How do I implement scrollWheel elastic scrolling on OSX - macos

I am trying to create a custom view, which is similar to NSScrollView, but is based on CoreAnimation CAScrollLayer/CATiledLayer. Basically, my app requires a lot of near realtime CGPath drawing, and animates these paths using shape layers (it's similar to the way GarageBand animates while recording). The first prototype I created used NSScrollView, but I could not get more than 20 frames per second with it (The reason was that NSRulerView updates by drawing every time the scrollEvent happens, and the entire call flow from -[NSClipView scrollToPoint] to -[NSScrollView reflectScrolledClipView:] is extremely expensive and inefficient).
I've created a custom view that uses CAScrollLayer as scrolling mechanism and CATiledLayer as the traditional documentView (for infinite scrolling option), and now I can get close to 60fps. However, I'm having hard time implementing scrollWheel elastic scrolling, and I'm not sure how to do it. Here's the code I have so far, and would really appreciate if someone can tell me how to implement elasticScrolling.
-(void) scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)theEvent{
NSCAssert(mDocumentScrollLayer, #"The Scroll Layer Cannot be nil");
NSCAssert(mDocumentLayer, #"The tiled layer cannot be nil");
NSCAssert(self.layer, #"The base layer of view cannot be nil");
NSCAssert(mRulerLayer, #"The ScrollLayer for ruler cannot be nil");
NSPoint locationInWindow = [theEvent locationInWindow];
NSPoint locationInBaseLayer = [self convertPoint:locationInWindow
NSPoint locationInRuler = [mRulerLayer convertPoint:locationInBaseLayer
if ([mRulerLayer containsPoint:locationInRuler]) {
CGRect docRect = [mDocumentScrollLayer convertRect:[mDocumentLayer bounds]
CGRect scrollRect = [mDocumentScrollLayer visibleRect];
CGPoint newOrigin = scrollRect.origin;
CGFloat deltaX = [theEvent scrollingDeltaX];
CGFloat deltaY = [theEvent scrollingDeltaY];
if ([self isFlipped]) {
deltaY *= -1;
scrollRect.origin.x -= deltaX;
scrollRect.origin.y += deltaY;
if ((NSMinX(scrollRect) < NSMinX(docRect)) ||
(NSMaxX(scrollRect) > NSMaxX(docRect)) ||
(NSMinY(scrollRect) < NSMinY(docRect)) ||
(NSMaxY(scrollRect) > NSMaxX(docRect))) {
mIsScrollingPastEdge = YES;
CGFloat heightPhase = 0.0;
CGFloat widthPhase = 0.0;
CGSize size = [self frame].size;
if (NSMinX(scrollRect) < NSMinX(docRect)) {
widthPhase = ABS(NSMinX(scrollRect) - NSMinX(docRect));
if (NSMaxX(scrollRect) > NSMaxX(docRect)) {
widthPhase = ABS(NSMaxX(scrollRect) - NSMaxX(docRect));
if (NSMinY(scrollRect) < NSMinY(docRect)) {
heightPhase = ABS(NSMinY(scrollRect) - NSMinY(docRect));
if (NSMaxY(scrollRect) > NSMaxY(docRect)) {
heightPhase = ABS(NSMaxY(scrollRect) - NSMaxY(docRect));
if (widthPhase > size.width/2.0) {
widthPhase = size.width/2.0;
if (heightPhase > size.width/2.0) {
heightPhase = size.width/2.0;
deltaX = deltaX*(1-(2*widthPhase/size.width));
deltaY = deltaY*(1-(2*heightPhase/size.height));
newOrigin.x -= deltaX;
newOrigin.y += deltaY;
if ( mIsScrollingPastEdge &&
(([theEvent phase] == NSEventPhaseEnded) ||
([theEvent momentumPhase] == NSEventPhaseEnded)
CGPoint confinedScrollPoint = [mDocumentScrollLayer bounds].origin;
mIsScrollingPastEdge = NO;
CGRect visibleRect = [mDocumentScrollLayer visibleRect];
if (NSMinX(scrollRect) < NSMinX(docRect)){
confinedScrollPoint.x = docRect.origin.x;
if(NSMinY(scrollRect) < NSMinY(docRect)) {
confinedScrollPoint.y = docRect.origin.y;
if (NSMaxX(scrollRect) > NSMaxX(docRect)) {
confinedScrollPoint.x = NSMaxX(docRect) - visibleRect.size.width;
if (NSMaxY(scrollRect) > NSMaxY(docRect)){
confinedScrollPoint.y = NSMaxY(docRect) - visibleRect.size.height;
[mDocumentScrollLayer scrollToPoint:confinedScrollPoint];
CGPoint rulerPoint = [mRulerLayer bounds].origin;
rulerPoint.x = [mDocumentLayer bounds].origin.x;
[mRulerLayer scrollToPoint:rulerPoint];
CGPoint rulerPoint = [mDocumentScrollLayer convertPoint:newOrigin
rulerPoint.y = [mRulerLayer bounds].origin.y;
if (!mIsScrollingPastEdge) {
[CATransaction setDisableActions:YES];
[mDocumentScrollLayer scrollToPoint:newOrigin];
[CATransaction commit];
[mDocumentScrollLayer scrollToPoint:newOrigin];
[mRulerLayer scrollToPoint:rulerPoint];

