Is it possible to provide intellisense for dynamic objects in visual studio? - visual-studio-2010

I am using dynamic objects in a project, and I'd like to provide intellisense for the object. I understand that Visual Studio can't know what to show for intellisense, but if I can plug into the intellisense, I do know what entries should show up.
Is there a way to extend Visual Studio's intellisense? If so, any pointers?

You can use Editor Extension Points.
You can find specific information for extending Intellisense near the bottom of this page:
Editor Extension Points
From this page you can get information about ICompletionSource and ICompletionSourceProvider which are the two interfaces you must implement to provide autocompletion.


Where is the documentation on Visual Studio's decorators?

Note: This is not for Visual Studio Code, but for the full version of Visual Studio.
When developing extensions for Visual Studio Code, there is something called Decorators, which can add icons next to each line of code.
I'd like to do the same, but for Visual Studio instead. However, I can't find anything by the name "Decorators" in the documentation. Is it even called that within the full Visual Studio?
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
More specifically, I am interested in making an extension that can produce the icons seen here, and I am unsure what these icons are called in the scope of Visual Studio:
Vertical part where icons are shown is called "glyph margin" and icons in it are called "margin glyphs". Provided link will lead you to a MSDN walkthrough to create your own glyph for a line that has a "todo" text in a comment.
I found a sample that describes it pretty well:

Can Visual Studio Intellisense display options for formating values?

I attached an image to show exactly what I mean.
Is there a way to make Visual Studio to display that dropdown menu with the different options for formating?
Thanks in Advance
Can Visual Studio Intellisense display options for formating values?
I am afraid that you cannot get what you want so far on VS.
Actually, VS Intellisense does not have such function and do not have different formatting options in the drop-down box just as your picture shows.
Also, I cannot find any VS extensions to implement this function.
So if you still want this feature on VS, I suggest you could suggest a feature on our User Voice Forum.
Besides, when you finish it, you could also share your idea ticket here and anyone who is interested in it will vote it so that it will get more Team's attention.

Hide Properties for Ctrl+Comma (Navigate to) in Visual Studio?

I'm a big fan of the Navigate to window (Ctrl + Comma) to navigate to classes and files.
Problem for me is that it also shows Properties, Fields and Methods that match your keyword.
In a large codebase that means the navigate to window is flooded with members while I'm mainly using this to look for Classes.
Is it possible to hide Properties and other Members in the 'Navigate to' window?
I've looked into Settings but with no luck to this moment.
Note: I'm not using Resharper and looking for a Visual Studio native solution
In Visual Studio 2017 they've added a really useful feature where you can type an 'f' in front of your search to only look for files.
Like: f banana pancakes searches for only files with banana pancakes. You can also use t for types and there are some other really good new options.
This is available also for the community edition. If you're using an older version of Visual Studio I recommend taking the effort to upgrade.

Can I make Visual Studio's code completion window more like Eclipse (Java)?

Is it possible to make Visual Studio 2010's code completion window more like that of Eclipse (Java)?
In particular, I'd love the code completion window to give me a variable's type, and a method's return type and expected parameters, without needing to hover the highlight over that particular variable/method. Here's Eclipse's:
VS's code completion's little icons that indicate if something is a property, method etc are useful, but they just aren't enough.
Unfortunately, there's no built-in way to do this. Visual Studio offers only very limited options related to customizing its Intellisense display.
You'll have to turn to third-party solutions or add-ins, or settle down to write your own using one of the existing options as a guide. Here are a few that can be found around the web:
Visual Studio Intellisense Presenter (looks like it might be very close to what you're looking for)
Visual Assist X (commercial software with 30-day free trial)

Is there any addin for VisualStudio debugging to see DataTable content in a nice way?

Do you know if there is any add-in for Visual Studio, that shows the content of any DataTable in a nice way when I hover on the relevant variable in Debugging?
I think Data Debugger Visualizer fits your needs.
It doesn't matter even if it doesn't. With Visual Studio's Debugger Visualizer feature you can easily create your own addin to handle your specific needs. You may want to start with the following article if you'd like to have a try:-)
DataTips, Visualizers and Viewers Make Debugging .NET Code a Breeze
