What is an example of a task based UI? - user-interface

My team has been "tasked" to create an application that follows the task-based UI (not necessarily with CQRS). I really like a UI that helps the user accomplish common tasks easily, but many pieces of this application really "feel" (to me) like a job for a typical CRUD interface (ex: all the details for a product in a catalog).
At this point, we need examples of good task-based UIs to help us see what is possible. What have you seen in the interwebs?

The easiest way to generate a task based UI is to protect all attributes/properties of your models. i.e. remove all setters.
From this (pseudo code):
public class TodoTask
public Date getDateAssigned();
public void setDateAssigned(Date);
public string getAssignedTo();
public void setAssignedTo(string);
to this:
public class TodoTask
public Date getDateAssigned();
public string getAssignedTo();
public void AssignTo(string userId);
You can't create a basic CRUD app anymore. You have to perform a task (Assign()) to update the model.
Start by removing all setters and then analyze what kind of actions (task) you should be able to do on each model.
Then you're all set.
I've blogged about it: http://blog.gauffin.org/2012/06/protect-your-data/ (scroll to the bottom to see mockups for CRUD vs Task based)

I think this would qualify as a Task Based UI.

CRUD Interfaces
CRUD interfaces have a "Save" button when editing and you miss the "reason" why something changes.
For example changing the address of a customer from "Fountain St. 55" into "Birds St. 444" has the very same semantics than changing it from "Fountain St. 55" into "Fountain St. 555". Just "updated" the street.
Task-based Interfaces
Task-based interfaces have "Action buttons" that "mean" something of the business.
For example you could have a "Correct Address" button to signify that you are changing the address because it contained a typo and the address in fact "conceptually" is the same, only that now it reads correctly. In this case the customer did not physically move.
And then you could have another different action like "Move Customer to a new address" that means that the customer actually moved to a new place and the address change carries all that meaning.
So... in short
In CRUD UIs => You "edit data".
In Task-Based UIs => You "signal that business things happened".
The second is always more powerful, although is harder to think in advance and the system must be flexible to add, carry and convey new "meanings" as they are discovered during the business operation itself.
But you get a huge benefit: Know "why" things mutate. In other words... capture the user's intent.

Microsoft Money 2000 was an example by Microsoft (although they call it Inductive User Interface. Here are the underlying guidelines and a few screenshots along the way: Microsoft Inductive User Interface Guidelines

I guess I don't really think of UI's having an appearance of being task-based or CRUD-based (although Dmitry's example is one that does demonstrates being task-based -- lots of commands). I see a task-based UI more in terms of how it interacts with the underlying domain and data model. If your interaction is nothing more than a typical out-of-the-box MVC application with action methods for Get/List/Insert/Update/Delete, then you're building a basic CRUD application. But if your forego those default action methods and create actions/commands that are meaningful to the application (e.g. add item to shopping cart, deactivate a class, etc.), then this gets more into the task-based UI world.
I do think it's a pretty gray line between the two.
As for an example, I know that a site that I work on (braincredits.com) is my attempt at a task-based UI. It's definitely a work in progress and I'm making changes to it to constantly improve it, but the implementation is command-based (e.g. post to transcript, add lesson, view transcript, etc.) and parts of it do use the CQRS pattern.
I hope this helps! Good luck!


