Can we call sql function in prepared statement? - oracle

I have a oracle function. function name is TESTFUNCTION. The code i used is
PreparedStatement pStmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT dbo.TESTFUNCTION(?,?)") ;
and I set the parameters also.
ResultSet rs = pStmt.executeQuery();
This code will produce the below exception
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected
Any Help!!

You are missing the FROM keyword. Change to this:
PreparedStatement pStmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT dbo.TESTFUNCTION(?,?) FROM dual;") ;

A PreparedStatement is useful for SQL queries and not for function call. For function calls and stored procedures, use CallableStatement.

This error occurs when you try to execute a SELECT statement, and you either missed or misplaced the FROM keyword. Try to check for the from keyword.
Check here for details.
Note: It would be preferrable to use Callable Statement instead of prepared statement in such cases.
You could use callable statement in this case as:
String SQL = "{call dbo.TESTFUNCTION(?,?)}";
cstmt = con.prepareCall (SQL);


HANA query with dynamic placeholder executed using jdbcTemplate in Spring Boot

I have a few HANA queries that rely on PLACEHOLDER input. The input to this is currently hardcoded which is leading to SQL injection vulnerability being detected by Veracode.
In order to fix that, I am trying to parameterize the value given to PLACEHOLDER using PreparedStatement, but getting the below error :
PreparedStatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [SELECT * FROM some_table (PLACEHOLDER.\"$$<IP_SOME_COLUMN>$$\" => ?) WHERE some_flag = ?; ]; SQL state [HY000]; error code [2048]; SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: search table error: [34023] Instantiation of calculation model failed;exception 306002: An internal error occurred\n; nested exception is SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: search table error: [34023] Instantiation of calculation model failed;exception 306002: An internal error occurred
I have already checked this solution and gone through the documentation for input parameters in SAP HANA. Below is my code :
String sqlQuery = SELECT * FROM some_table ( PLACEHOLDER.\"$$<IP_SOME_COLUMN>$$\" => ? ) WHERE some_flag = ? ;
PreparedStatementSetter preparedStatementSetter = (PreparedStatement ps) -> {
ps.setString(1, firstInput);
ps.setString(2, secondInput);
ResultSetExtractor<T> rse = new DataResultSetExtractor();
getJdbcTemplate().query(sqlQuery, preparedStatementSetter, rse);
The same works well with the hardcoded way (prone to SQL injection) :
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
sql.append("SELECT * FROM some_table ").append("( 'PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$IP_SOME_COLUMN$$',").append(firstColumnValue).append("))");
//Map<String,Object> paramMap = new HashMap<String,Object>();
//getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate().query(sql.toString(), paramMap, rse);
How do I fix this error?
Figured the issue out. It seems, in the new syntax you need to provide the input parameter in single quotes and not in triple single quotes
Works : 'foo'
Doesn't work : '''bar'''

Calling an Oracle stored procedure in Dapper

I have an application that was calling an Oracle stored procedure by passing a string with the parameters in the string, i.e.
string Query = "CALL MySP(" + Variable1 + ", " + Variable2 + ")";
This worked, or at least the last time I tried it it worked.
I need to rewrite the query using DynamicParameters.
However when I do an Execute(Query, Parms, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure), I get errors.
Here is an example of what I tried:
using(OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(myConnectionString)
string Query = "CALL MySP(:Var1, :Var2)";
DynamicParameters parms = new DynamicParameters();
parms.Add("Var1", Variable1, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input);
parms.Add("Var2", Variable2, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input);
var results = connection.Execute(Query, parms, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
When I run it with the above query, I get this error:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 12:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "MySP" when expecting one of the following:
:= . ( # % ;
The symbol ":=" was substituted for "MySP" to continue.
If I remove the CALL statement:
Query = "MySP(:Var1, :Var2);
then I get this error message:
ORA-01008: not all variables bound
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?
The problem is that I keep looking on the C# and Dapper side of the equation. Our Oracle DBA set the permissions on the Stored Procedure and it ran.
However I could not tell Dapper that the CommandType was Stored Procedure and my string to call the stored procedure had to look like:
string Query = "CALL MySP(:Var1, :Var2)";
If I removed "CALL" I got an error. If I added "commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure" to the Dapper Execute function I got a binding error.
Our DBA said he was going to look more into it to see what he can find out on his end so that we can call the stored procedure using the CommandType.StoreProcedure parameter in the Execute function.

DB2 returning keys in insert not working

I'm having a problem while returning generated keys when insert a row with jdbc in a DB2 database (version 10.1). I tried several ways to do it, but no one works fine.
Method 1:
stmt = con.prepareStatement(query, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
When executing this line, I get this exception: ILLEGAL SYMBOL "". SOME SYMBOLS THAT MIGHT BE LEGAL ARE:. SQLCODE=-104, SQLSTATE=42601, DRIVER=3.61.75
Method 2:
stmt = con.prepareStatement(query, pkMapper.getPkFieldNames());
List<Object> params = getInsertParams(object, pkMapper);
for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
Object param = params.get(i);
stmt.setObject(i+1, param);
pkMapper.getPkFieldNames() returns an array of string with PK column names. When executing stmt.setObject(i+1, param); I get an exception like this: ILLEGAL SYMBOL "". SOME SYMBOLS THAT MIGHT BE LEGAL ARE:. SQLCODE=-104, SQLSTATE=42601, DRIVER=3.61.75
Method 3:
stmt = con.prepareStatement(query);
With this form, insert is executed fine, but no keys are returned with stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
Has anyone any idea of what is happening?

