QODBC error 80004005 when trying to run .vbs file to update info in QB - vb6

I have set up the QODBC driver and was able to connect to my QB file and run queries in the VB Demo 32.
I am looking at one of the Sample Files, found here - http://support.flexquarters.com/esupport/index.php?/Default/Knowledgebase/Article/View/506/57/examples-of-how-to-use-qodbc-via-visual-basic
I did what this article said - copied all of the text into a text file, saved it as "Customer.vbs". I created a Customer named "Kim Garland", closed the dialogue box, double clicked on the file. The msgbox never displayed, and this error message came up - "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application; Code: 80004005; Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers"
Any idea what is going on here? After looking through the knowledge base, I thought it might have something to do with 64-bit vs 32-bit... but that didn't seem to get me anywhere. I do have Visual Studio installed, but don't quite know enough about VB6 apps to know what I'm doing.
By the way, the line that is giving the error is:
oConnection.Open "DSN=Ben Test 2;OLE DB Services=-2"
I originally was using the same exact line that was in the article that I linked to, but that was not working either. I used the c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe to create a 32-bit DSN called "Ben Test 2". It didn't seem to change anything.

Please take a look at the Microsoft's website where they talk about it.
It is not VB issue, it is 32/64bit issue as you suspect.

Since you are using 64-bit system, your VBS will be execute as 64-bit (by default).
QODBC is 32-bit driver, and can work with 32-bit applications. A 64-bit applications cannot talk to a 32 bit Driver and same is with 64bit application to 32 bit Driver.
For 64-bit applications use QRemote (which is a 64-bit Driver driver).
Solution 1
You can try to use QRemote to bridge QODBC and your application. Here is an article about how to use QRemote:
Solution 2
and there is another solution for you issue. Please call your VBS as 32 bit. Please follow the steps below:
1) Click Windows Start
2) Click Run, in the window, type "%windir%\SysWoW64\cmd.exe"
3) Click OK, then type "cscript vbscriptfile.vbs" in the cmd window
This will make your VBS run in 32-bit mode even thou you are in 64-bit machine
Rajendra Dewani


missing ADO connection functionality when running old vb6 app on win 2016

I have an old vb6 application that I put on a windows 2016 server and been having issues with dependency files. I ran process monitor and started putting the dll files in the locations where it is looking at, most of them have cleared up.
I'm getting one that I cant find on the old win 2000 box or anywhere else: wow64log.dll
Where can I can get this file? I attached pics of proc mon and the list of dependencies that the app is requiring. any direction would be appreciated. third pic is the actual error when trying to open the app. edit added the dependency walker screen shot
so I have narrowed down the issue and it boils down to an ADO connection. I cant seem to connect on windows server 2016 using ADO. I suspect it has something to do with the connection string, but what baffles me is why does this work on a win 10,1803 box and not on windows server 2016 1607 ?
this is basically my issue - https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/SECURITY/en-US/f1eee40b-6ab2-445f-a361-ae965439273a/run-time-error-214746725980004005-for-using-adodbconnection?forum=isvvba
I suspect that this is not an actual error in the runtime of your program, If you are only looking at Procmon, be aware that it shows a lot of stuff and sometimes not all the "errors" there are really relevant. For instance, it will often show how Windows functions look in a long list of search paths, each failing in turn, before that actual location of a DLL is detected.
In this case, it seems most likely that a missing wow64log.dll is harmless and apparently, totally normal.
"WoW64" is the Windows subsystem which runs 32 bit programs inside the 64 bit operating system. ("WoW" stands for "Windows-on-Windows".)
According to the reference WoW64 Internals describing how this subsystem is initialized:
It … tries to load the wow64log.dll from the constructed system
directory. Note that this DLL is never present in any released
Windows installation (it’s probably used internally by Microsoft for
debugging of the WoW64 subsystem). Therefore, load of this DLL will
normally fail. This isn’t problem, though, because no critical
functionality of the WoW64 subsystem depends on it.
Although that article is talking about the ARM64 architecture (which AFAIK is not what most PCs would be using) it sounds like much of the WoW64 system is similar to normal PCs.

