Can I stop one instance's listener without affecting other instances on the same server - oracle

I have many instances on one Oracle server running 11GR2. I have to fix an issue on one instance. According to Oracle support, I need to shutdown the database and its listener.
lsnrctl stop
lsnrctl start
I can also use svcctl to start and stop a listener on the server as well:
srvctl stop listener -n node_name
I notice that the lsnrctl and srvctl are all based on the server/host/node level. Can I stop one instance's listener without affecting other instances on the same server?

If you do a
lsnrctl status
command, you'll see all of the instances you'd affect by shutting down the listener. Generally you're going to be running only one listener on a server, so you'd shut off network access to all of the databases it serves.

I would not stop the listener in order to bounce one of the instances and adjust a parameter.
The instance will automatically register with the listener when it comes back up.
On the other hand, if we are talking about an inter-process issue you might have to. More details needed.
Remember, already established sessions to your instances will not be affected by a listener outage.


Oracle Database Error | ORA-12528

When I try to connect to my Oracle database, I get Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12528, TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections. Also, I'm not sure if this means anything but I checked and my database is not mounted.
If the "unregister" did not complete properly, then when you go to
"startup" the next time, since the LISTENER did not unregister the
instance, you receive the error, "ORA-12528: TNS:listener: all
appropriate instances are blocking new connections" since an
"appropriate" instance is already running.
Check the status of the listener by
LSNRCTL> status
One method that should resolve this problem is to restart (bounce) the LISTENER:
LSNRCTL> start
Then restart your instance: sqlplus with sysdba privileges
SQL> startup
Make sure all parameters are set.

Checking to see if an Oracle listener is running without installing the client?

Is it possible to check if an Oracle listener is running on a remote machine without using the Oracle client?
Perhaps by connecting to specific port on a remote server?
It depends on exactly what you want to check.
You could try to telnet to port 1521 (or whatever port you expect the listener to be listening on). If the connection is successful, that would imply that there is a listener. You're not going to be able to see, however, what services are registered with the listener. And you won't be able to see whether the listener would actually be able to hand off a connection to the database. That's why it generally doesn't make a lot of sense to monitor the listener in isolation-- you generally want to monitor whether you can successfully connect to the database not whether the listener process is running.

Getting error : WebSphere MQ reason code 2538?

I have WebSphere MQ and WebSphere Message Broker installed on Linux and when I execute mqsicreateexecutiongroup I get an error saying:
BIP1046E: Unable to connect with the queue manager (Could not connect to queue manager 'NSPZPAI1' (MQ reason code 2538)).
When I search for this reason code I understand that it is a host not available error.
Can somebody please tell me how to resolve this error?
When I run a runmqlsr command I always end up in a hang. Can somebody tell me how to start a listener?
Don't start the listener by hand or script. If you have a modern queue manager, define a listener object like so:
The attribute CONTROL(QMGR) tells the QMgr to start the listener automatically when the QMgr is started and to kill the listener when the QMgr is shut down. This ensures that the listener will always be started when the QMgr comes up, even if the QMgr is started manually instead of from the usual boot script. Because the listener is a child process of the QMgr it will always come down with the QMgr so you don't need to worry about orphaned listeners preventing connections after a QMgr restart.
Once the listener is defined, you can also use START LISTENER or STOP LISTENER MQSC commands to manually start and stop it independently of the QMgr. In the example above, I've manually started the listener rather than reboot the QMgr. Either would work but the START command is less intrusive.
Listener is run using
runmqlsr -t tcp -p <port> -m <queue manager name>.
It starts the listener which waits for connections. More details on the command are here

Oracle listener create logon

I would like to prepare listner in another port but I have got problems you can see this in picture with I added below. Also I would like to connect to dabase using this "listener" and check connection in CMD using easy connect.
My username: rafal password:oracle
listener in 1521 is working but in another port I have got problem
"No listener" error indicates either that you're reaching the wrong server, or the right server on the wrong port, or that the listener is not started. I would start by checking that the listener is started, since you can reach the other one.

ora-12528: TNS:Listener: All Appropriate instances are blocking new connections

I am getting this error when I try to connect to my database:
ora-12528: TNS:Listener: All Appropriate instances are blocking new connections
I tried the following, with no success:
Stop and Start the Listener.
Shutdown and Startup database.
Restart the oracle services.
How might I resolve this?
You might have a problem with either the network and/or the archive logs - the above usually happens when the area/disk where the archive logs are stored is full, Oracle then just refuses new connections.
Another possibility is that you maxed out the number of allowed connections - this should usually be warning sign that you might have an application which leaks connections.
If you are 100% sure that you are not leaking connections then you could configure Oracle to accept more connections (BEWARE of licensing, RAM etc.!).