Codeigniter when to create new controllers/models

I have watched many youtube guides/tutorials but those only tackle the coding part.
Whenever i start a project, i always start with a simple controller called main.
and 2 models.
For example: if i were to start an online store project. Then my models would be 'product_model' and 'user_model'. All database functions for users, i always put them in the 'user_model' and all database functions for products, i always put them in the 'product_model'.
public function register(){
public function login(){
//more functions for user
public function create_product(){
public function review_product(){
//more functions for product
My problem is that i easily get confused with my project and/or dissatisfied with how unorganized it is. especially when im more than halfway into the project and i accumulate hundreds of lines of codes.
I could try to organize them myself but at the end of the day, i'm just an amateur so i end up doubting myself. so i get no work done for 1 day(or doing work but redoing it again and again). then that snowballs to tomorrow and the day after that and so on and so forth.
So i want to ask to experienced programmers a basic guideline for me, when to create a new model and a new controller?
How do i group up functions and make them into a separate model?
Do i make a new model per table? and all database functions to that table i just write in the new model created for that table?
Do i group up database functions based on what they do? for example: purchasing a product involves many separate database functions. so save them all inside purchase_model?
The answer to all of these questions is: it depends. Personally I think that kindof of flexibility is what makes coding so interesting.
As a general rule of thumb I try to keep all my classes less than 500-700 lines of code and functions less than 20 lines of code. If my class becomes larger than that I usually start a new one. With that being said, controllers I am fine with being larger as form validation and response logic can take up quite a few lines.
So let's take an example: user authentication system
I would have a controller that contains functions for login, registration, forgot password, and activation; another controller for user management that contains functions to delete, ban, unban, activate, and create new users; and then another controller for the users' profile that contains functions for editing their details and profile picture.
Now as user management and auth systems are typically reusable a library is better then using a model or models; but let's say we use models. I would have a model for each of the controllers outlined in the aforementioned paragraph and then a model for general "utility" functions like checking if the user is logged in .etc.
You have to decide:
How much code is too much for a controller/model?
(with above) Do I expect my code to grow? If so then I have to take into account how much when determining (1).
How should I group together functions? For this keep in mind separation of concerns e.g. auth functions shouldn't be grouped with database backup functions.
Am I doing too much in a particular function/model? If so, how should I separate these items so that I conform with DRY principles (chances are some code is reusable elsewhere even though its functionality is inherently different).
(with above) If this code is really that useful elsewhere, should I make it into a library/helper?
(and there are countless other things to take into consideration).
I think it is important to realize (especially as a beginner) that your coding style and the "techniques" and organization skills you use will be constantly evolving and so will your code. While it is nice to see that you want to learn the best practices - a lot of this will be dependent on what you want to achieve with your app and what level of mastery you are at in your coding career. Try and look at the bigger picture and realize in a year or two when you look at your code again you will probably say "what was I even thinking here?".
Side note: you could research the ORM approach to models (Laravel and a host of other frameworks use it) but CI has a more "whatever" approach to just about everything. If being forced to work a certain way makes you feel more secure, you might want to learn other "more advanced" and "newer" frameworks.

Does business logic live in the Model or in the Controller?