Ollydbg 1.10 "Back to user mode" doesn't work

I tried to learn "Lena's reversing for newbies", when some trouble arise.
I start Pixtopian Book with ollyDbg, then try to have MessageBox with message about uregistered version.
Then i switch to OllyDbg, stop program executing and press "Alt+F9" for "Back to user mode" which stop the program after it exit from DLL.
But after this program does not work, it's frozen and does not respond to my actions.
If i turn off "Back to user mode" program normally work.
What's the problem? Can i try to use "Back to user mode" in IDA (uses WinDbg) or some other debugger and How i can do this? Can i repair it function in OllyDbg?
P.S. It's like the program stopped and didn't run after use "ALT+F9".
/Sorry for my English, i'm just learning ;-)/
First of all, Ollydbg is meant for 32 bit platform. It means that it will run only on a 32 bit OS and can only debug 32 bit apps.
In x64 Operating Systems (specifically Windows) there is a feature called compatibility mode that lets you run 32 bit apps. The 32 bit code is either run by emulation or natively (when the hardware itself implements the instruction set and then it is called x86-64).
So, when you try to run Ollydbg in a x64 environment it will run, but you will experience problems like the one you are facing. It occurs because Ollydbg is run in an emulation mode. Being a debugger it needs access to the registers and other system structures, which it is denied. What it can see is a virtual image of the system.
So the solution to the problem is using a Virtual Machine.
You would install a 32 bit OS in it and debug the app using Ollydbg. As far as Virtual Machines are concerned, I would recommend VMWare. You can use either the workstation or player version. The latter is free but does not support snapshots.
Other solutions are Virtual Box, Parallels Workstation and Microsoft Virtual PC.
The disadvantages of them are that Virtual Box does not support hardware breakpoints, Parallels Workstation is no longer supported as of 2014 and moreover there you would get a BSOD if you try to single step through FPU instructions. I have not tested Virtual PC though.
Note : Ollydbg does not supports x64 but its author is working on a x64 version.
I just learned how to update changes to the exe file for ollydby v 2.01e.
suppose I wished to change a jl command to a jmp; do this by clicking the executable modules button, choose the file and right click to view the file. then record the changes and save file. The saved file also has a backup in case something goes wrong.
I just did a thorough learning of the pixtopian file. When I downloaded
that tutorial I get the file pixtopian107.exe only. Since it didn't agree with the tutorial I investigated further. That file is an installation file. It produces a regular pixtopian.exe file which is the file you wish to play with.
I also noticed that in running the file it never enters the main module.
this is because of the TLS callback. right now I am trying to learn how
to overcome this which is how i came to this site in the first place.
I am using ollydbg vs2.01e very effectively.
Another thing, in vs 2.01e I am still trying to save changed data. Until I succeed I am recording the changes in the exe files using hex editor.
From my experience I can tell that this functionality won't work on Windows 7.
On Windows 7 64bit --> Won't work at all.
On Windows 7 32bit --> Will work partially, but only when using option "File>Attach" in OllyDbg.
For me, best solution was to use Windows XP 32bit, then it worked fine.

Determining the name of the HAL that is installed on Windows 7 SP1 32-bit

I am trying to install just checked HAL and kernel on Windows 7 SP 1 32-bit. The instruction on the Microsoft Dev Center web site MSDN suggests I do the following:
Open the file %SystemRoot%\Inf\setupapi.dev.log and search for hal.dll.
You should find a line like TargetFilename - 'hal.dll'
In the same section of the log file, look for the corresponding SourceFilename. The name to the right of SourceFilename is the name of the HAL file that you need to copy from the checked build.
setupapi.dev.log file on my machine, however, does not mention hal.dll. In fact, I searched for hal.dll in the inf directory and found no mention of it in any other log file.
I did find mentions of acpi_hal and ACPIAPIC_HAL in setupapi.dev.log, but I'm not sure if this can help me select the correct hal.
Is there any other way to determine which hal to use?
EDIT: I figured it out. See below.
I figured it out. In Windows Internals, 6th Edition, on page 60, there's a list of x86 HALs:
Halacpi.dll - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) uniprocessor-only machines.
Halmacpi.dll - Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) with ACPI.
Since my computer is multiprocessor and because ACPIAPIC_HAL was listed in the log file, I tried halmacpi.dll and it worked.

Shell extension doesn't work in Windows-Explorer but works in other programs?

I made shell extension (implementing IContextMenu, IShellExtInit, IExtractIcon & IPersistFile) using ATL, "by the book".
The funny thing is that all is good in some files-managers such as "Total Commander" & "Free Commander", but completely fail in Windows' Explorer:
When I right click on my registered file (say *.000) in TC ("Total Commander"), the extension works: I see it in my logs and in the context menu: the entry with its icon appear.
But if I use Win-Explorer, nothing happens! no log entry comes up, no evidence in the context menu - nothing! even a complete PC restart doesn't help.
I of course registered the ShellEx\MyX\ContextMenuHandlers and ShellEx\IconHandlerkeys, as well as the Explorer's ...\Shell Extensions\Approved\, and they all point to my CLSID.
I use Windows 7.
What do I miss here ?
#SevaTitov answered my question but as a comment, so for future references for anyone who stumbles upon this issue:
If your OS is 64 bit, the Explorer will be 64 bit as well, and all your shell extensions will have to be 64 bit as well. Looks like current version of Total Commander is 32 bit only
There's that thing, Registry Redirector, that when you're in 32-bit program, it hides ("redirects") the 64-bit reg-entries, and vice versa.
I was confused because in my 32-bit registry-viewer-app I could see those keys, but was unaware that I only see a part of the registry (the 64-bit part has to be seen with a 64-bit viewer like the default regedit.exe in a 64-bit Windows machine)

