Spring Portlet MVC and Mobile Portal Accelerator - spring

I have some portlets developed using Spring Portlet MVC framework. Currently they're deployed in a WebSphere Portal Server v7 and the work like a charm, but now the client has purchased Mobile Portal Accelerator for the Portal and wants to mobile-enable all the developed portlets using that technology.
Does anyone has any experience using that technology, specially combined with Spring Portlet MVC? IBM published some articles about exposing existing JSR-168 portlets, but I'm not sure how this will work with Spring Portlet and JSR-286 API.


Microsoft AD implementation in spring application(non springbboot)

I am working in spring mvc project where spring security-3.2 has implemented for login.I need to implement microsoft azure ad in existing spring project. I have register our web application in microsoft AD portal.I got applicationId, tenantId, SecretValue now. Could you please help me to implement AD in spring mvc application.
I have seen many examples for implementation of oauth2 in springboot.but there is no implementation sample for spring+jsp+oauth2.

Spring Boot and Spring MVC are actually frameworks or not?

I know that the Spring Framework is a Framework, but the emergence of Spring Boot and Spring MVC makes me confused whether it is a framework or just one of the modules that Spring Framework has?
Yes.Spring is the most popular application framework for develop java base web application and spring framework core feature can be use any java application.
Also many people refer to Spring web MVC as a framework.
There is nothing wrong with that.
In other words, the spring web MVC is a part of the spring framework that is designed to implement web part in our application.
spring framework img
The Spring Web model-view-controller (MVC) framework is designed around a DispatcherServlet that dispatches requests to handlers, with configurable handler mappings, view resolution, locale and theme resolution as well as support for uploading files.
Spring Boot Framework is widely used to develop REST APIs
If analyzed in depth Spring Boot is a project that is built on the top of the Spring Framework. It provides an easier and faster way to set up, configure, and run both simple and web-based applications.
In short, Spring Boot is the combination of Spring Framework and Embedded Servers.
spring boot img
read more Web MVC
read more Spring boot

Plain Servlet vs Spring MVC

I have to create a web application, I need to use my back-end code for mobile apps also.
I know Servlet, I thought of doing this application with "REST API" + HIBERNATE for server side and Javascript(Angular JS ) in UI.
Some of my colleagues suggest to do this with Spring. I don't know anything about Spring. While reading about Spring I came to know that back-end logic and UI code can be in same place. It seems it is tightly coupled with back-end and front-end.
Some times back Jquery is more preferable JS framework but now everyone suggests Angular JS. This will be changed after some times. But logic I am going to write in back-end will be the same.
How can I choose the correct one?
I suggest to use:
Spring web MVC for backend https://spring.io/guides/gs/serving-web-content/, maybe with Spring Boot, and Hibernate for DAO layer. Here you can find a helpful example (without Spring Boot): http://websystique.com/springmvc/spring-mvc-4-and-spring-security-4-integration-example/
and for frontend certainly Angular 2, with TypeScript, instead of Angular js, and here reach the REST service exposed by backend.
These days it is easy to build a REST based back end with no libraries at all if you deploy to a Java EE 6/7 server such as WildFly, TomEE or Payara (amongst others).
You get JAX-RS and JSON-P (for rest), JPA for persistence, web sockets, asynchronous processing, transaction management and the rest of the Java EE stack for free.
Try a google search for Java EE thin war - there's lots of examples about

Does Hybris use Spring Framework?

I am trying to understand and get some information for the Hybris platform. Does it use Spring Framework? Also could anyone please share the link / material to have more understanding about it's architecture, technology, etc ?
As per my research, they use:
Spring MVC, JSF (FrontEnd), REST Web services ?????
User Interfaces:
Product Cockpit, CMS Cockpit, Print Cockpit, Admin Cockpit, HMC
Persistance, Caching, Security, Internationalization, Import/Export, Search
App Server:
Hybris Server, Oracle BEA, IBM, JBoss
Oracle, SqlServer, Mysql
IMP: Does SAP Hybris support for Spring REST. I think since it uses Spring MVC + Security, so restful web services should of Spring REST only. I heard that it also support RestEasy and Jersey, but not good option when you have a Spring REST in place which adds great support than RestEasy and Jersey. Can you bring in details ?
Can someone please answer to the above IMP query ? Also please share sample RestFul web service of SAP Hybris.
Hybris uses the following technologies:
Java, Spring, Apache SOLR, Groovy, Scala, Apache Commons, ZK framework, Google Analytics, Jasper Reports, Tomcat.
You can find the best information on the architecture of hybris here.
You need a SAP Hybris login for this.
Spring core, Spring MVC.
JSP, javascript, CSS, bootstrap for the frontend.
java 8 for the backend.
apache Solr as the search engine.
tomcat, spring tc server, oracle, IBM as server.
hsqldb, oracle, IBM SAP HANA, MySql, Percona etc as database.
hybris does use spring and many other frameworks (like zk, groovy, scala). They have there own persistence layer and they does use the MVC pattern a lot. As hybris provide a lot of different services and interfaces it is not clearly only one architecture.
e.g. the "datahub" is a communication gateway based on spring integration, but Independent from the base platform.
Hybris use spring mvc spring security. it is compatible with Mysql, HANA, Oracle, sqlserver etc. Also it comes with charon api which make it easy to interact with yaas platform specially designed to fulfill the requirement of other ecommerce feature. you can access it through following link : click [here]:help.hybris.com
But again it is not free. You can also try on http://www.slideshare.net/

MVC application using Spring

I developed some Spring MVC Application about 2-3 years ago. I need to develop another web application and I thought about using Spring MVC.
I have to build an application using JSP, Spring Controller and Spring Service (and Hibernate), and deploy it in a WildFly Application Server.
I started Eclipse Mars with STS plugin and the way I used to develop Spring MVC application is now stated as "legacy":
This is exactly the way I used to create the filesytem:
Is MVC Spring and old technology? Do I have to migrate to another Spring library?