After reading https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/165444/where-to-put-business-logic-in-mvc-design/165446#165446, I am still confused as to where I want to put my code for computing discounts. Computing a discounted price for a product or service I think is definitely part of business logic and is not part of application routing or database interaction. With that, I am struggling where to place my business logic.
class Model
public function saveService($options)
$serviceId = $options['service_id'];
//Model reads "line Item" from database
$service = $this->entityManager->find('Entity\ServiceLineItem', $serviceId);
//uses the data to compute discount
//but wait.. shouldn't model do CRUD only?
//shouldn't this computation be in Controller?
$discount = ($service->getUnitPrice() * 0.25);
// Add the line item
$item = new SalesItem();
class Controller
function save()
Above $discount computation, should it stay in Model, or does it go into Controller? If it goes into Controller, Controller has to call $service (via Model) first, then compute $discount inside Controller then send it the value back to the Model to be saved. Is that the way to do it?
I may be confusing Model with "Storage". I probably need to have a Model where I do business logic and Database/Persistent Storage should be a separate layer.
Business logic belongs in a Service, so you would need to add a service layer.
Business logic tends to span multiple models, which infers that it does not belong in any single model. Therefore, it is unclear in which model you should put the logic.
Enter the service class.
I tend to make a service for each use-case the software is designed for.
In your case there could be a CheckOutService which would calculate your total sum, including discounts.
That way each service has a specific and intuitive purpose. Then, when a controller requires some business logic, it calls a service tailored for that very purpose.
A good description of what a service does in the MVC pattern can be found here:
MVCS - Model View Controller Service
I'll quote the most essential part:
The service layer would then be responsible for:
Retreiving and creating your 'Model' from various data sources (or data access objects).
Updating values across various repositories/resources.
Performing application specific logic and manipulations, etc.
edit: I just saw kayess answer. I'd say his answer is more precise than mine, but I don't know how relatable it is, given the degree of uncertainty in your question. So I hope mine can help some people in the earlier stages of their programming career.
Answering a question like this is usually opinionated or one could say it really depends on your business use case.
First off, i sense some mixup in your Model and service wording here.
A model should be your domain model, and service should either be a domain or an application service, in a different class or a different layer.
Architecturally thinking you could follow a rather simplified DDD-ish implementation.
You implement all behavioural concepts in your domain model, which are related to the models current state
Use a factory that will query the line item from the repository
Use a domain service for mostly everything that's not related to your model, in your case calculating discount (if you need that logic reusable, for example in more models or services). You don't want to pollute your domain model with non related mechanisms and dependencies
For persistence you better use a different layer and by this you better separate most concerns you can, a reason for this is testability and another reason -amongst many others- for less code changes later
To achieve a cleaner architecture and less pain by maintaing your code in the longer run, don't forget to think about how design patterns and SOLID principles could help you implement your solution to the given business use case.
The question about how to separate business logic from data is not easily answered. However, Daniel Rocco has constructed a good discussion of the subject that you may find helpful, if not for this particular problem, then for structuring business applications in general.
I used a framework called "Yii Framework" using MVC, what it had was a function called beforeSave() in the controllers that was used to change the model values just before saving them.
Following this logic maybe the best practice would be to apply the discount to your price just before saving the model (in your Controller)
The Below Image shows how I think where your "Business" logic should go :)
The above image has the "Service" layer as the Server Side "Controller".
It is the middle man between the "Client" side Controller and the "Logic" layer.
All of your tasks that requires some type of "Logic" like
"Computing a discounted price for a product or service"
Would go into a ProductLogic Class where it takes inputs From the Service if needed and uses that information to help calculate the discounted price.
The ProductLogic Class will also query a "Data" source if needed to get the current price of an item.
The ProductLogic Class will piece together the information it collected from the Service and Repository to make the calculation and if it needs to be return to the user then the ProductLogic class will send it to the Service layer.
If it just needs to be saved in the Repository than the Logic will pass off the information to the Repository to handle.
Hope this helps :)
Have a great day!

