Create a concave halfsphere with Three.js - three.js

I'm a web developer with a good JavaScript experience, and I'm currently exploring Three.js possibilities. However, I'm not very familiar with 3D shapes and vocabulary, and I can't figure out how to build the shape I need.
I want to create a halfsphere, and be able to project a video inside this sphere. I have a panoramic spherical video, and I need to distort it to make it look like "plane".
Thanks to Paul's tutorial, I have drawn a sphere and projected my video on it. But the external sphere surface is convex, and I need a concave one! How can I to achieve that? Extruding a smaller sphere out of my initial one?

You can create a half-sphere by setting the additional SphereGeometry parameters:
const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength )
Experiment until you get exactly what you want.
You will also have to set the side property of the material you use for the sphere to either be THREE.BackSide or THREE.DoubleSide.
material.side = THREE.DoubleSide;
three.js r.143

You can use SphereBufferGeometry, to create a half sphere (hemisphere). The last argument does it: 0.5 * Math.PI. Also to be able to see something, you need to use THREE.DoubleSide for material.
var geometry = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(5, 8, 6, 0, 2*Math.PI, 0, 0.5 * Math.PI);
material.side = THREE.DoubleSide;


ThreeJS Points (Point Cloud) with Lighting using custom Shader Material

Coded using:
Using ThreeJS v0.130.1
Framework: Angular 12, but that's not relevant to the issue.
Testing on Chrome browser.
I am building an application that gets more than 100K points. I use these points to render a THREE.Points object on the screen.
I found that default THREE.PointsMaterial does not support lighting (the points are visible with or without adding lights to the scene).
So I tried to implement a custom ShaderMaterial. But I could not find a way to add lighting to the rendered object.
Here is a sample of what my code is doing:
Sample App on StackBlitz showing my current attempt
In this code, I am using sample values for point cloud data, normals and color but everything else is similar to my actual application. I can see the 3D object, but need more proper lighting using normals.
I need help or guidance to implement the following:
Add lighting to custom shader material. I have Googled and tried many things, no success so far.
Using normals, show the effects of lighting (In this sample code, the normals are fixed to Y-axis direction, but I am calculating them based on some vector logic in actual application). So calculating normals is already done, but I want to use them to show light shine/shading effect in the custom shader material.
And in this sample, color attribute is set to fixed red color, but in actual application I am able to apply colors using UV range from a texture to color attribute.
Please advise how/if I can get lighting based on normals for Point Cloud. Thanks.
Note: I looked at this Stackoveflow question but it only deals with changing the alpha/transparency of points and not lighting.
Adding lighting to a custom material is a very complex process. Especially since you could use Phong, Lambert, or Physical lighting methods, and there's a lot of calculations that need to pass from the vertex to the fragment shader. For instance, this segment of shader code is just a small part of what you'd need.
Instead of trying to re-create lighting from scratch, I recommend you create a PlaneGeometry with the material you'd like (Phong, Lambert, Physical, etc...) and use an InstancedMesh to create thousands of instances, just like in this example.
Based on that example, the pseudo-code of how you could achieve a similar effect is something like this:
const count = 100000;
const geometry = new PlaneGeometry();
const material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial();
mesh = new THREE.InstancedMesh( geometry, material, count );
mesh.instanceMatrix.setUsage( THREE.DynamicDrawUsage ); // will be updated every frame
scene.add( mesh );
const dummy = new THREE.Object3D();
update() {
// Sets the rotation so it's always perpendicular to camera
// Updates positions of each plane
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++){
dummy.position.set( x, y, z );
mesh.setMatrixAt( i ++, dummy.matrix );
The for() loop would be the most expensive part of each frame, so if you need to update it on each frame, you might want to calculate this in the vertex shader, but that's another question altogether.