calling derby (java db) 'show tables' from jdbc

I need to enumerate the tables in a Derby (aka Java DB) database using JDBC in a Java program. All I am aware of for doing this is the SHOW TABLES command.
I first tried with something similar to this...
String strConnectionURL = "jdbc:derby:/path/to/derby/database;create=false";
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(strConnectionURL);
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
boolean boResult = statement.execute("SHOW TABLES");
if (boResult) {
...but that throws an exception:
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error: Encountered "SHOW" at line 1, column 1.
So next I thought maybe I needed to use a CallableStatement so I tried this...
String strConnectionURL = "jdbc:derby:/path/to/derby/db;create=false";
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(strConnectionURL);
CallableStatement statement = connection.prepareCall("SHOW TABLES");
boolean boResult = statement.execute();
if (boResult) {
...but that throws the same exception:
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error: Encountered "SHOW" at line 1, column 1.
So, can anyone help me enumerate the tables in my Derby (Java DB) database from JDBC?
EDIT: I'm looking around and starting to get a feeling this may be a general JDBC question. In other words, one could/would enumerate all a db's tables with the DatabaseMetaData object that can be retrieved from the Connection object. Looking into that (and looking forward to responses)...
EDIT 2: I found a pure JDBC solution, but am still happy to hear alternatives...
String strConnectionURL = "jdbc:derby:/path/to/db;create=false";
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(strConnectionURL);
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = connection.getMetaData();
ResultSet resultSet = dbmd.getTables(null, null, null, null);
while ( {
String strTableName = resultSet.getString("TABLE_NAME");
System.out.println("TABLE_NAME is " + strTableName);
Show Tables is an ij command, not a base SQL statement, so you can't directly execute it. As you noted in your "EDIT 2", you can use the DatabaseMetaData to do this. Two other ways to do it are: you can select from the system catalogs (see , or you can use the "ij.runScript" method to run the ij tool from within your program, and pass it the "show tables" command (see
As Bryan suggested ij.runScript - the code would look like this:
public void showTbls() throws Exception{
String sqlIn = "SHOW TABLES;";
InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(sqlIn.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
ij.runScript(conn,stream,, System.out,"UTF-8");
assumming conn is a opened derby Connection
But the disadvantage is that you are getting only string output. Not an ResultSet as you would get from:
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet results = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM sys.systables");
or if you want only user table names you can use following SQL:
A very similar output to
can be produced by using the following jdbc compliant query:
It also shows you the probably useful SCHEMA information for each TABLE entry. Skip
if you also want to see the system tables of your database as the user before has mentioned already.

Oracle JDBC and Oracle CHAR data type

I have a tricky issue with the Oracle JDBC driver's handling of CHAR data types. Let's take this simple table:
create table x (c char(4));
insert into x (c) values ('a'); -- inserts 'a '
So when I insert something into CHAR(4), the string is always filled with whitespace. This is also done when I execute queries like this:
select * from x where c = 'a'; -- selects 1 record
select * from x where c = 'a '; -- selects 1 record
select * from x where c = 'a '; -- selects 1 record
Here, the constant 'a' is filled with whitespace as well. That's why the record is always returned. This holds true when these queries are executed using a JDBC PreparedStatement as well. Now the tricky thing is when I want to use a bind variable:
PreparedStatement stmt =
conn.prepareStatement("select * from x where c = ?");
stmt.setString(1, "a"); // This won't return any records
stmt.setString(1, "a "); // This will return a record
This is a workaround:
PreparedStatement stmt =
conn.prepareStatement("select * from x where trim(c) = trim(?)");
stmt.setString(1, "a"); // This will return a record
stmt.setString(1, "a "); // This will return a record
EDIT: Now these are the constraints:
The above workaround is not desireable as it modifies both the contents of c and ?, AND it makes using indexes on c quite hard.
Moving the column from CHAR to VARCHAR (which it should be, of course) is not possible
EDIT: The reasons for these constraints is because I ask this question from the point of view of the developer of jOOQ, a database abstraction library. So my requirements are to provide a very generic solution that doesn't break anything in jOOQ's client code. That is why I'm not really a big fan of the workaround. And that's why I don't have access to that CHAR column's declaration. But still, I want to be able to handle this case.
What would you do instead? What's a good practice for handling CHAR data types when I want to ignore trailing whitespace?
If you want
stmt.setString(1, "a"); // This won't return any records
to return a record, try
conn.prepareStatement("select * from x where c = cast(? as char(4))")
I don't see any reason to use CHAR datatype even if it is char(1) in Oracle. Can you change the datatype instead?
Gary's solution works well. Here's an alternative.
If you are using an Oracle JDBC driver, the call to prepareStatement() will actually return an OraclePreparedStatement, which has a setFixedCHAR() method that automatically pads your inputs with whitespace.
String sql = "select * from x where c = ?";
OraclePreparedStatement stmt = (OraclePreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(sql);
stmt.setFixedCHAR(1, "a");
Obviously, the cast is only safe if you are using the Oracle driver.
The only reason I would suggest that you use this over Gary's answer is that you can change your column sizes without having to modify your JDBC code. The driver pads the correct number of spaces without the developer needing to know/manage the column size.
I have nice fix for this. You have to add one property while getting connection from database.
or in Java connection you can use below code:
java.util.Properties info = new java.util.Properties();
info.put ("user", user);
info.put ("password",password);
String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:#"+serverName;
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,info);
the other way is modify your sql as
select * from x where NVL(TRIM(c),' ') = NVL(TRIM('a'),' ')
Simply add RTRIM() to the column name(which is defimed) in the update query.
