ColdFusion Caching Solutions for Fusebox 4 - caching

I have an application that was built using Fusebox 4 with ColdFusion. Can anyone recommend a good caching solution, that is a plugin, which works directly with this older version of the framework?
Another idea I've been tinkering around with is to take the most commonly used queries in the system and applying cachedWithin. The value would be a variable stored in the application scope. Basically anytime we update any of the most commonly accessed tables in the db, we update the application.cachedwithin variable as well. So whenever these tables are updated the data is refreshed. Anything else that isn't used frequently will simply query the DB to get the content.
Also to add to this very simple caching methodology would be to simply store strings, or other frequently used content, directly within the application scope.
This bulk of this application is around 30 pages, comprised of approximately 200 products. So its quite a small website.
Can anyone recommend a good Fusebox 4 cache plugin or confirm if this simple caching methodology is a good idea? If not, could you recommend a simple alternative?
thanks in advance

I would suggest you to use cfcache to store all pages output into statistics HTML files.
Then on any update, you can clear the cache of the updated pages or all the cache:
<cfcache action="flush" />
<cfobjectcache action="clear" />
make sure to disable the urlSessionFormat() in URL.

I'm not sure that you even need to be caching given the size of the site, unless you are getting a huge amount of traffic. If you are currently having performance problems, the first thing to do is make sure that Fusebox is in production mode, so that it isn't recreating the parsed files on each request.
Caching the queries should certainly aid performance - how long are the queries currently taking to execute? With Fusebox 4, it can be problematic to have "Report execution times" turned on in CF when debugging, as it can significantly affect the time the request takes to execute.


Blue Dragon Coldfusion server cache issue

I have an application build in ColdFusion MVC framework "Mach-II" and hosted on blue dragon ColdFusion server.
It causes caching issue. When i added a new page with some contents and load the page than it's working fine. But when i made some changes in the same file and hit it again its not update my changes. Its always showing me the content that i have made in the very first time. Its seems like that the server is caching my page and did not consider further changes. I have tried many solutions but failed to solve the problem.
Please let me know if you have any solution for that.
This is a bit too long for a comment - but it's not much of an answer.
First off, your question is quite broad for StackOverflow. If you aren't looking at the code yourself, and have nothing to show us, there is no guarantee we can help you at all.
It sounds like maybe this service is using query caching - which looks something like this.
<cfquery datasource="CRM" name="testQuery" cachedwithin="#CreateTimeSpan(0,0,30,0)#">
-SQL logic-
Basically it stores a query's result in memory on the server. It can really help reduce strain on the database. It's possible that they've set a time limit on this caching feature that's longer than you'd like.
If you don't have access to the code, THIS is the issue you want to ask about first.
Edit: It may be entirely different.
From source:
Where ColdFusion (5 and MX) defines a ‘template cache” as a place to
holds templates in memory once rendered from source code, BlueDragon
has the same notion but refers to this as the “file cache”. In both
engines, a template once rendered from source will remain in the cache
until the server (or J2EE or .NET web app) is restarted.
The cache size, specified in the Admin Console, indicates how many of
these cached templates to keep. It defaults to 60 but that number may
need to change for your application, depending on how many CFML
templates your application uses. One entry is used for each template
(CFM or CFC file) requested.
It’s very important to understand that this is not caching the OUTPUT
of the page but rather the rendering of the template from source into
its internal objects. One cached instance of the template is shared
among all users in the application.
As in ColdFusion, once the file cache is full (for instance, you set
it to 60 and 60 templates have been requested), then the next request
for a template not yet cached will force the engine to flush the
oldest (least recently used) entry in the cache to make room.
Naturally, if you set this file cache size too low, thrashing in the
cache could occur as room is made for files only to soon have the
flushed file requested again.
It sounds like you might have to either restart the ColdFusion application or clear the Template Cache in the CFAdmin.