Circles on click using WebGL renderer in three.js

I want to place a circle on an object when you click on it.
I updated this example to work with webGL renderer (I basically changed THREE.SpriteCanvasMaterialto THREE.SpriteMaterial), but not only is the circle now a square, it also glitches with the surface of the object. Here's a JSFiddle that demonstrates my problem (click an object to test).
I found some similar questions on stackoverflow, but I can't seem to make it work in my example. Any tips?
you are adding sprites into a moving 3d scene, easy way to do what you want is to add spheres
var particle = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.SphereGeometry(10,10,10),
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:0xff0000}) );
particle.position.copy( intersects[ 0 ].point );
scene.add( particle );
if you want real flat circles you will have to create a circular geometry and align it correctly to the object so it sits atop of the rectangle wall and if you want circles that do not deform when object is turned you will need some custom shader stuff

three.js create texture from cubecamera

When using a cube camera one normally sets the envMap of the material to the cubeCamera.renderTarget, e.g.:
var myMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:0xffffff,
envMap: myCubeCamera.renderTarget,
side: THREE.DoubleSide});
This works great for meshes that are meant to reflect or refract what the cube camera sees. However, I'd like to simply create a texture and apply that to my mesh. In other words, I don't want my object to reflect or refract. I want the face normals to be ignored.
I tried using a THREE.WebGLRenderTarget, but it won't handle a cube camera. And using a single perpspective camera with WebGLRenderTarget does not give me a 360 texture, obviously.
Finally, simply assigning the cubeCamera.renderTarget to the 'map' property of the material doesn't work either.
Is it possible to do what I want?
Edit: this is not what the author of the question is looking for, I'll keep my answer below for other people
Your envmap is already a texture so there's no need to apply it as a map. Also, cubemaps and textures are structurally different, so it won't be possible to swap them, or if you succeed in doing that the result is not what you probably you might expect.
I understand from what you're asking you want a static envmap instead to be updated at each frame, if that's the case simply don't run myCubeCamera.updateCubeMap() into your render function. Instead place it at the end of your scene initialization with your desired cube camera position, your envmap will show only that frame.
See examples below:
Dynamic Cubemap Example
Static Cubemap Example
The answer is: Set the refractionRatio on the material to 1.0. Then face normals are ignored since no refraction is occurring.
In a normal situation where the Cube Camera is in the same scene as the mesh, this would be pointless because the mesh would be invisible. But in cases where the Cube Camera is looking at a different scene, then this is a useful feature.

Three.js / BufferGeometry how to use mesh & line material

I'm using BufferGeometry to draw triangles.
I can use a mesh geometry, specifiyng 3 index-attribute for every triangle. I'm using a basic material without wireframe. I suposse I'll can use raycast.
Also I have seen the linesegments approach for wireframe. Interesting.
Ok, my problem... I'd like to see my triangles as a wireframe and also I need raycast. So .... the solution is to create my own shader, isn't it ?
you dont have to create a custom shader you can have a mesh with wireframe material, and the ray should still "hit" the object
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry,new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({wireframe : true}));
if it for some reason does not hit or you want to LineSegments object you can keep track of all transformations that affected the object, and apply them onto a mesh you wont add to scene
var segmentObject = new THREE.LineSegments(geometry,lineMaterial);
var meshNotInScene = new THREE.Mesh(geometry,dummyMaterial);
and you will use the mesh object to determine if raycast hit the object
this way you can have a different hitbox for an object for example if you have a flying donut by pairing it with a circle mesh you can select it even if you click in its hole etc...
keep in mind that materials have sides and if you dont care about which side is which set "side" to THREE.DoubleSide

How to Set Plane Mesh to always lookAt camera without tilting

I'm trying to make a Plane to always face the camera or another moving object but I want the Plane to only rotate on 1 axis. How can I use the lookAt function to make it only rotate side ways without tilting to look up or down at the moving object?
thanks, I managed to solve it easily by just keeping the y position of the rotating object constant.
var yaw_control = controls.getYawObject();
pos = new THREE.Vector3( yaw_control.position.x, planex.position.y, yaw_control.position.z );
maybe this article of any help for you. You are looking for those cylindrical billboards i think but read up from the first page ;) You can modify the specific mesh matrix yourself, although i am not sure if this is the most efficient way. I also did this myself once.
Get the camera look vec:
three.js set and read camera look vector
Then get the camera upVec and afterwards get the cross prodcut of those = rightVec according to the article above.
using those vectors, you can fill in a new Three.Matrix4() like explained in the article and then replace the meshes matrix with the newly created one. As I said, i am not quite into the matrix stuff in three.js but this works but it is probably not that efficient.
For this to work you will have to deactive the meshes auto matrix update with
mesh.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
