Render Inversion template from hash - ruby

Is it possible to render an Inversion template from a hash? And if not, how does one construct a complex template corresponding to a hash such as:
{ :a => [ { :b => 'foo', :c => 'bar' }, { :d => 'blah', :e => 'blubb'} ] }
Unfortunately the user guide doesn't show such examples.

It depends on how you want to render the hash. Assuming the code:
require 'inversion'
the_hash = { :a => [
{ :b => 'foo', :c => 'bar' },
{ :d => 'blah', :e => 'blubb'}
] }
You can render it as-is, of course:
<!-- prettyprint.tmpl -->
<code><?pp the_hash ?></code>
and then:
tmpl = Inversion::Template.load( 'prettyprint.tmpl' )
tmpl.the_hash = the_hash
puts tmpl.render
which will render as:
<!-- prettyprint.tmpl -->
<code>{:a=>[{:b=>"foo", :c=>"bar"}, {:d=>"blah", :e=>"blubb"}]}</code>
Assuming you want to do something more complex with the hash, like render some of its members:
<!-- members.tmpl -->
A's first B is: <?call the_hash[:a].first[:b] ?>
A's first C is: <?call the_hash[:a].first[:c] ?>
A's second D is: <?call the_hash[:a][1][:d] ?>
A's second E is: <?call the_hash[:a][1][:e] ?>
which (with the same code as the previous example except loading 'members.tmpl' instead) will render like so:
<!-- members.tmpl -->
A's first B is: foo
A's first C is: bar
A's second D is: blah
A's second E is: blubb
But building a big complex data structure like your hash, and then later merging it with a template is not really how Inversion is intended to be used. The idea is really that loading the template gives you a Ruby object with an API, suitable for passing around and incrementally adding stuff to before rendering it. Instead of building a hash, just pass the template object itself around and call accessors on it, then let it pull out what it needs to build the view:
tmpl.users = User.all = "ACME Widgets, Pty"
This also has the advantage of being more amenable to mocking:
# (rspec)
tmpl = mock( "members template" )
tmpl.should_receive( :users ).with( User.all )
tmpl.should_receive( :company ).with( company_name )
tmpl.should_receive( :render ).and_return( "the rendered stuff" )
This removes the template contents from the test entirely, and just focuses on what messages the controller should be sending to the view.
There's a fairly full-featured example in the manual, along with the code that renders it.
The library (and its documentation) are fairly new, so thanks for bringing this up. I have a pending patch to merge the manual with the API docs, which should help, but in the meantime it's probably the best place to find examples.
Hope this helps. I'm happy to answer more in-depth questions personally (ged at, or accept patches via pull request on Github or Bitbucket.