Separation of domain and ui layer in a composite

i'm wondering if there is a pattern how to separate the domain logic of a class from the ui responsibilities of the objects in the domain layer.
// Domain classes
interface MachinePart
CalculateX(in, out)
// Where do we put these:
// Draw(Screen) ??
// ShowProperties(View) ??
// ...
class Assembly : MachinePart
CalculateX(in, out)
class Pipe : MachinePart
CalculateX(in, out)
length, diamater...
There is an application that calculates the value X for machines assembled from many machine parts. The assembly is loaded from a file representation and is designed as a composite. Each concrete part class stores some data to implement the CalculateX(in,out) method to simulate behaviour of the whole assembly. The application runs well but without GUI. To increase the usability a GUi should be developed on top of the existing implementation (changes to the existing code are allowed). The GUI should show a schematic graphical representation of the assembly and provide part specific dialogs to edit several parameters.
To achieve these goals the application needs new functionality for each machine part to draw a schematic representation on the screen, show a property dialog and other things not related to the domain of machine simulation. I can think of some different solutions to implement a Draw(Screen) functionality for each part but i am not happy with each of them.
First i could add a Draw(Screen) method to the MachinePart interface but this would mix-up domain code with ui code and i had to add a lot of functionality to each machine part class what makes my domain model hard to read and hard to understand.
Another "simple" solution is to make all parts visitable and implement ui code in visitors but Visitor does not belong to my favorite patterns.
I could derive UI variants from each machine part class to add the UI implementation there but i had to check if each part class is suited for inheritance and had to be careful on changes to the base classes.
My currently favorite design is to create a parallel composite hierarchy where each component stores data to define a machine part, has implementation for UI methods and a factory method which creates instances of the corresponding domain classes, so that i can "convert" a UI assembly to a domain assembly. But there are problems to go back from the created domain hierarchy to the UI hierarchy for showing calculation results in the drawing for example (imagine some parts store some values during the calculation i want to show in the schematic representation after the simluation).
Maybe there are some proven patterns for such problems?
Agree with #Marjin, and to generalise his answer. What you need is Model-View-Controller of which MVP and MVVM are variants. From your comments I think you understand that, but need to understand how to implement the pattern. Without knowing your language & target architecture it's hard to give absolute specifics. Notwithstanding, I'd start with the Observer pattern (link has sample code).
The problem you're dealing with is how to provide observable access from the domain to the UI - without encumbering the domain with UI-specific code. Observer provides a means to do that. It does require domain changes, in particular to enable registration of observers and notification of changes. However there's nothing GUI-specific in that so it stays well encapsulated.
PS: If your app is a typical thin-client web app you'll need to modify the approach. And beware: lots of web app frameworks are advertised as "MVC", but the implementation is architecturally quite different to the Observer pattern.
You can take a look at the model-view-presenter (mvp) and model-view-viewmodel (mvvm) patterns.
Fowler's presentation model includes two sample applications; it also might be of interest to you.
I think that investigating these patterns will give you some ideas on how to continue. Mvvm looks a lot like your current solution; so i'd start there if I were you.
Maybe a View Helper can help. It's not a C++, but a Java EE pattern, but in your case it will definitely separate your domain objects from their presentation details...

Getting started with software design using MVC, OO, and Design patterns [closed]

