List all products with a certain attribute value in Magento - magento

What I am trying to do is add some links below the layered navigation in Magento on the Product Listing Page. I have the layered navigation working nicely but I have some other groups of items that I would like to have listed on click of a link. These items can be identified by a custom attribute that I added. In example a featured_product list.


Magento configurable products doesn't show attribute set inside tabs

I add some associated products to a configurable product. I used many attributes defined in attribute set "Phone_specification" for example for configurable phone.
It is supposed to show these specifications as a table (like CPU, GPU, LCD quality, ... so that to be compared later or ...) inside tabs below main description of configurable product.
But it shows nothing. It ignores these attributes which have been defined for configurable product. But in individual associated items it shows properly.
The tab on the product detail page that shows a list of product attributes will only show the attributes and their values assigned for that product. If it's a configurable product, it will not show the attributes for the simple products, because there could be more than one value.
If you want information to appear there, assign the attributes and values to the configurable product and they should appear.
Also for the attributes to appear on the Product View Page, you must make sure that the Visible on Product View Page on Front-end is set to Yes for that product.
Go to Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes
Click the attribute you want to appear on the product view page.
Set the option Visible on Product View Page on Front-end to Yes
Hit the Save button and flush your Magento caches.
Your attributes will now on the product view pages for the products they are directly assigned to.

Layered Navigation not affecting result on page

I have created a module to show all products with special price.
I have added layered navigation to left block. It shows proper product count. But When I click any of filter (like category, price range), it doesn't affect number of products on page.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I got the solution of above problem.
Previously I was using my own custom layer where I was creating collection of products with special price.
Now I changed the code, I am using default catalog layer and in my block file (i.e. list.php) I added code to fetch products with special price.
I didn't added any code to filter result. Magento do it by itself.

How to save additional attributes when purchasing a product?

I have products in Magento which are heavily customized by the manufacturer (i.e. color) but these attributes do not change the product price. For example you can select white or blue product, but the price is the same. I have 4-5 similar attributes for the product, which customer selects via javascript, and gets a preview right there on the Product view page.
Any idea how to pass these attributes on (to the following steps in the checkout process), so that I can a) show them in the Shopping Cart (under product name) b) get them in the order and admin module (where I need to regenerate preview again, this time for the merchant).
I already have a custom module so if I have to override some Magento code and/or templates that is fine.
You could:
Create a custom module that add these options programmatically to additional_options when your items are added to cart. See Add options to quote item
Create custom option for each product or configurable products. See Adding Custom Product Options in Magento

How to add category filtering on product list in magento Admin?

I am working on Magento 1.5. I have two main categories in my store lets say Products and Utilities.
- Product 1
- Product 2
- Utility 1
- Utility 2
I need to add a dropdown which allows me to filter using these two categories on product list table just like product type dropdown which allows me to filter using product type.
I want to implement in admin Panel. Does any one have any idea?
Please Help...
You can add a drop down in the template with an onChange event bound to changing window.location.href. The destination URLs can be generated in the same was as in the layered navigation (left side in the product list where you can click a category).
Sample URL: /furniture.html?cat=22

Different product image per category in Magento

I have a large store with many products showing in multiple categories.
Inside each of these categories the product has a different use, so I would like to show a different image.
I would use a bundle / grouped product however the default simple product has custom options.
Any PHP or set up suggestions would be appreciated.
A clean implementation would be to add a new attribute to the media/gallery functionality (akin to label/sort-order).
Then you would add a drop-down category selector to the grid view on the "Manage Product > Edit Product > Images" tab.
Then from there, you could extend the standard collection for category/search to select your image with corresponding category ID (instead of the default selected thumbnail).
But you certainly are not going to find a 1-liner to pull this off (cleanly).