How to to parse HTML contents of a page using Nokogiri

require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
url = ''
doc = Nokogiri::XML(open url)
I am trying to fetch the basic set of information like:
For example, for event_name I have this xpath:
And use it like:
puts doc.xpath "/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/h3/a/span"
This returns nil for event_name.
If I save the URL contents locally then above XPath works.
Along with this, I need above mentioned information as well. I checked the other XPaths too, but the result turns out to be blank.
Here's how I'd go about doing this:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(open('/Users/gferguson/smithsonian-events.xml'))
namespaces = doc.collect_namespaces
entries ='entry').map { |entry|
entry_title ='title').text
entry_time_start, entry_time_end = ['startTime', 'endTime'].map{ |p|'gd|when', namespaces)[p]
entry_notes ='gc|notes', namespaces).text
title: entry_title,
start_time: entry_time_start,
end_time: entry_time_end,
notes: entry_notes
Which, when run, results in entries being an array of hashes:
require 'awesome_print'
ap entries [0, 3]
# >> [
# >> [0] {
# >> :title => "Conservation Clinics",
# >> :start_time => "2016-11-09T14:00:00Z",
# >> :end_time => "2016-11-09T17:00:00Z",
# >> :notes => "Have questions about the condition of a painting, frame, drawing,\n print, or object that you own? Our conservators are available by\n appointment to consult with you about the preservation of your art.\n \n To request an appointment or to learn more,\n e-mail and specify CLINIC in the subject line."
# >> },
# >> [1] {
# >> :title => "Castle Highlights Tour",
# >> :start_time => "2016-11-09T14:00:00Z",
# >> :end_time => "2016-11-09T14:45:00Z",
# >> :notes => "Did you know that the Castle is the Smithsonian’s first and oldest building? Join us as one of our dynamic volunteer docents takes you on a tour to explore the highlights of the Smithsonian Castle. Come learn about the founding and early history of the Smithsonian; its original benefactor, James Smithson; and the incredible history and architecture of the Castle. Here is your opportunity to discover the treasured stories revealed within James Smithson's crypt, the Gre...
# >> },
# >> [2] {
# >> :title => "Exhibition Interpreters/Navigators (throughout the day)",
# >> :start_time => "2016-11-09T15:00:00Z",
# >> :end_time => "2016-11-09T15:00:00Z",
# >> :notes => "Museum volunteer interpreters welcome visitors, answer questions, and help visitors navigate exhibitions. Interpreters may be stationed in several of the following exhibitions at various times throughout the day, subject to volunteer interpreter availability. <ul> \t<li><em>The David H. Koch Hall of Human Origins: What Does it Mean to be Human?</em></li> \t<li><em>The Sant Ocean Hall</em></li> </ul>"
# >> }
# >> ]
I didn't try to gather the specific information you asked for because event_name doesn't exist and what you're doing is very generic and easily done once you understand a few rules.
XML is generally very repetitive because it represents tables of data. The "cells" of the table might vary but there's repetition you can use to help you. In this code'entry')
loops over the <entry> nodes. Then it's easy to look inside them to find the information needed.
The XML uses namespaces to help avoid tag-name collisions. At first those seem really hard, but Nokogiri provides the collect_namespaces method for the document that returns a hash of all namespaces in the document. If you're looking for a namespaces-tag, pass that hash as the second parameter.
Nokogiri allows us to use XPath and CSS for selectors. I almost always go with CSS for readability. ns|tag is the format to tell Nokogiri to use a CSS-based namespaced tag. Again, pass it the hash of namespaces in the document and Nokogiri will do the rest.
If you're familiar with working with Nokogiri you'll see the above code is very similar to normal code used to pull the content of <td> cells inside <tr> rows in an HTML <table>.
You should be able to modify that code to gather the data you need without risking namespace collisions.
The provided link contains XML, so your XPath expressions should work with XML structure.
The key thing is that the document has namespaces. As I understand all XPath expressions should keep that in mind and specify namespaces too.
In order to simply XPath expressions one can use the remove_namespaces! method:
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
url = ''
doc = Nokogiri::XML(open(url)); nil # nil is used to avoid huge output
doc.remove_namespaces!; nil
event = doc.xpath('//feed/entry[1]') # it will give you the first event
event.xpath('./title').text # => "Conservation Clinics"
event.xpath('./categories').text # => "Demonstrations,Lectures & Discussions"
Most likely you would like to have array of all event hashes.
You can do it like:
doc.xpath('//feed/entry').reduce([]) do |memo, event|
event_hash = {
title: event.xpath('./title').text,
categories: event.xpath('./categories').text
# all other attributes you need ...
memo << event_hash
It will give you an array like:
{:title=>"Conservation Clinics", :categories=>"Demonstrations,Lectures & Discussions"},
{:title=>"Castle Highlights Tour", :categories=>"Gallery Talks & Tours"},

build a hash from iterating over a hash with nested arrays

I'd like to structure data I get pack from an Instagram API call:
"location"=>{"latitude"=>40.7181015, "name"=>"Fontanas Bar", "longitude"=>-73.9922791, "id"=>31443955},
"comments"=>{"count"=>0, "data"=>[]},
"likes"=>{"count"=>0, "data"=>[]},
{"low_resolution"=>{"url"=>"", "width"=>320, "height"=>320},
{"url"=>"", "width"=>150, "height"=>150},
{"url"=>"", "width"=>640, "height"=>640}},
[{"position"=>{"y"=>0.636888889, "x"=>0.398666667},
"text"=>"the INCOMPARABLE Amber Nelson closing us out! #loudmouth",
"full_name"=>"Alex English"}}
I'd like to structure it in this way:
hash ={}
hash {"item1"=>
:location => {"latitude"=>40.7181015, "name"=>"Fontanas Bar", "longitude"=>-73.9922791, "id"=>31443955},
:created_time => "1444181565",
:images =>"
:user =>"Alex English"}
I'm iterating over 20 objects, each with their location, images, etc... how can I get a hash structure like the one above ?
This is what I've tried:
array_images =
# iterate through response object to extract what is needed
response.each do |item|
array_images << { :image => item.images.low_resolution.url,
:location => item.location,:created_time =>, :user => item.user.full_name}
Which works fine. So what is the better way, the fastest one?
The hash that you gave is one item in the array stored at the key "data" in a larger hash right? At least that's how it is for the tags/ endpoint so I'll assume it's the same here. (I'm referring to that array of hashes as data)
hash = {}
data.each_with_index do |h, idx|
hash["item#{idx + 1}"] = {
location: h["location"], #This grabs the entire hash at "location" because you are wanting all of that data
created_time: h["created_time"],
image: h["images"]["low_resolution"]["url"], # You can replace this with whichever resolution.
caption: h["caption"]["from"]["full_name"]
I feel like you want a more simple solution, but I'm not sure how that's going to happen as you want things nested at different levels and you are pulling things from diverse levels of nesting.