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I just want to say thank you to everyone who responded. I'm still pretty much in the dark on what design pattern would work best for the Widget. Perhaps one of the Factory or Builder patterns?
I am just getting started on a new project and need to use MVC, OO and design patterns.
Here's the idea: Imagine a page that displays a set of widgets. These widgets are (usually) charts that are based off of data contained in several separate tables in the database. I use a running example of page that reports on a student's performance.
High Level Requirements
a page that displays a set of (HTML only) widgets.
widget's data will be based off a database query.
the page can be used to view separate datasets containing similarly laid out data. For example, a single page will display widgets that report on various aspects of a single student's performance.
want to see another student's performance, pull up another page. Displaying different widgets for different students is not needed (though it may be nice to have later).
There may be many students, but data contained in the database is similarly laid out for all students.
the way a widget is displayed may be changed easily (say changing a widget from displaying as a pie chart to display as a bar chart).
widgets should be able to be created quickly.
Low Level Requirements
Currently data does not change so widgets will not need to automatically update themselves.
Widgets may represent a ratio of two things (eg. a ratio of failed tests to successful tests as a pie chart), a series of points, or sometimes a single numeric value.
Development of new widgets should be a breeze, existing code need not be modified.
Framework to be used: Zend Framework, based on MVC.
There are (minimally) three things to define a widget: the dataset to report on (in the example above, the student ID), the query that describes the metric being reported, and a render mode (barchart, timeseries etc).
Here is a pass at breaking down the responsibilities of each layer of the MVC:
View: Zend views are HTML templates with PHP injected. They will contain one of several types of widgets. Widgets are of various forms including: static JPEG images (loaded from a remote site ie: <img src="http://widgetssite.com?x=2&y=3"/>, JSON based javascript widgets, or charts of various kinds (piechart, bar chart etc.)
Controller: Creates the widgets, assigns them to the view afterwards. The set of widgets that is to be displayed on a page needs to be maintained somewhere. Since I can't think of a good way to do this in the view, I'll add this to the controllers responsibilities for now. If there's a better place for this please shout. The controller will also have to handle any other input parameters and passing them to the widget. For example, the data_set id which may be passed at the url line as http:/.../report/?student_id=42
Model: The model, in the Zend Framework, is responsible for pulling the data and as such will most likely contain a class for each widget for accessing the database.
Some points:
The model here, represents the data for a particular widget. So necessarily, it will need to know what the query is going to be, in order to pull together the tables necessary to fetch that data.
There's an additional processing step that will most likely be necessary before the widget can present the data. This is dependant upon which renderer will be used. Sometimes it may require forming a url out of the data returned. Other times, a JSON array. Other times perhaps creating some markup. This can go either in the model or the controller or the view. Unless anyone can think of a good reason to move it to the controller or view, it is probably best to let this live in the model and keep the view and controller thin.
Likewise, a widget will be made up of 3 things, its parameters, its data, and its renderer.
One big part of the question is: What's a good way to represent the widget in an Object Oriented design? I already asked this once, couldn't get an answer. Is there a design pattern that can be applied to the Widgets that makes the most sense for this project?
Here's a first pass at a rather simple class for the Widget:
class Widget{
//method called by the view
render() {//output the markup based on the widget Type and interleaved the processed data}
//methods called by the controller:
public function __construct() {//recieve arguments for widget type (query and renderer), call create()}
public function create() {//tell the widget to build the query, execute it, and filter the data}
public function process_data() {//transform into JSON, an html entity etc}
//methods called by the model:
public function build_query() {...};
public function execute_query() {...};
public function filter_data() {...};
Looking at it, I can already see some problems.
For example, it is straightforward to pass the widget that was created in the controller to the View to render.
But when it comes to implementing the model it seems not so straight forward. Table Gateway Pattern is simpler to implement than ORM. But since table gateway pattern has one class for each model/table it doesn't seem to fit the bill. I could create a model for a particular table, and then within that, instantiate any other models needed. But that doesn't seem so to fit the Table Gateway Pattern, but rather ORM pattern. Can Table Gateway Pattern be implemented with multiple tables? What alternatives are there? Does it make sense that the controller creates the widget and the widget creates the Model?
Another issue that arises is that this design does not enable ease of widget creation. ie. Say I wanted to create a PiechartWidget, how much code can be reused? Would it not make more sense to use some OO ideas such as an interface or abstract classes/methods and inheritance?
Let's say I abstract the Widget class so only the shared methods are defined concretely, and the rest are declared as abstract methods. Revising the Widget class to make it abstract (second pass):
abstract class Widget{
private $_type;
private $_renderer;
//methods called by the controller:
//receive arguments for widget type (query and renderer),
protected function __construct($type, $renderer) {
$this->_type = $type;
$this->_render = $renderer;
//tell the widget to build the query, execute it, and filter the data
private function create() {
//methods called by the model:
abstract protected function build_query();
protected function execute_query() {
//common method
abstract protected function filter_data();
//method called by controller to tranform data for view
//transform into JSON, an html entity etc
abstract protected function process_data();
//method called by the view
//output the markup based on the widget Type and interleave the processed data
abstract protected function render();
Is this a good design? How could it be improved?
I assume writing a new widget will require at least some new code to build the query, and maybe filter the data, but it should be able to use preexisting code for almost all of the rest of its functionality, including the renderers that already exist.
I am hoping anyone could provide at least some feedback on this design. Validate it?
Tear it apart. Call me an idiot. That's fine too. I could use any forward traction.
A few specific questions:
Q1. What's the best way to implement the renderers, as part of the Widget class or as a separate class? 1a. If separate, how would it interact with the widget class(es)?
Q2. How could I improve this design to simplify creation of new kinds of widgets?
Q3. And lastly, I feel like I am missing something here with regards to data encapsulation. How does data encapsulation relate to the requirements and play out in this scenario?
For #2, if you are using WPF on windows, or Silverlight in general, consider using MVVM pattern (Model-View-ViewModel), here is explanation with a WPF implementation:
MVVM at msdn