caching a query that changes infrequently in Coldfusion/cfWheels

I'm looking at the cache function in the findAll function of cfWheels. I'm a little apprehensive about using it. My queries are not taking that long that I absolutely need them, but a bit of a speed boost is always welcome. I'm getting 10ms from a queried cache that otherwise takes about 100ms. The thing I'm wondering about is when an entry changes, I'd like the cache to be cleared on the next run. It doesn't seem like there's any mechanism or flag in the framework that would allow that, so I'd have to set and clear the flags myself, which would most likely end up having to read from the database anyway. I was hoping that I could set the cache for a full day and update when needed, is this horribly misguided? I'm most likely not going to go down the road of developing any of the functionality to allow the caching for this application, but am curious if it is worth while revisiting.
More precisely whenever you make a new entry in the database, use the cfhttp tag to reload the application.
Caching can be cleared through reloading an application. It would not be the answer you are seeking but is a solution, here is an another approach. You can reload an application through <CFHTTP> by sending URL through <CFHTTP> after adding your new database record. If you are adding record through management site, then you can reload your Public site using <cfhttp>.

how to store dynamically generated pages in html?

I'm working on MVC3 Web application that is facing scalability issue.
For improving performance I want to store dynamically generated pages in html and serve them from generated html directly rather then querying database for each page request.
I'm sure this will dramatically increase performance.
Can any one share any hint / example / tutorial on how to do it? And what are challenges?
I would also like to know how others are handling performance issue for large e-commerce sites with at-least thousand categories and 200k products with at least 200-500 concurrent visitors? What are the best approaches?
Thanks in advance.
You shoult have a look at Improving Performance with Output Caching.
It provides several ways to cache the output of your controllers like this:
[OutputCache(Duration=10, VaryByParam="none")]
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
You don't need to do that, just enable the output cache. It will be the same, instead of hitting all your logic for creating the pages you will be retrieving a static one, but from the cache instead of disk.
I would look at implementing a cache system for commonly viewed pages. The .Net platform has some really nice cache libraries that can be used that would allow you to manage the cache in real time.
Cache Best Practices
I might also take a look a writing a restful API that can be load balanced across multiple nodes of a cluster.
Do you know where your capacity bottleneck is?
My guess is your DB is the bottleneck, but unless you measure to find out where the bottleneck is you're likely to spend a lot of time optimising things that may not make much difference.
First things to do are get hold of a copy of PAL and monitor the web server and DB to see what it tells you.
Also run SQL queries to diagnose the most expensive and frequent queries.
Measure you're actually page generation times and follow it down the stack to see what calls are being made and which are expensive and can be cached.
Rather than output caching, I'd generally introduce a caching layer infront of the webservers, and caching layer between the app server and the DB but without measuring it's very hard to judge.
If you want to know more about caching in general, I'd read this answer I wrote a while back How to get started with web caching, CDNs, and proxy servers?

