How to launch the web server on Amazon Web Services? - amazon-ec2

Just started using EC2, launched the instance with Amazon Linux AMI, installed my web app on it...and I thought I was ready to go.
I go to the public DNS they gave me for my instance and nothing happens. I get the Google Chrome "Oops" ...
After re-reading the doc I saw some notes that I need to launch the web server. By doing this:
sudo chkconfig httpd on
sudo service httpd start
But I can't seem to locate these files.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong or where those files are located? The closest I got was /etc but even if I try the command lines from there, I get the same errors.
Thanks for your help.
Here is an image of the security group I have for my instance. This is correct right?

Is it possible you don't have Apache/Tomcat installed? Check with:
rpm -q httpd
rpm -q tomcat5
If they are not installed, run:
sudo yum install httpd tomcat5

Which type of webapps(php/java/Ruby etc) you are trying to deploy? If it is php, where you are trying to put in apache directory? For example default root document location in apache is /var/www/html . If you put your webapp inside /var/www/html it should be available through direct url http://x.x.x.x/{nameofwebapp}


kubectl not working on my windows 10 machine

When I try to run any kubectl command including kubectl version, I get a pop-up saying "This app can't run on your PC, To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher" when this is closed, the terminal shows "access denied"
The weird thing is, when I run the "kubectl version" command in the directory where I have downloaded kubectl.exe, it works fine.
I have even added this path to my PATH variables.
thank you for the answer, #rally
apparently, in my machine, it was an issue of administrative rights during installation. My workplace's IT added the permission and it worked for me.
Adding this answer here so that if anyone else comes across this problem they can try this solution as well.
Not knowing what exactly you downloaded, i would suggest you to delete everying in the folder and follow the instructions for installing kubectl for Windows from here:
Note: downloading the .exe is not enough. You need a kubeconfig file "config", which contains the configuration to access your cluster.
kubectl looks for this file in a hidden folder under your user profile directory. c:\users<me>.kube.
Just to let you try, i would suggest you to activate Kubernetes in your Docker-Desktop installation. I guess you have this installed. If not install it from the Dockersite.
Activating Kubernetes inside Docker-desktop, will install also kubectl and save the config in the .kube folder.
After the installation finished, in a new terminal:
kubectl get node
You should see the 1 node in the kubernetes-docker-desktop cluster.
Now if you want to access another cluster, you need the kubeconfig-file for that cluster. If you have it, just rename the config in the .kube folder (to not loose it) and put the other config inside.
If the new config file is correct you should be able to access that cluster.
The config file can be structured to hold more than one cluster configuration and you can switch between them using a so called context.
Here you can get the information how to do that, according to your needs:
Hope this can help you, starting with KUbernetes.

Laravel ReST API URL 404 not found on AWS EC2 in Apache + mySQL environment - The request URL was not found on this server

This question is on AWS Laravel Implementation on Apache + mySQL AWS EC2 instance.
After copying the working Laravel folder from xampp/htdocs/my_project_name, migration to create tables in mySQL database and seeder are working.
However, I could not connect to my APIs using Postman. (404 not found)
I following these solution links
laravel the requested url was not found on this server
I managed to modify the httpd.conf. However, I could not find file .htaccess
where .htacces i can find? Sorry for stupid question, but i can't find :) – MilanNz Mar 11 '15 at 12:30
#MilanNz The .htaccess can be found in the public directory of your application. However the code from this answer goes inside a vhost file. The location of that depends on your server. (e.g. for apache2 and unix it's usually at /etc/apache2/sites-available)
Also, I was not able to reboot my Apache using "service apache2 restart".
So I "sudo reboot"ed the EC2 instance and reconnected using Postman, the API urls were still not found.
There is a possibility that my URL is wrong. So I attach it here:
The URL used is http://ec2-??-??-???-??
The working xampp URL is http://localhost/my_project_name/public/api/resultCRUD/list
The Laravel project folder is located at /var/www/html/my_project_name on AWS EC2.
http://ec2-??-??-???-?? and
http://ec2-??-??-???-?? are working.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
It's finally working.
The reason I was stuck is because most of the answers are for ubuntu while I am using RedHat.
For RedHat EC2 instance, need first change the content of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf following,
In this step, I actually changed all "AllowOverride None"s to "AllowOverride All" instead of only line 151 of httpd.conf.
Then need to restart httpd using sudo service httpd restart
Then it is working all fine.
I didn't restart my apache service after saving changes to httpd.conf when I was asking this question.