For #1 (comments not answer): For exact implementations (and minor variations) of MVC, it really depends on what language you are using.
Another alternative to MVC is MVP Model View Presenter
Remember the goal of OO is not to cram design patterns into your code, but to create maintainable code with less bugs/increased readability.
High Requirements
- a page that displays a set of widgets. widgets are based off of data contained in several separate tables in the database.
- widget's data will be based off a database query. widget display its data in a particular way.
- widgets should be able to be created quickly.
Low Level Requirements
- Data changes, multiple charts need to change, push model (from data to ui)
- Development of new widgets should be a breeze, existing code need not be modified
Advice from design patterns basics
- MVC supports one to many notification pattern, so yes, once your widget is initialized, created and connected to the web page, it should wait for notifications from the database.
- Strategy pattern, your entire code should develop to a interface. New widgets should be added to a parametrized LinkedList (or some other data structure). That way new widget developers just implement the interface and your framework picks up these notifications without change to existing code.
The purpose behind all of these ideas -- MVC, patterns, etc. -- is essentially the same: every class should do one thing, and every distinct responsibility in your application should be separated into distinct layers. Your views (page and widgets) should be thin and make few if any decisions other than to present data gathered from the models. The models should operate on a data layer agnostically, which is to say they should not know whether the source of their data is a specific kind of data source. The controllers should be thin as well, acting basically as a routing layer between the views and models. Controllers take input from the users and perform the relevant actions on the models. The application of this concept varies depending on your target environment -- web, rich client, etc.
The architecture of the model alone is no trivial problem. You have many patterns to choose from and many frameworks, and choosing the right one -- pattern or framework -- will depend entirely on the particulars of your domain, which we have far too few of here to give you more specific advice. Suffice it to say it is recommended you spend some time getting to know a few Object-Relational Mapping frameworks for your particular technology stack (be it Java, .NET, etc.) and the respective patterns they were built on.
Also make yourself familiar with the difference between MVP and MVC -- Martin Fowler's work is essential here.
As for design patterns, the application of most of the standard GOF patterns could easily come into play in some form or another, and it is recommended you spend time in Design Patterns or one of the many introductory texts on the subject. No one here can give specific answers as to how MVC applies to your domain -- that can only be answered by experienced engineers in cooperation with a Product Owner who has the authority to make workflow and UI decisions that will greatly affect such decisions in their particulars.
In short, the very nature of your question suggests you are in need of an experienced OOP architect or senior developer who has done this before. Alternatively give yourself a good deal of time in intensive study before moving forward. The scope of your project encompasses a vast amount of learning that many coders take years to fully grasp. This is not to say your project is doomed -- in fact you may be able to accomplish quite a lot if you choose the right technology stack, framework, etc., and assuming you are reasonably bright and focused on the task at hand. But getting concepts as broad as "MVC" or "OO" right is not something I think can be done on a first try and under time constraints.
EDIT: I just caught your edit re: Zend. Having a framework in place is good, that takes care of a lot of architectural decisions. I'm not familiar with Zend, but I would stick to its defaults. Much more depends here on your ultimate UI delivery -- are you in a RIA environment like Flash or Silverlight, or are you in a strict HTML/JavaScript environment? In either case the controllers should still be thin and operate as routers taking user requests from HTTP gets and posts, and immediately handing off to the models. The views should remain thin as well and make as few decisions as possible. The concept of MVC applied in a web environment has been pretty well established by Rails and the frameworks that followed, and I'm assuming Zend is similar to something like CakePHP in this regard: the application server has a routing system that maps HTTP calls to controller actions that respond with specific views. The request/response cycle is basically this:
User request posted through a URL
Router hands control to a controller class
Controller makes a call to a model with the given params
The model operates on the data, posts back to the controller
The framework maps the finished data into a view, with some kind of code-behind that puts the results of the request in the view's scope.
The framework creates html (or xml or whatever) and posts back to the caller.
It sounds like you want to use MVC and other patterns because they are the new buzz words. Splitting your design among model view and controller should tell you how to spread the functionality of your application. Although I totally agree that using MVC is the correct approach, I suggest you research the pattern and look at some source code that implements it. As a start to your question though, the widgets that will be displayed will be your views, that much should be obvious. Input from the user, such as changing a parameter of some widget or requesting other information will come into your application and should be handled by a controller. A concrete example of this is a Java-based HttpServlet. The controller servlet receives the user request and asks the lower layers of your app (Service, Persistence, etc) for an updated representation of your model. The model includes all of your domain-specific objects (i.e the data from your databases, etc). This data (the updated model) comes back to the controller, which in turn pushes out a new view for the user. Hopefully that is enough to get you started about designing your app.
As further help, you could consider using a framework to assist in the development of your app. I like Spring a lot, and it has a first class MVC implementation that really helps guide you to designing a correct MVC web app.
You may consider using Subject Observer Pattern
Have your class, named DataReader as single Subject. Your multiple widgets will act as Observers. Once your DataReader receives data from server, it (Subject) will inform multiple widgets (Observer).
Your individual widgets may have different presentation to present to same set of data from DataReader.
In the message where subject notify observer, you may include the message type information as well. Widgets will only process message type, which is within their own interest, and ignore rest of the message.
NOTE: This is my new answer based on new the updated question.
Here is a proposed class diagram. I'm going to work on a sequence diagram.
My old answer is here:
Based on the requirements you describe, your model is your database or data warehouse and your views are your pie charts, bar graphs, etc. I don't see the need for a controller, because it sounds like you have a one page dashboard with widgets.
You need to spend your time on the database model. Since you're doing all selects and no updates, go for a de-normalized data model that makes these queries efficient. You should put the results of these queries in a table type object (e.g. 2-dimensional array) or 3-dimensional array based on the amount of dimensions. You are limited to 3 dimensions unless you use animation.

