Can't extend Ext.Ajax.request - ajax

I created class which extends Ext.Ajax.request but I can run it. I always get error message:
TypeError: me.fireEvent is not a function
if (me.fireEvent('beforerequest', me, options) !== false) {
Ext.define('MY.classes.GetItem', {
extend: 'Ext.Ajax.request',
url: 'getItems.php',
method : 'GET',
timeout: 30000,
success: function (response, opts){
alert('email sent succ!');
failure: function (response, opts){
alert('email request fail! ' + response.status);
//var jsonResp = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText)
// headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
// jsonData: {"emailId" : "" },
params: {
To: "",
Subject: 'temat',
Text: 'wiasomosc'
I call it:
var p = {id: itemId};
var req = Ext.create('MY.classes.GetItem');
req.request( {params : p} );
Is it possible to call request by extended class at all?
I cannot make it work.

That's because you're extending a function, not a class.
The class is Ext.Ajax
You can't extend this either
Ext.define('...', {
extend: '',
You could do something like this (NOTE: I haven't tested this so might have bugs):
Ext.define('MY.classes.GetItem', {
url: 'getItems.php',
method: 'GET',
timeout: 30000,
constructor: function() {
var me = this;
Ext.apply(me, config);
success: function(response, opts) {
alert('email sent succ!');
failure: function(response, opts) {
alert('email request fail! ' + response.status);
params: {
To: "",
Subject: 'temat',
Text: 'wiasomosc'
request: function() {
var me = this;
success: me.success,
failure: me.failure,
url: me.url,
method: me.method,
params: me.params
And call your class like this following:
var myClass = Ext.create('MY.classes.GetItem', {
params: {
p: 'my parameter'


wrong ajax callback invoked using cordova

In my jqm app I make a POST using jQuery $.ajax sending and receiving json data. Everything is fine in the browser and on iPhone; on Android I noticed that when this server response is like this:
{ "code" : 500,
"errorMsg" : "bla bla bla",
"errors" : null,
"success" : false
the ajax invokes the "error" callback and not the "success". This happens only on android and only if I include corova-2.0.0. js on the project. Any help?
I'm using cordova-2.0.0 with jqm 1.3.1 and jQuery 1.9.1
Here's my code:
var ajax = $.ajax({
type: "post",
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
data: data,
timeout: 30000
var success = function (d) {
if(d.success==true && obj.success)
var msg = parseErrors(d);
//open page passing results"RequestResult", {
callback: function(){"Welcome");},
success: false,
text: msg
var error = function (xhr, status, e) {
console.log('error ajax url:[' + url + '] status:[' + status + '] error:[' + e + ']');
if (obj.error) {
if ((typeof e == 'string'))
statusText: e,
code: xhr.statusCode,
text: xhr.responseText
else {
e = $.extend(e, {
statusText: status
var complete = function () {
if (obj.complete) {
var parseErrors = function(d){
console.log( d);
return d.errorMsg;
var res="";
for (var i=0;i< d.errors.length;i++){
res+= "{0}: {1} <br/>".format( d.errors[i].field, d.errors[i].errorMsg);
return res;
where data is an object like this:
"date" : 1371679200000,
"idBeach" : "1",
"idStuff" : 3,
"idUser" : "8",
"numStuff" : 1
Try this, it works for me
async: false,
type: "POST",
url: "Your_URL",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
$.each(data, function (i, object) {
error: function () {
alert("There was an error loading the feed");

How to use ajaxStart if $.ajax method is defined in a class?

I have created ajax method in one class in my js file. Below is enclosed for the reference
var ajaxcall =
SitePath: '',
data: '',
url: '',
callbackfunction: '',
fileElementId: '',
AjaxRequest: false,
callback: true,
async: false,
folder: '',
filename: '',
Call: function () {
if (ajaxcall.AjaxRequest == true) {
else {
try {
ajaxcall.AjaxRequest == true;
type: "POST",
url: ajaxcall.url,
contentType: "application/json; Characterset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (ajaxcall.callback == true) {
error: function (request, status, error) {
//alert("Exception Handling : \n" + request.responseText);
alert('Unable to process the request at this moment! Please try again later.');
complete: function () {
ajaxcall.AjaxRequest = false;
catch (e) {
ajaxcall.AjaxRequest == false;
// alert("Error Catch : " + e.Description + '\n' + 'Message: ' + e.Message);
AjaxFileUpload: function () {
type: "POST",
url: "../GenericHandlers/FileUploader.ashx?path=" + ajaxcall.folder,
dataType: 'json',
async: false,
secureuri: false,
fileElementClass: ajaxcall.fileElementClass,
success: function (data) {
var data = data.toString();
ajaxcall.filename = data.substring(6, data.length - 7);
return true;
Now i want to show a div when ajax call starts and hide after finish.
So for that i have used
$('#Loading').ajaxStart(function () {
}).ajaxStop(function () {
But when i call the ajax method (defined above in the class), control goes into ajax method first then in ajaxStart.
I don't know why it is happening. Please help.
Use the recommended global for these:
$.ajaxStart(function() {
$.ajaxComplete(function() {
Try it this way attached to your Loading id element:
$("#Loading").ajaxStart(function() {
$("#Loading").ajaxComplete(function() {
AjaxStart called when the http request start, not when the ajax method executes. mvc 3 json does not work