Take a look at TUIScrollView at

The Core concept of adding ElasticScrolling is to use a SpringSolver.
This has a ElasticScrollView that you can reuse:


How to place a tile by tapping on a isometric tiled map which uses CCLayerPanZoom class

I have a tiled map. I use cocos2D. The isometric map has an CCLayerPanZoom. For Zooming and scrolling. Now I want to add a tile at the position where I pressed it. It does not work. It is inserting the tile at the wrong position.
Does it has to do with the scaling of the map(Zooming and Scroling which is posible).?
-(void)ccTouchEnded:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
touchLocation = [touch locationInView: [touch view]];
touchLocation = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL: touchLocation];
touchLocation = [self convertToNodeSpace:touchLocation];
CGPoint playerPos = _player.position;
CGPoint diff = ccpSub(touchLocation, playerPos);
if (abs(diff.x) > abs(diff.y)) {
if (diff.x > 0) {
playerPos.x +=;
} else {
playerPos.x -=;
} else {
if (diff.y > 0) {
playerPos.y +=;
} else {
playerPos.y -=;
//player.position = playerPos; // Todo: Trymove
if (playerPos.x <= ( * &&
playerPos.y <= ( * &&
playerPos.y >= 0 &&
playerPos.x >= 0 ) {
[self setPlayerPosition:playerPos];
if([TileMapLayer isOnTheMapMoreRestrictive:touchLocation] )
[self plantObject:touchLocation];
CCLOG(#"Outside possition");
[self setDotPosition: [self tilePosFromLocation:touchLocation]];
-(void)plantObject:(CGPoint) location{
punkt = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"tree.png"];
punkt. position = [self tilePosFromLocation:location];
[_map addChild:punkt z:4];

Cocos2d: Animation based on accelerometer

Anyone know of any good up to date tutorials out there that show how can one animate a sprite based on accelerometer movement. I want to animate a bird to sway to the position the device was pointed to. For example if the player decides to move the bird to the left via the accelerometer I would like for my bird to play an animation that is swaying to the left.
// Accelerometer
-(void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration {
birdSpeedY = 9.0 + acceleration.x*15;
birdSpeedX = -acceleration.y*20;
// Updating bird based on accelerometer
-(void)updateBird {
float maxY = winSize.height - bird.contentSize.height/2;
float minY = bird.contentSize.height/2;
float newY = bird.position.y + birdSpeedY;
newY = MIN(MAX(newY, minY), maxY);
float maxX = winSize.width - bird.contentSize.width/2;
float minX = bird.contentSize.width/2;
float newX = bird.position.x + birdSpeedX;
newX = MIN(MAX(newX, minX), maxX);
bird.position = ccp(newX, newY);
// Making background scroll automatically
-(void)update:(ccTime)dt {
[self updateBird];
CGPoint backgroundScrollVel = ccp(-100, 0);
parallaxNode.position = ccpAdd(parallaxNode.position, ccpMult(backgroundScrollVel, dt));
-(id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
winSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;
CCSpriteFrameCache *cache=[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache];
[cache addSpriteFramesWithFile:#"birdAtlas.plist"];
NSMutableArray *framesArray=[NSMutableArray array];
for (int i=1; i<10; i++) {
NSString *frameName=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"bird%d.png", i];
id frameObject=[cache spriteFrameByName:frameName];
[framesArray addObject:frameObject];
// animation object
id animObject=[CCAnimation animationWithFrames:framesArray delay:0.1];
// animation action
id animAction=[CCAnimate actionWithAnimation:animObject restoreOriginalFrame:NO];
animAction=[CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:animAction];
bird=[CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:#"bird1.png"];
CCSpriteBatchNode *batchNode=[CCSpriteBatchNode batchNodeWithFile:#"birdAtlas.png"];
[self addChild:batchNode z:100];
[batchNode addChild:bird];
[bird runAction:animAction];
self.isAccelerometerEnabled = YES;
[self scheduleUpdate];
[self addScrollingBackgroundWithTileMapInsideParallax];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[super dealloc];
You can try the Accelerometer methods with it and change the position of the Sprite using ccp(). You also need to know is that project for the Landscape or Portrait in the Mode.
You Can Try the Stuff below
- (void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer*)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration*)acceleration
[lbl setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"X=>%.2lf Y=>%.2lf",(double)acceleration.x,(double)acceleration.y]];
double x1= -acceleration.y *10;
double y1= acceleration.x *15;
if(acceleration.x >0.05)
y1*=spped_incr; // Make Movement Here
[Sprite_Name runAction:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.1f position:ccpAdd(ccp(x1,y1), Sprite_Name.position)]];
The Above Stuff is for the Landscape Mode.... if You need in Portrait Mode you need to change the Axis and use the TRY & Error Method.