Google cloud app engine - How to edit code using SSH and debug-mode

I am trying to debug an application I have deployed to google cloud app engine. Reading the docs, I figured out that in order to do so I have to enter the debug mode using
gcloud app --project [Project ID] instances enable-debug
afterwards I am able to SSH into my instance and access root. Now I would like to edit some of the files. However, trying to use vim or nano does not seem to work.
Is there a way to edit those files without re-deploying the entire app?
Once you SSH into the App Engine instance and open a shell into the Docker container, you'll need to download the package list before installing nano or vim:
apt-get update && apt-get install nano
Then you can edit your app's files (which are in /app):
nano composer.json
The deployed app runs live code. It is not generally feasible to edit it. Moreover, changes made to the running container are not permanent; in fact they and are lost at the first re-start.
You may find some information on the Debugging an Instance page.
Unrelated to the above, an actual command-line editor is offered in the cloud shell.

DOCKER - LAMP Stack issues - Premade Image

Trying to setup a LAMP stack with docker,
and found and tried to used
But I can't find and don't know how to access the files linked to the domain
or how to change the domain name from and so on.
I think my real question is how do I change files or rebuild an image
from other people.
First of all I want to mention I'm not a big fan of this image + approach because it's bundling multiple microservices. I would recommend to use a container for apache2, a container for mysql etc.
But for the setup of LAMP. I'm using the documentation provided on the site.
I've a path /xx/test/index.html which contains some html. I will map the port of the container on my container port + mount my files to the right folder in the container.
docker run -p 80:80 -t -i -v /root/test/:/var/www/ linode/lamp /bin/bash
I'm using -ti and start a bash session. In this they are starting the apache2 + mysql service. (it is the approach of the official documentation. Not mine. It's a strange approach):
root#35d00285b625:/# service apache2 start
* Starting web server apache2 *
root#35d00285b625:/# service mysql start
* Starting MySQL database server mysqld [ OK ]
* Checking for tables which need an upgrade, are corrupt or were
not closed cleanly.
After starting the services you can exit the container by pressing ctrl + p then ctrl + q. Now you can check your server-ip:80 to check your html code. If you want to replace example.conf you can mount your own apache2 configurations too.
If you want to change foldernames inside the image I would recommend to create your own dockerfile which starts with:
FROM docker pull linode/lamp
RUN changes..
First of all, Consider using microservices in separate containers. This will provide advantages like:
Fault Containment
Ease of Upgrades
Eliminates long-term commitment to a single technology stack
Easy to scale
System resilience
Now Docker was created with having microservices in mind, so for your LAMP Stack, I recommend using Apache+PHP in a container and mysql in another container. To make your containers communicate to eachother, create a userdefined network and put both containers in it.
Now back to your question:
You have 3 options for using your custom configuration files:
You need to mount your configuration files when creating a container(Recommended):
sudo docker run -d --name my-apache -v /path/to/custom/httpd.conf:/usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf httpd
Please note this example is using library (official) apache2 image from docker hub, You should consult image creator's instructions for custom images.
You can manually edit the configuration file inside a running container and commit it as a new image.
sudo docker commit my-apache myrepository/myimagename:tag
sudo docker run -d myrepository/myimagename:tag
Create your own image via Dockerfile, and using FROM <base image> directive.

I Can't download phpmyadmin.conf from amazon ec2

Since i have to change some settings inside "etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf".
i can't download this file using "FileZilla", I also tried sudo nano command in putty , it returns empty. i don't know how to change permission for this file.
I spent more than an hour. Guide me if someone know how to resolve this.
EC2 is a computer rental service, not a web hosting service, so you won't be able to connect with FTP (filezilla) unless you run an FTP server on your EC2 instance.
As for editing the file while you're connected through SSH (putty), you need to make sure that you're properly referencing the file you want. Try running "sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf". Note the leading "/" on the file path; it's important.
