File path in CodeIgniter - codeigniter

Im having a hard time with a link to a video file in one of my CI views.
Videos folder is in CodeIgniter root directory. When I link the video file name as following, everything works fine.
<source type="video/mp4" src="/videos/<?= $video->filename ?>" />
But I need to be able to link a file, that is outside of CI root folder, for example somewhere else on C disk, like C:/videos. Cant figure out how to do it. Thanks in advance.
Ill be a little bit more specific.
My codeigniter app will be placed on a server in WEB directory:
Now Video Files folder will be placed on a same level as WEB folder:
I want to link videos that are in Videos folder, which is on a same level as WEB(CI root) folder.

If your videos folder is outside your CI-install, you could set the video dir as a config item in /config/config.php:
$config['video_dir'] = '';
You can then retrieve it in your controller like this:
$data['video_dir'] = $this->config->item('video_dir');
(Or you could just have a videos folder inside the CI directory...)

Try It
<source type="video/mp4" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>videos/<?= $video->filename ?>" />


How to use #nuxt/image with image from assets

I try to use #nuxt/image with image from assets folder; when using image from static folder or external url, the image is optimised as well; but when on using it on image from assets like below:
class="float-left margin-fleche"
I have this result in my html
<img src="/_ipx/q_30/_nuxt/assets/img/Icone-accueil/row_left.svg" alt="" class="float-left margin-fleche">
but the image doesn't appear
Using #nuxt/image with images from the assets/ folder does not work.
The following is from the #nuxt/image documentation:
Images should be stored in the static/ directory of your project.
For example, when using <nuxt-img src="/nuxt-icon.png" />, it should
be placed in static/ folder under the path static/nuxt-icon.png.
Image stored in the assets/ directory are not proccessed with Nuxt
Image because those images are managed by webpack.
From nuxt documentation:
Inside your ‍‍vue templates, if you need to link to your assets
directory use ~/assets/your_image.png with a slash before assets.
In your case:
class="float-left margin-fleche"
Another quote from nuxt:
When working with dynamic images you will need to use require
<img :src="require(`~/assets/img/${image}.jpg`)" />
In your case check this out:
class="float-left margin-fleche"
As per Nuxt Image doc, default direcrtory for images is /static, you can change it by update nuxt.config file as below.
image: {
dir: 'assets/images',
Now you can rewrite as,
class="float-left margin-fleche"
This worked for me:
< img :src="require (~/assets/image.jpeg)"
For Nuxt3 users whom are using the edge version, which is v1, of nuxt/image,
if you are self-hosting, place images in the 'public' directory as opposed to 'static'.
Quote from v1 docs:
With default provider, you should put /nuxt-icon.png inside public/ directory for >Nuxt 3 make the above example work.
v0 (Nuxt2)
v1 (Nuxt3)
Then, access images in the same way others have described. Nuxt/image v1 does not seem able to read a dir named static and of course doesn't read assets as that is used by Webpack.

Laravel - link to a file saved in storage folder

When we do something like this:
Storage::disk('local')->put('file.txt', 'Contents');
How do you make a link to that file in a view? Something like this:
Download File
there are so many things in documentation and yet not even one example how to create a link to that file
Try this command on your terminal : php artisan storage:link, then laravel storage become public access.
Download File
According to laravel docs, You can get the URL to the file like this:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
$url = Storage::url('file1.jpg');
Remember, if you are using the local driver, all files that should be
publicly accessible should be placed in the storage/app/public
directory. Furthermore, you should create a symbolic link at
public/storage which points to the storage/app/public directory.
Hope this helps!
Scenario--(working from a fresh Laravel 5.6 project install for reference):
With the existing default paths being /public and /storage/app/public and you want to physically store your logo.png image in the /storage folder and render it on your Welcome page, the process would go something like this:
In your terminal, navigate to your Laravel project folder.
Run command php artisan storage:link
Now create the folder /images in your /storage/app/public folder which gives you /storage/app/public/images.
Look in your /public folder and you will see the (shortcut) subfolders /storage/images
Copy a test image named logo.png into the /storage/app/public/images folder.
In your project's welcome.blade.php under /resources/views paste the
following code over the existing code:
<div class="content">
<div class="title m-b-md">
<a href="/">
<img src="{{url('/storage/images/logo.png')}}" alt="Logo Image"/>
Save and open your project in your browser and you should see the logo image.
Having said all of that, later on you need a pdf folder to store uploaded pdf
files. Easy, just create a new folder in /storage/app/public called /pdf and
automatically the shortcut will appear in the /public folder. It is a once and "for all" solution.

missing images and home page when moving laravel 5.2 project to live server

images works fine in localhost as src="/lr/public/bootstrap/images/photo.jpg"
but don't work on live server
error messages on live server is failed 404 not found
note : when i remove /lr/public images works on live server
my cpanel root directory is /home/ad
in /home/ad >>
i have folder'lr' that containe my project and i deleted folder public in it
in public_html >>
i have contents of folder public >> bootstrap - uploads - index.php ..... etc
Looks like you didn't link your images correctly.
I believe the link should be:
Use: asset('bootstrap/images/photo.jpg') for linking files from your public folder.
Blade example. <img src="{{ asset('bootstrap/images/photo.jpg') }}">
Make sure 'photo.jpg' exists in 'public/bootstrap/images/' directory

How to open a pdf file which is in views or controller folder in ci?

i have a pdf file in view folder and controller folder by the link i need to access it how to do this i have tried with following by am getting error like
Access forbidden!
echo ("<a href='$path2'>Download Your PDF</a>");
i have tried both $path and $path2
You probably have a .htaccess file forbidding people to access files in those folders.
You should create a res folder in your site root path and place your pdf file in that folder and link the file from there..
Happy coding :)

Codeigniter: include js files ci folder is installed outside http folder

I am new in CI - and the framework is awesome.
These are the best answers I can get:
- CodeIgniter: How do I include a .js file in view?
- Codeigniter: How to include javascript files
I am trying to include js/css files but:
My CI folder including application and system are not installed on the http(/var/www/)[for default installation] folder, I placed somewhere else. So i assume their installations above are in http default folder, I have :
Thank you so much in advance
Use this code
<script href="<?php base_url().'path/to/file' ?>" type="text/javascript"></script>
The javascript folder should be outside the application folder
Hope this helps
