SSRS - T-SQL - Concatenate multiple rows - visual-studio-2010

I have T-SQL query that joins multiple tables. I am using that in SSRS as Dataset query. I am only selecting two columns, ID and Names. I have three records with same "ID" values but three different "Names" values. In SSRS, I am getting the first "Names" value and I need to concatonate all three values with same ID and have it in one cell on a table.
How would I go about doing that?
I am using lookup to combine cube + sql
Pulling ID straight from a table but using Case statement for Names to define alias.

You can accomplish this in TSQL either using PIVOT to get them as separate columns which you can then combine in the report cell, or you can use one of these concatenation methods to get all the names in one column.
For example, you can do this:
SELECT SomeTableA.Id,
(SELECT ',' + SomeTableB.Names AS [text()]
FROM SomeTable SomeTableB
WHERE SomeTableB.Id = SomeTableA.Id
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '' )
AS ConcatenatedNames
FROM SomeTable SomeTableA
INNER JOIN AnotherTable
ON SomeTableA.Id = AnotherTable.SomeId


Count with WHERE clause from two tables in Oracle?

I have two tables, one called STUDENTS and the other CLASSES. I have to select all the students that are from the same class of one student, and this student has his own number id, and through this number id that I have to select everything.
So I tried something like that :
SELECT count(*) FROM students, classes WHERE id_sex = 'M' AND
cd_class = (SELECT cd_class FROM classes WHERE nr_rgm = '12150');
But then it points an error, and the error is the follow :
single-row subquery returns more than one row
So, how can I make this work ?
you should use "in" and not "=" when applying subselects.
I think what you really would want to do is to simply join the two tables together rather than issuing a sub select:
SELECT count(*)
FROM students s, classes c
WHERE s.id_sex = 'M' AND c.nr_rgm = '12150' AND s.cd_class = c.cd_class;
This way you just tell the database: Please count all the occurrences where my students.id_sex = 'M' and my classes.nr_rgm = '12150' AND all found studends.cd_class match those of my classes.cd_class.
The reason why your statement above fails is because the ordinary = operation, when not used in a join, will only expect one single value, like you do with s.id_sex='M' while your statement returns multiple values. To cope with that you have to use the IN operator which operates on lists.
However, you can and will achieve the very same with just joining the two tables together, and it will be much more efficient on bigger data sets.
One more note to the example above. If classes.nr_rgm is a field of data type NUMBER, don't use the ' around the value 12150 as it will lead to implicit type conversion. With other words, '12150' is a string and will have to be converted to NUMBER first before doing a comparison.

Avoid duplicate values for certain column in DAX query

I am using the following statement to get a result table:
"Casenumber", RELATED( 'CaseDetails'[nr]),
'Case'[Date] <= value(#dateto) )
However, I want to only get one record pr casenumber. In SQL I would solve this with a GROUP BY statement, but how should I do this in DAX? Case also has a dimkey, so several cases with the same casenumber can have different dimkeys.
Try this:
,<comma-separated list of fields from Case you want>
,Case[Date] <= VALUE(#dateto)
SUMMARIZE() takes a table as its first argument, then a comma-separated list of fields from that table and any tables that it is related to where it is on the many side (thus in a star schema, SUMMARIZE()ing the fact table will allow you to refer directly to any dimension table field), followed by a comma-separated list of , pairs where is a quoted field name and is a scalar value which is evaluated in the row context of the table in the first argument.
If you don't need to rename CaseDetails[nr], then the query would look like this (just for an illustrative example):
,<comma-separated list of fields from Case you want>
,Case[Date] <= VALUE(#dateto)
In such a query, all fields will come through with column headings in the format of 'table'[field], so there is no ambiguity if you have identical field names in multiple related tables.
Edit to address new information in original:
SUMMARIZE(), just like SQL's GROUP BY clause will not eliminate distinct values from the resultset. If there is a field that is a higher cardinality than the field you want to group by, you will always see duplicates.
Is your [DimKey] necessary in the resultset? If yes, then there's no way to decrease the size of your resultset smaller than the number of distinct values of [DimKey].
If [DimKey] is unnecessary, simply omit it from the list of fields in SUMMARIZE().
If you want only a specific [DimKey], e.g. the most recent (assuming it's an IDENTITY field and the max value is the latest), then you can bring it in with another ADDCOLUMNS() wrapped around your current SUMMARIZE():
,<comma-separated list of fields from Case except for [DimKey]>