Custom NSSliderCell knob doesn't follow mouse when tracking

I've implemented a custom NSSliderCell that uses a very different knob in size than the default one (this is for an interactive exhibit - I cannot use any default Mac OS X controls).
While the slider appears and behaves correctly (the knob goes from end to end, etc), when you look carefully you see a weird behaviour: Moving the mouse say, 20 pixels, will result in the knob to move by 30 pixels. This means that the knob might reach the end of the slider (and the slider will have the maximum value) before the mouse will reach the end.
This looks very weird and goes against all expectations. I wonder what do I have to change to ensure that the knob follows the mouse and doesn't move faster.
OK, as always, the solution was the simplest one.
Here is the simplest code you need to have a very custom slider:
#import "CSSSliderCell.h"
#define KNOB_WIDTH 20
#define KNOB_HEIGHT 126
#define SLIDER_WIDTH 13
#implementation CSSSliderCell
- (void)drawKnob:(NSRect)rect
// knobImage is an NSImage
[knobImage drawInRect:rect fromRect:NSZeroRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1.0];
- (void)drawBarInside:(NSRect)cellFrame flipped:(BOOL)flipped
NSRect slideRect = cellFrame;
NSColor *backColor = [NSColor redColor];
if ([(NSSlider*) [self controlView] isVertical] == YES)
slideRect.size.width = SLIDER_WIDTH;
slideRect.origin.x += (cellFrame.size.width - SLIDER_WIDTH) * 0.5;
} else {
slideRect.size.height = SLIDER_WIDTH;
slideRect.origin.y += (cellFrame.size.height - SLIDER_WIDTH) * 0.5;
NSBezierPath *bezierPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:slideRect xRadius:SLIDER_WIDTH * 0.5 yRadius:SLIDER_WIDTH * 0.5];
[backColor setFill];
[bezierPath fill];
- (NSRect)knobRectFlipped:(BOOL)flipped{
CGFloat value = ([self doubleValue] - [self minValue])/ ([self maxValue] - [self minValue]);
NSRect defaultRect = [super knobRectFlipped:flipped];
NSRect myRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
if ([(NSSlider*) [self controlView] isVertical] == YES)
myRect.size.width = KNOB_WIDTH;
myRect.size.height = KNOB_HEIGHT;
if (!flipped) {
myRect.origin.y = value * ([[self controlView] frame].size.height - KNOB_HEIGHT);
} else {
myRect.origin.y = (1.0 - value) * ([[self controlView] frame].size.height - KNOB_HEIGHT);
myRect.origin.x = defaultRect.origin.x;
} else {
myRect.size.width = KNOB_HEIGHT;
myRect.size.height = KNOB_WIDTH;
myRect.origin.x = value * ([[self controlView] frame].size.width - KNOB_HEIGHT);
myRect.origin.y = defaultRect.origin.y;
return myRect;
- (BOOL)_usesCustomTrackImage
return YES;
This might have problems, but so far both on horizontal and vertical orientations it works well.
orestis, your code helps me much. Thank you!
However, the knob's position (myRect.origin) is not correct. I modified the code (and also removed the hardcoded macros).
- (NSRect)knobRectFlipped:(BOOL)flipped {
float KNOB_WIDTH = [knobImage size].width;
float KNOB_HEIGHT = [knobImage size].height;
CGFloat value = ([self doubleValue] - [self minValue])/ ([self maxValue] - [self minValue]);
NSRect defaultRect = [super knobRectFlipped:flipped];
NSRect myRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
if ([(NSSlider*) [self controlView] isVertical] == YES)
} else {
myRect.size.width = KNOB_WIDTH;
myRect.size.height = KNOB_HEIGHT;
myRect.origin.x = value * ([[self controlView] frame].size.width - KNOB_WIDTH);
myRect.origin.y = defaultRect.origin.y + defaultRect.size.height/2.0 - myRect.size.height/2.0; // Fixed the position
return myRect;