Watir method (or monkey-patch) to select span (or other) tags with custom ("data-*") attribute values equaling a string value (or matching a regex)

So this is ruby right, and while I do have a solution already, which I'll show below, its not tight. Feels like I'm using ahem "C++ iterators", if you will. Too many lines of code. Not like ruby.
Anyway, I'm wondering if there is classier way to do this:
b =
b.goto "" #not real website url:)
# desired urls in list are immediately located within <span> tags with a "class" of
#"name" plus a custom html attribute attribute of "data-bind" = "name: $data". that's it
# unless I wanted to use child-selectors which I'm not very good at
allrows = b.spans(:class => "name") do |x, i|
[0, x.attribute_value("data-bind")]
real_row_ids ={|i, databind| databind == "name: $data" }.map(&:first) #now I have all correct span ids
spans = {|id| b.spans(:class => "name")[id] }
Now that's a little messy in my opinion. But it leaves artifacts so I can debug and go back and stuff.
I could use this command to just grab a just the spans
spans = b.spans(:class => "name").map do |span|
[span, span.attribute_value("data-bind")] {|span, databind| databind == "name: $data"}.map(&:first)
but that still feels messy having no artifacts to show for it to use for later when trying to isolate other html tags nearby the span.
I'm hoping there is something like this pseudo code for watir:
b.spans(:class => "name").with_custom_attributes(:key => "data-bind", :value => "name: $data")
that's what I'd really like to do. superman-patching this custom method onto Watir within a rails initializer would be the optimal solution second to it already existing within Watir!
Watir already supports using data attributes for locators. You simply need to replace the dashes with underscores.
For example:
b.spans(:class => 'name', :data_bind => "name: $data")
Would match elements like:
<span class="name" data-bind="name: $data">
Similarly, you can use a regex when matching the data attribute:
b.spans(:class => 'name', :data_bind => /name/)

