed the simplest way to adjust how the list is created. And of course using CSS within your template.

Joomla StyleSheet Overrides

I'm creating a template override for k2 (although I guess in some ways this question could apply to any Joomla extension).
Now I've created my override in template/html/com_k2 absolutely fine. Then I went to go and update the stylesheet. Now as far as I'm aware I can do one of two things:
Change the K2 CSS style sheet. BUT this means that every time I update k2 the style sheet gets overridden - far from ideal!
Add a new K2 specific style sheet in my template. BUT this means I'm effectively loading the K2 style sheet twice - once for the component and then once again for the templates k2 style sheet. Now normally this wouldn't be a major issue - but as the K2 style sheet is over 1000 lines long - this is going to start to have a performance impact - especially as k2 isn't the only style sheet I'm going to need to override!
Are there any alternative ways of overriding the style sheets? Because both of these ideas are far from perfect as I've stated!
It really doesn't matter where you put your custom css rules. You might be better off putting them in the Joomla! template's custom.css file.
But if your concern is about one extra css file, look at your page: you might have more than 10, depending on template and extensions: so dealing with the extra one won't make a difference; but the "right way" would require:
a) compacting all css into one (taking care of different relative paths)
b) minifying the result
This of course means editing all components and modules views that add css rules and links, a massive work.