Delphi program & Windows 64-bit compatibility issue

I have some customers/candidate who complained that my program doesn't work on their Windows 7 64 bit version (confirmed with screenshots). The errors were strange, for example:
in the trial version i am
getting a error message whenever i
click on \"mark\" \"delete\" \"help\".
error msg is: Access violation at
address 0046C978 in module
\'ideduper.exe.\' read of address
windows 7 ultimate 64bit. i7 920
#2.67GHz 9gb or ram
'Mark', 'delete' and 'help' are just standard TToolButton on TToolbar.
The other example is failing to get a thumbnail from IExtractImage.
I have told them to try Compatibility mode but still doesn't work.
The problem is when I tested it on Windows 7 HP 64-bit on my computer (which I've done it before released it actually) it just works fine! So I don't know what causing it
Do you have any advice ?Are different Windows package (home basic,premium,ultimate,etc) treating 32 bit prog differently ?Are the newer version of Delphis (I use 2006) more compatible with 64 bit Windows ? Do I need to wait until 64 bit compiler out?
Thanks in advance
Your best bet in my opinion is to add MadExcept or EurekaLog or something similar to your application and give it to the customer to try again. MadExcept will generate log with stack trace, which will give you a clearer view of what is happening there.
To answer 2nd part of the question, 32bit Delphi programs work fine on 64bit Windows 7. I think it's more likely you have some memory management problems and the customer just happens to stumble upon them while you don't. Use FastMM4 to track those down.
Your applications is trying to access an invalid pointer. Changing environment may surface issues that are hidden in others. Check your application, and use FastMM + JCL+JCVL/MadExcept/EurekaLog to get a detailed trace of the issue. Some Windows APIs may have some stricter call requisites under 7 and/or 64 bit, but we would have to know what your app actually cals.
A free alternative to MadExcept is JCL Debug stuff. However it is less thorough and doesn't include the cool dialog box to send the stack trace to you via email, or as a file you can attach and manually email.
MadExcept is worth the money, and it is free for non-commercial use. You could try it first on your own PC, observe its functionality, and be sure it functions the way you want, and then buy it.
If buying Delphi is worth it (and it is!) then buying mad Except is a no brainer. But if you insist on rolling your own, JCLDebug (part of jedi code library) is also pretty nice.
Give them a stripped down version of your app and see when the problem goes away. I am betting it is your code as I never had any problems with my (hundreds of) W7/64 clients.
I'd be willing to bet it's an issue in your code. The reason it's failing on your customer's machine and not yours is that your machine probably has the default Data Execution Protection (DEP) enabled (which is turned on only for essential Windows programs and services), while your customer's computer is actually using DEP as intended (turned on for all programs and services).
The default setting (which is compatible with older versions of Windows, like 95/98/ME), allows software to execute code from what should be data segments. The more strict setting won't allow this, and raises a system-level exception instead.
You can check the settings between the two by looking at System Properties. I'm not at a Win7 machine right now, but on WinXP you get there by right-clicking on My Computer, choosing Properties, clicking on Performance Options, and then selecting the "Data Execution Prevention" tab. Find it on Vista/Win7 by using the Help; search for Data Execution Protection.
The solution, as previous answers have told you, is to install MadExcept or EurekaLog. You can also get a free version as part of JEDI, in JCLDebug IIRC. I haven't used it, so I can't vouch for it personally. I've heard it's pretty good, though.
If you don't want to go that route, set a breakpoint somewhere in the startup portion of your app (make sure to build with debugging info turned on). Run your app until the breakpoint is hit, and then use the IDE's Search->Goto Address (which is disabled until the breakpoint is hit). Enter the address from the exception dialog (not the one that's almost all zeros, but the 0046C978 address, prefixed with $ to indicate it's in hex) as in $0046C978. You'll probably end up in the CPU window looking at assembly code, but you can usually pick out a line of Delphi code of some sort that can sometimes give you a place to start looking.
In addition to all previous suggestions, I'll add the difference in accessing Registry under WOW64 compared to Win32. If your application is accessing Registry to read or write some settings, you should be aware of this. First, take a look at this and this page in the MSDN. On this page you will find 2 flags that determine the access you get to Registry from 32- or 64-bit application. KEY_WOW64_64KEY is the one that you should use.
In any case, I agree with others about using madExcept (or any other similar tool) to be able to find the exact cause of your problems.