What is the opposite of a wizard-style user interface called?

I am writing a document in which I am proposing that our web application have both wizard-style user interfaces, and normal user interfaces.
To my mind, a normal interface in one in which you can browse a list of domain objects, and then view or operate on them as you please. This style of interface is good for creative, non-directed, interaction with the data a program manages.
A wizard interface, on the other hand, is a task oriented interface in which you first choose what you want to accomplish, and are then guided through it.
What I need to know, is what is the accepted term to describe a normal, non-wizard, user interface?
Edit: I went with "overview style user interface", but I also liked the answer "Non-linear user flow" to describe the type of interaction.
Perhaps the most widely known terms are function-oriented UI and object-oriented UI, where a wizard is a type of a function-oriented, and “normal” GUIs are object-oriented. Personally, I think these terms have been poorly defined, being simultaneously too broad and too narrow. They are also easy to confuse with implementation language.
I have suggested:
Task-centered user interface structure, where each window represents a task, or, if the task is complex, a step in the task. The layout in the window and navigation links between windows represents the task structure –what steps follow what and how tasks can branch and loop. Along with wizards, Microsoft’s Inductive User Interface and many form-type web application user interfaces use task-centered user interface structures.
Object-centered user interface structure, where each window represents one or more object classes, and the layout in the window and navigation links between windows represents the data model –how one class relates to another. For the most part, this is the type of structure used in general-purpose office software, where there’s only one class represented, typically some kind of document. If your application is a collection of record lists, master-detail forms, and/or “properties” windows that the user can “drill down” through, you’re probably making an object-centered structure.
You provide a good summary of the main advantage of object-centered structures. I’ve more on the pros and cons of each, plus methods and issues on combining them in the same app at http://www.zuschlogin.com/?p=3.
I guess the complete opposite is one long form, with all fields and options that your application supports. Mind you, you could still show that intelligently, by using the right header and collapse/expand behavior.
Seriously speaking, the answer to your Q depends on the target audience.
If it is internal (designers/developer), "non-wizard" seems to be a commonly accepted term.
If it's end users, either use "non-wizard" or "advanced/expert"
Web Applications tend to be "form based". Thus IMHO the application either has "Standard Forms" based interface, or a "Wizard Forms" based interface.
A normal interface = "Standard Interface"
Opposite of wizard = "Non-Linear User Flow"
What about single-page vs. multi-page?