Make MAAttachedWindow resizable without bounce?

To make the MAAttachedWindow resizable, I use code from here:
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event {
NSPoint pointInView = [event locationInWindow];
BOOL resize = YES;
if (NSPointInRect(pointInView, [self resizeRect]))
resize = YES;
NSWindow *window = self;
NSPoint originalMouseLocation = [window convertBaseToScreen:[event locationInWindow]];
NSRect originalFrame = [window frame];
while (YES)
// Lock focus and take all the dragged and mouse up events until we
// receive a mouse up.
NSEvent *newEvent = [window
nextEventMatchingMask:(NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSLeftMouseUpMask)];
if ([newEvent type] == NSLeftMouseUp)
// Work out how much the mouse has moved
NSPoint newMouseLocation = [window convertBaseToScreen:[newEvent locationInWindow]];
NSPoint delta = NSMakePoint(
newMouseLocation.x - originalMouseLocation.x,
newMouseLocation.y - originalMouseLocation.y);
NSRect newFrame = originalFrame;
if (!resize)
// Alter the frame for a drag
newFrame.origin.x += delta.x;
newFrame.origin.y += delta.y;
// Alter the frame for a resize
// newFrame.size.width += delta.x;
newFrame.size.width += delta.x*2; // customize
newFrame.size.height -= delta.y;
newFrame.origin.y += delta.y;
// Constrain to the window's min and max size
NSRect newContentRect = [window contentRectForFrameRect:newFrame];
NSSize maxSize = [window maxSize];
NSSize minSize = [window minSize];
if (newContentRect.size.width > maxSize.width)
newFrame.size.width -= newContentRect.size.width - maxSize.width;
else if (newContentRect.size.width < minSize.width)
newFrame.size.width += minSize.width - newContentRect.size.width;
if (newContentRect.size.height > maxSize.height)
newFrame.size.height -= newContentRect.size.height - maxSize.height;
newFrame.origin.y += newContentRect.size.height - maxSize.height;
else if (newContentRect.size.height < minSize.height)
newFrame.size.height += minSize.height - newContentRect.size.height;
newFrame.origin.y -= minSize.height - newContentRect.size.height;
[window setFrame:newFrame display:NO animate:NO];
When I drag the window, I can resize it. But there is a little bounce every now and then.
You can download the demo project.
Run the project and click the icon on the status menu to open the window. Try to stretch back and forward so you can reproduce it easily.
Hope someone can help me fixed this.
I checked out you code and it seemed like the bug was that occasionally NSPoint newMouseLocation = [window convertBaseToScreen:[newEvent locationInWindow]]; would return the original mouse location instead of the new one.
I'm not sure why that would fail but regardless that's not the optimal way to do it. Instead of calculating the new frame from the original mouse location, you should continually update that location and just move the window by the amount that the mouse has moved in the current tracking iteration
Here's a cleaned up, shortened version that seems to eliminate the bug.
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
NSWindow *window = self;
NSPoint originalMouseLocation = [window convertBaseToScreen:[event locationInWindow]];
while (YES)
NSEvent *newEvent = [window
nextEventMatchingMask:(NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSLeftMouseUpMask)];
if ([newEvent type] == NSLeftMouseUp)
NSPoint newMouseLocation = [window convertBaseToScreen:[newEvent locationInWindow]];
NSPoint delta = NSMakePoint(
roundf(newMouseLocation.x - originalMouseLocation.x),
roundf(newMouseLocation.y - originalMouseLocation.y));
NSRect newFrame = [window frame];
newFrame.size.width += delta.x*2; // customize
newFrame.size.height -= delta.y;
newFrame.origin.y += delta.y;
[window setFrame:newFrame display:YES animate:NO];
originalMouseLocation = newMouseLocation; // <-- added this

How to stop NSScrollView from scrolling to top when horizontally resizing contained NSTextView?