How to Increase page loading speed in Zend Framework Application

I have developed application using ZF.The app is little big with a lots of features.
I use Zend_Application(already using autoloader in constructor),Zend_Layout,Zend_view,Zend_form,etc. My current issue is, the page loading is very slow and that too in localhost with XAMP.
I have enabled xdebug, to investigate the issue, got a cachegrind file in "tmp" folder and tried to view it with WinCachegrind software. There i can a see a lot of processes and functions being run for each and every request or page load.
Also, i have installed YSlow add-on for firefox and observed the speed of page loads in seconds...I have compare the speed with ZF and non ZF applications. And from the comparison, the pages for non zf app takes less than 1 sec to load and for the ZF app, it takes atleast 6-7 seconds. What a huge difference.
Main Things happen in the app are :
1) Database connection happens for each request.
2) Im not adding the view to layout explicitly,ZF just appends it automatically, to layout.phtml, based on the action name.
3) Some windows have forms with few drop down boxes which fetches data from the database.
4) Have menus with ACL implimented, before it was loading the privilges from DB for each and every request, but now i have optimized it, so that it will work only duiring the login and rest of the time it will take from the Zend_Registry.
I would like to attach the cachegrind file so that some one can see whats happening in the background, but i cant see an option here for attaching.
Someone please help me to find a solution for this. Any kind of help is really appreciated. Thanks a lot
Let's try to give some hints.
First database connection should happen only once (except if you use several privileges access on the database or several databases). So check that you use Singleton patterns with you Zend_Db_Tables object
Then you do not use Zend_Cache. You should really start to use Zend_Cache and build several cache objects. Let's say for example a File cach, with long term storage, and a memcache or Apc Cache, storing objects. Then use these cache in several layers:
gives the FileCache to Zend_Db_Table (defaultMetaDataCache), this way you will avoid a loot of metadata queries, queries that ask for description of each columns of the tables you use.
Store one or more Acl object (depends on how you use Acl, if you have one big Acl with all rules or several with subsets). And store them in mid-duration caches when they are built.
Think of other usages, detect heavy loops, semi-static contents (like you select lists, how many time should they be considered static?)
Finally, get a whole mental image of how your application engine works, and how your data will grow and be used.You will need that step to use application levels caches in the very best way (for example should some elements be cached for groups of users?, should Acl objects be build for groups, for each user, for everybody, is ther some blocks in the layout that should be rendered the same for everybody?).

Drupal vs WordPress performance comparison

In the beginning i built my site - - on Wordpress. But after having to hack the core and build lots of stuff through direct programming I decided to move on to Drupal.
Drupal besides being a CMS focused more on community websites is great for doing anything you can imagine in a really simple way, even a blog which was what I created.
My question now is, which one offers the best performance? I think Drupal looks to be really heavier than Wordpress but since I'm not an advanced programmer I have no idea how to evaluate which one offers the fastest MySQL requests and loading times of the web pages.
Drupal is definitely heavier in the sense that it runs more queries per page once you've customized it. Using modules like Views, you can also build your own dynamic queries to drive widgets and pages. Those can be as speedy or as slow as the underlying combination of joins allows.
On the other hand, Drupal does have much more robust caching controls. Full-page output caching for anon users, granular caching of widget output, and granular caching of any data retrieved by a Views query can all combine to help quite a bit. There are also plugin modules like "Boost" or "Memcached" that let you augment that underlying cache system with materialized HTML files in the filesystem (bypassing Drupal directly in favor of apache), or a memcached server that stores all the cached information in memory rather than the database.
If you're looking to discover hot spots in a Drupal site you should also install the Devel module; it allows you to get query counts and detailed query times for each page on the site, and track them down to the module that's running them.
Don't know about Drupal, but in WP you can estimate query time with following code:
Just add it to your footer, after any queries.
<?php echo get_num_queries(); ?> queries. <?php timer_stop(1); ?> seconds.
I suppose, performance for both CMS depends on numbers and complexity of queries and caching mechanism. If you are using them both wisely, your performance gonna be OK. I mean - ask your database only for info you really need ;)
If someone (like me) wants a raw and simple time-comparasion, I wrote the exact same App 3 times (with 3 frameworks), which's result will share below.
Note that I didn't do any heavy queries.
Or anything which would affect the results
(in favor of one framework over the other).
In my local with Core-i7 CPU, and SSD storage:
Drupal toke 5 seconds to show a simple page:
And that because of caching,
If I clear cache manually, takes 25 seconds (and recreates cache, so the next run takes 5 seconds again),
But don't worry a server's hosting-machine is far stronger than my local-host (>ლ)
While WordPress toke 17 seconds for same page (and that always).
Again, don't worry a server's host is far stronger than my local.
Rewriting with Laravel, same App takes 850 mili-seconds ;-)
So, if you don't have the time, money or knowledge to create a basic CMS with Laravel, then Drupal is the obvious winner (but harder to learn compared to WordPress).