Chef Recipes - Setting node attributes in ruby_block

I have a Chef recipe for a multi-node web service, each node of which needs to get the hostname and IP of the other nodes, to put it into its own local configuration.
The code is shown below. The problem is that when the node.set[][] assignments are made in the ruby_block as shown, the values are empty when the template that relies upon them is created. If I want to create that template, I have to move all of the ruby_block code outside, and have it "loose" in the recipe. Which makes it harder to do unit-testing with Chefspec and the like.
Can any Chef guru set me straight? Is it just impossible to do node.set[] like this inside of a ruby_block? And if so, why doesn't it say so in the docs?
$cm = { :name => "web", :hostname => "" , :ip_addr => "" }
$ca = { :name => "data", :hostname => "" , :ip_addr => "" }
$cg = { :name => "gateway", :hostname => "" , :ip_addr => "" }
$component_list = [$cm, $ca, $cg]
ruby_block "get host addresses" do
block do
for cmpnt in $component_list
# do REST calls to external service to get cmpnt.hostname, ip_addr
# .......
node.set[]['name'] =
node.set[]['host'] = cmpnt.hostname
node.set[]['ip'] = cmpnt.ip_addr
template "/etc/app/configuration/config.xml" do
source "config.xml.erb"
variables( :dataHost => node['data']['host'],
:webHost => node['web']['host'],
:gatewayHost => node['gateway']['host'] )
action :create
I also added
subscribes :create, "ruby_block[get host addresses]", :immediately
to the template definition to ensure that the ruby_block ran before the template was created. This didn't make a difference.
I realize this is an old post, however for future reference, I just ran across this gist which gives a nice example of node variable assignments in the Compile vs. Converge phases. To adapt the gist to your example, you'll need to add code like the following to your ruby_block:
template_r = run_context.resource_collection.find(:template => "/etc/app/configuration/config.xml")
template_r.content node['data']['host']
template_r.content node['web']['host']
template_r.content node['gateway']['host']
For Chef 11, also see Lazy Attribute Evaluation.
The problem seems to be that attribute values inside your template resource definition get evaluated before actually invoking any resources.
I.e. the file is first executed as simple Ruby, compiling the resources, and only the the resource actions gets invoked. By that time, it is too late already.
I ran into the same problem when trying to encapsulate certain attribute manipulations into a resource. It simply does not work. Should anyone know a solution to this problem, I would appreciate it very much.
b = ruby_block...
Could possibly do the trick. It invokes the resource immediately.
The simplest answer to this is to not use chef attributes and not use ruby_block to do the work of talking to the REST API. The code can also be moved to a custom resource for better reuse:
unified_mode true
provides :my_resource
action :run do
cm = { :name => "web", :hostname => "" , :ip_addr => "" }
ca = { :name => "data", :hostname => "" , :ip_addr => "" }
cg = { :name => "gateway", :hostname => "" , :ip_addr => "" }
component_list = [cm, ca, cg]
hash = {}
for cmpnt in component_list
# do REST calls to external service to get cmpnt.hostname, ip_addr
# .......
hash[] = {}
hash[]['name'] =
hash[]['host'] = cmpnt.hostname
hash[]['ip'] = cmpnt.ip_addr
template "/etc/app/configuration/config.xml" do
source "config.xml.erb"
variables( :dataHost => hash['data']['host'],
:webHost => hash['web']['host'],
:gatewayHost => hash['gateway']['host'] )
action :create
By using unified_mode and moving into a custom resource, it also makes it easier to use a node attribute without requiring the use of lazy {} or ruby_blocks. It also still allows chef configuration (like setting up resolv.conf or other network requirements before doing the REST calls) prior to calling this code while not having to think about compile/converge two pass issues in recipe context.
There is also no reason to use a resource like ruby_block to do pure ruby processing which does not change the system under management. In this case the ruby_block is hitting a REST service purely to collect data. That does not need to be placed into a Chef resource. It isn't clear from the question if that was being done because the questioner though it was a "best practice" (in this case it is not), or if it was being done to move execution to compile time in order to allow other chef resources that aren't part of the question to fire first (in which case using a custom resource is a much better solution than using a ruby_block).
It's been a while since this question, but in case someone is still looking for it, lazy evaluate is your friend:
template '/tmp/sql_file.sql' do
source "sql_file.sql.erb"
mode 0700
variables lazy {
# Create a new instance of MySQL library
mysql_lib =
'', 'root', node['mysql']['service']['pass']
password = node['mysql']['service']['support_admin']['ct_password']
# It returns the encrypted password after evaluate it, to
# be used in template variables
{ admin_password: mysql_lib.encrypted_password(password) }

How to display the input of those expectations which were wrong?

I am testing a static class method, passing many different inputs into it. Since each input is quite big, I saved the list somewhere and pass each to the method in a loop.
However I realize that the errors does not display the input to these methods, making it difficult to debug. Is there a way to display this instead?
Perhaps you could label the inputs (e.g. in an hash) and use the labels to create the example titles, so that you know which input produced the unexpected results?
"returns an error when input is too big" => { :input => ..., :output => ... },
"returns an error when input too small" => { :input => ..., :output => ... },
"returns a pony when input is just right" => { :input => ..., :output => ... },
INPUTS.each do |title, bundle|
it title do
StaticClass.method(bundle[:input]).should == bundle[:output]
This example is silly; obviously, you'd want to load your data out of yaml files or whatever, but I was too lazy to pop demo code for that. Dir.glob.somethingorother. :-)
Also, note that the problem you're trying to solve is an inherent problem in fixture-driven tests; you have to look somewhere outside the example code to see what the example code was doing. If you can avoid fixture-driven tests, I recommend that you do so.