I have a NSTextView that I want to display a horizontal scroll bar. Following some leads on the internet, I have most of it working, except that I am having problems with the vertical scroll bar.
What I have done is to find the width of the longest line (in pixels with the given font) and then I resize the NSTextContainer and the NSTextView appropriately. This way the horizontal scroll bar is representative of the width and scrolling to the right will scroll to the end of the longest line of text.
After doing this work, I noticed that my NSScrollView would show and hide the vertical scroll bar as I typed. I've 'fixed' this problem by setting autohidesScrollers to NO before the resize and then YES afterwards. However, there still remains another problem where, as I type, the vertical scrollbar thumb jumps to the top of the scrollbar and back to the proper place as I type. I type 'a' <space>, it jumps to the top, I press the <space> again and it jumps back to the proper location.
Any thoughts?
Here is some sample code:
- (CGFloat)longestLineOfText
CGFloat longestLineOfText = 0.0;
NSRange lineRange;
NSString* theScriptText = [myTextView string];
NSDictionary* attributesDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:scriptFont forKey:NSFontAttributeName]; //scriptFont is a instance variable
NSUInteger characterIndex = 0;
NSUInteger stringLength = [theScriptText length];
while (characterIndex < stringLength) {
lineRange = [theScriptText lineRangeForRange:NSMakeRange(characterIndex, 0)];
NSSize lineSize = [[theScriptText substringWithRange:lineRange] sizeWithAttributes:attributesDict];
longestLineOfText = max(longestLineOfText, lineSize.width);
characterIndex = NSMaxRange(lineRange);
return longestLineOfText;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (void)updateMyTextViewWidth
static CGFloat previousLongestLineOfText = 0.0;
CGFloat currentLongestLineOfText = [self longestLineOfText];
if (currentLongestLineOfText != previousLongestLineOfText) {
BOOL shouldStopBlinkingScrollBar = (previousLongestLineOfText < currentLongestLineOfText);
previousLongestLineOfText = currentLongestLineOfText;
NSTextContainer* container = [myTextView textContainer];
NSScrollView* scrollView = [myTextView enclosingScrollView];
if (shouldStopBlinkingScrollBar) {
[scrollView setAutohidesScrollers:NO];
CGFloat padding = [container lineFragmentPadding];
NSSize size = [container containerSize];
size.width = currentLongestLineOfText + padding * 2;
[container setContainerSize:size];
NSRect frame = [myTextView frame];
frame.size.width = currentLongestLineOfText + padding * 2;
[myTextView setFrame:frame];
if (shouldStopBlinkingScrollBar) {
[scrollView setAutohidesScrollers:YES];
Thanks to Ross Carter's post on the Cocoa-Dev list, I resolved this issue.
A. You have to set up your text view to support horizontal scrolling:
- (void)awakeFromNib {
[myTextView setHorizontallyResizable:YES];
NSSize tcSize = [[myTextView textContainer] containerSize];
tcSize.width = FLT_MAX;
[[myTextView textContainer] setContainerSize:tcSize];
[[myTextView textContainer] setWidthTracksTextView:NO];
B. You have to update the width of the text view as it changes, otherwise the horizontal scroll-bar doesn't update properly:
- (void)textDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
[self updateTextViewWidth];
- (CGFloat)longestLineOfText
CGFloat longestLineOfText = 0.0;
NSLayoutManager* layoutManager = [myTextView layoutManager];
NSRange lineRange;
NSUInteger glyphIndex = 0;
NSUInteger glyphCount = [layoutManager numberOfGlyphs];
while (glyphIndex < glyphCount) {
NSRect lineRect = [layoutManager lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex:glyphIndex
longestLineOfText = max(longestLineOfText, lineRect.size.width);
glyphIndex = NSMaxRange(lineRange);
return longestLineOfText;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (void)updateTextViewWidth
static CGFloat previousLongestLineOfText = 0.0;
CGFloat currentLongestLineOfText = [self longestLineOfText];
if (currentLongestLineOfText != previousLongestLineOfText) {
previousLongestLineOfText = currentLongestLineOfText;
NSTextContainer* container = [myTextView textContainer];
CGFloat padding = [container lineFragmentPadding];
NSRect frame = [myTextView frame];
frame.size.width = currentLongestLineOfText + padding * 2;
[myTextView setFrame:frame];