This is my jquery with json
$('#btnVerificationOk').click(function () {
var verId = $('#trans_verification_id').val();
var verCode = $('#trans_verification_code').val();
url: '/Profile/CompleteTransactions',
type: 'POST',
data: { },
dataType: 'json',
success: function (result) {
error: function () {
alert('ERROR ERROR !!!!!!!!!!!!');
And My C# method:
private JsonResult CompleteTransactions()
return Json("Done");
Its always alerts 'ERROR ERROR !!!!!!!!!!!!' i tried debugging but CompleteTransactions method is not firing
And this is my second json which is bellow and works good
$('#btnTransfareOk').click(function () {
var userName = $('#transfare_username').val();
var amount = $('#transfare_amount').val();
if (userName == '' || amount == '') {
$('#transfare_error_list').html('Please fill boxes.');
} else {
url: '/Profile/TranfareMoney',
type: 'POST',
data: { ToUsername: userName, Amount: amount },
dataType: 'json',
success: function (result) {
error: function () {
$('#transfare_error_list').html('Oops... Error.');
I'm not 100% sure, but shouldn't you controller action handler be public ?

$.ajax statusCode

I have a problem in my code . This is part of it:
function checkIfAvailable(username){
var url = "/checkAvail?user="+username;
var ans = $.ajax({
url: url,
type: "GET",
context: document.body,
statusCode: {
404: function() {
console.log("-1-1-1-1 WE GOT 404!");
200: function() {
console.log("-1-1-1-1 WE GOT 404!");
I think the response.status is 200, but I don't enter the '200' part.
So how can I print the response.status I'm getting?
success(data, textStatus, jqXHR){
var statusCode = jqXHR.status;
var statusText = jqXHR.statusText;
See jQuery API for more options...
function checkIfAvailable(username) {
var ans = $.ajax({
url: "/checkAvail",
type: "GET",
data: "user=" + username,
dataType: "html",//change it by the data type you get (XML...)
context: document.body,
statusCode: {
404: function() {
console.log("-1-1-1-1 WE GOT 404!");
200: function() {
console.log("-1-1-1-1 WE GOT 200!");
success: function() {
error: function(e) {
Message inside console.log("-1-1-1-1 WE GOT 404!") is same for both 404 and 200. change the message for 200 like console.log("Success.....")

Register Custom Events (Extjs)

I want to fire event in custom class written in Extjs 4.
I created a custom class using ExtJs and extended from Observable class
in order to register event.
var settingWindows = Ext.define("Setting", {
extend: 'Ext.util.Observable',
title: "",
window: null,
userId: 0,
windowWidth: 650,
windowHeight: 400,
columns: [],
settings: [],
ruleList: [],
isColorPickerOpen: false,
currTrObj: null,
currColorType: null,
constructor: function(config) {
this.windowWidth = config.windowWidth || 650;
this.windowHeight = config.windowHeight || 400;
this.title = config.title || "";
this.userId = config.userId || 0;
this.settings = config.settings || [];
In constructor I added registration for myCustomEvent.
And in ajax call I try to invoke
url: url,
contentType: "application/json",
method: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
jsonData: Ext.encode(this.settings),
failure: function(response, options) {
success: function() {
Ext.MessageBox.alert("Data was updated");
this.fireEvent('myCustomEvent', 1);
Please avise
if the Ext.Ajax.request is placed into a method of your "Setting" class, simply add the scope parameter to your Ext.Ajax.request call:
url: url,
contentType: "application/json",
method: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
jsonData: Ext.encode(this.settings),
failure: function (response, options) {
success: function () {
Ext.MessageBox.alert("Data was updated");
this.fireEvent('myCustomEvent', 1);
scope: this
