magento: saving or viewing settings slow - magento

we have reviewed our magento performance. And it is OK, within limits now ;)
There are 2 exceptions
But! changing and editing settings (going to system, config) is just plain slow: viewing, and changing is almost impossible.
Also adding a product to the cart takes 10 secs.
Any advice on a special index I can set?

Add APC caching to the Magento backend
Sounds like mysql is struggling - try running for some hints

Merci bien. We are looking into adding APC. Thx. Does it also speed up backend?
To update you on our issue. We installed Jirafe plugin. And what happened was is thta it couldnt connect and timed out only after 30 secs.
We filed a bug report with Jirafe for this. Dont think a live commercial site should give some logging and reporting framework more prio then actually doing sales.


TYPO3 6.2 Host migration : Slowness issue when displaying category tree in Backend

Basicaly, we have tons of category. And when I edit a plugin or a page, there is a category tree.
On the actual production, displaying this tree in backend take just few seconds.
But now, on migration server (which is supposed to be more powerful), its taking way way much more time to display this tree, like, 8 times longer. And i don't know why, cause settings are the same.
I tried many things, even updating index, (but, that didnt fix anything).
So, for me, its a server configuration issue, but i know nothing about that.
Can someone advice me, cause i dont know where to look now.
Thank you !
we found a solution to my problem!
After working with sysadmin, we realized that the problem was our MySQL version. We were using a MySQL server version 5.6, and for some reason, typo3 didnt like it. So we set the server as our actual production: MariaDB 10.0.30, and we saw a huge improvment.
(Editing a plugin took something like 1.3 min with MySQL server, and now it takes 15 sec with MariaDB)
Maybe someone has explainations to this improvment?
(We are aware that having 1500 categories is a terrible idea, TYPO3 is not supposed to work like that, but thats not our decision, and we will manage to change/improve that in the future)

Magento shop really slow TTFB waiting time

i have a customer, which magento webshop is extremely slow. As you can see on the screenshot, TTFB is about 20 seconds. I have contacted the hosting company, which says its a external problem, and not something with their servers, but is that correct ?
The following step may help you out,
Installation of full cache extension
merge css and js file,
3 optimize product images
enable caching
disable logging
To find the problem of slow loading, you must enable a profiling in settings of Magento: System > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Debug > Profiler
above specify your IP in the field Allowed IPs.
After that, restart page and you will see below profiler.
You can see in a column «time» in what part of code lost a significant part of the resources or copy it in your question and we will try to give better answer by optimization

Reduce ttfb (time to first byte) website on cpanel magento

I have tested my site on
I didn't understand why my site taking to much time in TTFB, and what i can do to reduce this.
Alos i would like to know for every http request on the page include this TTFB or not?
I think your server is overloaded and due to that may be you are getting this issues, I will suggest you please monitor your server and optimize your MySQL and web server which is installed on your server.
Also, Please check page speed suggestion of your site and try to update it on your site :
How customized is the implementation? Server capacity might be an issue but for a 15 second page load time it is more likely that a customization is the cause of the issue. Excessive iteration is a fairly consistent problem for Magento implementations, often seen by many calls to Mage_Core_Model_Abstract::load().
Take the public dataset and load on a local computer and run a profiler against it. XDebug or Zend Debugger both have profilers, or try New Relic. If you aren't able to do that turn the query log on in MySQL and load a page. In the worst case you should not see much more than 100 queries. If you see more than that you will likely need to re-architect some customizations.
Also, make sure that you're using an opcache for PHP code and that your data cache is working. But even if both of those are turned off you should not be seeing 15 second page load times.

Magento - Saving products is very slow

When I save a product in the Magento admin it is extremely slow. It can take around a minute for the product to save.
I found some information in Google that suggested this would be related to the indexing. I changed the indexing mode so it only updates manually but the problem persists.
For some reason if I select the product and use the 'Update Attributes' option it saves in a few seconds but updating an individual product is painfully slow.
Any ideas?
Inadequate system resources and need for MySQL optimization. Find a hosting provider that provides servers tuned for running Magento. 1 minute sounds about right for a shared server that's being choked off by settings that ensure that resources are being shared out equally among all the users on the system.
Generally in Magento to upload products use of data import/export is recommended.
Magento Backend is slow and you need a more powerful resource/server to process things faster.
Also as stated in above post you need to set indexing mode to manual which you have already done.
Also more number of attributes means higher sql query load so check for attributes sets etc.
Products saved fine until recently and I am on a semi dedicated server so this wasn't the problem.
However, I have now found the cause of the problem. It was an extension from I have disabled that and saving products is back to taking a few seconds :)
I have contacted the extensions developer so hopefully they provide a fix.

Magento Performance Tuning

I have a server which is running more than 15 Magento stores, but they are not performing well, though I have a giant server for hosting them. My server configuration is - 8 CPU's Quad Core 24GB RAM and 2 TB HDD.
My current page load is 1.6sec. I want it under 600ms. I have already installed APC, & eAccelerator and tuned Apache's parameters. I am using the latest Magento version.
Please suggest.
You might look at enabling block caching as explained here. It should work pretty well on the category and product pages but you have to be extra careful to apply proper cache tags and identifiers to make sure the content you are displaying is always up to date...
First things first, what is actually bottlenecked? Optimization is always about tradeoffs, and you may just make things worse if you're looking in the wrong places. Make use of top (assuming you're on Linux here) and see what your processor/memory usage look like.
I'm going to take a stab in the dark here and say that, if you have already added an opcode, you may be waiting on other HTTP requests for page load. Use YSlow on Firefox and see if you are trying to load excessive amounts of data. Optimizing image size and setting proper caching parameters for images may solve the problem there.
If not, silvo's suggestion is a very good one. Using either block-level or page-level caching can really speed up a site. This topic has been covered previously, so see those posts, too.
Hope that helps!
I'm not sure that you will see a benefit of using APC and eAccelerator on the same server. They pretty much do the same thing.
A page load of 1.6 seconds is fairly typical for a Magento install. They easiest way to lower your page load time (after basic Apache and MySQL tuning and APC) is use a Full Page Cache. There are a few out on the market right now. We have written a Full Page Cache that has gotten page loads down to the .1 - .3 second range for most users,
