missing artifact sun.jdk:tools:jar:1.6.0:system - maven

i m using a mac and saw this error in one of my pom file. i googled around and added the following section to the pom.xml:
then when i ran
mvn clean install -Posx
i still got the same error. please help!

Use the below command to install tools.jar from your installed JDK location to maven repository.
$mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=sun.jdk -DartifactId=tools -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=1.6 -Dfile="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_27\lib\tools.jar"
Note: Make sure that JDK installed path correct in the above command.


can't deactivate activeBydefault profile on maven build

I use maven 3.8.5 in a web application with different layer. The parent pom is something similar to the follow:
Now if I manually change the activationByDefault of dev profile from true to false and activationByDefault of other profile from false to true when I build (mvn clean package) everything goes fine.
Instead If I perform a build command like follow to obtain the same result:
mvn clean package -P other
doesn't work.. and I still find flyway library in my project. What's wrong?

Activate 2 build profile on maven via command [duplicate]

I have two profiles for different environments in pom.xml, I have to run mvn -PTest1 install and mvn -PTest2 install command to get these profiles in use. Can we integrate two separate maven commands in a single one (like mvn clean install)?
Here is my Pom entry
<name>Windows XP</name>
<!--<version>stable</version> -->
<name>Windows XP</name>
<!--<version>stable</version> -->
It will helpfull to manage hudson job using single command
Based on the documentation and discussion here, try separating profile names with a comma:
mvn install -P Test1,Test2
Mifeet's answer is correct, but in Windows PowerShell you should quote parameters, otherwise you'll get "unknown lifecycle phase" error.
mvn install -P 'Test1,Test2'
For me Mifeet's answer isn't working. I get "unknown lifecycle phase Test2". For me this is working:
mvn install -PTest1 -PTest2
Based on the maven help command
-P,--activate-profiles <arg> Comma-delimited list of profiles to activate
So you can run mvn package -Pp1,p2 to run profile id with p1 and p2

Spring Boot Not Resolving Properties Variable When Using spring-boot:run

This was working for me and I'm not sure what changed.. I have my spring boot profile configured to be set based on a maven profile. The basics:
When I run mvn clean package -Pdevelopment I see the line The following profiles are active: development.
Yet when I run mvn spring-boot:run -Pdevelopment I see the line The following profiles are active: #environment#.
Using the spring-boot:run command seems to not be able to resolve application property variables based on maven environment variables. Anyone know why? I tried adjusting the spring starter version without success.
According to the docs, you could tune the profiles to enable when running the application as follows:
$ mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.profiles=development
If not, try to comment your "spring.profiles.active" property in application.properties, that should work!
See also this thread.
Based on this tip in the docs, I added a configuration to my spring-boot-maven-plugin which broke this functionality:
Removing the addResources configuration restores the property expansion behavior.

Change maven dependency's version by using different maven profiles

I have two projects, project A is depending on project B, so normally, I'd have the following section in my projectA/pom.xml:
What I am trying to achieve is very straight forward, does maven profile allow me to do anything like:
if(profileA) {
else {
Yes, this can be done (put activeByDefault to whichever profile you need to be default).

How to generate two sonar reports from the same project?

I would like to create two sets of Sonar reports from the same project. One would have everything covered and the other one would have some packages excluded.
Is this possible and if so, how to do such?
Edit: Setting exclusions is not a problem but having two reports is.
Create new profile in maven and add call sonar with new branch for each profile: mvn clean install -Pprofile1 sonar:sonar -Dsonar.branch=BRANCH1
<!-- Optional URL to server. Default value is http://localhost:9000 -->