Comparing Similar Hive Tables

I have two hive tables (t1 and t2) that I would like to compare. The second table has 5 additional columns that are not in the first table. Other than the five disjoint fields, the two tables should be identical. I am trying to write a query to check this. Here is what I have so far:
select * from t2
GROUP BY some_value
HAVING count(*) == 2
If the tables are identical, this should return 0 records. However, since the second table contains 5 extra fields, I need to change the second select statement to reflect this. There are almost 60 column names so I would really hate to write it like this:
select field1, field2, field3,...,fieldn from t2
GROUP BY some_value
HAVING count(*) == 2
I have looked around and I know there is no select * EXCEPT syntax, but is there a way to do this query without having to explicity name each column that I want included in the final result?
You should have used UNION DISTINCT for the logic you are applying.
However, the number and names of columns returned by each select_statement have to be the same otherwise a schema error is thrown.
You could have a look at this Python program that handles such comparisons of Hive tables (comparing all the rows and all the columns), and would show you in a webpage the differences that might appear:
To skip the 5 extra fields, you could use the "--ignore-columns" option.

Update One table Column with Values from Another table Having Similar

Hi Guys I have Two tables (MIGADM.CORPMISCELLANEOUSINFO and CRMUSER.PREFERENCES) and Each Has a field called PREFERENCE_ID and ORGKEY. I want to Update the Preference ID for MIGADM.CORPMISCELLANEOUSINFO with Preference_ID from CRMUSER.PREFERENCES for Each Corresponding ORGKEY. SO I wrote this Query;
select e.PREFERENCE_ID from crmuser.preferences e where s.ORGKEY = e.ORGKEY)
But I get:
ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
What Should I do?
It means the columns you have selected are not unique enough to identify one row in your source table. Your first step would be to identify those columns.
To see the set of rows that have this problem, run this query.
select e.origkey,
from crmuser.preferences e
group by e.origkey
having count(*) > 1
eg : for origkey of 2, let's say there are two rows in the preferences table.
2 202
2 201
Oracle is not sure which of these should be used to update the preference_id column in CORPMISCELLANEOUSINFO
identify the row where the subquery returns more than one row (You could use REJECT ERROR clause to do it for instance) or use the condition 'where rownum = 1'.

Oracle Error : Maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000

I am working in C#.Net and Oracle. i am passing a string to a query. i had used this code for concating all the item id's
List<string> listRetID = new List<string>();
foreach (DataRow row in dtNew.Rows)
This concatination goes above 10,000. so i am getting the error message like this..
ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000
How to fix this..
The documentation states:
A comma-delimited list of expressions can contain no more than 1000
expressions. A comma-delimited list of sets of expressions can contain
any number of sets, but each set can contain no more than 1000
Presumably you're using this string as the contents of in IN (...) restriction, in which case there isn't really anything you can do - this just won't work. A common way to work around this is to generate a dummy table as a subquery or common table expression (CTE) and joining to that, but I'm not sure how you'd translate your List - possibly similar to whatever you're doing with your IN clause. You'd want to end up with your query looking something like:
with tmp_tab as (
select <val1 from list> as val from dual
union all select <val2 from list from dual
union all select <val3 from list from dual
select <something>
from <your table> yt
join tmp_tab tt on yt.<field> = tt.val
But that requires generating the entire (huge) query including the CTE each time you run it, and there's no opportunity to use bind variables.
You might find something like this approach more palatable.
You can have 10 lists of 1000 items instead of 1 list of 10000 items.
WHERE some_column IN (1,2,...,1000)
OR some_column IN (1001,1002,...2000) -- etc.
Not a C# guy but I would just split the list listRetID in multiple lists or create a list of lists
Then loop through that list of lists and perform the query on each element of the list.
What is the intent of your query?
It looks like you are selecting rows that have some column equal to the 3rd column of one of the records of some query.
The correct way of doing this is either an SQL join or a subquery. There is absolutely no need to bring this into C# code. For example, using a subquery you can write something like this:
FROM atable
WHERE afield IN (
SELECT field3
FROM someothertable)
